
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 27

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
February 9, 2022 02:00PM
  • Feb/9/22 2:09:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Special Olympics Canada is a unique organization. It provides a comprehensive playground to podium sport experience for people living with an intellectual disability. The organization comprises 50,000 athletes and 23,000 volunteers. Recently, I had the pleasure to meet Valérie, a swimming medalist, who talked about what an important role Special Olympics Canada has played in her life. Unfortunately, we have learned that the additional federal funding for the organization is expiring and will not be renewed. However, Special Olympics Canada needs that additional funding to continue its vital mission and succeed in rebuilding. That is why we are calling on the government to maintain the current additional funding in budget 2022. I congratulate Special Olympics Canada for all of the great work it has done.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:10:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, today, I want to share with the House the work that Chef Joe, a resident of Orléans and well-known owner of Thali Ottawa and Coconut Lagoon, has done through his leadership and philanthropic work during the pandemic. Chef Joe has really stepped up throughout this crisis. His dedication in helping to support the most vulnerable is commendable. Despite the stress of opening and having to carry a payroll, Chef Joe decided to continue with his advocacy and support the community of Ottawa. Just this week again, he donated two weeks' worth of meals to the Shepherds of Good Hope, and for Joe, his business has been and is significantly impacted by the convoy. Monday was supposed to be a good day for Joe and many restaurants and stores in the downtown corridor, but it was not. I want to salute Joe and all our business owners and residents in Ottawa. We hear them. We know they are there, and we will continue to advocate for them.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:11:26 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the pandemic has underscored the current state of health care in Canada. Our health care institutions are overwhelmed. Massive gaps have been detected. There are shortfalls, and the entire system is on the brink of collapse. Intensive care units are consistently filled with patients. Surgeries and procedures have been delayed, and staff are completely exhausted. On February 4, Canada's premiers came together and called on the Prime Minister for help, requesting an unconditional $28-billion boost to health care transfers. Earlier this week at finance committee, we uncovered $70 billion in new spending, yet none of it for federal health care transfers. Some economists were suggesting any new money should be directed at health care federal transfers. We know two things about the Liberal government: The Liberals love to spend money, but refuse to listen to Canadians. Will they listen to Canada's premiers?
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Mr. Speaker, two years ago today, we were horrified to learn of four-year old Keira Kagan’s death at her father’s hands. Despite her mother, Dr. Jennifer Kagan’s pleas for Keira’s safety and providing ample evidence of a history of coercive control and abuse, the court system failed her and a bright little girl was lost. Dr. Kagan’s cry for action as a mother resonated across Canada. For victims of domestic abuse and coercive control, their struggles to protect themselves and their children is a real and terrifying challenge played out in mediations and family courts across the country. On Monday, I joined my colleagues from Dorval—Lachine—LaSalle and Oakville North—Burlington in tabling Bill C-233 to ensure training and education of judges on the warning signs and dangers of domestic violence and coercive control. I want to thank the many families who joined Dr. Kagan not only in her pain but in her courageous advocacy to protect our most vulnerable. We hear Jennifer. We hold her in her pain, and we will work to protect others from this harm and abuse. Keira’s light shines bright and her memory is forever a blessing.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:14:01 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I invite my colleagues to join me in sending our condolences to the family of the late Edward Moxon Roberts. Edward was an historian, a political leader, a lawyer and an author. He was a powerful influencer and political statesman in Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada. For five decades, he committed himself to outstanding advocacy, research and legislative policies that changed and shaped communities and led the way for future opportunities. He had tremendous respect for those who served in political life and was a loyal and dedicated servant himself, serving as a member of the House of Assembly, a minister of the Crown, the 11th Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador and a trusted adviser to many provincial premiers. In 2009, he was recognized with the Order of Canada. I, along with my colleague from St. John's South—Mount Pearl, will remember him as a loyal friend. We acknowledge his dedication and how it has benefited the people of his time and the generations that follow.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:15:09 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is time to get York—Simcoe moving. After decades, the Bradford bypass is finally being built, ensuring that residents can get from Highway 400 to the 404 faster and safer than ever. This connecting link will ease gridlock and traffic congestion, bring economic benefit and ensure that our growing region is ready for the future as new immigrants move into the area. The bypass has the support of more than 85% of residents, including the farmers in the Holland Marsh, the soup and salad bowl of Canada, who need safer access to their fields and a better way to ship their produce. The bypass is being built to reduce emissions and combat climate change, with minimal impact on the environment and to the Lake Simcoe watershed. Downtown activists are trying to stop the bypass from being built, but they do not know how needed the highway is. York—Simcoe is glad the Ontario government is moving ahead with the bypass. Let us get it built.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:16:17 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as politicians, we all appreciate those who help us. Today, I would like to recognize three of those individuals who played important roles on my team but are no longer with us. Gunraj Gill came to me in 2014 as a campaign volunteer when he was still a teenager. When asked what role he wanted to play, he responded “campaign manager”. After my election, he came with me to Ottawa and loved the Hill. He tragically passed away in July, 2019, at the age of 23. Lynn Whitehouse worked at the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce for more than 30 years. Lynn was a fierce advocate for good public policy that supported small businesses in our community. After Lynn's retirement, she joined my constituency team. Lynn lost her battle with cancer this past Christmas. Charity Amouzou-May was a volunteer in my campaigns in 2015 and 2019. She played a key role with my constituency religious leaders' round tables and my youth council. Charity lost her battle with cancer this January. I appreciate being allowed this moment to recognize these three individuals, all of whom I miss daily.