
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 15

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
December 10, 2021 10:00AM
  • Dec/10/21 11:53:38 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, from the very beginning, our government's priority has been to help the most vulnerable, especially the most vulnerable seniors. That is why we have worked hard to strengthen income security and the OAS they rely on. Our plan delivers on our promise to increase OAS by 10% for seniors who are 75 and older. We will continue to deliver for seniors, especially those who need it the most as they age and as their needs increase.
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  • Dec/10/21 11:54:08 a.m.
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Mr. Speaker, for Quebeckers to be able to eat local food, we need the essential contribution of temporary foreign workers. That is why agricultural producers pay thousands of dollars every year for the right to bring them here. This year, at least 243 workers breached their contract and left their job. Some left our country for the United States, while others were illegally recruited in Canada. Our farmers woke up the next morning to find their employees gone. What is the government doing to combat this poaching?
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  • Dec/10/21 11:54:44 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, we are working very hard to improve the temporary foreign worker program, especially for the agricultural sector. Frankly, there needs to be more fairness in the employer-worker relationship, and we are working hard on that.
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  • Dec/10/21 11:55:05 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, we agree on fairness, but that is not what we are talking about. We know that Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada is swamped and that something is clearly dysfunctional. However, the government must ensure that foreign workers go through the proper channels when they get here. People who illegally recruit temporary foreign workers off our farms are hurting farmers and Quebec's food self-sufficiency and taking advantage of people who simply want to improve their conditions. These matters are connected, and this poaching is unacceptable. What is the government doing to combat the poaching that is harming Quebec's food self-sufficiency?
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  • Dec/10/21 11:55:46 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, there is no question that in our agricultural sector, and across different sectors in the economy, the role that immigration plays in welcoming workers to the economy is very important for our collective well-being. I can advise the hon. member that yesterday I had the pleasure of having a conversation with my Quebec counterpart, Minister Boulet, to discuss the source of international workers who can contribute to the economy. It is essential that as we bring more workers in, we strengthen the integrity of the system. I would be pleased to work with the hon. member to ensure that we have a system that works for all, that is fast and that helps contribute to a growing economy.
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  • Dec/10/21 11:56:18 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, Mr. Castillo and Ms. Ruel are constituents of mine in Montmagny. They were fined $10,000 on November 29 after returning from a short trip to the United States lasting less than 72 hours. First, border officials turned them away and told them to submit their ArriveCAN info. Then it was not until November 30 that they were told they had to provide a test. Government communication was extremely unclear and inadequate. Will the government be flexible when it comes to honest people who thought they were following the rules?
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  • Dec/10/21 11:56:58 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, our government will do whatever it takes to protect our borders and keep Canadians safe. Over the past year, ArriveCAN has played an important role in reducing the introduction and transmission of COVID‑19, and it is mandatory. Last week, I instructed the Canada Border Services Agency to be a bit more flexible with Canadians returning to Canada.
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  • Dec/10/21 11:57:30 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, Christmas is coming and because of ArriveCAN's bureaucratic red tape, fully vaccinated Canadians who are at home for a two-week isolation have a tough choice to make ahead of the holidays: one, do not buy presents; two, turn off the heat in the middle of winter; or three, take out a payday loan. None of these options is acceptable. Will the government do the right thing and release these fully vaccinated Canadians from quarantine?
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  • Dec/10/21 11:58:03 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, as I just said, we have always taken the steps that are necessary to protect the health and safety of Canadians throughout the pandemic, and especially now as we continue to study the new variant of concern omicron. It is essential that we continue to use tools, like ArriveCAN, that protect the health and safety of Canadians. My hon. colleague is worried about the holiday season. This government will always have the backs of Canadians to protect them and provide them with the supports they need so they can provide the gifts they want to their loved ones as we head into the holiday season.
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  • Dec/10/21 11:58:36 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, in October 2020, the government stated that it does not directly or indirectly provide funds to the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, an NGO linked to the Canadian-designated terrorist organization the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. This past October, Israel declared the UAWC a terrorist organization. In November, NGO Monitor reported that the UAWC is, in fact, receiving Canadian tax dollars. I have a very serious question. Why are the Liberals funding terrorists?
