
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 14

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
December 9, 2021 10:00AM
  • Dec/9/21 2:52:23 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, of course we know that people who are sick need more weeks of EI sickness benefits, which is why we committed to extending the benefits from 15 weeks to 26 weeks. With the consultations on EI modernization, we will certainly put everything on the table. I fully understand. As I told those I spoke to before question period, I look forward to meeting the woman.
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  • Dec/9/21 2:52:54 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Brian Laird left his home in Amherstview on December 1 to do some Christmas shopping in the U.S. On his way back into Canada, ArriveCAN crashed. Because of the government's refusal to accept paper or digital proof of vaccination, a position it now admits was wrong, Brian was forced into an eight-day quarantine, despite being double-vaxxed. The minister is now taking a big victory lap on this, but it is still happening. Yesterday, Brian was told 14 days. This does not make sense. When will the government release Brian from quarantine, and other—
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  • Dec/9/21 2:53:34 p.m.
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The hon. Minister of Public Safety.
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  • Dec/9/21 2:53:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, this government will never hesitate when it comes to taking the measures that are necessary to protect the health and safety of all Canadians, especially now as we deal with the new variant of concern in omicron. The ArriveCAN app is a vital tool in the fight against this pandemic. Over four million Canadians have already uploaded it, and it is increasingly important as we ensure that we are taking the steps that are necessary to fight against COVID. These decisions are informed by evidence, science and our top public health care experts. We will never hesitate to do what is necessary to protect Canadians.
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  • Dec/9/21 2:54:23 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, in recent years, Russia has refurbished and built over 30 Arctic bases, 14 operational airfields, 16 deepwater ports and over 50 military icebreakers. Further, the Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, also recently warned Canada that all the resources beneath the melting ice in the Arctic sea belong to the Russian government. When is the Liberal government going to stand up to this Russian aggression?
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  • Dec/9/21 2:54:56 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am very pleased to answer this question on behalf of the Minister of National Defence. She is obliviously very mindful and on top of this file, and I know she is in contact with the parliament and will provide appropriate details.
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  • Dec/9/21 2:55:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our seniors are struggling with the cost of inflation adding a strain to their finances. Mr. Frank Pellicori, an 80-year-old senior who lost his job due to the pandemic, is now facing the challenge of selling his home to ensure that he has enough funds to cover his wife's medical expenses. Mr. and Mrs. Pellicori immigrated to Canada over 45 years ago and have worked hard to support their family. When will the government put the needs of our seniors first, or leave them behind?
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  • Dec/9/21 2:55:53 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our government's priority has always been to support seniors, especially the most vulnerable. When it comes to supporting seniors, I am proud of our record. One of the first things we did was to restore the age of eligibility for OAS back to 65. We have enhanced the CPP. We have strengthened the OAS and GIS. We have an ambitious agenda for seniors, and I look forward to encouraging the member to ensure we implement that ambitious agenda.
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  • Dec/9/21 2:56:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the people of West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country are concerned about climate change and the environment. It was one of the concerns I heard most often during the election campaign. Climate change is real, and it poses real challenges for communities across the country. Can the Minister of Environment and Climate Change update the House on the government's progress in addressing climate change and protecting the environment?
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  • Dec/9/21 2:57:01 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the member for West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country for raising this important issue and for doing so in French. In the last election, Canadians clearly told us that they wanted the government to move faster and do more to address climate change. Whether it is our 2030 targets, reaching net zero by 2050, protecting 25% of our lands and oceans by 2025 and 30% by 2030, building greener homes and housing, or shifting to electrified transportation and public transit, that is the agenda we set for Canadians—
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  • Dec/9/21 2:57:42 p.m.
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The hon. member for St. Albert—Edmonton.
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  • Dec/9/21 2:57:45 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Communist China has upped the ante against democratic Taiwan with provocative military pressure. The U.S. Secretary of State has warned China that any move to invade Taiwan will have serious consequences. The government has been absolutely silent. Will the government join our allies and call on China to stop its campaign of aggression, and stand with Taiwan?
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  • Dec/9/21 2:58:24 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we are very concerned about recent tensions in the Taiwan Strait. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has talked to her counterparts. The parties must abstain from any action that could potentially compromise peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. We also recognize that Canada must support regional security and stability.
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  • Dec/9/21 2:58:48 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the federal government’s negotiations with the RCMP left municipal leaders in my riding questioning who will pay for the five-year retroactive salary coverage. The RCMP deserves compensation for the hard work it does to protect my constituents, but negotiations did not include municipalities and will lead to property tax increases, compounding the Liberal inflation tax on homeowners and small businesses. Will the Prime Minister be leaving my constituents responsible for even more burdens that are “just inflation”?
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  • Dec/9/21 2:59:28 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the first thing I would like to do is thank the members of the RCMP, who provide public safety right across the country, including in my hon. colleague's constituency. I know we will continue to have good discussions at both the provincial and municipal levels to ensure that we continue to provide world-class law enforcement right across the country. With regard to his comments about inflation, this government will always have Canadians' backs when it comes to the pandemic. We have, and we will continue to going forward.
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  • Dec/9/21 3:00:02 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Alberta elects its senators, and on October 18, Albertans made this clear by electing three senators in waiting: Pam Davidson, Erika Barootes and Mykhailo Martyniouk. Up to now, the Liberal Prime Minister has alienated Alberta, and our country is as divided now as it was during the national energy program of the eighties. My question is very simple. Will the Prime Minister respect the democratic will of Albertans, yes or no?
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  • Dec/9/21 3:00:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our government is very proud of the changes we made to make the Senate less partisan and more effective. I think members would agree with me that it is somewhat ironic, coming from the party of Stephen Harper, to be lectured— Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
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  • Dec/9/21 3:00:59 p.m.
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I hear shouting from one side and clapping from the other, but I cannot hear the minister. I would ask the minister to please start from the beginning.
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  • Dec/9/21 3:01:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the pleasure is mine. I think members will agree with me that it is somewhat ironic for our government to be lectured by the party of Stephen Harper for the quality of the women and men we have appointed to Canada's Senate. We strive to appoint outstanding people, while respecting the diversity of the country. We are very proud of the appointments we have made from the province of Alberta.
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  • Dec/9/21 3:01:45 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, owning a home is a long-held dream for many Canadians, but it has become out of reach for many, especially young Canadians. I heard this at the doorsteps in Etobicoke—Lakeshore during the campaign. Canadians were given a choice in this election and we know what they chose. Can the Minister of Housing share with the House how our government is going to make that dream more affordable?
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