
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 12

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
December 7, 2021 10:00AM
  • Dec/7/21 8:24:56 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to reassure my colleague that we are very much aware that using sanctions against individuals in certain contexts to deter their actions, or to deter the actions they can have on the part of their states, is a very effective tool. That is why, even recently, we made sure to put sanctions on people in Nicaragua, to make sure that we were sending a clear message about what was going on in the country and its failed elections. That is why we have put sanctions on 440 people within the Russian regime, to make sure we could deter them from taking military actions against Ukraine.
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  • Dec/7/21 8:25:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Foreign Affairs was a member of Parliament back in 2018 when she voted in favour of the Magnitsky sanctions. It was good enough to pass then, but was she just virtue signalling to the diaspora communities here in Canada and in countries such as Ukraine, Belarus, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and to the people who we are standing up for human rights and democracy around the world? Was she just virtue-signalling to them at that point in time? Why is the minister not using Magnitsky sanctions against all those people who are abusing human rights around the world?
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  • Dec/7/21 8:26:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, of course, there are different acts that provide sanctions the Government of Canada can use. I would like to mention that right now there are 1,446 listings under the Special Economic Measures Act. Of those 1,446 listings, Belarus has 77 individuals; Myanmar has 124; China has five; Iran has 202; Nicaragua has 24; Russia has 210; and I could go on.
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  • Dec/7/21 8:26:53 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after the Minister of Foreign Affairs was appointed, I sent a letter asking her to review all the correspondence and names that were submitted by my colleagues and me about human rights abusers, including those who harvest organs from Falun Gong practitioners in China, those responsible in Iran for the downing of Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752, and those responsible for the human rights abuses we see from the regime in Tehran. We also want to make sure that we are holding to account those who have been violating the human rights of innocent protesters who have been arrested as political prisoners in Hong Kong, and of the journalists and political prisoners who are being held right now in detention in Belarus. Why would she not use the Sergei Magnitsky Law to send a signal, in concert with the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States?
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  • Dec/7/21 8:27:46 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, obviously, we have many sanctions. I want to continue to list some of them. My colleague mentioned Magnitsky. There are 30 individuals who have been listed under the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act, which the member was referring to as the Magnitsky act, upon whom sanctions have been imposed. This system is being used by the government, and we have a rigorous process. Regarding the downing of flight PS752, we are looking at all the tools in our tool box to make sure the families of the victims are able to seek justice from the Iranian regime.
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  • Dec/7/21 8:28:35 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, one request from the families of the Iranian and Ukrainian communities that lost loved ones in the downing of flight PS752 is that we list the Quds Force and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organizations. Why has the minister not listed IRGC as a terrorist organization?
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  • Dec/7/21 8:29:01 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as my colleague well knows, the IRGC Quds Force is listed as a terrorist entity under the Criminal Code. That being said, I must say that I have had many conversations regarding the downing of flight PS752, even recently, with my Ukrainian, Swedish and U.K. counterparts. We will act together to make sure we are able to seek justice from Iran on this very important issue.
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  • Dec/7/21 8:29:29 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we all know that Russia is amassing about 175,000 troops on the borders of Ukraine. President Biden had calls and discussions yesterday with President Putin, France, Germany, Italy and Great Britain. Why did he not call Canada?
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  • Dec/7/21 8:29:46 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I had the chance to talk with Secretary Blinken about this very issue three times over the past three weeks. Obviously, for us Ukraine is a fundamental priority. We will make sure we work with like-minded countries to hold Russia to account and deter any military action on Ukraine.
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  • Dec/7/21 8:30:09 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the minister knows that we have been able to extend Operation Unifier, which was started by our previous Conservative government. We have 200 troops on the ground there who have been in training missions. What else will the minister and the government do to ensure that Ukraine gets the support it needs to push back on a potential Russian invasion?
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  • Dec/7/21 8:30:33 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as I mentioned many times, we will use all the tools in our tool box to deter Russia from acting. That being said, I want to also say to my colleague that the question of working with the U.S., the U.K., Ukraine, Germany and many other countries is fundamental because we must de-escalate the conflict. That is why we have been able to work with partners on this very issue. I have also mentioned it directly to my Russian counterpart.
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  • Dec/7/21 8:31:04 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it was reported that the Government of Canada was considering putting in more troops and moving frigates into the Black Sea, as well as moving our CF-18 fighter jets from Romania into Ukraine. Will the minister put military equipment and troops into the situation in Ukraine? Will they provide Ukraine with lethal military weapons?
