
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 42

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
March 21, 2022 11:00AM
  • Mar/21/22 5:58:15 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, some want to talk about contrast, so they will probably get a bit of contrast now. Listening to the member from Thompson can get fairly depressing for those who are following the debate. I suggest there is a great deal of variation from the truth in what we have been listening to. At the end of the day, I would like to share with members a better sense of the reality that has been taking place over the last six years. They should not have fear: It is nowhere near as bad as the member from Thompson has tried to portray. I understand why the member from Thompson said those things. It is because in some ways, the NDP has that attitude. It is an attitude of superiority about all social issues. If someone does not believe them, just ask one of them and they will reaffirm it. I will cite one very short example. The member made reference to infrastructure. She criticized the Government of Canada, saying that in the last six years, we have not done anything on infrastructure, and she cited an example. I would challenge any member to show me a government that has invested more in infrastructure in Canada in the the last 50 years than this government has done in the last five years. We have invested historic amounts of money in our infrastructure, and that is in every region of our country. That is what I mean in terms of a bit of variation. The member also made reference to the infrastructure bank, saying it has not completed anything. Well, the infrastructure bank is relatively new and has to review and approve projects first, let alone get some of them completed. To try to give a false impression that the Government of Canada, over the last number of years, has not done anything on infrastructure is just wrong. Let me continue with the motion we have before us. The motion tries to give a false impression that we in the Liberal Party, in particular the Government of Canada, do not understand the issue of income inequality and have not made any policy decisions to address that issue. It was interesting. My colleague and friend from Kingston posed a question to the member for Winnipeg Centre. I thought it was a good question. The member was criticizing the Government of Canada because we are apparently in the pockets of big corporations. I must say, to both the member for Winnipeg Centre and the member from Thompson, that this is not the case. I will tell members that when I sat inside the Manitoba legislature, it was not once, not twice, but I believe five or six times that the New Democratic government in Manitoba reduced corporate taxes. That was the provincial NDP, and there is a difference. The NDP at the provincial level has been in government, and every one of those governments often reflected the opposite of what the NDP will preach in the House of Commons. Corporations do play a very important role in our society, but some try to give a false impression that we are in the pockets of corporations. I can tell colleagues that former NDP premiers Gary Doer and Greg Selinger, based on what I have heard, were more in the pockets of corporations than this government is. In fact, taking a look at our election laws, there are limitations on what a corporation can give, which is nothing. It is individuals who can give. Members take shots at the big banks. I am no friend of the big banks; I would like to see banks pay more too. However, they try to give an impression that with big banks, we mean a handful of elite, wealthy people, which is not the case. If we look at it, we will find that these big banks and the people they are paying dividends to often are unions. They are people who have invested in banks because there is a relatively high rate of return. I believe it is an exceptionally high rate of return during the pandemic, and this is something the government is looking into. The good news is that the budget is not too far away. The 2022-23 budget is just on the horizon, and I know members are very keenly waiting to hear from the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, who has done a phenomenal job in bringing us through this pandemic on a number of fronts. We will have the opportunity in the House to present to Canadians a budget that we can all be proud of, a budget that will reflect a lot of the discussions that have taken place, whether it was with constituents and members of Parliament, who were used as a vehicle to communicate priority issues, or the many stakeholders. This government, particularly the Prime Minister, has made it very clear to all members, at least within the Liberal caucus, that we want individual members of Parliament to bring constituents' interests and thoughts to Ottawa, not vice versa. As a result, when the 2022-23 budget is unveiled, we will see a budget for all Canadians in all regions of our country that will have an impact and that will see a better equalization of income, something we have seen from day one. Need I remind members that one of the first pieces of legislation we brought forward was reducing the tax rate for Canada's middle class? A good portion of that reduction, the money to facilitate that reduction, was a special tax on Canada's wealthiest 1%. If that is not directly what New Democrats are hoping to accomplish with this motion, I do not know what is. I would remind members in the chamber that the Conservatives voted against the tax cuts for the middle class and, surprisingly, New Democrats voted against the additional tax on Canada's wealthiest 1%. We are the only party from day one, since we have been in government, that has consistently come up with financial initiatives, legislative initiatives and policy decisions to ensure that Canada's middle class and those aspiring to be a part of it have advanced their interests. We have gone beyond that. When we talk about putting money in the pockets of people in need, one only needs to look at some of the other initiatives we have taken, such as the Canada child benefit program, a program that, shortly after becoming government in 2015, we retooled and changed. Millionaires no longer qualified. Instead, we put more money toward those who had a higher need. Not only did we reorganize it in that sense, we