
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 42

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
March 21, 2022 11:00AM
  • Mar/21/22 5:10:57 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, where there are overlapping regulations in place, where there are access-to-development charges put in place, where there is red tape to put shovels in the ground, we must always look at eliminating those, with the caveat of ensuring safety and protection for all standards that are put in place. We need to do that in Ontario. I think the estimate is that we need 1.5 million houses to be built. Houses are not just houses. They are homes for Canadians and for our families, and they are where we create our memories. We need to put the shovels in the ground to actually build them. We need all levels of government working co-operatively together, and we also need to eliminate layers where we possibly can.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:11:48 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, on behalf of the residents of Davenport, whom I am so proud to represent, I appreciate the opportunity to take part in today's debate on the opposition day motion put forward by the leader of the NDP on tax cuts and fairness. It is indeed a rare pleasure to debate a motion that is supportive of our federal government's platform commitment to reduce taxes for middle-class Canadians while raising them on the wealthiest. I should begin by thanking the hon. member for Burnaby South for his support. It is my sincere hope that this partnership toward a fair tax system for all Canadians remains long and productive. As the hon. member knows, and indeed all members of the House know, one of our key priorities when we were first elected in late 2015 was to reduce taxes for middle-class Canadians while raising them on the wealthiest 1%. We have delivered on that commitment in real terms. We have also increased support for fairness and for low-income workers through programs such as the Canada child benefit and the Canada workers benefit, which have helped lift over one million Canadians out of poverty since 2015, including 435,000 children. We have also increased the guaranteed income supplement top-up benefit for low-income, single seniors and enhanced the GIS earnings exemption, and are increasing old age security for Canadians aged 75 and older beginning in July of this year. Moreover, we have increased the basic personal amount that Canadians can earn before paying any federal income tax. To ensure that this support is targeted at the middle class, the benefits of the increased basic personal amount are phased out for high-income taxpayers. When this measure is fully implemented next year, single individuals will pay $300 less in tax each year and families will pay $600 less, which will be a huge savings for both families and individuals. In addition to these new tax breaks for Canadians and Canadian workers, our federal government has also targeted new tax relief this year to businesses that are doing their part to create jobs and growth by investing in a better future for all Canadians. For example, as more countries commit to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, the demand for zero-emissions technology will only grow. To create jobs and support the growth of clean technology manufacturing in Canada, budget 2021 proposed to reduce by half the general, corporate and small business income tax rates for businesses that manufacture zero-emissions technologies. This tax cut applied as of January 1, 2022. What is more, we are not just providing tax breaks to innovative businesses that are doing their part to protect the environment this year. We are also helping the many small businesses that are doing their part in fighting COVID. Small businesses understand that proper ventilation makes indoor air healthier and safer, helping to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Many want to make further improvements to their indoor air quality to protect their workers and customers, but they have been finding that investing in equipment to improve ventilation can be costly. That is why our federal government has proposed a temporary, refundable small business air quality improvement tax credit of 25% on eligible air quality improvement expenses incurred by small businesses. Businesses would receive the credit on eligible expenses incurred between September 1, 2021, and December 31, 2022, up to a maximum of $10,000 per location and $50,000 in total. That is not just good for their businesses; it is also good for the health and safety of Canadians. As members can see, where our government delivers tax cuts to businesses, it is doing so strictly with a view to encouraging the sort of investments that support Canadians and their highest priorities. At the same time, we are ensuring that taxes are appropriate and fair and discourage the sort of activities that are not helpful to Canadians. A prime example of this is our proposed tax on non-resident, non-Canadian-owned residential real estate that is considered to be vacant or underused. This tax would become effective as of January 1, 2022. While this tax would not be paid by individual Canadian homeowners, it would certainly benefit Canadians. That is because the recent and rapid rise in housing prices has made finding an affordable place to call home increasingly difficult, and the underused housing tax would help support investments in housing affordability so that all Canadians can have a safe and affordable place to call home. Another important example of how our government is ensuring that Canadians do not have to bear the burden of other decisions is the price that we have put on carbon pollution in Canada. The fact is that climate change presents a threat to our long-term health and economic prosperity, and putting a price on carbon pollution is the most effective policy to address it. Fortunately, our federal government, along with