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  • Dec/7/21 8:31:32 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to thank all the brave women and men who are part of Operation Unifier. Indeed, my colleague is right. We have been in Ukraine for many years training thousands of military personnel for the Ukrainian military. We will continue to do that. Right now, we are working with many colleagues and looking at all options possible.
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  • Dec/7/21 8:32:13 p.m.
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Resuming debate. The hon. Minister of Foreign Affairs.
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  • Dec/7/21 8:32:13 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, please wait a moment. My colleague, the President of the Treasury Board, is bringing me a lectern. I appreciate this opportunity to participate in today's debate. I have great respect and appreciation for this important democratic exercise. I will be speaking for 10 minutes, and then I will be happy to take questions. As the world is pivoting and we see a rise of authoritarianism, the Government of Canada is not afraid to stand up for our values. These authoritarian regimes are led by people who do not believe that democracies have what it takes to face the challenges of the 21st century. Canadians could not disagree more. We believe we are stronger and more equipped to face these issues precisely because we are democracies. This is the message I sent to the world and to our partners throughout my latest engagement, and this is core to Canada's foreign policy. Now more than ever, in a world where the ground keeps shifting beneath our feet, Canada must stand with its allies and leverage its bilateral and multilateral relationships to confront the rise of authoritarianism. Canada must show leadership in building and leading coalitions to uphold a rules-based international system. Having the right resources in the right places is critical to achieving this goal. The Speech from the Throne is clear on this point. We need to expand and adapt our diplomatic presence around the world. We need to do this within multilateral institutions and in specific regions. Multilateralism is at the very heart of Canadian diplomatic culture, particularly since Lester B. Pearson. Thanks to our personal and strategic involvement, Canada was able to play a role in the great advances of the 20th century, such as the Blue Helmets, the end of apartheid in South Africa, the banning of landmines, and so on. Today, we continue to be instrumental in the great issues of our era, namely fighting climate change, promoting gender equality and protecting our environment. Many regions must also draw our attention, particularly as China is growing its influence around the world. No region will be more important to Canada's ability to address its priorities than the Indo-Pacific. As was mentioned in the Speech from the Throne, Canada intends to deepen its engagement with Indo-Pacific countries and partners. We will work on all fronts: diplomatic, security, sustainable development and economic. Diplomatically speaking, we will work closely with our friends and partners to protect the rules-based international order. Canada will promote inclusive and open regional governance, accountability and human rights. Canada also recognizes the need to reinforce our support to Indo-Pacific regional security and stability. We will ensure, with our like-minded partners, the future security environment is favourable to Canada's interests and those of our friends and allies in the region. For example, we will do so by taking part in joint operations in the region, most recently through the involvement of Canada's frigate HMCS Winnipeg. Despite the pandemic, the Indo-Pacific remains a critical hub for global trade, investment, production and supply chains. Canada's post-COVID success hinges upon our private sector's ability to expand market access and pursue economic opportunities in the region. We need to diversify our trading partners. We all know that, and our supply chains in the regions also need to not be overly dependent on one market. On November 16, 2021, Canada and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations launched negotiations toward a Canada-ASEAN free trade agreement. This potential agreement would help create new market opportunities for Canadian goods and services while supporting a more transparent and predictable environment for trade and investments. Frankly, we owe it to the entrepreneurs at home. They need to have access to every opportunity the world has to offer. Canada's pursuit of these goals must be done in a way that aligns with our global commitments to act on climate change and sustainability. Indeed, no region will be more consequential than the Indo-Pacific in shaping our ability to meet and exceed our global commitments and targets. A renewed commitment to this issue in the Indo-Pacific will reinforce Canada's standing as a global leader in this regard. Nevertheless, our government remains deeply concerned about China’s failure to respect human rights. As a democracy, Canada will not stand idly by when the world exposes serious human rights violations, including the treatment of Uighurs. Earlier this year, a Canadian resolution on Xinjiang at the United Nations Human Rights Council was supported by 43 other countries. Canada continues to call for an independent, international investigation into allegations of human rights violations and genocide. In addition, we do not tolerate any form of economic coercion. We must conduct our international relations based on rules. That is what we expect from our partners. Even so, Canada will find ways to co-operate with China on global issues and common interests such as climate change. To be sure, the Canada–China relationship is complex and multi-faceted. Canadians expect the government to work through these complexities. More than ever, we need to get away from the partisan politics of debating Canada’s approach to the Chinese government and, most importantly, we must stand together. Our national interests are at stake. The situation in Afghanistan is also of grave concern for this government. The country's humanitarian crisis is worsening, and its social and economic systems appear to be collapsing. I have talked to dozens of my counterparts around the world about this issue and they share our