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:17:21 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Blue Quills University, near St. Paul in Lakeland, was a residential school in the 1930s. Fifty years ago, it became Canada's first indigenous-controlled education centre. It promotes pride in indigenous heritage and reclaims traditional knowledge and practices. Blue Quills is owned and governed by the Beaver Lake, Cold Lake, Frog Lake, Whitefish Lake, Heart Lake, Kehewin and Saddle Lake first nations. The First Nations Child and Family Caring Society is promoting Have a Heart Day. Blue Quills is encouraging students to send Valentine's Day cards to the Prime Minister, and my office will help deliver them. Their message is: Happy Valentine's Day! Please have a heart, First Nations children should not have to fight for services all other Canadians enjoy. Give First Nations children the same chance to grow up safely at home, get a good education, be healthy, and proud of their cultures. I agree with them. Beyond empathy and words, the Prime Minister must take real action to improve the well-being, the opportunities and the futures for indigenous children, just as for all Canadian kids.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:18:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we now know that, before the last election, the Prime Minister made a very purposeful political decision to divide Canadians based on their vaccine status, deliberately tearing at the fabric that unites Canadians in order to hold on to his own privileges and power. The Prime Minister continues to purposely stoke anger and division, hoping that Canadians will turn on each other rather than on his incompetent government that continues to fail at every aspect of COVID response. To those who felt the sting of this discrimination from their own government, we acknowledge their suffering, trauma and loss. We hear them, we see them and we will continue to speak up for them. It is time to change course. It is time for Canadians to reject the politics of fear and division. It is time to heal the divisions that have been intentionally sown. It is time to unite Canadians, give them back their freedoms, and end the discriminatory vaccine mandates once and for all.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:19:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, since this is Canadian School Counselling Week, I would like to take a few moments to recognize the important contributions of school counsellors, a growing profession Canada. The school counselling profession supports the personal, social, academic and career development, and the mental health and well-being, of all students in Canada in order to provide them with the opportunity to achieve in school and to plan for a career. These professionals play a key role in the lives of students who face challenges during their school years. School counsellors are there to listen and encourage students to express their emotions and talk about what they are going through. Those counsellors are committed to helping students, to working in partnership with parents and teachers, and to focusing on positive ways to enhance the students' development. I thank those counsellors for being there for our students. We thank them for listening to our young people.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:20:38 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, last week, Amnesty International released a report titled, “Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity”. The report, four years in the making, contains a number of recommendations to the Government of Israel, the United Nations, and states and donors such as Canada. The findings in this report are extremely serious. Both Palestinians and Israelis have the right to live in security and safety. This report has made it clear that Palestinians are experiencing neither. Canada must be a stronger advocate to ensure Israel is respecting international law and human rights. Canada can take concrete steps, including suspending arms sales to Israel and banning products from the illegal settlements until the end of the illegal occupation. I ask all my colleagues in the House to read this report. This is a conversation we must have. As parliamentarians, we have the obligation to make ourselves aware of human rights abuses, and to hold ourselves and our friends to account.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:21:43 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to draw the House's attention to Teacher Appreciation Week. Being a teacher means meeting children where they are and, little by little, helping them develop every type of intelligence. That work is not confined to the classroom. One can take the teacher out of the school, but one can never take the school out of the teacher. I know that for a fact. Anyone who wants to get together with a friend who is a teacher has to set it up outside of planning and marking time, and certainly not at report card time. How many books does a teacher need? More than they have, always just one more. If a teacher walks by a bookstore without buying a book, that is practically a miracle. Need a pencil? Ask a teacher. A teacher will always have one handy and many more tucked away somewhere. If one sees a teacher buying school supplies, they are for their class. In a nutshell, teachers think about our children all 12 months of the year, they are utterly devoted to their profession and they deserve our respect. I am grateful to all teachers.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:22:55 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Canadian people have suffered an overwhelming amount of trauma in the past two years. This is due to forced isolation, countless pandemic restrictions and moving goalposts. Countries such as the U.K., Denmark and Switzerland are returning to normal life, yet the Prime Minister of Canada will not give a signal of doing the same. It is leaving people confused, frustrated and hopeless. Domestic violence has increased dramatically. Mental health concerns are through the roof. The use of opioids has skyrocketed. Life-saving medical treatments have been withheld. Cancers have gone undiagnosed, and people have lost their jobs because of a personal medical choice. I am calling on the government to provide compassionate leadership, and abandon the harmful lockdown measures and hateful rhetoric that so often accompanies them. We need to come together as a nation and heal. We need to restore dignity, honour and respect. The bulk of the responsibility rests on the Prime Minister's shoulders. Starting today, I am calling on him to lead with compassion. I am calling on him to end the vaccine mandates once and for all.