also put in hundreds of millions of additional dollars to ensure this program would be there for families in all regions of Canada. That made a difference in a very real and tangible way. All one needs to do is look at children in poverty. I have cited this in the past. Well over $9 million a month comes to Winnipeg North as a direct result. I can say, to the best of my knowledge, that there are no billionaires in Winnipeg North. Over $9 million a month, and probably over $10 million but I do not know that for a fact, is coming from Ottawa to support children because of a policy change that was made a number of years ago under this administration. Hundreds of children in Winnipeg North have been lifted out of poverty as a direct result. I can talk about the substantial guaranteed annual income increase that was given shortly after the 2015 election. Once again, in Winnipeg North, as in every riding in this country, hundreds of seniors were lifted out of poverty as a direct result of a government policy. The Government of Canada, the Prime Minister, ministers and the caucus understood the importance of supporting Canadians in a very real and tangible way, which lifted seniors out of poverty by the thousands. Those are the types of policies that matter and have been making a difference. If we look at some more recent things, we passed legislation to deal with the issue of housing. Here is a tax change that not only brings in more revenue for the Government of Canada but also has a positive spinoff on housing prices. We all know that there is a huge demand from abroad to invest in Canada. One of those investments we have seen over the years is in housing, such as condominiums. Whether it is in downtown Toronto, downtown Vancouver or municipalities throughout Canada, individuals are purchasing these properties. Many of them remain empty. I am quite surprised by the thousands of units, worth millions of dollars, that sit completely empty. Just a couple of months ago, we brought in legislation, which I believe the Conservatives voted against, that would ensure that the owners of those vacant properties being used in that sense would have to pay an annual tax. Members have talked about the increases to housing prices. A direct result of that policy change would have a positive impact in two ways. It would generate additional revenue, which is a good thing, because our current Minister of Housing likes to spend money, and we are all glad about that. He can use those millions of dollars that would be generated, because we understand how important the non-profit housing sector is. There are many among my caucus colleagues who talk about initiatives such as housing co-ops, investing in non-profit housing banks and other opportunities in housing. In fact, the minister is out extensively consulting on how the national government can continue to invest in housing. We understood the importance of housing, not just during the pandemic, but even prepandemic. That is why we brought in the first-ever national housing strategy. It was not just a piece of paper. It was supported by billions of dollars over a period of time. We are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars subsidizing tens of thousands of units in every region of this country. I have witnessed first-hand the Minister of Housing come to Winnipeg, both physically and virtually for a number of different announcements. Yes, there is a need for us to do more on that front. We do not need to be told that. We understand that. That is the reason why we continue to look at ways in which we can enhance housing. We want it to be affordable, but let us recognize that it cannot just be Ottawa. When we talk about inflation or some of the issues that are of great concern to Canadians, we need to incorporate the idea that we need to work with provinces and municipalities. Many of my colleagues were mayors and councillors, and they understand the process of going through a municipality to get a house developed, built or even renovated. Municipalities have to play a role, and so do provinces, as provinces are often administering the non-profit housing units. Governments need to work together. For the first time in a long time, we have a national government that is spending historic amounts of money on housing. We have a federal government that wants to play a role, and we will play a role, and we will look for partners in order to make that happen. With regard to resolving the issue of tax fairness, we have now put through a budget that increases the basic personal exemption by thousands of dollars. What does that actually mean in a real sense? In a real sense, it means that individuals will not have to pay taxes on a larger percentage of their income. I could be a little out on this, but I think that by the end of 2023, it is going to be something in the neighbourhood of $15,000 that one would not have to pay federal tax on. Provinces will do what they do, but hopefully many of them will see what we are doing and follow suit. This would help greatly, and for those who are working so hard at the lower end, it enhances their opportunity to keep money in their pockets. When we see the actions that are taking place, whether five or six years ago when we brought in the tax break for the middle class and put in the extra tax for the wealthiest, or today with the annual tax for those people who are investing in homes in Canada, I like to think that we understand the imbalance that is there, and we are taking action to rectify it as much as we can. If we take a holistic approach to what this government has done over the last six or seven years, I would argue that we have seen a government that has done more to address income inequality than any other government in the last number of generations. We have seen this in the policy decisions that have been made, not only directly through taxation but also in the child care benefit. I believe Ontario is the only province that has not signed on, but hopefully it will. Who benefits the most under that program? Ultimately Canada as a nation does, but individuals are also going to be better empowered to go into the workforce and do the other things that are necessary, whether it is in the workforce or in volunteer work. Canadians are fantastic volunteers. One only needs to take a look at the pandemic. However, we are creating opportunities that