
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 119

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
October 27, 2022 10:00AM
  • Oct/27/22 2:35:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we all remember the Liberal slogan about working for the middle class and those working hard to join it. In fact, the current President of the Treasury Board used to be the minister of middle class prosperity. That position no longer exists, by the way. What is the end result of all that? Martin Munger, the executive director of Food Banks of Quebec, says that food bank use is currently up 33%. That is unprecedented. Will the Prime Minister promise not to raise taxes so that people in the middle class can stay there?
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  • Oct/27/22 2:36:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we understand that the cost of living is really high for Canadians right now. That is exactly why there is an opportunity today for all members of the House to support Canadians and Canadian families with the dental benefit and rental support. It is important that all members do that. Why? It is because the cost of living is high right now. I hope that we can count on the Conservatives to stand with us in supporting families and Canadians across the country.
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  • Oct/27/22 2:36:47 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister's decision to shutter the department of middle-class prosperity was an admission that he did not understand the economy. He even said, as members will recall, that he did not think about monetary policy and that budgets balance themselves. However, the Royal Bank of Canada has confirmed that middle-class Canadians may well see their purchasing power decline by $3,000 in the first quarter of 2023. In Quebec, thousands of food bank users are children. Can the Prime Minister be serious for once in his life and promise not to increase taxes?
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  • Oct/27/22 2:37:24 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, let us review what happened. In 2015, when we introduced the Canada child benefit, what did the Conservatives do? They voted against it. When we introduced support for child care, what did the Conservatives do? They voted against it. We have lifted 450,000 children out of poverty since 2015. If the Conservatives really want to support families now, they have an opportunity to do so with the dental benefit. Can we count on the Conservatives? Are they going to be there for families for the first time ever? I do not know.
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  • Oct/27/22 2:38:09 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the year ahead is going to be rough. A further rise in the key interest rate yesterday will increase household debt. The cost of living remains astronomically high, and there are fears of a recession. The government will have to make some tough choices in the economic update it is supposed to deliver a few weeks from now. Spending money left and right would add fuel to the fire. For the government to turn its back on its fundamental responsibilities would be a mistake. It has to choose between discipline and austerity. Controlling spending is discipline. Turning its back on our most vulnerable is austerity. Will the government side with our most vulnerable?
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  • Oct/27/22 2:38:45 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my hon. colleague for his question. He knows very well that the Bank of Canada is an independent institution in this country, an institution that has helped Canadians through tough times. Our responsibility is to manage the country's fiscal plan properly. We have gotten through the pandemic. We have a concrete plan to lower the cost of living, and it includes supporting the most vulnerable people. We hope that the Bloc Québécois, the NDP and the Conservatives will vote in favour of Canadians and vote for Bill C-31.
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  • Oct/27/22 2:39:21 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, that was not clear. Some of the most vulnerable that the government cannot abandon are seniors. According to Food Banks Canada, the number of visits this year has shattered records. The number of Quebeckers who needed to use food banks was up 33% compared to 2019. The first people the organization sees in line are seniors who can no longer cope with inflation. Seniors cannot take any more. Will the government stop discriminating based on age and increase old age security for everyone 65 and over?
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  • Oct/27/22 2:39:58 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we recognize the challenges seniors are facing with paying their bills and with grocery costs. That is precisely why we have been there for them from the very beginning. That is exactly why we are doubling the GST tax credit, putting more money in their pockets. That is precisely why we are helping nearly two million low-income renters who will receive financial relief. That is precisely why we increased the old age security for seniors. We are going to continue to be there for seniors and Canadians.
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  • Oct/27/22 2:40:27 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, they are forgetting half of them. Abandoning seniors is not an act of discipline, it is austerity. We are talking about people who worked for decades and then end up going to a food bank for the first time in their lives. It is not true that the rising cost of living affects 74-year-olds and 75-year-olds differently. There are not two classes of seniors in real life. The only place there are two classes of seniors is in the federal government's support programs. When will the government realize that the cost of living does not discriminate on the basis of age?
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  • Oct/27/22 2:41:07 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, that is a matter that is extremely important and worth debating. Indeed, the Bloc Québécois had an opposition day to debate a subject that was truly important. I am very surprised and also disappointed that the Bloc Québécois chose a subject other than seniors or the fight against poverty. Now it can make up for it. Will it support the government with respect to dental care and housing assistance?
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  • Oct/27/22 2:41:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, throughout this RCMP political interference scandal, the minister has been using very specific legal words concerning ministerial directives to the RCMP, but whether or not he directed the RCMP commissioner does not preclude political interference or inappropriate pressure. It does not rule it out. Did he or his staff have any conversations with the commissioner concerning the release of weapons information or the pending Liberal gun control legislation after the massacre and before the April 28 press conference, yes or no?
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  • Oct/27/22 2:42:10 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the member opposite's assertions are completely incorrect. The independence of police operations is a key principle in our democracy. It is one that our government deeply respects, one that I have always respected and one that I have always vigorously defended—
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  • Oct/27/22 2:42:27 p.m.
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I am going to interrupt the member for a moment. It is pretty bad when I see people on one side who are trying to listen and are holding onto their earpieces because they cannot hear. I want everyone to be able to hear the answer. The hon. minister will begin from the top, please, so that everyone can understand and hear what he is saying.
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  • Oct/27/22 2:42:42 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as I said, the member's assertion on this matter is completely incorrect. It is not surprising that the members opposite do not actually want to hear the facts, but here they are. At no time did I or any member of our government attempt to interfere in police operations. To be very explicit and clear with words I hope the member might understand, I did not direct, I did not ask and I did not suggest to the RCMP commissioner to release information. When she testified under oath before the Mass Casualty Commission, she said, “I did not receive direction and I was not influenced by government—
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  • Oct/27/22 2:43:22 p.m.
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The hon. member for Kildonan—St. Paul.
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  • Oct/27/22 2:43:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we have on the audio recording the commissioner saying the minister's office requested that she do this. That is irrefutable. I am going to ask him again. Did his office or he have any conversations with the commissioner concerning the Liberal gun control policy after that tragic massacre that killed 22 Canadians? Did his office politicize their deaths, yes or no?
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  • Oct/27/22 2:44:00 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, former Liberal insider and RCMP director of issues management Dan Brien recorded the April 28 meeting with Commissioner Lucki. When investigators came for the recording, he claimed that his phone had been stolen and that he had deleted the recording. We now find out that the phone was not stolen and that the recording had not been deleted from his personal phone: an honest mistake, I guess. Did the minister's office communicate with Dan Brien about this recording, and when and how did the minister become aware of its existence?
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  • Oct/27/22 2:44:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, neither I nor my office communicated with Mr. Brien about any aspect of this matter. I have absolutely no knowledge about that except what I have read in the papers.
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  • Oct/27/22 2:45:01 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, a 15-year-old in Red Sucker Lake First Nation took his life in his own schoolyard following another suicide and 17 attempts. Red Sucker Lake's Chief Knott is clear: This is a crisis. Young people need hope. It is time to fix their half-finished arena, deliver the new school they have been promised, build the regional treatment centre they need and ensure people in poverty can afford basic necessities in the face of sky-high prices. It is time to end the third world living conditions. There can be no true reconciliation without action for communities like Red Sucker Lake. When will the Liberals step up?
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