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Mr. Speaker, Keira Kagan was going to change the world. I wish I had met Keira. She was a bright and beautiful four-year-old whose life was stolen by an angry father who killed himself and Keira two years ago today. Keira should be playing with her brother and making her mom, Jennifer, and stepdad, Philip, laugh and smile. Instead, Jennifer has had to become an advocate for changes to the court system to educate judges on domestic violence and coercive control. I cannot begin to imagine the heartbreak that Jennifer faces every day, but I can support her advocacy work to ensure that no other child is killed because our judicial system does not recognize that domestic violence and coercive control are real, and must be taken in to account. I can continue to work with Jennifer to see Keira’s Law, which is part of the member for Dorval—Lachine—LaSalle's private member's bill, Bill C-233, become a reality in Canada.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:25:20 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, countries around the world are opening up, even countries with lower vaccination rates than Canada, and provinces are beginning to lift restrictions and getting life back to normal. Why? It is because they are following the science. Canadians are ready to get their lives back, but it seems like the Prime Minister wants to live in a permanent pandemic. Dr. Tam, Dr. Henry, Dr. Moore, Dr. Hinshaw and Dr. Shahab all agree that it is time to shift out of the restrictions and back to normal life. Why is the Prime Minister so offside, not only with the science but, it would seem, with a growing number of his own MPs?
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  • Feb/9/22 2:26:04 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, on the contrary, we intend to follow the science and are working closely with Dr. Tam and other public health officials to ensure that we get through this pandemic as best we possibly can, and that has been through vaccinations. The fact that nine out of 10 Canadians have gotten vaccinated is one of the reasons why we are able to get through this. It is why we have been able to prevent our health systems from being completely overrun. Vaccinations are the one thing through this, and that is why we are continuing to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated. Why, unfortunately, the Conservatives are against vaccination is, quite frankly, beyond me.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:26:45 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the science and the evidence are simply not on the Prime Minister's side. Many of the reasons previously used to keep Canadians under restrictions are vanishing before our eyes. Other countries are opening up. Provinces are opening up. As he just said, 90% of Canadians have the vaccine. The Prime Minister needs to put his ego aside. He needs to do what is right for the country. He needs to end the mandates. He needs to end the restrictions. He needs to listen to his own caucus. Will he do that?
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  • Feb/9/22 2:27:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Canada and Canadians have made it through this pandemic better than many other places because Canadians stepped up. They were there for each other, and their government had their backs. We worked closely with provincial and territorial leaders. Every step of the way, we kept focusing on vaccinations, on public health supports and on business supports, which has allowed us through. Canadians are continuing to get vaccinated. Sixty thousand Canadians got vaccinated with their first dose just last week. We are continuing to make sure Canadians get vaccinated, because this is how we get through this pandemic.
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  • Feb/9/22 2:28:05 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we know this Prime Minister has politicized the pandemic. Last summer, as B.C. was burning, Afghanistan was falling and we were in the fourth wave of a pandemic, the Prime Minister called an unnecessary $600-million election to capitalize on this crisis. According to a senior Liberal MP, a decision was made “to wedge, to divide and to stigmatize”. It is a country more divided than ever before. Can the Prime Minister tell Canadians why he would politicize the pandemic, why he would try to stigmatize Canadians, and why he would do this to a country that was already suffering and deeply damaged by so many of his policies?
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  • Feb/9/22 2:28:49 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, let us talk about last year's election. It was an opportunity for Canadians to weigh in on the path forward for our country, and on how to continue to fight this pandemic. What we saw, unfortunately, from the Conservative Party of Canada was a refusal to step up on vaccination and a refusal to follow science. As they were talking about how we get through this pandemic, they could not ensure that their own MPs got vaccinated. Canadians spoke loudly and clearly in the last election, and said that science and vaccination were the way through. They gave us in this House a mandate to move forward on that, and we did.
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