
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 109

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
October 6, 2022 10:00AM
  • Oct/6/22 2:35:30 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, in contrast, the Conservative leader has condemned these actions and has actually asked the Prime Minister to hold himself to account for his actions, so I expect that. In my riding, they have actually had a nice fall. Harvest is done. They are looking through their bills. They are saying, “Oh my God, everything is more expensive due to this Liberal carbon tax.” This has meant that they have less money to feed their families, to take care of their livestock and to pay for their heat. Will the Prime Minister cancel his plan to triple the carbon tax? Can he not understand that Canadians cannot afford it?
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  • Oct/6/22 2:36:08 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I know that the member opposite works hard with his constituents and I am glad that he is congratulating them for their harvest. I would like to congratulate them too. Canada's farmers work hard and the people of rural Saskatchewan work hard. We know that times are hard and that is why I am delighted that, today, the House will vote to support the GST tax credit. That is going to get nearly $500 to the hard-working Saskatchewan families the member opposite represents.
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  • Oct/6/22 2:36:49 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, today, our leader stood up and condemned everything that the Liberals were calling him out for today. In contrast, not a single Liberal has called out their leader for the racist blackface that he wore— Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
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  • Oct/6/22 2:37:07 p.m.
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Order. If I could have everyone calm down, I just want to make sure that everybody hears the question so that when the minister or the Prime Minister answers, everyone can hear that as well. The hon. member for Calgary Forest Lawn.
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  • Oct/6/22 2:37:35 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, rising interest rates are crushing over 70% of small businesses, according to a report by the CFIB. Small businesses in my riding are being squeezed by rising taxes, record-high inflation, the labour crisis and punishing interest rates. When will the government wake up and get off of the necks of our small businesses and job creators?
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  • Oct/6/22 2:37:59 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank the member opposite for this important question about the small business entrepreneurs that are at the heart of the Canadian economy. What we have been doing in the past three years is supporting small business entrepreneurs through the pandemic, with targeted support for wage subsidies and access to finance to support them and their employees. What we are doing since the pandemic is targeting entrepreneurs that will promote inclusive recovery. That means women entrepreneurs. That means Black entrepreneurs. That means indigenous entrepreneurs. What we are doing is understanding that small businesses will carry us through and out of this pandemic, and that is where our priority lies.
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  • Oct/6/22 2:38:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, any type of help is being vaporized by the inflation that they have created. This Thanksgiving, the Liberals are serving Canadians with high inflation, leaving families to turn to food banks and homeless shelters at an alarming rate. Next Thanksgiving, the Liberals will serve Canadians a turducken of tax by tripling the carbon tax on groceries, home heating and filling up one's tank. Will the government have some mercy, stop serving suffering to Canadians and cancel its plans to triple the carbon tax?
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  • Oct/6/22 2:39:10 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is a few days before Thanksgiving and I absolutely agree that now is the time for all of us to have a lot of compassion. That is why I am glad that we have overcome partisan division, and today, together, we are going to vote for the GST tax rebate. That is going to get nearly $500 to Canadian families who need it. I want to encourage all of us to take another step. Let us support Canadian kids under 12 whose parents cannot afford to take them to the dentist. How is that okay? Let us vote for this measure too and get it through in record time.
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  • Oct/6/22 2:39:55 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, next Thanksgiving, Canadians, after the tripling of the carbon tax, will be paying around $2,300 out of their own pockets. That is just next year. Students are some of the hardest hit by the Liberal government's inflationary economic policies and failed carbon tax. While missing every single emissions reduction target, it is punishing Canadians for the crime of heating their homes or just driving to work. The Liberals are driving students to food banks and to sleeping in homeless shelters at alarming rates. Will the Liberals get off of the backs and out of the back pockets of students and Canadians and cancel their plan to triple the carbon tax?
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  • Oct/6/22 2:40:33 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, young Canadians and students are the future of Canada. With budget 2022, we are investing $26 million over four years to increase the maximum amount of forgivable Canada student loans by 50% for health care workers in rural and remote communities. We have had students' backs all along the way and we remain committed to permanently eliminating the federal interest on Canada student loans and Canada apprentice loans. We will help young Canadians transition into the workforce.
