
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 37

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
February 28, 2022 11:00AM
  • Feb/28/22 6:15:05 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-11 
Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague from Kitchener—Conestoga for his question. Following our discussion this afternoon, I thought he might ask his question in French, but maybe next time. Amendments were debated and voted on last year when the House was studying Bill C‑10. I was pleasantly surprised to see those amendments as clauses here in Bill C‑11. There are indeed provisions designed to promote the use of official languages by broadcasters, online or otherwise. It is indeed very important to promote minority cultural communities and indigenous cultures. In fact, I am absolutely delighted to see that the latter are becoming much easier to discover in various media and it is well worth doing so. That is yet another example of why it is so important for us to make the rules ourselves and apply them to foreign companies with a digital presence here.
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Madam Speaker, I thank my colleague for his speech, which I really enjoyed. I especially liked the bit about quotas. When I was a little younger, hearing the same two or three songs by Ariane Moffatt and the Cowboys Fringants on the radio over and over bugged me even though I love those artists. Fortunately, time and musical diversity have granted us an appreciation for those kinds of quotas. This might be more of a comment than a question. I would like to take a moment to recognize my colleague's work on this bill, especially its previous incarnation in the last Parliament as Bill C‑10. Since our election in 2019, I have rarely seen such a tremendous amount of work go into making sure the Bloc Québécois's amendments are in the new version of the bill, so I wanted to take a moment to congratulate my dear colleague.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:17:13 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-11 
Madam Speaker, I did not hear a question, but I thank my colleague for her comments and will expand on them. She named some artists who became popular thanks to the quotas that were imposed many years before their time, when I was just starting out in radio. That is fantastic. Ariane Moffatt, who is considered a veteran today, was a newcomer when I was just about at the end of my radio career. I think that makes an argument for the value of this bill and its many incentives for promoting our content.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:18:07 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-11 
Madam Speaker, as I join colleagues today from the national capital region, I respectfully acknowledge that the land on which I am located today is the traditional ancestral and unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishinabe people. The online streaming act is about updating the Canadian broadcasting system so that it better reflects our current environment. Our environment has changed drastically over the years since the last time our Broadcasting Act had any major reform back in 1991. Although much of the discussion has centred on technological shifts over the last 30 years, today I want to focus our attention on the concerns and achievements and priorities of indigenous peoples with respect to broadcasting. Updating the act is necessary to affirm the important place that indigenous peoples have within the sector. We need to ensure space for indigenous voices, indigenous stories and indigenous sovereignty in the broadcasting system. So much has been achieved in the broadcasting and audiovisual sectors by indigenous peoples in Canada in the past 30 years. The Aboriginal Peoples Television Network was founded in 1999 and recently launched its digital platform, APTN Lumi. ImagineNATIVE launched in 2000 and now is the world's largest indigenous media and arts festival. The Indigenous Screen Office was founded in 2017 and has quickly become an integral part of Canada's audiovisual sector. Canada's first national Inuktitut television channel, Uvagut TV, launched in January 2021, and helps to promote and revitalize Inuit cultures and languages. Let us take a moment to recognize the accomplishments of indigenous broadcasters, of indigenous creators and storytellers. Let us build on that as a strong foundation. There is no doubt in my mind that the online streaming act can support greater diversity, authentic representation and narrative sovereignty for indigenous peoples in Canada. Music and video are powerful media for shaping culture and changing opinions. Historical representations of first nations, Métis and Inuit people in the audiovisual sectors have reinforced racist notions toward indigenous peoples and have stifled their voices. It is now essential that the amendments to this bill advance narrative sovereignty for indigenous screen-based storytellers and support opportunities for indigenous persons working in this sector. These changes will ensure that indigenous peoples will see more of themselves reflected on screen and will support indigenous peoples in their efforts to revitalize indigenous languages and cultures. We hear that indigenous communities desire ownership and control of cultural content. We understand the importance of self-determination for indigenous peoples in Canada in not just seeing themselves on screen but in participating in the creation of songs and stories that are shared within Canada and across the world. Modernizing this legislation is an important first step in our shared path toward a more modern, more vibrant, more inclusive broadcasting system in Canada. This bill intends to further support indigenous peoples in the broadcasting system. Many indigenous peoples rely on oral history and community transfer of knowledge, language and traditions. Broadcasting can assist that through the preservation of