
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 155

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
February 7, 2023 10:00AM
  • Feb/7/23 2:48:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition is yelling “eight, nine, 10, you are out” as if this is a sporting event. There is not a person in the chamber who has not been touched by violence. There is not a person in the chamber who does not care about the safety of our communities. There is not a person in the country who does not want to make us be successful in ensuring that every Canadian is safe and not victimized. The idea that anybody in the chamber, let alone anybody in this government, does not care about victims is a deeply offensive concept and is totally unhelpful to the debate at hand.
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  • Feb/7/23 2:48:59 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after eight years of this Prime Minister, Canada has become unrecognizable, but for all the wrong reasons. Writing on the subject of the Prime Minister's Bill C-5, columnist Joseph Facal of the Journal de Montréal wrote that “fanatical lunatics have taken over the asylum”. He cited as an example the recent case of a 31-year-old woman who was found guilty of repeatedly beating her 11-year-old stepson and depriving him of food and urgent medical attention. She was sentenced to serve 15 months in the comfort of her home. Why does the Prime Minister always defend criminals instead of helping victims?
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  • Feb/7/23 2:49:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, no other government in Canada's history has provided as many resources as we have to help victims. Serious crimes deserve serious consequences. That is the spirit behind our amendments to the Criminal Code. We stand with victims. We are overhauling the system so it is more flexible, welcoming and supportive for victims, and we will succeed.
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  • Feb/7/23 2:50:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the devastation we have seen in Turkey and Syria is horrific. This earthquake comes after nearly 12 years of war and total suffering in Syria. Children are still being pulled from the rubble; it is heartbreaking. Survivors will require an incredible amount of assistance urgently. The government's announcement this morning is a good start, but the scale of this crisis will require more. The Humanitarian Coalition has launched a joint appeal, as has the Red Cross, and I am certain that Canadians will contribute generously. Will the government commit to a matching fund to amplify the generosity of Canadians?
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  • Feb/7/23 2:50:59 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our hearts go out to all those affected by the devastating earthquake. Our initial response of $10 million is a start. We are conducing a needs assessment to look at more. Yes, we are looking at a matching fund as well. I was just speaking with the head of UN OCHA regarding our response and we are looking at all avenues of support. We will have more to say on this.
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  • Feb/7/23 2:51:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, this Friday marks two years since the tugboat Ingenika sank near Kitimat, killing Troy Pearson and Charlie Cragg. Yesterday, the owner of that boat was charged with eight counts of negligence. However, holding a single company accountable is not enough to protect the mariners who work up and down the B.C. coast. For years workers have been calling for stronger regulations, for mandatory inspections and for proper enforcement. Two years, two workers dead, and yet the minister has not strengthened a single safety measure. Why?
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  • Feb/7/23 2:52:03 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to thank my colleague for his ongoing advocacy on behalf of this issue. He and I have talked about it on numerous occasions. I want to keep reassuring him that Transport Canada is working with him and other stakeholders on identifying other opportunities for improving our regulations. Safety is paramount. There is an ongoing review of these regulations, but we are committed to having the highest level of safety in Canada.
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  • Feb/7/23 2:52:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our government has supported Canadian workers with significant investments to defend and expand their rights, implementing legislation such as 10 days of paid sick leave for employees under federal jurisdiction and soon a ban on replacement workers. Unlike the Conservatives, who have relentlessly attacked unions, their members and Canadian workers through their years in government, we protect Canadians' rights by repealing their anti-worker laws and putting the interests of Canadians first in everything we do. Could the Minister of Labour update the House on what last week's ratification of the convention on the prevention of harassment and violence in the workplace means for Canadian workers and their right to a safe and respectful workplace?
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  • Feb/7/23 2:53:23 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the member for Mississauga—Streetsville is a hard worker. We want to end workplace violence and harassment in Canada and around the world. That is the aim of the International Labour Organization Convention 190. I am proud to say that last week that convention was ratified by Canada. We believe in the workers in our country. We stand up for the workers of our country. We put into force paid sick leave. We have introduced legislation to ban replacement workers. In fact, one of the first things we did was repeal two of the most anti-worker, union-bashing bills our country had ever seen, both Conservative bills. I am proud to say that this government is leading the fight for—
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  • Feb/7/23 2:54:05 p.m.
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The hon. member for Edmonton Mill Woods.