were not there. We have seen how well the child care program worked in the province of Quebec, and it is nice that we live in a federal system with other provinces so that we could duplicate that idea it and turn it into a national program. In this way, people will be in a better position to be able to go to work, and we know that because we have seen the impact it has had in the province of Quebec. However, the importance of taxation has not been lost on us. What my constituents want is the same as what all our constituents want. They understand the need for taxes, but they want their taxes to be fair and they want their tax dollars to be spent wisely. These are the things that we as a government, through accountability and transparency, strive for every day. In fact, we have invested close to a billion dollars in additional financial resources for Canada revenue to look at ways in which some of these wealthier people in particular are getting away with not paying their fair share of taxes. We have given hundreds of millions of dollars to CRA to ensure that there is a sense of fair taxation across the country. I am very optimistic, given what we have seen from Canadians over the last couple of years, that our future is positive and that we have reason to be optimistic. I look forward to the 2022-23 budget, because I know it will be a true reflection of what Canadians want, and it will be something we can all be proud of.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:19:15 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the NDP's motion is slightly different from the Liberal government's election promise made during the last campaign. The motion adds oil companies and big box stores to the list. Can the member explain why the Liberal government does not support this motion? Is it because they want to protect oil companies?
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  • Mar/21/22 6:19:54 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, if one takes a look at the different election platforms over the last three elections, we will find that a vast majority of the promises and commitments that were made have actually been kept, with a good percentage of them still in progress. We cannot simply click our heels and implement everything that was said through three different platforms. Some of it is in progress. Most of it, or a good portion of it, has actually been fulfilled. There are some, which are very rare, that we were not able to move forward on, and I would be more than happy to sit down with the hon. member, or any other member, on why we could not move forward on the issue of electoral reform. It is somewhat unfortunate, but there was a reality at the time that prevented us from doing so.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:20:59 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as always, it is very interesting to listen to this colleague, who spends a lot of time in the House speaking. In fact, I would not be surprised if he does not have one of the highest speaking times of all the members here. Perhaps I should send him my congratulations for that role he takes in his party. What I found concerning about his very long speech, which was amplified, and he does not need a mike in this place, is this discussion on the variation of truth. I want to remind the member that this is really a motion that talks largely about a commitment that they made in the last election. We are just encouraging them to do it quickly, to get it done efficiently, and to focus on the people who are hurting. I wonder if this member actually talks to the people who cannot afford their food, who cannot afford their medication, who do not know how they are going to feed their children and who do not know if they are going to be able to afford gas to get to work. Does he talk to those workers who are paying these huge amounts every single day? I am just asking for a friend.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:22:09 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, first and foremost, I am not a New Democrat, but I can tell members, and anyone else who is listening, that I am very much in contact with people. I believe in the importance of being grassroots-oriented, in terms of talking with people. In fact, for 30 years now, with the pandemic being an exception, every Saturday, for example, I would be at the local McDonald's, where we would deal with dozens of people and constituents on a wide variety of topics, much of it dealing with poverty. I am in constant contact, now in virtual meetings or Zoom meetings. I do not necessarily need to be lectured about the importance of talking with real people. I have been doing that for over 30 years, and I take a great sense of pride in ensuring that many of the policies that we have been bringing in are a reflection of Liberal members of Parliament, in good part, communicating with constituents and bringing them to the table so that we can help people in all strata of our society.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:23:26 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, like the member for North Island—Powell River, I will thank the member for the fact that he is usually on his feet here and he is usually talking a lot of important sense. Some hon. member: Oh, oh! Mr. Kody Blois: Mr. Speaker, I would like to be able to finish my question to the member, if the member for North Island—Powell River could stop heckling me in the background. My question is simple. My colleague did a great job highlighting some of the government programs around affordability, the measures that the government has undertaken. This motion, at its core, is about affordability. I had the opportunity to look at the text of the member for Abbotsford's opposition day motion for tomorrow. It is also on affordability. I live in a rural area. I know my colleague is from an urban area in Manitoba. I think inner-city busing right now is an important element for vulnerable individuals. I know that, ultimately, the Government of Canada has to work with provinces and territories in that regard. I do not know where Premier Stefanson might be on this, but would my hon. colleague agree that inner-city busing for individuals who are vulnerable would be something the government could and should look at in the days ahead to support those who are vulnerable?