indigenous perspectives. Broadcasting is an education tool that can help break down stereotypes and advance reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples. I imagine the tremendous benefits to Canadian society if indigenous voices are enhanced. We created space for discussion. We listened with interest. The following key messages are what we heard: Indigenous storytelling, content creation and narrative sovereignty are important. Representation of indigenous peoples and the diversity of interests among first nations, Métis and Inuit is vital. The online streaming act follows on the path of ensuring that indigenous peoples can tell their stories from their perspectives and find content in the broadcasting system that reflects their lives and their experiences. The act creates space for programming that reflects indigenous cultures and indigenous languages. It specifically states that the Canadian broadcasting system should “provide opportunities to Indigenous persons to produce programming in Indigenous languages, English or French, or in any combination of them, and to carry on broadcasting undertakings”. It states, “programming that reflects the Indigenous cultures of Canada and programming that is in Indigenous languages should be provided”. This policy statement is now no longer qualified by the words “as resources become available”. This is as it should be. The online streaming act will contribute to other activities designed to support indigenous peoples and culture. The government continues to work closely with the Indigenous Screen Office to empower communities and support Canada's diverse indigenous screen-based storytellers. Indigenous artists and stakeholders have raised many concerns over the misuse and misappropriation of indigenous arts and cultural expressions. Historically, indigenous stories have been excluded from mainstream media and, if included, were mostly told from the perspective of non-indigenous people. Supporting indigenous creators through an indigenous-led funding mechanism ensures that decisions over funding allocations are made by indigenous decision-makers, helping to advance narrative sovereignty in the audiovisual sector. With the announcement of $40.1 million over three years in budget 2021, the government is fully committed to supporting the Indigenous Screen Office as well as to providing additional ongoing funding so that more indigenous stories can be told and seen. This bill would support indigenous creators so that they can tell their own stories in their own words, and it emphasizes the need for indigenous-run broadcasting services. The bill will contribute to fulfilling existing commitments through the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The government is committed to take action through consultation and co-operation with indigenous peoples to take all measures necessary to ensure that the bill as introduced is consistent with the declaration, prepare and implement an action plan to achieve the declaration's objectives and table an annual report on the progress to align the bill and the action plan. In addition, the government is committed to partner with first nations, Inuit and Métis people to implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's calls to action and to collaborate on the implementation of an action plan to respond to the calls for justice from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. As highlighted through these measures, broadcasting can play an important role in promoting and protecting indigenous languages, arts, cultures, traditions and perspectives that ensure that advancing reconciliation between indigenous peoples and non-indigenous peoples is continued and comes to a resolution. I am hopeful that the online streaming act will move us further along the path towards reconciliation. Broadcasting plays an important role in making sure that all Canadians see themselves represented. It is a tool used for sharing information, making each other heard and listened to, while reminding us of our many origins and shared journey. It is the ability to shape culture, change opinions and point the way toward a better, more inclusive future. The work does not end here. We are committed to continue listening to and speaking with indigenous peoples to ensure that their voices are heard and their stories are seen on screen. We are committed to meaningful partnerships and engagement with indigenous peoples to ensure the promotion and revitalization of indigenous cultures and languages. We are committed to ensuring a more inclusive space where that vital role of culture in the process of healing and reconciliation will be realized. Culture continues to play a role in the process of healing and reconciliation with indigenous peoples. Indigenous cultures have been insufficiently reflected in our broadcasting system, which is a problem that the proposed online streaming act is trying to rectify. Culture is paramount to healing and reconciliation. It is at the core of understanding and moving forward together. I strongly urge the members of the House to support the online streaming act. I would like to share my own personal experience with all of this. I immigrated to Canada when I was 12 years old. Throughout my youth, I did not really get to understand and appreciate the lived reality of indigenous peoples. It was not until I grew older that I actively sought to educate myself. The best way for us to really include these cultures, to really try to actively reconcile with indigenous peoples here in Canada, through our online streaming is for us to make sure the way we are broadcasting and what we are broadcasting is inclusive, diverse and, most importantly, helps to shape the future of what we want our Canada to see. We talk a lot about Canadian values. If we do not feel indigenous people are included in that, then we fail. I will stop there as I believe I am out of time.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:29:38 p.m.