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  • Feb/7/23 2:54:10 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after eight years of the Liberal government, Canadians are struggling to afford the most basic necessities: groceries to feed their families, to pay their rent and mortgages, and, of course, to heat their homes to stay warm this winter. Mandeep Kaur in my riding says that she has to get a second job just to pay the bills. Now the Prime Minister is going to make everything even more expensive by tripling the carbon tax. On this side of the House, we are going to stand and fight for Canadians like Mandeep Kaur. We will ensure that the Liberals turn off the carbon tax so Canadians can continue to heat their homes.
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  • Feb/7/23 2:54:46 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, let us talk about the Conservative record on taxes. Our government cut taxes on middle-class Canadians twice and the Conservatives voted against. We cut taxes on the hardest-working class Canadians three times and the Conservatives voted against. We reduced taxes on small businesses and, true to form, the Conservatives voted against. The record in the House on who supports Canadians with reducing taxes is clear: It is us. The Conservatives keep opposing; we keep delivering.
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  • Feb/7/23 2:55:20 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the problem is that instead of standing up for Canadians, the Liberals continue to defend their failed policies. The fact is that throughout the carbon tax, they have not met any environmental standard or target that they set themselves. The Bank of Canada governor admitted that the Prime Minister's carbon tax actually contributed to the inflation crisis that we are in right now. The Parliamentary Budget Officer says that households will pay more in carbon tax than they will get back in rebates. The Liberals continue to push these failed policies about the carbon tax, which does not even work, while they fight with us. We are going to continue to fight until they turn off that carbon tax so Canadians can—
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  • Feb/7/23 2:55:59 p.m.
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The hon. Minister of Environment and Climate Change.
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  • Feb/7/23 2:56:04 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I guess the question many Canadians are wrestling with is which Conservatives they should believe. Is it the Conservatives who, during the last election campaign, said they believed in climate change, and they believed in climate change so much they would put in place a price on pollution, or the Conservatives today who say they do not believe in either climate change or doing anything about it, let alone putting a price on pollution? That is the question many Canadians are struggling with.
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  • Feb/7/23 2:56:31 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after eight years of the Liberal government, Canadians can no longer afford to eat, to heat and to house themselves. We can take, for example, Phyllis, who lives just outside of Springhill, Nova Scotia. She turns the heat on in her trailer in the morning. She spends most of her day in bed with her clothes on to stay warm, and she gives herself a bit of heat in the evening before turning in for the night. Conservatives will continue to keep the heat on and take the tax off. When will the Liberal government stop blaming everyone else, take some responsibility and axe the destructive carbon tax?
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  • Feb/7/23 2:57:09 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the hon. member represents communities that are very much similar in kind to the ones that are in my backyard, and the reality is that the policies we have introduced over the last seven years in government are making a meaningful difference. We can look at the Canada child benefit, which puts more money in the pockets of nine out of 10 Canadian families. We changed that program, so we would stop sending cheques to millionaires, as the Conservatives had. We can look at the middle class tax cut. We raised taxes on the wealthiest 1% and cut them for the middle class. We increased the guaranteed income supplement. We continue to improve the Canada pension plan. Every step of the way, we are focused on low- and middle-income families to better support them. Every step of the way the Conservatives voted against them, and I am happy to take that message to the polls next time.
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  • Feb/7/23 2:57:51 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, that is absolutely fascinating, because my office receives hundreds of emails, phone calls and letters outlining the extreme difficulties people are having with their finances because of the Liberal government's terrible carbon tax and its terrible inflationist policies. They are the worst in 40 years. Even the premier of Nova Scotia, Tim Houston, has put forward a comprehensive plan to reduce emissions and actually save Nova Scotians money, where that minister lives. How can he vote against such craziness? This makes no sense. When will the Liberal government allow Canadians to keep the heat on and axe the tax?
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  • Feb/7/23 2:58:31 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it baffles the House that the Conservatives continue to undermine the fact that climate change is real. It baffles the House and all Canadians that Conservatives continue to vote against measures that are actually supporting Canadians. Time and time again, when we have put forward measures that are helping low- and middle-income Canadians, the Conservatives have voted against them. Not only do they have no plan, but they obstruct, deny, deflect and make it harder for Canadians to get the supports they need. We are going to be there. Conservatives—
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  • Feb/7/23 2:59:10 p.m.
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The hon. member for Thérèse-De Blainville.
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