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  • Mar/21/22 6:24:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is something the Government of Canada has been doing for the last number of years. Just prior to the pandemic, the Prime Minister was actually in Winnipeg at the Winnipeg transit garage where we had announced supports for public transit. Over the last number of years, we have seen a national government take an interest in busing and in public transport. Earlier today in question period, the minister was asked about CP Rail. At the end of the day, we are talking about huge investments to assist in facilitating transportation. Whether it is inner cities or rural communities, we are investing hundreds of millions of dollars and I suspect we will continue to see these types of investments. For me, it was really nice to see money being allocated to things such as building bus shacks, which helps a lot of inner cities and so forth.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:25:57 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, my colleague from Winnipeg North knows just how much I enjoy listening to him and, in some respects, he knows that he inspires me, especially when he leads the charge against NDP misinformation. I am going to talk about the tax cut for the middle class that the government made in its first term, because the Liberals do not understand the marginal tax rate. They lowered taxes by 1.5% for people who fall into the $49,000 to $98,000 tax bracket today. What does that mean? I did a quick calculation. Currently, the middle-class tax cut for a family with two incomes of $50,000 would be $29. I checked the Société de transport de Montréal website and that amount of money is not enough to buy 10 subway tickets. A family with two incomes of $150,000, or total family income of $300,000, will get a $1,470 tax cut thanks to the Liberals, or 50 times the amount received by a family with two incomes of $50,000. Given these calculations, does my colleague still believe that a family with an income of $300,000 is part of the middle class? Does he not agree, as he himself admitted, that they should have thought about this before and perhaps increased the basic exemption in their first term rather than in their third term?
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  • Mar/21/22 6:27:13 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, one of the problems in questions and answers is that the Speaker is not going to let me give a full, detailed answer. Suffice it to say that what members need to recognize is that, when we brought in these measures of the special tax on Canada's 1% wealthiest and the tax break for the middle class, it actually came along, at the end of the day, with the reform of the Canada child benefit program, and that enhanced disposable income for many individuals. I am sure my friend would have liked to see that and he would have no doubt supported it had he been here.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:27:55 p.m.
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It being 6:28 p.m., it is my duty to interrupt the proceedings and put forthwith every question necessary to dispose of the business of supply. The question is on the motion. If a member of a recognized party present in the House wishes to request a recorded division or that the motion be adopted on division, I would invite them to rise and indicate it to the Chair. The hon. member for North Island—Powell River.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:28:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we would certainly like to see a recorded vote.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:28:49 p.m.
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Pursuant to order made on Thursday, November 25, 2021, the division stands deferred until Tuesday, March 22, 2022, at the expiry of the time provided for Oral Questions.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:29:05 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, on a point of order, I believe if you seek it you will find unanimous consent to see the clock at 6:43 p.m.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:29:16 p.m.