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The hon. member will have eight minutes and 30 seconds coming to her when the debate starts again, and she can take up where she left off. Pursuant to an order made earlier today, the House shall now resolve itself into committee of the whole to consider Motion No. 10 under government business.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:31:22 p.m.
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That this committee take note of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. He said: Mr. Speaker, I will share my time this evening with the Minister of National Defence. Many countries in Europe still have civil defence sirens that date back to World War II. Some test them every month, some every year, but when sirens went off in Kyiv, Kharkiv and other cities in Ukraine last week, it was not a drill. Ukraine is under attack. The sound of war reverberates throughout the whole world. The Canadian government has long condemned Russia's incursion into Ukraine. Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected and the Ukrainian people must be free to determine their own future. This invasion is unjust, unprovoked and illegal. As I said before, Russia will be held accountable. Beginning last week, together with our allies and partners, Canada announced a series of coordinated sanctions. These sanctions are severe, and their effects are concrete. They target Russian institutions and banks as well as several individuals, including President Putin himself and his collaborators. They also target the government of Belarus, which is facilitating the invasion. Canada also supports blocking Russian banks from the SWIFT banking network to freeze them out of the international financial system, and we are imposing measures to prevent the Russian central bank from getting around the sanctions. The world is being inspired by Ukrainians who remain strong and resilient. Everyday people are bravely stepping up to defend their country, but despite their extraordinary courage, we cannot forget the devastating human consequences of war. Three days ago, I received an email from a Ukrainian Canadian who lives in Calgary. He told me he had relatives and friends who were taking cover in basements trying to avoid the shelling. Over this past week, I have received many letters like this one. We have all seen the images of subway stations being used as bomb shelters, of missiles striking apartment buildings, of families, including young children, leaving everything behind in search of somewhere safe. The cost of war is always incalculable, but in these dark hours, Canada will continue to be resolute in its support for Ukraine. Since 2015, the Canadian Armed Forces' Operation Unifier has trained over 33,000 members of the Ukrainian army. Today we applaud their ability to stand up to the invaders. We continue to send weapons, military equipment and humanitarian aid, and we are working on bringing more Ukrainians to Canada faster. Canadians continue to stand with Ukrainians. As I said to President Zelensky last week, we are all deeply inspired by his courage and the courage of his compatriots. President Putin clearly underestimated the strength and resilience of the Ukrainian people, just as he underestimated the determination of Ukraine's allies and partners. When I was in Ukraine in 2016, the many people I met showed me how much they love their country and how hard they had fought for democracy. Listening to them reminded me of how peace and stability is not something we could or should ever take for granted. Now, with the unfolding tragedy in Ukraine, the whole world is reminded once again just how fragile peace can be. In the shadow of authoritarianism, we here know that the path forward is the rule of law, universal values and freedom. That is why Canadians and members of this House stand united with Ukraine. Democracies everywhere stand together. We stand with the people around the globe protesting against this brutal war, from Vancouver to Montreal, from Berlin to Prague, from Minsk to Moscow and St. Petersburg. We hear their voices and we all hope they will overcome the sound of sirens and bombs. Slava Ukraini.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:31:22 p.m.
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Before we begin this evening's debate, I would like to remind hon. members of how proceedings will unfold. Each member speaking will be allotted 10 minutes for debate, followed by 10 minutes for questions and comments. Pursuant to the order made earlier today, the time provided for the debate may be extended beyond four hours, as needed, to include a minimum of 16 periods of 20 minutes each. Members may divide their time with another member and the chair will receive no quorum calls, dilatory motions or requests for unanimous consent. We can now begin tonight's take-note debate.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:36:43 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the Prime Minister for his words this evening. One of the things that Canadians are talking about a lot and we have been discussing throughout the course of today is the need for energy independence and energy security in this country, whether it is liquefied natural gas or natural resource production, making sure that this country, our Canada, is energy secure. Could the Prime Minister speak to the events that have happened in Russia and the need to secure energy in this country?
