
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 213

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
June 14, 2023 02:00PM
  • Jun/14/23 2:08:07 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, last week, many Canadians were subjected to poor air quality from wildfires across this country. However, in my community, many suffer from terrible air quality every day. While visiting one of my constituents in Langton, Norfolk County, I sat in their backyard and my eyes were burning. They were burning from the horrible methane and hydrogen sulphide venting from orphan gas wells that were drilled by companies. Some of them are from over 100 years ago, and many of these companies no longer exist. Homeowners, most of whom were not even born at the time that these wells were abandoned, are now left to deal with the fallout. Communities and landowners are not able to deal with the 27,000 orphan wells in Ontario, which pose an environmental and public health risk. In 2021, in Chatham-Kent, an orphan well exploded, destroying a building and injuring 20 people. I am calling on the government to stop ignoring this problem and to ensure clean air, clean water and safe communities for my residents of Haldimand—Norfolk.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:09:28 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, on June 12, Waterloo region cheered on Jamal Murray of the Denver Nuggets as they captured their first NBA championship. Jamal, like me, was born in Kitchener, Ontario. Jamal played at the Stanley Park Community Centre and it was clear even then that he is an exceptional basketball player. In the Waterloo region, it was no surprise that Jamal averaged 26.1 points per game, the highest ever by any Canadian citizen. After all, a Canadian invented basketball. Jamal Murray is the ninth Canadian to win an NBA title. He is the fourth player to average 20-plus points and 10-plus assists per game in the finals, with the three before him being Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan and LeBron James. On behalf of the Waterloo region and Canada, our thanks go to Jamal's family, Roger, Sylvia and Lamar. NBA champion and superstar Jamal Murray has made Waterloo region and Canada proud. I send him congratulations, and say to keep being himself and doing what he does.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:10:32 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, today I would like to celebrate two remarkable milestones. First, I want to congratulate Liem Tran on reaching the magnificent milestone of his 80th birthday. Liem Tran's journey through eight decades has been a testament to resilience, wisdom and the beauty of a life well lived. His dedication, kindness and commitment to our community have touched the lives of countless individuals, inspiring us all to strive to greatness. Second, my warmest congratulations go to the Vietnamese community of North York for working in our community for over 30 years. This remarkable organization has been a beacon of hope, support and unity for our Vietnamese seniors. It has provided a platform for connection, cultural preservation and the sharing of experiences. On behalf of the Humber River—Black Creek community, I offer heartfelt congratulations to Liem Tran for a happy 80th birthday. To the North York Vietnamese Canadian Seniors Association, I wish continued success in its noble endeavours.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:11:38 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the budget adds more than $60 billion in new deficit spending, meaning more taxes, more inflation and higher interest rates. The former Liberal finance minister John Manley said that the government is stepping on the gas with new spending while the Bank of Canada is stepping on the brakes with higher interest rates. Ordinary Canadians are getting caught in the middle, like Jeff from Langley, who wrote to me saying that he thought he had been doing everything right in order to give his wife and two young children a comfortable life. However, he is terrified that he will no longer be able to afford the cost of his mortgage when it comes up for renewal. Canadians are out of money, and the government is out of touch. Only Conservatives can bring home a government that works for the people who work. It is time to bring back the common sense of common people.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:12:38 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, today I want to recognize two organizations that are making Canada a healthier and happier place by fostering and supporting human connectivity through face-to-face social connections. OOt is a Whitby-based social enterprise that launched on Monday. Co-founders Thyagi and Paul developed a social media platform to help people more easily find others with common interests so they can connect face to face. Through their business, they are fostering a sense of belonging and are combatting isolation and loneliness. Genwell Project is a registered Canadian non-profit organization and is leading Canada's Human Connection Movement as a grassroots, community-led initiative. The Genwell Project has been working since 2016 to share essential resources, and in collaboration with the Canadian Alliance for Social Connection and Health, it is leading the development of Canadian social connection guidelines. As the world emerges from a global pandemic, The Genwell Project and OOt continue to forge ahead, ensuring that Canadians understand that social connection is just as important to our health as nutritious diets and an active lifestyle are. As Pete Bombaci says, as it turns out, “The best medicine for people, is people.”
