
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 172

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
March 23, 2023 10:00AM
  • Mar/23/23 2:44:18 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as I have said a number of times in the House, bringing back the two Michaels was the utmost priority of this government. That was the priority of the Prime Minister, of several foreign affairs ministers and of all the members of the House. We worked with numerous counterparts around the world to ensure support for the two Michaels and to put pressure on China to achieve a positive outcome. Finally, September 24, 2021, was a great day for Canada: The two Michaels, two individuals arbitrarily detained by China, came back home to Canada.
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  • Mar/23/23 2:44:59 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I do not know what is so hard for the minister to understand. The question is simple. The allegations are serious. The government's failure to respond is revealing. For the 13th time, I will ask a very simple question that needs a very simple answer. When was the Prime Minister informed of the serious allegations revealed by Global News yesterday?
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  • Mar/23/23 2:45:26 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, what my colleague opposite needs to understand is that bringing home both Michaels was a priority. It was a priority for this government. Any insinuations to the contrary are absolutely false. Thus, I am answering the question, or the premise of the question: Canada, the government and all Canadians worked extremely hard to bring home Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, two people who were arbitrarily detained.
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  • Mar/23/23 2:46:02 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I find it really hard to believe that national security officials would have chosen to deliberately inform the media about such a sensitive matter before informing the Prime Minister. Again according to the Global News article, the Liberal MP “was already the subject of a CSIS probe started in the summer of 2019, three sources said, because the service believed a ‘subtle but effective’ election-interference network directed by the Toronto Chinese Consulate had clandestinely supported Dong's 2019 candidacy”. We have asked the Prime Minister this question 13 times. On what exact date was the Prime Minister made aware of these serious allegations?
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  • Mar/23/23 2:46:42 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, my hon. colleague knows perfectly well that we believe Canadians will benefit from a non-partisan discussion based on the facts that are properly framed within institutions that we have established since we formed government, including a committee of parliamentarians with Conservative Party members. We appointed the Right Hon. David Johnston last week to advise us on what additional measures we can take. We will of course follow Mr. Johnston's transparent and public recommendations.
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  • Mar/23/23 2:47:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, just days after the Prime Minister met with President Biden in 2021, the U.S. announced it was doubling the duties on softwood lumber. Workers in communities that rely on Canada's forest industry are hoping for better this time. The WTO agrees that we need a better deal. Is the softwood lumber deal on the agenda with the President? Will the billions in excess duties collected finally be returned to the forest industry?
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  • Mar/23/23 2:48:00 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, that is an important question. My hon. colleague and I had a good conversation about this the other day. I have been very clear about the forestry sector: We will always stand up for it and will always stand up for its workers. With respect to this issue, we have always said that we are ready to be at the table to negotiate, but we want a good deal, not just any deal.
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  • Mar/23/23 2:48:23 p.m.
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Uqaqtittiji, the climate emergency and foreign actors are threatening Canada's Arctic sovereignty and the rights of indigenous peoples in the north. Meanwhile, the Canadian Rangers, who know the lands they serve, have been failed by the government. A stronger relationship with the U.S. means more predictability and resources and, hopefully, more supports for Canadian Rangers. Will the government work with the United States to ensure Canadian Rangers are equipped with more efficient supports and the tools they need to help keep northerners safe?
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  • Mar/23/23 2:49:06 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, whether it is search and rescue, domestic operations or training of fellow CAF members, Canadian Rangers provide key support to Canadians when and where needed. The CAF recognizes that Rangers need to replace personal items quickly, because Rangers, and often their community, require them for daily tasks and functions. The CAF has recently streamlined the compensation process. This will expedite the process for Rangers to receive their reimbursements. Our government is committed to ensuring that CAF members always have the tools they need to do their job.
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  • Mar/23/23 2:49:43 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our government has been working hard to bring significant investments to Canada to create good jobs in Kitchener—Conestoga and throughout our nation to support our priority of creating a greener economy. Can the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry update this House on the exciting news that was announced regarding Volkswagen and how this will strengthen southwest Ontario's and Canada's electric vehicle battery ecosystem?