the hon. member for Burnaby South and many other members of this House, understands this, as do most Canadians and provincial governments. That is why we have recently confirmed our plan to increase the carbon price through to 2030. At the same time, we will continue to return the direct proceeds from the federal carbon pollution pricing system to the province or territory of origin. In jurisdictions that do not have their own fuel charge consistent with the federal benchmark criteria, and that would be Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, approximately 90% of the direct proceeds from the fuel charge are returned to residents of those provinces through the climate action incentive payments. As a result, in most households these climate action incentive payments actually represent more than the increased cost they face from the federal carbon pollution pricing system. What is more is that the remaining fuel charge proceeds, about 10%, are used to support small businesses, farmers, indigenous groups and other organizations. Not one dollar stays with the federal government, and going forward, the federal carbon price will continue to be revenue neutral for the Government of Canada. Our federal government is also well aware that even as Canadians have sacrificed to keep our economy going through the pandemic, some of the wealthiest have done very well for themselves. We have already taken action on the understanding that those who can afford to buy luxury goods can afford to pay a bit more. To that end, our federal government is following through on its commitment to introduce a tax on select luxury goods. In budget 2021, we proposed the introduction of a tax on the sale of new luxury cars and aircraft with a retail sale price over $100,000 and on boats priced over $250,000. This tax would be calculated at the lesser of 20% of the value above these price thresholds or 10% of the full value of the luxury vehicle, aircraft or vessel. To implement this, recently at committee on March 11, 2022, we released draft legislative proposals for public comment. These draft legislative proposals reflect and respond to input received during consultations with the stakeholders. With the support of our partners in the House who share our goal of a fair tax system, this tax would come into effect on September 1, 2022. Revenues raised by this tax can be used to offset costs for Canadians and invest in a strong economic recovery that supports their highest priorities. In conclusion, when taken together, all of these measures that I have touched on today show that our government is following through on its commitment to a fair tax system. We will continue to follow through on this commitment as we move forward, including with respect to our commitment to ensure that large, profitable banks and insurers pay their fair share as well. I am pleased that with today's motion for debate, we will have the support of the hon. member for Burnaby South and his colleagues as we do so. I appreciate the opportunity to make the case and speak in the House today.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:21:29 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, the member for Cowichan—Malahat—Langford spoke about the litany of broken Liberal promises. I am concerned that the Liberals may break their promise to create a publicly accessible nationwide beneficial ownership registry. This would not only help tackle money laundering, which is having a devastating impact on our housing market, but it also would make it easier to identify assets connected to sanctioned Russian oligarchs and strengthen the enforcement of sanctions. Can the member speak to the need for a publicly accessible beneficial ownership registry and commit to pushing her government to fulfill its promises?
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  • Mar/21/22 5:22:21 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I would say I am very proud of our government and the promises that we have kept. Many of them I mentioned in my speech, including increasing taxes on the wealthiest 1%, reducing them on the middle class, supporting our families both with respect to introducing the Canada child benefit and now a national child care plan, which all provinces and territories, except for Ontario, have already signed on to. There have been many other promises to try to reduce income inequality and create tax fairness in this country. In terms of the publicly accessible beneficial ownership registry, I fully support it and am very proud that our government has committed to implementing it. Money laundering is indeed a very serious issue. It is one that is increasing in complexity, so I support this program and I absolutely support continuing to encourage our government to implement it as quickly as possible.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:23:34 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, the member spoke about how, at the beginning of its mandate, the government raised taxes on some people. The promise it had made at the time was that the tax shifting it was doing would be revenue-neutral. However, in the end it was not. It significantly added to the deficit, and we have seen continuing measures that have added to the deficit. I think what the member glosses over in her remarks is just how unequally and disproportionately the effects of high levels of deficit spending, leading to inflation, fall on middle and lower-income Canadians. Those who are very wealthy have a variety of tools at their disposal for protecting themselves from the effects of inflation, but everyday working Canadians simply do not have the same opportunities. We are passing on costs to those who can least afford it and to subsequent generations. Does the member acknowledge this problem and believe the government needs to do more to confront inflation and other ways in which out-of-control spending is passing costs on to those who can least afford it?