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All those opposed to the hon. member's moving the motion, please say nay. The House has heard the terms of the motion. All those opposed to the motion, please say nay. It is agreed.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:29:48 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the answer I received to my initial question, one that I support, outlines Canada's efforts to assist people trying to flee the violence in Ukraine. I support our nation's legacy of providing shelter to those in dire need. Forty years ago, it was my parents and other refugees who were being generously welcomed to Canada. I would not have the honour of standing before members today if not for the compassion of Canada. However, my question was not on Canada's effort to assist Ukrainian refugees to come to Canada, but on whether Canada would be providing assistance to Poland and other NATO allies that have opened their borders to the Ukrainian exodus. Three weeks ago, when I asked the government if it would assist, there were 115,000 refugees headed for Poland. Today, 3.3 million Ukrainians have fled their country to seek sanctuary. Poland has welcomed more than two million of them. Poland is a nation of honour. The Polish know what it is like to stand up to aggression and they know what it is like to stand up to tyranny. It is why the first line of the country's national anthem is “Poland is not yet lost”. It is why the country's historical unofficial motto is “for our freedom and yours”. I have seen first-hand the courage and honour of the Polish people as a proud member of the Warsaw Security Forum community. I see the efforts of my friends in Poland who are doing everything they can to support Ukrainians who have sought shelter in their country, but resources are being stretched to the brink. Thus, my question remains relevant: Will Canada support our allies at this tragic time? I am asking if my hon. colleague can inform the House whether Canada will be providing help to those nations that have opened their borders to the sea of humanity seeking safety. That is my question that I am asking again, both of the government and of my hon. colleague.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:32:22 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, my hon. colleague for Spadina—Fort York has raised an incredibly important question. We continue unequivocally to condemn President Putin's unprovoked and unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine. Our hearts break as we hear about untold suffering, particularly in cities such as Mariupol, where thousands of people are trapped without electricity, water, gas or a way of communicating with their loved ones. The most vulnerable are in need of humanitarian assistance. This is why Canada is deeply concerned with the ongoing challenge to ensure humanitarian access to besieged cities and to help those who are trapped to meet their immediate and most basic humanitarian needs. Canada will continue to call on Russia to uphold its obligations under international humanitarian law to allow humanitarian access and to facilitate safe, rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian assistance to those in need. Canada has consistently supported the humanitarian response in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries such as Poland since 2014. Our funding has been provided to experienced humanitarian partners, including United Nations agencies, non-governmental organizations and the International Committee of the Red Cross, which are all working to help the most vulnerable people in Ukraine. We saw a dramatic rise in civilian casualties and humanitarian consequences last month, as a result of Russia's invasion and disregard for international humanitarian law. We remain steadfast in our commitment to alleviating their suffering and protecting human dignity. In 2022 to date, Canada has committed $145 million to supporting the humanitarian response in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries. Of this amount, $95 million has been allocated to experienced Red Cross, UN and non-governmental humanitarian partners. This includes a very successful $30-million matching fund with the Canadian Red Cross. To respond to requests for in-kind assistance from the ministry of health of Ukraine, Global Affairs Canada is coordinating with provincial and interdepartmental partners to support the donation of relief supplies that can be effectively integrated into humanitarian response operations through international partners. This will support a coordinated international response, which has been rapidly scaling up, and make use of the supply pipelines that are already being established to deliver relief items. Through these pipelines, Canada's in-kind assistance will be channelled directly to the needs of the most vulnerable in Ukraine and in the region. Given the scope of the crisis, there is an increasing need to provide international support to countries on the front line, such as Moldova and Poland. To support their efforts, Canada is providing unearmarked funding to key humanitarian partners to help provide immediate services to refugees in support of host government-led responses. In conclusion, Canada's commitment to stand united with those affected by the conflict in Ukraine is clear. We are continuing to work in close collaboration with our allies and our humanitarian partners on the ground to monitor the development of this rapidly evolving crisis.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:36:08 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for expanding on the support we have been providing to Ukraine and to neighbouring countries. Not only do we have to stick together; we must stand together, and we will win together. I thank the member and the government for all we are doing to support Ukraine, Poland and our neighbouring NATO allies.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:36:32 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Canada remains steadfast in its commitment to address the humanitarian needs in Ukraine as well as the needs of those who have fled to neighbouring countries. We reiterate our deep concern for the increasing number of civilian casualties as well as for the growing number of people crossing the border into neighbouring countries in search of safety, and we continue to call for safe passage for the most vulnerable as well as for the principal delivery of humanitarian assistance. Let there be no doubt: Canada's commitment to stand in solidarity with Ukraine is demonstrably clear. Our significant support, both financial and in kind, is critical to supporting our humanitarian partners in addressing the most pressing humanitarian needs on the ground in Ukraine and in neighbouring countries. We are prepared to provide additional assistance if and as required.