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  • Mar/23/23 2:50:08 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, that is a great question. Bringing Volkswagen to Canada is a home run for the country. It is the first manufacturer we have brought into our country in 35 years, and it is the first time we bring a European manufacturer to Canada. This is a huge vote of confidence for Canada, it is a huge vote of confidence for the auto sector and it is a huge vote of confidence for our talented auto workers across this nation. Canada can win big, and this is another example.
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  • Mar/23/23 2:50:45 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, yesterday, Global News printed very serious allegations about a member who sits in this House. The allegations, according to two separate national security sources, stated that he “privately advised a senior Chinese diplomat in February 2021 that Beijing should hold off freeing Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor”. For the 15th time today, on what date did the Prime Minister first learn of these allegations from security officials?
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  • Mar/23/23 2:51:18 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, my colleague knows full well that this government has set up the appropriate mechanisms to be transparent and upfront with Canadians in the ways we are protecting our institutions, including our elections, from any allegations of foreign interference. We have had two independent panels, made up of non-partisan, professional public servants, verify that the elections were free and fair in 2019 and 2021. Now we have appointed an eminent Canadian in David Johnston to map out the next steps so we can continue that work. This is something we will do transparently with Canadians as well.
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  • Mar/23/23 2:51:54 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, these non-answers are eroding public trust in our democracy. The allegations from two separate national security sources state that a member in this House privately advised Beijing officials to hold off on freeing Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, two Canadians who were held captive for 1,000 days. For the 16th time, on what date did the Prime Minister first learn about these allegations against a member of his caucus?
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  • Mar/23/23 2:52:28 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, on this side of the House, we think what erodes Canadians' confidence is the continued attempt to seek partisan advantage from what is a very serious national security issue, one that our government has taken very seriously. Autocratic regimes around the world, including China, want to weaken democratic institutions in countries like Canada. These kinds of irresponsible partisan discussions do not advance the interests of ensuring that Canadians have confidence in their democratic institutions. There are non-partisan fact-based ways to get these answers and this reassurance. That is exactly what our government is doing.
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  • Mar/23/23 2:53:12 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, this is very serious and is not partisan. Shame on the member for saying so. The allegations by Global News yesterday were very disturbing. Two national security sources say that a Liberal MP advised Beijing to keep the two Michaels locked up to suffer for partisan political gain. That MP has now resigned from the Liberal caucus. Canadians deserve to know the truth. Even more, the two Michaels and their families deserve to know the truth. For the 17th time today, tell us on what date the Prime Minister learned of these horrendous allegations.
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  • Mar/23/23 2:54:01 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I find it rather incredulous that my colleague across the aisle said that the Conservatives did not partake in any partisanship. What do they say about the attacks they made against Mr. Johnston, somebody who was appointed by Stephen Harper? What do they say about when they attacked my colleague, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, when she appeared at committee to do her job, which included working around the clock to see the return of the two Michaels? Those are examples of partisanship. It is the Conservatives who should reverse course and unite behind the cause of protecting our institutions. That is precisely what this government will continue to do.
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  • Mar/23/23 2:54:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it feels like the noose is tightening and every day brings more information to light. The information reported yesterday is troubling. One Liberal MP even had to resign. These are serious national issues. Canadians have a right—and, more importantly, a duty—to be informed. For the 18th time, when was the Prime Minister informed of these troubling allegations?
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  • Mar/23/23 2:55:13 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Canadians do indeed have a right to be informed. For two years, they were informed that it was this government's priority to bring home two Canadians, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, who were arbitrarily detained in China. For two years, people across the country were clear. This was their priority, so it had to be the priority of the government and all members of the House too. We reject the premise of the questions being asked by our Conservative colleagues. Bringing the two Michaels home has been the Liberal government's priority at all times.
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  • Mar/23/23 2:55:55 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Global News is alleging that a Liberal MP advised the Chinese consulate in Toronto to hold off freeing the two Michaels who were imprisoned in China. That in itself is extremely serious, but we also need to be concerned about the fact that the Prime Minister's Office seemingly only learned about this in the media. The Prime Minister was supposedly shocked. Nevertheless, CSIS warned him as early as 2019, even before the member was elected, of the close ties between the MP and the consul general. How is it possible that this MP was able to continue to have free access to the Chinese diplomat?
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