
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 93

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
June 21, 2022 10:00AM
  • Jun/21/22 7:18:44 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-21 
Mr. Speaker, I checked with our desk, and it does not seem to be affecting us. Maybe the member could be more specific. It might be one or two people with bad connections who are trying to connect. It does not seem to be universal.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:19:05 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-21 
Mr. Speaker, on this side of the House, we have had all of our members speak, so that is why we might not necessarily have the same problems that the couple of members in the House who speak for the Liberals are having. We do know that there are several committees right now that are having trouble being stood up because the Internet is down in the Parliamentary precinct. If any member checks in their office right now, they will find that the Internet is down. We cannot have a Zoom meeting or join virtually or in a hybrid format if we are having technical problems. We do have members in our caucus who want to participate by using the tools they are allowed to use right now; therefore, I would ask the administration or somebody to please provide us with a solution, because right now Conservatives are being denied the ability to participate in Parliament according to the rules that the House has adopted.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:20:02 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-21 
Mr. Speaker, I just want to say that members of the House should remember this before they vote tomorrow or the day after on the motion to use the hybrid format for the business of Parliament for another year. It does not work all the time. I humbly suggest to my fellow members that the hybrid format should be allowed only when necessary. It should not be the norm, but an exception.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:20:35 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-21 
Mr. Speaker, I personally find it very hard to believe that the Conservatives could be having any trouble with participation by their members as a result of Internet problems. I know we heard vociferously in question period earlier today that Conservatives want to come to work and want to be in the chamber and feel that participating virtually is not legitimate. Therefore, I would think that any Conservative members who are really keen to participate would be in the chamber pursuant to the remarks of their leader. I know it has been suggested in some quarters—
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  • Jun/21/22 7:21:10 p.m.
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Okay, we are getting into debate. The hon. member for Elmwood—Transcona on the point of order.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:21:24 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-21 
Mr. Speaker, I would humbly remind the House that people made plans this week to either be here or somewhere else, based on what we have as operating rules and procedures for this House. This is not a debate about what it should be; this is a debate about what it currently is. It is evidence that this format does not always work. I agree with my colleague from the Bloc about future considerations, but for the considerations right now, there are members of the Conservative caucus who cannot participate in the House of Commons.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:21:55 p.m.
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I do not want to go too far into debate here, because I do want to confer with the Table officers. The hon. parliamentary secretary to the government House leader.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:22:01 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-21 
Mr. Speaker, the member made reference to there being no Internet in the parliamentary precinct. I have my laptop open, and there is Internet access. I checked with the backroom, where we have many members who are participating, and I believe it is not universal. There might be some issues with some members, and we should continue with the debate.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:23:10 p.m.
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We are hearing that we are having troubles. We have a couple of dashboards that are not working. I believe the dashboards of the Conservative caucus and the NDP caucus are not working. We are having trouble with some Internet. We have one committee that is meeting. ParlVU is apparently not working. One committee has to decided not to restart. We do have a number of issues happening in the precinct. In some cases the Internet is working and in some cases it is not. We will look to see if there is a way to solve it. I know many of us would probably pull the plug on the modem and plug it back in and hope for the best, but the system is probably a little more robust than that. We can maybe continue with the next speaker. I will come back to the floor with an update of what we are finding across the precinct, if that is okay with members. I am just going to look for a nod. The hon. House leader for the official opposition.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:24:12 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-21 
Mr. Speaker, that is fine. When we get to questions and comments, there may be some people who may not be able to participate. I would just provide that as a warning, but I am so looking forward to hearing the hon. member speak.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:24:26 p.m.
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Let us do that. The hon. member for Rivière‑des‑Mille‑Îles.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:24:36 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-21 
Mr. Speaker, I believe that these technical difficulties are giving rise to an anti-democratic situation. We all decided that we would have a hybrid Parliament, meaning that members who are at home have the same rights as those who are here in Parliament. In this case, the Internet is not working for some NDP members, who are not receiving messages, and the system is also not working for some Conservative members. It happens to be working for my party, but I have a bit of a problem with that. We are saying that only part of Parliament will work, because it is currently in hybrid mode, and I have a problem with that. With all due respect, I simply wanted to mention that.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:25:16 p.m.
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I have consulted with the Table, and all members trying to join us can now do so. All members present in the House or online can do so. We will be able to resume with at least one speech, and we could return to the House after finding a solution. The hon. member for Elmwood—Transcona.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:25:53 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-21 
Mr. Speaker, I am inclined to agree with my colleague from the Bloc that if members who want to participate are not able to participate, that is a problem. My point earlier was not that it is not a problem; it was simply that I know Conservatives expressed a lot of enthusiasm about being in the chamber for debate, and I note that they are participating otherwise, presumably because they feel that it is a meaningful form of work. I certainly do not want that meaningful form of work to be interrupted. I would support a suspension if that is what is called for. I do not want members who want to participate in an important debate to be in a circumstance of not being able to.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:26:27 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-21 
Mr. Speaker, I just spoke to the hon. member who is scheduled to speak. My suggestion is that we suspend until the issue is fixed, but that is your call, of course, and I respect whatever decision you make, sir.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:26:30 p.m.
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Let us do this: Let us suspend for a few moments to find out. If we cannot seem to find the solution, we will proceed according to the order of the Speaker.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:26:43 p.m.
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We will suspend for five minutes.
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  • Jun/21/22 7:48:13 p.m.
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Order. We are going to remain suspended to the call of the Chair. The situation has not been resolved yet, but we are looking into it. As soon as it is, members will be called back.
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  • Jun/21/22 8:54:16 p.m.
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Order. I would like to inform members that we are still having trouble with the network. There is an estimation this will not be solved this evening, so I am wondering if we can come up with an agreement. The hon. parliamentary secretary to the government House leader.
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