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  • Dec/10/21 11:59:32 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, Canada is a steadfast ally of Israel and a friend of the Palestinian people. We are committed to the goal of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East, including the creation of a Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with Israel. Our position remains that this can only be achieved through direct negotiations between the parties.
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  • Dec/10/21 12:00:09 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, one year ago, our government launched the 50-30 challenge to encourage Canadian organizations to increase diversity and inclusion on corporate boards and in senior management. The challenge has two goals: gender parity, meaning 50% women, on Canadian boards and senior management; and 30% representation of under-represented groups. On this, the first anniversary of the 50-30 challenge, could the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry give us an update on what has been accomplished so far?
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  • Dec/10/21 12:01:02 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I thank my excellent colleague for his excellent question. Since this initiative was launched, nearly 1,400 Canadian organizations have stepped up and taken on the 50-30 challenge. Just this morning, we also announced more than $28 million in funding to help organizations participating in the 50-30 challenge meet their diversity and inclusion objectives. When members of corporate boards reflect the diversity of our communities across the country, we all benefit as Canadians.
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  • Dec/10/21 12:01:44 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, the average Canadian small business is now carrying $170,000 in new debt due to the pandemic. With business payroll taxes set to increase on January 1, this will be yet another hit to their ability to hang on. When I asked the government to freeze this tax hike, the associate finance minister shockingly said businesses “can afford” this. Is the Liberal tax policy on small business that there is no problem or issue here, and that small businesses can afford this?
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  • Dec/10/21 12:02:25 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, let us be clear. The CPP enhancement represents a major step in improving retirement outcomes for workers and reducing the uncertainty that many Canadians feel about being able to save for retirement. It addresses important challenges faced by young Canadians who are saving for retirement, such as declining workplace pension plans and prolonged periods of low interest rates. It strengthens one of the most successful social programs we have as Canadians.
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  • Dec/10/21 12:02:53 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, the Liberals plan to limit the amount of fertilizer that farmers can use. Any plan to reduce emissions must not reduce maximum crop potential. Canadian farmers are among the most efficient users of fertilizers in the world, but instead of working with them the current government is threatening the future of our agriculture industry. The bigger the crop, the bigger the paycheque. Does the agriculture minister know how much her cap on fertilizers will cost farm families and rural communities?
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  • Dec/10/21 12:03:30 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, farm families are absolutely at the very heart of all of our communities across the country. Supporting them, particularly through this very difficult time of the pandemic, has been a top priority for the government. We are going to continue to support farm families all across this country. I thank my hon. colleague for raising this very important issue.
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  • Dec/10/21 12:03:55 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, many seniors in my riding are frustrated. The CERB was supposed to help those who were in financial need. Instead, after collecting the CERB, many seniors received a letter to pay it back and lost their guaranteed income supplement. Now, through no fault of their own, they are strapped for cash, because the current government poorly explained how the CERB would affect their pensions. When will the government stand up for our seniors instead of the fraudsters of the CERB? Is this because of the member for Calgary Skyview?
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  • Dec/10/21 12:04:30 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, since the beginning of the pandemic we have told Canadians, particularly seniors, that we would be there for them as long as they needed, and that is exactly what we are doing. We have always prioritized the most vulnerable seniors by strengthening their GIS. We provided immediate and direct support to seniors this summer. When it comes to the issue the member raised with respect to the CERB and the GIS, we are aware of it and are working to find the best solution for those affected. As always, we will be there for seniors.
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  • Dec/10/21 12:05:00 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, many Canadians are struggling to find affordable housing, especially in my riding of Niagara Centre. Yesterday, the Conservatives decided to play political games while bringing their motion that did not even mention affordable housing. It proposed no constructive ideas, showing just how out of touch they are on this issue. Can the Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion please tell the House about our government's real, concrete plan to address this issue?
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