
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 69

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
May 11, 2022 02:00PM
  • May/11/22 2:54:26 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we know that Canadians have long faced some of the highest bills for cellphones and wireless in the world. That is why we made a commitment a number of years ago to reduce the cost of cellphone bills in this country by 25%, and we did exactly that. Canadians continue to save money because we increased competition. We continue to ensure that Canadians are given proper services and reliable Internet and cellphone services, and we will continue to make 10 times the amount of investments in a few years that the Conservatives made over 10 years.
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  • May/11/22 2:55:08 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, residents in my riding of Etobicoke—Lakeshore continue to watch in horror as Russia pursues its war of aggression against Ukraine. The courage shown by the people of Ukraine is inspiring. Canadians expect our government to do everything it can to support their fight for freedom and democracy. Can the Prime Minister update this House on his recent visit to Kyiv with the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, including the raising of our flag above the Canadian embassy?
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  • May/11/22 2:55:40 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank the member for Etobicoke—Lakeshore for his solidarity with the people of Ukraine. I recently travelled to Kyiv with the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs to announce the reopening of our embassy. I met with President Zelenskyy to discuss how we can help them defend their democracy and bore witness to the atrocities committed by Russian forces. I think all Canadians are extremely proud to see the maple leaf flying once again over the streets of Kyiv.
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  • May/11/22 2:56:20 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the cost-of-living crisis under the Liberal government is getting more and more dire. Gas prices across the country have skyrocketed, and we know it will only worsen over the coming weeks. In places such as Vancouver, the average price of gas is $2.23 a litre. Canadians simply cannot afford for it to keep rising. When will the government finally take this crisis seriously and provide Canadians with some much-needed relief?
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  • May/11/22 2:56:56 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the global inflation crisis, caused first by the pandemic and second by Vladimir Putin's illegal war in Ukraine, is putting far too much pressure on families, including with the rise in gas prices. Canadians deserve more support. Instead, the Conservative Party has opposed policies that put money directly back into Canadians' pockets. They voted against cutting taxes for the middle class. They voted against cutting child care fees in half this year. They voted against more support for families, seniors and students. Also, by opposing our price on pollution, they opposed giving more money to eight out of 10 Canadian families in the places where we brought in the price on pollution.
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  • May/11/22 2:57:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister can learn that we can have both. If we did not have the unconstitutional Bill C-69 limiting our Canadian oil and gas exports, then Canadians would actually be able to afford to fill up their tanks so they could go to work and take their kids to school. When will the Prime Minister take responsibility for his role in this cost-of-living crisis and finally stop making life harder for the average Canadian?
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  • May/11/22 2:58:12 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, for 10 years, Stephen Harper tried to create large projects in this country to solve problems by ramming them through by gutting environmental protections, and big surprise, nothing got done because Canadians know that the environment and the economy need to go together. We brought forward Bill C-69, which actually protects the environment and gives clarity to companies. We have been able to move forward on large projects since. Canadians know the environment and the economy go together. Why do Conservative politicians not know this?
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  • May/11/22 2:58:54 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Bill Seabrook has owned Belmont Engine Repair for 30 years. He serves farmers, seniors and everyday Canadians. The cost of fuel is crippling his company, and like all small businesses, his increased costs will be downloaded to the already struggling customer. People are having to choose between buying food, gas or rent. I know the Prime Minister has never been in a situation of such hardship, nor does he know the cost of these necessities. How would he advise my constituents? Should they choose to buy gas, rent or food?
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  • May/11/22 2:59:31 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our government has always had the backs of small businesses by lowering small business taxes to 9%. We have moved forward with budget 2022 and allowing businesses and workers to succeed by reducing costs, by supporting made-in-Canada innovation and by investing in a sustainable future. We are supporting entrepreneurs and businesses as they start up and scale up across Canada and around the world. Through this pandemic, we had the backs of small businesses with the CEBA and with the wage subsidy, things that the Conservatives regularly railed against. We will continue to support small businesses during this difficult time.
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  • May/11/22 3:00:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the right thing to do is to make home ownership a possibility for aspiring Canadian homeowners. Right now, in the Quebec City region, property and house prices have gone up 21%. Even with a good job, home ownership is not a given. Young families are completely giving up on their dream of owning a home. Unfortunately, the Liberals are unsympathetic to their plight. Will this government be remembered as a government of shattered dreams?
