
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 23

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
February 3, 2022 10:00AM
  • Feb/3/22 3:00:24 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, people living on a fixed income in my riding cannot afford to live. With the Liberals' policies driving up the cost of home heating, their trucker mandates driving up food prices, the out-of-control escalation in the housing market, which they have not addressed, and the CERB GIS issue, which is still not fixed, people are being driven into homelessness. When will the Liberals quit increasing the carbon tax, roll back the mandates and take action to help struggling Canadians?
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  • Feb/3/22 3:00:57 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the member opposite spoke about people living on a fixed income, so let me remind the member that seniors received an extra $500 through the GIS this summer, and we are increasing the OAS by 15%. As I announced in the fall update, we are making a one-time payment to support seniors who qualify for the GIS who were challenged because they received the CERB. Let me talk about students. They will save more than $3,000 through our plan to eliminate federal interest on student and apprentice loans. On child care, I could say more—
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  • Feb/3/22 3:01:38 p.m.
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The hon. member for Calgary Shepard.
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  • Feb/3/22 3:01:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Jodi in my riding of Calgary Shepard is the latest victim of the Liberal cost-of-living inflation. She is on a fixed income and got her January, 2022, ENMAX bill, which was $638 for her utilities. That was a $200 increase over the last month. She said that this was absurd, and she is right. It is absurd. She said, “This is tough. It is like another mortgage payment.” I would ask the government this: Is she another victim of Justinflation?
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  • Feb/3/22 3:02:15 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I will tell the member what is exactly like another mortgage payment for a young family with children: exorbitant fees for early learning and child care. That is why we are so proud to be putting in place a plan to make early learning and child care affordable across the country, including in Alberta where costs will go down 50% this year. What I do not understand is how the Conservatives have the temerity to talk about affordability, but they campaigned on killing our early learning and child care plan.
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  • Feb/3/22 3:02:59 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, my riding of Sudbury has a long, proud mining history. Canada has the potential to become a world leader in critical minerals. Could the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry give us an update on the critical mining strategy the government is developing?
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  • Feb/3/22 3:03:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for the question and for the great work she does on behalf of her constituents in Sudbury. As the member said, Canada has a considerable competitive advantage when it comes to critical minerals. That is why we are developing a pan-Canadian critical minerals strategy with the Minister of Natural Resources to position Canada as the leader in exploring, extracting, processing and producing, so that we can become a global leader and develop a battery manufacturing ecosystem here in Canada.
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  • Feb/3/22 3:04:06 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, a study recently released out of Johns Hopkins University is ringing the alarm bells on the devastating effects of lockdowns. It concluded that lockdowns are ineffective in reducing mortality rates. The study goes as far as saying that “lockdowns should be rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy instrument.” However, the Liberal government continues to promote lockdowns across Canada. Will the Prime Minister catch up to the science, apologize to Canadians, get out of the way and let people earn a paycheque again?
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  • Feb/3/22 3:04:46 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for that question. As we all know, or should know at least, the enemy is not vaccination. The enemy is COVID-19. One way to avoid lockdowns, and one way to return to a more normal life, is to be vaccinated. I hear that most members of the House have made the right choice. All members of the House must make the right choice.
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  • Feb/3/22 3:05:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, when the Liberals came to power they promised to help Canadian families. Instead, this government has made everything more expensive. Their inflationary policies are the largest cost increase of all. Inflation has made us all poorer, because it adds to the price of everything. Today, the price of gasoline in my riding is over $1.50 a litre. It is 35% less across the border, in the state of Maine. Does the finance minister understand that the government's policies are hurting Canadians and making us all poorer?
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  • Feb/3/22 3:05:55 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, unlike the members opposite, we are actually taking concrete actions to help Canadians with the high cost of living. In fact, in that member's province of New Brunswick, we worked with the provincial government to come to a historic child care agreement last December, which is going to help families in New Brunswick see a 50% reduction in fees this year. That is going to help with the high cost of living. That is going to help with their bottom line. Our government is committed to supporting families, and we are going to do that right across the country.
