
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 139

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
December 1, 2022 10:00AM
  • Dec/1/22 3:02:24 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we must address the current affordability pressures while concurrently continuing to address the threat of climate change and building a prosperous low-carbon future. A price on pollution is an efficient market-based approach to reducing pollution, an approach that squarely addresses affordability. Under our plan, eight out of 10 Canadians receive more than what they pay, and that is the truth.
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  • Dec/1/22 3:02:53 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as Nova Scotians continue to rebuild their lives after hurricane Fiona, they have been helped by the fact that this government has been there for them. Thanks to the hurricane Fiona recovery fund, businesses across my region have been able to begin the process of rebuilding in the aftermath of this horrible storm. Can the Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency tell the House and all Atlantic Canadians how this government will continue to help our communities rebuild?
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  • Dec/1/22 3:03:31 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the hon. member for Halifax West for her important question and her hard work. In the past few months, I have been fortunate enough to travel to Atlantic Canada on several occasions and have seen first-hand the impact of hurricane Fiona on the ground. Our communities were greatly affected. That is why we quickly set up the hurricane Fiona recovery fund. This week we announced that people may begin submitting their applications so that we can support the hardest-hit communities and sectors that are not eligible for other sources of funding. We will always be there for Atlantic Canadians, in good times and in bad.
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  • Dec/1/22 3:04:12 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Canadians are struggling to make ends meet. The one-time handouts by the Liberal government are not a solution to financial insecurity. The government continues to give its friends lucrative contracts, raising the price on groceries, gas and heating just to subsidize its reckless spending. Canadians are rightly concerned about their financial future. Will the government finally listen to Canadians and stop its inflationary spending?
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  • Dec/1/22 3:04:53 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I find it really interesting that our colleagues across the way do not understand what it means to invest in Canadians. For example, this government signed agreements with every province and territory across this country to make sure that Canadian families have affordable, high-quality and inclusive child care, which is not just good for families but great for the economy. On average, families across this country are seeing a 50% reduction in fees, with $4,000 of real cash, in addition to all of the other benefits, whether it is the CCB or those for the dental and rental, which the Conservatives voted against. This is not about spending; it is about investing in families. Why are—
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  • Dec/1/22 3:05:31 p.m.
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The hon. member for Peace River—Westlock.
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  • Dec/1/22 3:05:35 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Liberals' malevolent spending is causing Canadians' lives to get more and more expensive. The Parliamentary Budget Officer has recently raised the alarms about costs going up and said that the massive spending plans have no transparency. We know that the Liberal government has tried to funnel funds to its friends at WE Charity in the past while the Prime Minister's own family was receiving almost half a million dollars. On what date will the Liberals stop their malevolent inflationary spending?
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  • Dec/1/22 3:06:12 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we know that Canada has the lowest deficit and the lowest debt among G7 countries. Experts have said that we have been extremely fiscally responsible. That is reflected in the numbers. However, we have also been there to support Canadians, and today Canadian parents will be able to apply for the new dental benefit that is going to help 500,000 Canadian children under 12 in this country. That is real money going back into the pockets of Canadians.
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  • Dec/1/22 3:06:46 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, these are the consequences of Liberal inflation: everything is expensive, too expensive. Groceries, gas, rent, interest rates, heating, clothing, all of our daily needs cost an arm and a leg. Liberal inflation is also a headache for Canadians just before the holidays, especially with the new taxes planned for 2023. Is there a solution to inflation? Some hon. members: Yes. Mr. Jacques Gourde: Mr. Speaker, the solution is to replace the Liberal government.
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  • Dec/1/22 3:07:28 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we put forward a solid plan that will help vulnerable Canadians while being fiscally responsible. The Conservatives have no plan to offer Canadians— Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
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  • Dec/1/22 3:07:44 p.m.
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Order. I will ask members to quiet down a bit. I appreciate the members' enthusiasm, but at some point they need to calm down. The parliamentary secretary can start her intervention over again since I know that some people were unable to hear the whole thing.
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  • Dec/1/22 3:08:06 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we put forward a solid plan that meets the needs of vulnerable Canadians while being fiscally responsible. The Conservatives have no economic plan to offer Canadians. Excuse me. Let me rephrase that. Their plan involves going after the price on pollution, our seniors' pensions and employment insurance. It also involves encouraging Canadians to invest in cryptocurrency, when we know that doing so will cause them to lose their savings. That is ridiculous.
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  • Dec/1/22 3:08:46 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, protecting and extending workers' rights is a priority for this government, and these rights must never be taken for granted. The House unanimously passed Bill C-3, which established 10 days of paid sick leave for all federally regulated workers. Can the Minister of Labour tell us when paid sick leave for workers will come into effect and discuss the importance of these measures for Canadians in federally regulated sectors?
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  • Dec/1/22 3:09:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, right around this time last year, the House unanimously committed to providing 10 days of paid sick for workers in the federally regulated private sector, and I am happy to stand here today to say we made good on that promise. Paid sick leave is now in force today for all federally regulated private sector workplaces. This is good for all of us. It will make our economy stronger and it will make our workplaces safer. Workers should not have to choose between getting paid and getting better. I want to thank the Speaker and all members of the House.
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  • Dec/1/22 3:09:52 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Terrace, B.C., has the third-highest death rate from toxic drug overdoses in our province, yet northern residents are still struggling to access detox and treatment services. People often have to wait weeks to get a bed in a facility, and when they do get a space, they have to travel hours away from home. The Northern First Nations Alliance has a real plan for a new treatment centre right in northwest B.C. It just needs support with the cost. Will the minister step up and ensure this project is completed as soon as possible?
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  • Dec/1/22 3:10:30 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank my colleague for his question. We all know that the toxic drug and overdose crisis has a very painful effect on families and communities. We are working with the provinces and territories to put in place every tool and program we can to improve the situation. Since 2017, we have invested over $800 million to respond to this crisis and we will continue in that direction.
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  • Dec/1/22 3:11:01 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, last week Canada's federal housing advocate was clear that the national housing strategy is failing. In my community we are seeing this first-hand. Over the past three years, the number of people experiencing homelessness has tripled. Organizations across the Waterloo region are ready to build the affordable housing we need, but they are still waiting on federal funding. Will the Minister of Housing commit to ensuring the national housing strategy actually reduces homelessness in my community and in others across the country?
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  • Dec/1/22 3:11:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, this is a really important issue. That is why our government has prioritized investments to reduce and eventually eliminate chronic homelessness from Canada. We have doubled the federal program to combat homelessness, from $2 billion to just over $4 billion. In addition to that, we have introduced the rapid housing initiative, which has resulted in 10,250 deeply affordable homes, targeting the most vulnerable members of our communities. We know those investments are working all across the country. Some 64,000 Canadians were prevented from joining the ranks of the homeless in this country, and 32,000 were taken out of homelessness.
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  • Dec/1/22 3:12:19 p.m.
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I wish to draw the attention of members to the presence in the gallery of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 2022 Impact Award winners: Cindy Blackstock, Fannie Lafontaine, Semra Sevi, Jordan Stanger-Ross and Jan Grabowski. Some hon. members: Hear, hear! The Speaker: The hon. member for Mégantic—L'Érable on a point of order.
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  • Dec/1/22 3:13:15 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, during oral question period, I quoted a document from the director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. I decided to follow his instructions and ask for permission to openly and transparently table the report that he submitted to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs regarding foreign interference in our election.
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