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  • May/11/22 3:00:45 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, housing prices are a real concern, especially for middle-class Canadians hoping to afford their first homes. That is why budget 2022 makes investments to double housing construction over the next decade, help Canadians buy their first home, curb unfair practices that drive up the price of housing, and support the construction of affordable housing. We are taking action and we will continue to take action to help Canadians buy their first homes.
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  • May/11/22 3:01:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, enough is enough with Roxham Road. The Premier of Quebec wants the Prime Minister to close this loophole now. If things keep up, 36,000 irregular migrants will enter Quebec via Roxham Road this year. Quebeckers are the ones who have to foot that bill. We already take in 92% of the irregular migrants arriving in Canada. Quebec simply does not have the capacity to provide services and housing to an extra 36,000 unexpected people every year. The Prime Minister can unilaterally close Roxham Road. Will he just suspend the safe third country agreement?
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  • May/11/22 3:02:00 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we are working closely with the relevant stakeholders on the Roxham Road situation. Our government is working with its American counterparts on challenges around our shared border, including the safe third country agreement. We remain determined to modernize the agreement. We will always ensure that our asylum system is robust and compassionate and that it protects Canadians and the people who are most in need of help.
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  • May/11/22 3:02:30 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister can unilaterally suspend that agreement. He does not need anyone's permission. He needs to do his job. He has another job to do, as well. He needs to pick up the tab. Asylum seekers are a federal responsibility. Right now, Quebec is being forced to invest $50 million in apartment buildings for irregular migrants. It is costing Quebeckers $72 million in last-resort assistance alone. Will the Prime Minister suspend that agreement, shut down Roxham Road and compensate Quebec for costs incurred providing services to people for whom the federal government is responsible?
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  • May/11/22 3:03:09 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, on this side of the House, we believe in the strength of our asylum system and our immigration system. We are working closely with relevant stakeholders on the situation at our border. Our government is working with its American counterparts on issues related to our shared border, including the safe third country agreement. We will always respect our domestic and international obligations towards asylum seekers.
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  • May/11/22 3:03:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the government has never met a single emission reduction target, and the commissioner of the environment has now told it how it has failed to meet another target. This is with respect to a just transition for coal workers, despite repeated promises that the government would be there for coal workers as it shifted away from coal. It was not. Coal workers were left out in the cold. Now the government talks about other transitions. What are energy workers across the country supposed to think? Will the Prime Minister actually be there for them, or will he leave them out in the cold just like he did with coal workers?
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  • May/11/22 3:04:17 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our government's plan for the futures fund is clear. It will deliver comprehensive action, including through legislation. We are speaking with workers, unions, indigenous groups, stakeholders, provinces and territories on the best path forward. We are delivering strategic investments in skills and training, regional strategies and projects across Canada that create sustainable jobs. Achieving the economy of the future requires coordinated planning to make sure Canadians have sustainable jobs that will carry them from tomorrow into a sustainable future.
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  • May/11/22 3:04:52 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, coal workers lost their jobs years ago and they got nothing. That answer gives them nothing. They do not have a trust fund. They do not have an expensive Mercedes. They are on EI or nothing, because the government did nothing. To listen to the Prime Minister talk about some future fund while coal workers are sitting there with nothing is an embarrassment. Will the Prime Minister apologize for the deplorable treatment of coal workers?
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  • May/11/22 3:05:23 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Conservative governments at the federal and provincial level have long denied that climate change is a reality and have long resisted taking action to support families and workers in the transition toward cleaner economies and a lowered reliance on fossil fuels. On this side of the aisle, we have recognized where the future is going and we have been there to support and transform communities and jobs for everyone. The Conservatives are continuing to ignore the science and the reality of climate change and are not taking the action that is necessary to support people, their careers and their communities into the future.
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  • May/11/22 3:06:09 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the government promised that by 2035, every car sold in Canada would be zero-emission. RBC estimates that building the network of charging stations will require an annual investment of $25 billion. Officials have said in committee that the construction of this network has not even been costed yet. Is the government choosing to stay in the dark or does it just not care that it is sending another bill to Canadians?
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