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  • Mar/21/22 6:37:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, on February 11, I raised a question concerning the impact an RCMP payroll increase and back pay will have on the rural communities of Yorkton—Melville. The agreement reached last June between the federal government and the National Police Federation includes a $20,000 payroll increase for the more than 19,000 regular members of the RCMP. It also provides for retroactive pay dating back to April 2017. In rural Canada the RCMP are our source of stability and safety. Officers are our friends, neighbours and a staple of our communities. We know that our members and reservists are deserving of a long overdue raise. We are frustrated that the government has failed to increase the number of members in the west as promised, and we are deeply concerned for the health and safety of those who are serving rural Saskatchewan. I have raised this issue on behalf of my municipalities and constituents who had no say during the federal government's unilateral negotiations. I am asking the minister to answer to concerned mayors, councillors and my constituents who are footing the entire bill for this pay increase. The minister is not oblivious to the growing economic hardships of Canada's rural communities. He knows the government's spending is out of control with no plan to rein it in. Inflation is the highest it has been in over 30 years and four in five Canadians are saying they changed their food buying habits because of increased costs. He also knows that, effective April 1, the government’s carbon tax will add 12¢ to every litre of gas with further increases to come. We have a cost of living crisis in this country. Canadians do not have the flexibility to absorb yet another steep increase in their taxes, but that is exactly what will happen as a result of poor planning or intentional design on the part of the Liberal government. The largest of my riding’s communities is the city of Yorkton, and it is a prime example of how this deal has thrown a huge wrench into their budgeting plans. Yorkton councillor Quinn Haider has told me that, in addition to the increase in salary, they are being expected to absorb the retroactive costs from as far back as 2017. The RCMP agreement came their way with the cost being about $2.1 million and, like a responsible administration, Yorkton had been diligently planning accordingly by putting significant funds into an RCMP reserve for the back pay. However, the cost is ending up to be $1.4 million, nearly double the amount set aside. The city has used up its entire reserve and has had to draw from other reserves in order to cover these costs. The council has had no choice but to plan for a 4.86% increase in taxes this year, 2.36% of which is solely for the RCMP pay increase and back pay. The councillor told me, “I don’t believe anyone on council has a problem with the RCMP getting a raise, but this is a significant hit. We didn’t have any say in these contract negotiations whatsoever. We’re not the only city around who’s in the same predicament. Everyone is. This hurts.” For some perspective, last year, the city of Yorkton’s tax increase was 0%. The city honoured hard-working taxpayers and gave them a break during the difficulties businesses and workers were facing with COVID lockdowns by making sacrifices and finding efficiencies. This year, council was hopeful for a modest 2% increase in municipal taxes, but now, because of a well-intentioned but unfair federal deal, residents of Yorkton can expect to pay more than double that amount. Yorkton and many cities like it are being left to explain such a sharp tax increase to their residents and wondering what is motivating the federal government to stay so silent on doing its part. When will the Liberal government take responsibility by revisiting this deal and announce its commitment to cover the RCMP back pay, which it unilaterally negotiated and then dropped exclusively on the provinces and our municipalities?
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  • Mar/21/22 6:41:28 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am thankful for the opportunity to address this historic first collective agreement for Royal Canadian Mounted Police members. Let me begin by saying that there is no greater responsibility for the Government of Canada than to keep our citizens and communities safe. RCMP members continue to play a primary role for Canadians in supporting this objective. The RCMP provides policing services across Canada, including much of rural Canada, all of the Canadian north and many towns and large urban centres. It delivers local and regional policing services under a contracted cost-sharing agreement with jurisdictions that have opted to have the RCMP as their police service of jurisdiction. They include all provinces except Ontario and Quebec, as well as the three territories and 155 municipalities. The Government of Canada shares the cost of RCMP contract policing by paying 10% of salary, equipment and other costs in large municipalities and 30% of these costs in municipalities with a population of less than 15,000. This collective agreement between the Government of Canada and the National Police Federation, the bargaining agent for RCMP members, went into effect on August 6, 2021. It provided a reasonable economic increase and market adjustments to address long-standing wage differences that existed between RCMP members and reservists and other police services across Canada. As a result of the agreement, RCMP salaries are now in line with those of other police services across Canada. The agreement marked the first time that RCMP members received a pay increase since 2017. Government officials kept partners informed throughout the collective bargaining process starting in 2017, including on anticipated salary increases, to help them plan accordingly. However, the Government of Canada is mindful that policing represents a significant cost for all communities, including municipalities that contract RCMP police services. We have heard the calls from municipalities that the cost of the agreement, while fair for regular members, presents challenges. For this reason, our government remains committed to continuing to meet with contract policing partners in order to effectively implement the collective agreement. In the coming weeks, officials will sit down with jurisdictions to discuss the impacts of the agreement and their specific needs. The women and men of the RCMP work tirelessly to serve and protect Canadians, including those in rural areas, and for this I thank them wholeheartedly. Our partnerships with all contract jurisdictions to support the RCMP in the communities they police are strong. In these challenging times, our government remains committed to working closely with contract partners, and indeed with all provinces, territories and municipalities, to achieve our shared public safety priorities. We will listen and be there for all communities to support them in ensuring that the public remains safe and secure.
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