
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 199

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
May 17, 2023 02:00PM
  • May/17/23 4:03:44 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-21 
moved that Bill C-21, An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms), as amended, be concurred in at report stage with further amendments.
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  • May/17/23 4:14:55 p.m.
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I declare the motion carried.
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Pursuant to order made on Thursday, June 23, 2022, the House will now proceed to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the motion at second reading stage of Bill C-280, under Private Members' Business. The question is on the motion.
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I declare the motion carried. Accordingly, the bill stands referred to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food.
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  • May/17/23 4:28:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after five weeks here in Ottawa, I am excited that next week we will be back in our ridings. I am excited to get to the riding of Waterloo, and I know constituents have been waiting for these two reports. I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the following two reports of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs: the 39th report, entitled “Report on the Report of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Quebec, 2022”, and the 40th report, entitled “Report on the Report of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the Province of Alberta, 2022”. I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the 41st report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs. The committee advises that, pursuant to Standing Order 91.1(2), the Subcommittee on Private Members' Business met to consider orders for the second reading of private members' public bills originating in the Senate, and recommended that the items listed in the report, which it has determined should not be designated non-votable, be considered by the House.
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  • May/17/23 4:30:09 p.m.
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As for the other PROC reports, there is a dissenting opinion from the hon. member for St. Albert—Edmonton.
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  • May/17/23 4:30:09 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I rise on behalf of the Conservative members of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs to table two dissenting reports in response to the main reports of the committee in respect of the reports of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for the provinces of Quebec and Alberta. The Conservative members support the work of the commissions and appreciate their efforts to engage in significant consultations in reaching their final reports. However, we respectfully request that the committees respectively and favourably view the objections of the members for Yellowhead, Grande Prairie—Mackenzie and Peace River—Westlock, as well as the objections of the members for Mégantic—L'Érable and Montmagny—L'Islet—Kamouraska—Rivière-du-Loup.
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  • May/17/23 4:31:19 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the third interim report of the Special Committee on the Canada-People's Republic of China Relationship, entitled “A Threat to Canadian Sovereignty: National Security Dimensions of the Canada-People’s Republic of China Relationship”. This reflects work that the committee has undertaken since 2020, and it strongly distinguishes between the Chinese Communist government and the Chinese people on the mainland, the diaspora here in Canada and ethnic Chinese residents in Canada. Our 34 recommendations should inform ongoing discussions on foreign interference. Pursuant to Standing Order 109, the committee requests that the government table a comprehensive response to this report.
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  • May/17/23 4:32:07 p.m.
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There is a dissenting opinion from the hon. member for Wellington—Halton Hills.
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  • May/17/23 4:32:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we support the report of the committee. We have submitted a supplementary report, along with the main report, that makes three supplementary additions that buttress and support the report. The three recommendations are in respect of Confucius Institutes, the critical election incident public protocol and the new federal beneficial ownership registry.
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  • May/17/23 4:32:54 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the ninth report of the Standing Committee on Natural Resources, entitled “Main Estimates 2023-24”.
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moved that Bill S-210, An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material, be read the first time. She said: I am here with my colleague from Peace River—Westlock putting forward this very important piece of legislation that focuses on protecting children and restricting them from access to pornography, recognizing the impact on women and other persons of exposing youth to sexually explicit material and violence and deterring the organizations that make this type of material available on the Internet. We must all work together to ensure that our children are safe. This is just one option for doing so.
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  • May/17/23 4:34:28 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to rise to present two petitions today. The first is on behalf of Canadian chicken farmers who have been affected by the Ukraine goods remission order that was implemented last June. When these farmers visited Parliament Hill last week, their request was that this order not be extended past its June 9, 2023, expiration date. While eliminating all tariffs on supply-managed goods coming from Ukraine was done in good faith, it has created major uncertainties for the poultry industry. Canadian chicken farmers are asking the government to allow the Ukraine goods remission order to expire on June 9, 2023, and not extend it.
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  • May/17/23 4:35:15 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the second petition I would like to present is on behalf of home builders across Canada. When the GST was first introduced in 1991, the GST new housing rebate was introduced alongside it. This rebate ensured that new home building would not be discouraged by the GST, and the Government of Canada committed to adjusting the qualification thresholds every two years to reflect changes in housing prices. Thirty-two years later, the thresholds have never been adjusted. Canadian home builders are calling on the government to finally adjust the GST new housing rebate thresholds to reflect the dramatic increase in the price of new homes. It is for the Speaker's home, my home and all our homes. Let us bring it home.
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  • May/17/23 4:35:58 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-21 
Mr. Speaker, these petitioners are asking that Bill C-21 die on the Order Paper. It is an affront to private property rights. All it does is confiscate legal firearms from lawful citizens and does nothing to get illegal guns out of the hands of criminals.
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  • May/17/23 4:36:22 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am once again rising to table a petition regarding the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. The petitioners indicate that Falun Gong practitioners in China are being targeted, adding that victims face various forms of persecution, including forced organ harvesting and trafficking. The petitioners call on this Parliament to pass a resolution to establish measures to stop the Chinese Communist regime's crime of systematically murdering Falun Gong practitioners for their organs; to amend Canadian legislation to combat forced organ harvesting; and to publicly call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
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  • May/17/23 4:37:04 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is an honour to rise in this place to present a petition. The focus is on the health threats of the climate crisis. The petitioners point out that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report on 1.5°C points to the reality that we are unlikely to be able to stay below 1.5°C without rapid and immediate reductions of emissions, that we are on a path to significantly overshoot our 2030 commitments under the Paris Agreement, and that oil and gas and transportation emissions continue to rise in Canada. The petitioners, who are physicians, point to the World Health Organization's reporting that “Climate change is the greatest threat to global health in the 21st century”. The petition is lengthy, so I will summarize that the conclusions and petition of the undersigned physicians and mothers of Canada call on the Government of Canada to outline measures that actually reach, not net-zero, but zero emissions and to prioritize the elimination of emissions and preservation of a healthy environment as part of every portfolio and every decision within the Government of Canada and of the provinces. They call on the governments of Canada to commit to the rapid elimination of fossil fuels from our economy, in addition to eliminating single-use plastics, among other measures.
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  • May/17/23 4:38:47 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I rise today to present a petition and bring it to the attention of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. In its decision on R. v. Bissonnette, the Supreme Court struck down section 745.51 of the Criminal Code, which allowed parole ineligibility periods to be applied consecutively for mass murderers. What this ruling would actually do now is revictimize those family members who thought that people who are guilty of committing multiple mass murders would never get an opportunity for parole. The petitioners urge the government to reconsider, even to the point of using the notwithstanding clause, to protect victims and their families from having to go through the trauma of a parole hearing for a mass murderer.
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  • May/17/23 4:39:31 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I have a petition here signed by some fantastic Canadians. They are concerned that the Supreme Court of Canada struck down section 745.51 of the Criminal Code, which allowed parole ineligibility periods to be applied consecutively for mass murderers. As a result, some of Canada's most heinous mass murderers will have their parole ineligibility period reduced. They will now be eligible to apply for parole after only 25 years. Therefore, the signatories of the petition are looking for the government to use the notwithstanding clause to uphold the previous law that was in place and that the Supreme Court struck down.
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