
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 201

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
May 29, 2023 11:00AM
  • May/29/23 3:12:35 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Canadian Coast Guard protects our coasts and oceans from the Pacific all the way to the Atlantic and everything in between. Its work keeps Canadians safe on the water and creates the conditions for a thriving blue economy. Can the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard please inform the House how we are making sure that the Coast Guard has the ships it needs to serve Canadians?
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  • May/29/23 3:13:00 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the hon. member for West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country for his great work on coastal matters. The Canadian Coast Guard does provide critical services in our waters, everything from aiding navigation to spill cleanup and saving lives, which is why I was so pleased to announce $2.5 billion in federal investment to build up to 61 new vessels for the Coast Guard. That will give it the modern capabilities that it needs while creating good-paying jobs right across Canada.
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  • May/29/23 3:13:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the development of a co-managed marine safety centre with the Pacheedaht First Nation in my riding seems to have been abandoned by the government. This project is supposed to be a meaningful effort for reconciliation and protecting our oceans. When I previously raised this issue with the minister of fisheries and oceans, she did not answer my question. Moreover, there was no mention of the agreement with the Pacheedaht, who have now been waiting for over three years. Therefore, I will ask this again: Why does it appear that the government is ignoring the Pacheedaht First Nation and stalling the development of this important project? When will we see the commitment?
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  • May/29/23 3:14:22 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our and my commitment to indigenous reconciliation is absolute. It is a really strong focus of our government, including our funding. It is a very strong focus of the fisheries ministry, the department and me personally. I will investigate the situation that the member has just raised. I commit to our government doing everything it can to ensure that any commitments are met. Reconciliation is one of our government's very top priorities.
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  • May/29/23 3:15:03 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, on June 19, 2019, as some members of this place will recall, we voted that we were in a climate emergency. The next day, we bought a pipeline. Now, Canada is hotter and drier; we are experiencing wildfires across this country. We have to thank our firefighters and be so grateful to them. I know the hon. Minister of Emergency Preparedness is working very hard. Could he tell us how many provinces have wildfires right now? How much earlier in the season are we experiencing that Canada is in flames?
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  • May/29/23 3:15:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, there are currently 179 wildfires burning in Canada, 68 of which are out of control. Those fires are in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Over 20,000 people have been evacuated from their communities, and nearly a million hectares of forest have been lost to these fires. Frankly, this season has begun weeks ahead of what we would normally anticipate. These fires are occurring at unprecedented levels.
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  • May/29/23 3:16:16 p.m.
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Following discussions among representatives of all parties in the House, I understand there is an agreement to observe a moment of silence in honour of Michel Côté. I would invite hon. members to rise. [A moment of silence observed]
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  • May/29/23 3:18:02 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, during question period, the MP for Burlington did something indirectly that she is not allowed to do directly, which is to imply that two of the members of this House were not here. Both myself and the MP for South Shore—St. Margarets raised the fires that are burning out of control in our provinces. It is disgraceful that the member said otherwise. She also misled the House. I think she should reconsider her words and apologize. We raised this issue. We are here, and we are doing our jobs.
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  • May/29/23 3:18:43 p.m.
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I am not quite clear on what the hon. minister said. Does she want to respond to that?
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  • May/29/23 3:18:52 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am honestly not sure what the member opposite is talking about. I did not refer to someone being present or not in the House. I was referring to questions in question period.
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  • May/29/23 3:19:06 p.m.
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It being 3:19 p.m., pursuant to order made Thursday, June 23, 2022, the House will now proceed to the taking of the deferred recorded division on the amendment to the motion of the member for Carleton relating to the business of supply. Call in the members. And the bells having rung:
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  • May/29/23 3:20:40 p.m.
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The question is on the amendment. May I dispense? Some hon. members: No. [Chair read text of amendment to House]
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  • May/29/23 3:34:27 p.m.
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I declare the amendment defeated.
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  • May/29/23 3:35:23 p.m.
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The next question is on the main motion. Shall I dispense? Some hon. members: No. [Chair read text of motion to House] The Deputy Speaker: If a member of a recognized party present in the House wishes that the motion be carried or carried on division or wishes to request a recorded division, I would invite them to rise and indicate it to the Chair.
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  • May/29/23 3:37:44 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I suspect there is a willingness to have a recorded vote.
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  • May/29/23 3:50:04 p.m.
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I declare the motion defeated. We have a point of order from the hon. member for Scarborough—Guildwood.
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  • May/29/23 3:50:54 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, if possible, I would appreciate it if my vote in the first vote could be recorded as nay as opposed to yes.
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  • May/29/23 3:51:02 p.m.
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Does the hon. member have unanimous consent to change his vote? Some hon. members: Agreed. The Deputy Speaker: I wish to inform the House that, because of the deferred recorded divisions, Government Orders will be extended by 29 minutes.
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  • May/29/23 3:52:50 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to table, in both official languages, the supplementary estimates (A), 2023-24.
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  • May/29/23 3:55:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am presenting a petition of deep concern to the residents of Saanich—Gulf Islands. I mention in particular Leslie Mcbain, a resident of Pender Island, one of the founders of Moms Stop the Harm. She lost her son tragically in the opioid crisis. So many moms have lost their kids. The efforts of this one group have definitely influenced policy across Canada, and at this point, the Canadian Public Health Association, the Global Commission on Drug Policy, the World Health Organization and the United Nations all recommend drug decriminalization. We are not so much in an overdose crisis, as the petitioners point out. We are in a poisoning crisis and a public health crisis. We must listen to the recommendations of social workers, frontline workers, nurses, doctors, drug users and individuals directly involved in the drug-using community and decriminalize drugs in Canada. The only way to save lives is to ensure that there is a safe supply and that there are adequate mental health supports to stop the slaughter of people across this country from fentanyl poisoning and opioids.
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