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  • Mar/21/22 5:24:42 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, through you, I would like to thank the hon. member for his question. It is an important one. I would like to respectfully disagree with the member. I think we have done a lot. We have implemented many things to do everything we can to try to reduce income inequality in our country. Whether it was the introduction of the Canada child benefit, the increase in the GIS, taxing the top 1% and reducing tax on the middle class, or introducing increases in the Canada worker benefit a couple of times, there have been a number of measures we have taken to try to reduce income inequality in our country. Inflation absolutely is a huge issue and I think it impacts everyone. We should mention that there are a number of measures in place that will help to protect those on the lower end of the income scale in our country, indexed to inflation, so our—
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  • Mar/21/22 5:25:45 p.m.
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I have to allow the opportunity for another question. The hon. member for Saanich—Gulf Islands.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:25:52 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I would say to my hon. colleague that I am particularly concerned. Since this has come up in her speech, what can we start doing? We know this is about beneficial ownership that is absolutely hidden. Foreign corporations can be running shell companies in Canada. There is no way to track them down. This applies across a number of provinces as well as federally. Canada is now being advertised in places like Russia as the place to hide one's assets. A recent report called “Snow-washing, Inc.” draws attention to it, so it is both federal and provincial. I would love to hear my hon. colleague's comments on when we can crack down on this, particularly in light of what has happened with respect to the Russian assets of oligarchs around the world.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:26:42 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I want to thank the hon. member for her excellent question and for bringing this back to the fore. I agree 100% that we need to do everything we can to bring this beneficial ownership registry into effect. We have to do everything we can to make sure it is transparent with respect to who owns the public assets. This should be a key priority for our government moving forward.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:27:17 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I will be splitting my time with the member for Churchill—Keewatinook Aski. The pandemic has made it very clear that we are not all in this together. We are living in a growing corporate dictatorship where some of us are on lifeboats and some of us are sailing on yachts, where the privileges of corporations are increasingly usurping the rights of workers, Mother Earth, individuals and families, and where the divide between the haves and the have-nots is growing in favour of the ultrawealthy who are becoming richer by the minute while more and more people are finding it increasingly difficult to survive. Meanwhile, many of my constituents are barely able to make rent. The rising cost of food is making food insecurity even more common. The most basic human rights continue to be up for debate in this House while the government continues to reward its corporate friends on the backs of people, including my constituents in Winnipeg Centre. For workers, real wages are falling and Canadian billionaires are becoming richer, including a $78 billion annual increase in their wealth a year after COVID began, an unprecedented pandemic that has left more and more people scrambling to survive. This increase in their wealth has been generated with a complete disregard for human rights, including the rights of workers. Take, for example, Sobeys, one of Canada's largest grocery chains, its parent company Empire got rid of its $2 an hour pandemic hero pay, like Loblaws and Metro. It was hero pay for workers who put their lives on the line during the pandemic so that people could continue to be fed. Adding insult to injury, most Sobeys stores are not even unionized. It is a company that has fiercely and fearlessly resisted organizing efforts, showing a total disregard for the rights of workers. This disregard for workers by Sobeys was not because it wanted to keep food costs down for consumers. In fact, people are paying more for groceries than ever, 6.5% grocery inflation, the highest in more than a decade. It is because of greed, uncontrolled greed with CEOs laughing all the way to the bank. Sobeys just reported a quarterly profit of $203.4 million, up from $176.3 million last year, and it is not the only one laughing. In fact, Loblaws saw its fourth-quarter profit more than double compared to last year, with its net earnings available to common shareholders rising to $744 million. Metro grocery reported net profits of $207 million at the end of 2021. It is uncontrolled greed with no shame, as we witnessed from Sobeys president and CEO Michael Medline, who boasted on a conference in December about how much money they were raking in, stating, “It was a straight-up good quarter, well-executed by our teams across the country.” It was not “a straight-up good quarter” for my constituents who shop at FreshCo on Sargent Avenue, struggling to put food on the table because every trip to the grocery store is more expensive than the last. It was not “a straight-up good quarter” for workers who had their hero pay taken so that CEOs could line their very deep pockets with more cash. Our economic system is rigged, with corporate greed and wealth borne on the backs of individuals and families that is even impacting their ability to have their most basic human rights respected, including the right to food security. Seriously, workers and consumers are seeing no benefits from the major grocery chains' record profits, which are rising because prices are rising. Profits are growing because they are cutting workers' pay and sometimes even violating their human rights, including the profits that were made possible by the many migrant farm workers who grow the food that is sold in these stores, some of the most exploited and mistreated workers in the country. In fact, last December the Auditor General found that the government failed to protect migrant farm workers during COVID-19, revealing that the federal department responsible for keeping them safe did not properly enforce health and safety measures related to the pandemic. At least