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  • Oct/6/22 2:41:01 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the federal government refuses to discuss immigration powers with Quebec. Let us look at what happens when the federal government is in charge. It is responsible for refugees, and 64% of refugee claims in Canada are made by people who come through Roxham Road. In other words, becoming a refugee in Canada in 2022 means being exploited by smugglers at the border and being arrested by the RCMP. Just this morning, the federal government was dragged before the Supreme Court by refugee advocates for its inaction on Roxham Road. How can it give lessons when this is how it deals with the people it is responsible for?
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  • Oct/6/22 2:41:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our system for asylum seekers must be robust and humane. There is no magic solution, and closing Roxham Road is not a realistic solution. Suspending the safe third country agreement would likely have the opposite effect of what we are looking to do. What we need to do is modernize the safe third country agreement, and that is what we are doing. We are working with the United States on a permanent, sustainable solution.
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  • Oct/6/22 2:42:01 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, let us continue to look at what happens when the federal government is in charge of immigration. The federal government is the one that takes care of temporary foreign workers. It is always the same thing. Businesses pay for workers who never arrive because their file is languishing in Ottawa. Just today, the newspaper Le Journal de Montréal reported that businesses such as Nationex have been waiting for workers since November of last year. It quotes discouraged businesses that say that the investment is not worth it, since the process takes anywhere from six months to a year and a half. Why is the federal government refusing to transfer the temporary foreign workers program to Quebec if it is unable to take care of it itself?
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  • Oct/6/22 2:42:42 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, when the federal and provincial governments work together, men and women join Quebec society, succeed, perform, work and learn French. Children go to school, make friends, play hockey, participate in and contribute to society. That is a positive thing. Let us stop talking about immigration like it is just about numbers. These are men, women, children, human beings who come here to contribute to Quebec and Canada.
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  • Oct/6/22 2:43:18 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the members opposite will have to change their tone because we are saying the same thing as they are. However, asking these people to wait three years for a work permit is not helpful. Let us continue examining what is happening with immigration. Do members know how long it takes to process the file of a francophone skilled worker in Quebec who wants to become a permanent resident? Two years. At least workers fare better than francophone students from Africa who want to come to Quebec, because they face a refusal rate of 88%. That is more than twice the norm. When it comes to immigration, either the federal government is incompetent or it is acting in bad faith. In both cases, it should let Quebec take responsibility. When will it do so?
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  • Oct/6/22 2:44:02 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as the member opposite knows very well, the Canada-Quebec accord gives Quebec the exclusive authority to select the majority of its immigrants. We have always respected Quebec's jurisdiction with respect to immigration, and we will work closely with Quebec to support its objective of welcoming the immigrants it needs to deal with the shortage and ensuring the development of businesses and the vitality of the French language. Here, we will work with the Province of Quebec today and in future.
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  • Oct/6/22 2:44:35 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the average Canadian family will have to pay $1,200 more for food this year. This is simply impossible for some families. Parents are going without meals in order to feed their children properly, and demand for food banks is skyrocketing across the country. The Liberal government is about to triple the carbon tax and increase the EI tax. As a result, the cost of food, goods and services will triple for consumers. Will the government cancel its tax increases, yes or no?
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  • Oct/6/22 2:45:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to start by thanking the hon. member for supporting our plan to provide inflation relief payments. That was a good decision, one that will help families across the country. Now I want to sincerely ask all members of the House to also support our plan to help children, young children, get dental care. We need to get this done.
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  • Oct/6/22 2:46:02 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, every day I get another letter from my constituents in Calgary telling me about the challenges they are having making ends meet. Inflation rises, taxes rise, but their paycheques do not. Eight per cent inflation has the effect of cutting a full month of purchasing power from the annual family budget. Many Canadians are worried about how they will eat and stay warm this winter. Will the Liberal government cancel its plans to triple taxes on gas, groceries and home heating?
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  • Oct/6/22 2:46:36 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, let me start with a small point. On inflation, the latest number was actually 7%. That is still too high and that is still causing real challenges for Canadian families. That is why I am really sincerely pleased that the Conservatives swallowed their pride and are supporting our GST tax credit, which would get nearly $500 to Canadian families. I would like to urge them now to take the next step, although it is hard, to swallow their pride again and to support dental care for children under 12 who need it.
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