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  • Feb/3/22 3:06:32 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, my constituents are literally in distress. We are not just talking about unemployed people who are unable to get their EI benefits, because that is a crisis in itself, but we are also talking about full‑time workers and people who earn a very good living but are no longer able to make ends meet. A litre of gas costs $1.61 in Rivière‑du‑Loup today. Grocery store prices are up 8% due to inflation, as are heating costs. The price of everything is going up at an unbelievable rate. Meanwhile, the government is sitting on its hands, unable to solve the problem. Dealing with inflation is urgent. What is the government going to do?
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  • Feb/3/22 3:07:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as I have explained many times before, and as Canadians fully understand, inflation is a global phenomenon. The Canadian economy and Canadians themselves are very resilient. At the same time, our government understands the cost-of-living challenges that Canadians face. We are taking tangible action to help Canadians. For example, a single mother with two children will receive up to $13,000 from the Canada child benefit. An average family in Saskatchewan will receive almost—
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  • Feb/3/22 3:08:07 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our government announced the first-ever women entrepreneurship strategy, a now $6-billion program to advance women's economic empowerment. Supporting women entrepreneurs and small business owners is now more important than ever, especially for our economic recovery from COVID-19. Can the Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development update us on her recent announcement about the women entrepreneurship ecosystem fund, and how it will support women who were especially hit hard during the pandemic?
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  • Feb/3/22 3:08:42 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the women entrepreneurship strategy ecosystem fund is working for women entrepreneurs and businesses. It has helped 500 women start new businesses, and 7,000 women increase and grow their existing businesses. We know, though, that women entrepreneurs continue to face barriers. That is why I was very pleased to announce last week a new call for proposals. It is a $25-million investment with the aim of removing systemic barriers and creating more equal access to resources for intersectionally diverse and underserved women in business so they can succeed.
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  • Feb/3/22 3:09:23 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, under the Liberals, soaring food prices are squeezing families who are already struggling to make ends meet. This is resulting in children across Canada, including in my riding of Winnipeg Centre, going to school hungry, yet we are the only G7 country without a national school meal program. No child should ever have to go to school hungry. Will the Liberals commit today to implementing a national school meal program?
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  • Feb/3/22 3:09:59 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, indeed, I look forward to working with my hon. colleague on this initiative. We both agree that it is unacceptable for children to go to school hungry, and that is why it is in my mandate letter as well as in the mandate letter of the Minister of Agriculture. I look forward to working with her and stakeholders to deliver on this important policy so that we can support our children, so they are not hungry, and so they have the best learning outcomes possible.
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  • Feb/3/22 3:10:33 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am raising a question today that involves a massive industrial expansion in Nunavut. It is the Baffinland Mary River Mine. It has proposed to double production, and it is all going to Europe. It is an iron ore mine that wants to go to 12 million tonnes of production a year, with building a railway and doubling the number of ships going through sensitive habitat for whales. The Mittimatalik Hunters and Trappers Organization opposes it. Oceans North is very concerned. However, it appears from satellite imagery that the mine is already expanding before it gets a permit. Can the minister assure us that this industrial expansion will not be allowed to cut corners?
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  • Feb/3/22 3:11:32 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, there is a process, and it is set out in the Nunavut agreement. The independent Nunavut Impact Review Board, which is known to most as NIRB, was a process that was codeveloped with Inuit and territorial partners to ensure the interests of Nunavummiut are protected. We will continue to work with the Inuit rights holders as the independent NIRB process unfolds and ensure that their interests are protected. To prejudge the outcome of the board's recommendations or any decisions regarding this project right now would be premature and inappropriate for all parties. Both I and—
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  • Feb/3/22 3:12:06 p.m.
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I am afraid that is all the time we have for question period today.
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