three migrant farm workers died from COVID, and many more became sick. For the Liberal government to wilfully turn a blind eye to this human suffering is unacceptable, demonstrating time and time again that it is way too close to its corporate friends. What has the Liberal government done to require large companies like Sobeys, Loblaws and Metro, which have earned windfall profits during the pandemic, to share this wealth with workers and communities to ensure the human rights of workers are upheld? Nothing. In fact, the government has yet to implement a tax on excess profits of banks and insurance companies, despite promising to do so in the last election. What are Liberals waiting for? They need to immediately implement the 3% surtax and expand it to include big grocery chains, big-box stores and big oil companies that continue to earn record profits. We need this revenue to make life easier for individuals and families who are struggling to afford to live with the skyrocketing cost of living. It could fund, for example, a new and expanded income support program for seniors, students, people with disabilities and individuals with complex mental health needs and trauma, who are some of the hardest hit by these price increases. It could pay for a national school meal program that would ensure no child ever has to attend class on an empty stomach. It could help fund a guaranteed livable basic income like the one I am proposing in Bill C-223. It is clearer than ever that we are not all in this together. So many people are just trying to survive at this point, while the wealthy elite have never had it so good. They are in their luxury yachts and rocket ships while more and more people are surviving in lifeboats. Enough is enough. It is time to grow workers' paycheques, and not CEO bonuses and shareholder dividends. It is time for the biggest corporations that have made a killing during the pandemic to pay their fair share. It is time to put people before profits and give people who are struggling the support they need to survive, and not just to survive but to thrive. It is time for all people to have what they need to live in dignity.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:35:48 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I listened to the intervention by the member from Manitoba and could not help but reflect, as I was listening to what she was saying and was being accusatory toward a Liberal government, on the fact that the Manitoba NDP government, on I believe either four or five consecutive occasions, decreased the corporate income tax in the province of Manitoba. I realize that does not necessarily negate anything she said, and I am certainly not saying that, but I am wondering if she has the same criticism toward the NDP party within Manitoba for essentially doing the thing she is accusing consecutive governments within this chamber of doing.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:36:37 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, if my hon. colleague would like to run to become a Manitoba MLA, I am certainly sure I could connect him with somebody in Manitoba. I am a federal member of Parliament and I am calling on his government, which has given multiple corporate bailouts since the time I was elected, to take responsibility for its failure to individuals throughout this country who are struggling and to make sure the ultra-rich are paying their fair share, to make sure people can stay housed and to make sure they can afford to eat and have their basic human rights respected.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:37:21 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, the member talked about concerns regarding corporate power in this country, and that is one of the reasons I put forward Bill C-257, which would add political belief and activity to the federal human rights code. I am concerned about situations where an employer might use their privileged position to discriminate against workers who engage in political activity that an employer does not agree with. In addition to other criteria in the human rights code, it is a reasonable way of limiting the power of government or corporations over a private individual's ability to have and express political beliefs. I am wondering if the member or her party has a perspective on Bill C-257 and adding political belief and activity as prohibited grounds in the Canadian Human Rights Act.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:38:09 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I do have caution here. My hon. colleague was one of the members who supported conversion therapy, so when we are talking about—
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  • Mar/21/22 5:38:39 p.m.
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What? That is a lie. That is a lie—
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  • Mar/21/22 5:38:39 p.m.
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Order. We do not call people liars. The hon. parliamentary secretary.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:38:41 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, on a point of order, as you indicated, it was quite clear to members in this room that the member for Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan was calling another member a liar. Perhaps he would like to rise and apologize to the member for that comment.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:38:56 p.m.
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It is what I was trying to address, and I would like to be able to do my job, if the member does not mind. I remind the hon. member that it was very audible and everybody heard it. I invite the member to please apologize to the other member, because we are not in the habit of accepting the calling of names in the House. The hon. member for Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:39:24 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, objectively, what the member said was inaccurate. I would invite her to withdraw her comments, and I would be pleased to withdraw mine in the spirit of a similar withdrawal.
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  • Mar/21/22 5:39:42 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I will not be withdrawing that comment. It was in the news, and I am certainly willing to give the hon. colleague the news clip. In saying that, I have caution regarding his intervention and belief. I have not read his bill, and I have caution on what he is trying to promote in it. However, I am certainly willing to review it.
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