concerns. As the Prime Minister has stated clearly, Canada has no plans to recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan. Canadian law continues to list the Taliban as a terrorist entity. A viable way for Canada to try to improve the situation in Afghanistan is through continued collaboration with our international partners. Our government recently increased its allocation of humanitarian aid to Afghanistan from $27.3 million to more than $75 million. Canada has also committed to resettling 40,000 Afghan refugees. We have had the chance to talk about it today a lot. Canada's focus in Afghanistan also includes ensuring the Taliban respect their commitment to allow the safe passage of Canadians, foreign nationals and Afghans, as well as the delivery of humanitarian assistance. Canada is an important ally to the United States. No two countries depend more on each other for mutual prosperity and security as Canada and the United States. Millions of jobs on both sides of the border depend on this partnership. It is important to note that the United States sells more goods and services to Canada than to any other country. The Biden administration recognizes how important this unique relationship is to our two countries. The Prime Minister and I had the opportunity to reinforce that message during our recent meetings in Washington with Biden himself, with his secretary of state, Antony Blinken, and with several other members of Congress. Many of my ministerial colleagues have done the same with their American counterparts. I still firmly believe in the friendship between Canada and the United States. On the margins of the 2021 North American leaders' summit on November 18, we agreed that we should continue to combat COVID‑19, establish a supply chain working group and maintain an Indo-Pacific strategic dialogue. We are, however, realistic, since recent events have brought some strong protectionist tendencies to light and, of course, we must protect Canadian interests, especially with respect to electric vehicles and softwood lumber. Lastly, it is also important to defend access to vaccines all around the world. The virus does not recognize borders, and the harsh reality is that no one is safe until everyone is. That is why Canada will be working with many countries around the world to make sure that there is worldwide access to COVID-19 vaccines. We will continue to provide support to COVAX, which at this point has procured 87 million vaccines for low- and middle-income countries. We will also give nearly 200 million doses to the COVAX facility by the end of 2022. Mr. Speaker, thank you for your patience. I will be—
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  • Dec/7/21 8:42:35 p.m.
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Questions and comments, the hon. member for Brampton East.
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  • Dec/7/21 8:42:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the minister's very thoughtful remarks and I am looking forward to working with her as her parliamentary secretary. Our government was clear, in the Speech from the Throne, about the need to work on a whole-of-government engagement strategy in the Indo-Pacific region. Allow me to share a few facts about why Asia matters for Canada. It is home to 4.3 billion people, or nearly 55% of the world's population. It has a middle class of 2 billion people, with 1.5 billion more expected in the next 10 years. Twenty-one out of 30 of the world's largest cities are in this region. Sixty per cent of global maritime trade comes through the South China Sea. This region is expected to account for over 50% of global GDP by 2040. While this strategy is taking shape, could the minister update us on what a more meaningful Canadian engagement in Asia could look like, and what component that would imply?
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  • Dec/7/21 8:43:47 p.m.
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Madam Chair, I would like to thank my hon. colleague not only for his re-election, but also for the fact that he will be parliamentary secretary to a fantastic minister. That is humility and audacity together. I want to echo the facts that he outlined when talking about the importance of Asia. Canada is a Pacific country. We know that. We have a very important Pacific coast, therefore our engagements in Asia need to be a key priority. As highlighted in the Speech from the Throne, and as mentioned by my dear colleague, we will deepen our engagement in the Indo-Pacific. Canada needs to meet the Indo-Pacific century with a comprehensive and integrated approach. Such an approach will be focused on continuing to advance trade and economic objectives. We also want to make sure that we are protecting Canada's security interests and defending a rules-based international order.
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  • Dec/7/21 8:45:11 p.m.
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Madam Chair, this pandemic does not recognize borders. The collaboration between countries during this pandemic illustrates the importance of diplomacy. During the COVID-19 crisis, our government was present on the world stage and our country was an indisputable leader. Can the Minister of Foreign Affairs tell us about her recent trip to Europe, as well as her participation in the 2021 NATO summit and the summit of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the OSCE?
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  • Dec/7/21 8:45:54 p.m.
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Madam Chair, I want to thank my colleague for his excellent question and congratulate him on his re-election and his skilful use of the French language. I did just get back from Latvia. I had the opportunity to meet Canadian troops who are currently there on a very important mission to send Russia a very strong message that we will be there as NATO members to protect the borders of eastern Europe. I also had the opportunity to meet my counterparts from other NATO member countries. We talked about a number of things, including, of course, Afghanistan. We discussed lessons learned from what happened in August, as well as the threat that Russia poses to Ukraine. Lastly, I went to the OSCE, where I also talked about European security issues and even engaged my Russian counterpart on Ukrainian issues.
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