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  • Feb/28/22 6:37:19 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, over the past number of weeks, we have been working closely with our allies in Europe who indeed are dependent to a large degree on imports of energy from Russia and are right now in a difficult position. That is why we are so touched by the steadfastness and the strength of the European response in putting severe sanctions on Russia, even though there is uncertainty in terms of their energy security. I have assured them that Canada and countries around the world will be there to support them as they move forward. Canada is a producer and exporter of energy. We have banned, as of today, any imports, which were already negligible, from Russia of crude oil. We will continue to work with the world to make sure that we can stand strongly against Russia and support people in democracies everywhere.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:38:21 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I welcome the general convergence of ideas in the House in the face of shared adversity. This has not happened often. I understand that the government is working with major international organizations like the G7 and NATO, among others. This is what the Bloc Québécois and likely many others were hoping to see, and it was definitely the only way forward. However, certain decisions still need to be made domestically, such as continuing to require visas for people to come to Canada from Ukraine. I hope my colleagues will not mind the comparison, but not all that long ago, people were crossing at Roxham Road without a visa. People were doing it, and perhaps they still are. Should we not show the same leniency to people who want to reunite with their families or come to Canada as refugees?
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  • Feb/28/22 6:39:19 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as we have watched tensions rise over the past several weeks as a result of Russian threats, our department and Minister of Citizenship and Immigration have been working to expedite the process that allows Ukrainians to come to Canada. That is exactly what we have done. The processing of the applications already in the system is being expedited to allow people to come to Canada faster and to allow those already here to stay longer. We are also looking at ways to speed up the process for people fleeing the war in Ukraine who want to come to Canada. We hope that many of these people will choose to stay in Canada even after this unjust war is over. We will always be there to welcome people fleeing war all over the world, and we will be there for our Ukrainian friends too.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:40:24 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we are witnessing a humanitarian crisis unfold in Ukraine with bombings, attacks and casualties, and Canada must do its part as countries around the world are stepping up. One of the things we can do is learn from the past when there were significant problems with welcoming people in an emergency crisis. I look to Afghanistan as an example of what not to do when we failed in ensuring the safety of our allies to get to Canada. When will the Prime Minister ensure that we have a visa-free, barrier-free access to Canada for Ukrainians who are seeking refuge in this time of crisis?
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  • Feb/28/22 6:41:01 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, in the weeks leading up to this terrible last week we have had, Canada was already positioning itself in case the worst, which did come to pass, came to pass. Our immigration ministry and minister have been working hard to ensure more resources for treatment of requests to come to Canada, opportunities to accelerate the treatment of work permits to Canada and opportunities to stretch out the permits of those who are here now. Most importantly, they have been working hard to make sure we are able to take in as many Ukrainians who are fleeing the violence as possible to be able to settle in Canada, to hunker down while this passes, or perhaps even, as so many Ukrainians have over so many generations, choose to stay for good in Canada. We know that Canada has been extraordinarily enriched by Canadians of Ukrainian heritage. We will continue to be there to welcome in Ukrainians to build a better life for themselves here and also back home in Ukraine.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:42:26 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Putin's actions over the past week are appalling for all of us who stand for peace, security and democracy. I would like to send my very best to President Zelensky, Minister Reznikov and the Ukrainian people for their strong resistance against Putin's ruthless aggression and unnecessary war. I know that many Canadians are watching Putin's appalling attacks on the Ukrainian people and want to know how they can help and what we as a government are doing to help. Russia is a direct threat not only to the people of Ukraine but also to global safety and stability. In the face of this brutal assault on the Ukrainian people, our support for Ukraine is unwavering. From day one, Canada has been there for the army and people of Ukraine. We have consistently supported Ukraine and our NATO allies in the face of this unprovoked attack by Russia. We have provided lethal and non-lethal equipment to bolster their defences. Canada has pledged millions of dollars in defensive military equipment to Ukraine. First, $23 million in equipment has been delivered since 2015. Second, $10 million in equipment was delivered earlier this month, including sniper rifles and ammunition. Third, just yesterday, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and I announced an additional $25 million in non-lethal aid, including night vision gear, helmets and body armour. These items have been specifically requested by the Ukrainian government, and we are stepping up to meet its needs alongside our allies. To support the delivery of aid and to contribute to NATO efforts in Europe, Canada is also providing two C-130J tactical airlift aircraft for a minimum of two weeks. One of these aircraft departed Canada for Europe today and the other will follow later this week. At the request of Ukraine and in coordination with NATO allies, we announced today that we are committing additional lethal aid to Ukraine, including at least 100 anti-tank weapon systems and 2,000 rockets, which we are working to deliver as quickly as possible in the coming days. We are also boosting our support for NATO's eastern flank while waiting for Operation Reassurance. To date, the Canadian Armed Forces have delivered well over 700 training sessions throughout Operation Unifier: Canada's military training mission in Ukraine. In addition, we have 3,400 soldiers at the ready in case they are called up by NATO to serve for our alliance in a defensive and deterrent posture. Canada is not alone in this mission to help Ukraine. NATO allies are more united than ever. The world has become a dangerous place, and while these dangers can feel far away to Canadians, these are tumultuous times. We must unite as a country and redouble our efforts to support our allies. We stand with the people of Ukraine. We will continue to support them in the face of unwarranted Russian aggression. Slava Ukraini.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:46:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the Minister of National Defence for her support of Ukraine and for the announcement today of providing some anti-tank missiles and more ammunition, which the Ukrainian military needs desperately. I know that we have been putting pressure on the minister for some time to do this. It was back in 2018 when Conservatives first said that the weapons that were originally destined for the Kurdish Peshmerga could be sent over to help Ukraine, which included anti-tank missiles at that time. In addition to the announcement today, I would like to know the time frame for when those will actually get delivered. Are they going to be procured here in North America, or are they coming from existing inventory that we have in Canada? Ultimately, how do we get more of them to help Ukraine in the battle against the Russian federation?
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  • Feb/28/22 6:47:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I must say it is heartening to see politics put aside in times of crisis. In response to the member's questions directly, we are working to get this lethal aid into the hands of Ukrainian soldiers as soon as possible. In order to do that, we are working very closely with our allies to ensure safe passage of the lethal aid, as well as safe delivery to the Canadian Armed Forces and to Ukrainian soldiers as well. In terms of the member's question relating to the inventory itself, the lethal aid that we have announced today does come from existing inventory. I will continue to reiterate that all hands are on deck. We are continuing to ensure that we are responding as quickly as possible to the requests of the Ukrainian government. My conversations with Minister Reznikov over the past number of weeks have been instrumental in allowing us to know precisely what Ukraine needs and how we can best deliver it to them.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:48:57 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for her speech. I would like her thoughts on the following. We know that the Ukrainians are fighting with extraordinary strength, courage and resilience. While 500,000 people have left Ukraine so far, it is possible that in future, that number could be closer to five million. We hope not, but it could happen. In order to be prepared and avoid the same unfortunate mistakes that have been made recently, including in Afghanistan, I would like the minister to tell us in what ways the Canadian Armed Forces are ready to play a humanitarian role in welcoming people leaving Ukraine, in collaboration with the other NATO countries and the countries bordering Ukraine.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:49:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like to say that the Canadian Armed Forces are ready to help Ukrainians who leave their country. We have already imposed increasingly harsher sanctions, we have trained more than 33,000 Ukrainian soldiers, and we have given and delivered significant financial aid. We have also delivered lethal and non‑lethal aid. We have provided cyber-support. That is very important in today's urgent situations. Finally, we have contributed to bolstering NATO'S eastern flank through Operation Reassurance. The Canadian Armed Forces are always ready, and we are there for the Ukrainian people.
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  • Feb/28/22 6:51:07 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, during this conflict, we have seen the Russian army direct intentional attacks against civilians and civilian targets. I want to know how the Canadian government is documenting these possible crimes. How will we work with our allies to make sure that Russian military commanders and their civilian oversight are held to account after this conflict, so they do not escape justice?
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  • Feb/28/22 6:51:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we know that these attacks, cyber-attacks included, are part of the Russian playbook. We have been watching Russian escalation at the Ukrainian border for months. We are very well prepared, in terms of our intelligence and connections with the Ukrainian government, to document the loss of life. More important, however, is making sure that we are stepping up with humanitarian and economic aid, and ensuring safe passage for Ukrainians as they leave Ukraine. We are doing all three. We have provided over $700-million worth of economic and humanitarian aid thus far alone, and we are also ensuring safe passage for Ukrainians as they leave their country.
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