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  • Jun/14/23 2:14:02 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, “insulting” is how the Liberal premier of Newfoundland and Labrador describes Ottawa's approach to carbon tax. Atlantic premiers have long called for Ottawa to re-examine the policies of the Liberal government that will result in a heavier cost for the people of Atlantic Canada. The PM's close friend Premier Furey said, “I take great exception to the federal's a false dilemma, and it's as insulting to us as it is to simplistic.” On July 1, Atlantic Canadians will pay an extra 20¢ per litre for heating fuel as a result of carbon tax 1, and that same day, carbon tax 2.0 will add another 20¢ per litre to diesel and heating oil, 17¢ to gasoline, and 12¢ per litre to propane, so those who heat their homes with oil will be slammed with a total of 40¢ extra per litre. If the Liberal government will not listen to Atlantic Canadians, then there is one thing left to do: get rid of the Liberal government.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:15:07 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the finance minister said she did not want to pour fuel on the fire of inflation and that she would balance the budget by 2027, but as with all NDP-Liberal promises, the government did a massive flip-flop with its failed budget, admitting deficits are here to stay as it adds to the debt and fuels further inflation. Random Liberals like Mark Carney say inflation is a domestic issue, and former Liberal finance minister John Manley said government spending fuels inflation. The debt-fuelled inflation made interest rates rise, and now homeowners are at risk of defaulting on their mortgages. Canadians have as much debt as the entire GDP, and the IMF warns that Canada is the most at risk of a mortgage default crisis in the G7. The NDP continues to prop up and support the Liberals, indebting struggling Canadians further. Maybe instead of going woke and virtue signalling, the NDP-Liberals should rein in government spending and rewrite this failed budget so Canadians do not go broke and start losing their homes this summer.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:16:05 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I rise today to bring attention to a real success story in my region: 25 years of the Circuit du paysan. The Circuit du paysan is a key tourist attraction in the region. It links up various attractions, sites, local producers, artisans and artists. It helps sustain vibrant local businesses. Hats off to everyone who believed in it from the very beginning and who worked to get it off the ground and keep it going, including my friend Michel Charbonneau, former executive director of the Centre local de développement des Jardins‑de‑Napierville and the driving force behind this fantastic regional marketing tool.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:16:57 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the international development sector in Canada is led by incredible women like Lauren Ravon and her team at Oxfam Canada, who shared their work on how to improve the lives of paid and unpaid care workers in Canada and around the world; Anna Vogt and the international program representatives from the Mennonite Central Committee, who are in Ottawa to share MCC's work building peace globally; and Janice Hamilton, who heads the Fund for Innovation and Transformation alongside the folks at the ICN who are testing innovative solutions for gender equality in the global south. These leaders are changing the world, but they need the government to support their efforts. They need the government to reverse the 15% cut to official development assistance and to finally deliver the promised feminist foreign policy. When we make women and girls the centre of our efforts, ensuring women at are the table for peace talks; acting on climate change, which disproportionately affects women and girls; and empowering women and girls to determine their own health and education priorities, we make a real difference for everyone.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:18:06 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like to say hello to my dad. I would like to wish a happy anniversary to the residents of Terrebonne, who are celebrating their city's 350th anniversary this year. Since it was founded in 1673, the face of Terrebonne has been shaped by the construction of a flour mill, and then by the arrival of the textile industry. It is thanks to people like Charles Aubert de La Chesnaye, Calixte Gauthier, Louis Lecompte Dupré and Joseph Masson, who instilled an enduring entrepreneurial spirit right from the start, that Terrebonne has grown into the 10th-largest city in Quebec today. I invite everyone to come out and enjoy the 350th anniversary festivities and discover everything Terrebonne has to offer, such as Île‑des‑Moulins and Vieux‑Terrebonne, where I have the pleasure of having my constituency office. The wonderful team at the 350th anniversary steering committee has put together a rich and diverse program of events. I would like to thank them for all the effort and heart they put into this historic year. I wish Terrebonne a happy 350th.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:19:09 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Public Safety is accountable for the actions of his staff and his department. Last week, we learned that Canada's most heinous criminal was being transferred from a maximum-security prison to a medium-security prison. This is a slap in the face to the victims and their families. The minister claimed that he was not aware, but his claims just do not add up. We know that on March 2, the minister's office was informed that this transfer would happen. On May 25, his office was informed again that this transfer would happen, and on May 29, the transfer did indeed happen. The minister is either misleading Canadians or he is recklessly incompetent in carrying out the duties as minister. The minister must take responsibility for his inaction and his actions. The Minister of Public Safety must resign.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:20:09 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I rise today to mark Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or ALS, Awareness Month, a time to reflect—
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  • Jun/14/23 2:20:18 p.m.
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I do not know what happened, but it is a bit noisy. I will ask the hon. member to start again. The hon. member for Glengarry—Prescott—Russell.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:20:29 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I rise today to mark ALS Awareness Month, a time to reflect on a cause that affects the lives of many Canadians. ALS is a progressive and terminal disease that affects nerve cells in the brain, resulting in a loss of muscle control. In Canada, approximately 3,000 people live with this debilitating illness, with two to three Canadians diagnosed with ALS every day. These statistics highlight the need for continued research, improved support for patients and caregivers, and increased public awareness of this disease. Let us not forget the faces behind these numbers. In their honour, and in recognition of all Canadians affected by ALS, we need to continue on for a future without ALS. I thank all the researchers who have dedicated countless hours towards developing treatments for this disease. Their work means everything to the ALS community, and I sincerely hope for, and wish them tremendous good luck in finding, a treatment for ALS.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:21:52 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, an entire generation of women will have to relive the traumatization of hearing about Paul Bernardo. We have learned that the government moved this monster, Paul Bernardo, from a maximum-security prison to a medium-security prison, where he will be free to receive visitors and interact with other human beings. The Minister of Public Safety said he was shocked by the news. We now know that he had known about it for three months. What he said was false. Will he resign?
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  • Jun/14/23 2:22:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I was shocked because I was informed about it on May 30, the day after Mr. Bernardo was transferred to a medium-security institution. This was a mistake made by my office, and I will be taking concrete action. We will always defend the rights of victims. I had a very good call with the representatives of the families of Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy. We will always defend their rights and all victims' rights.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:23:08 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, an entire generation of Canadian women have to relive the traumatization of hearing Paul Bernardo's name. They all remember his horrific and monstrous crimes. They learned that the government decided to free this monster from a maximum-security prison and allow him to go to medium security, where he would be able to interact with other people, have visitors and enjoy other liberties. The minister claimed this was all a big surprise to him. However, we learned today that his office knew in early March and was informed again in May. In other words, he did know, and what he said was false. Will he resign?
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  • Jun/14/23 2:23:52 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, nothing could be farther from the truth. As I said earlier, I was informed on May 30, the day after Paul Bernardo was physically transferred to a medium security institution. At that time, I took immediate action, expressing the concerns of the families of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French to the commissioner. There is an internal review process. I have also made it clear to my staff that this should have been briefed immediately. Corrective steps have been taken. I have dealt with it, and we will now always defend the rights of victims.
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  • Jun/14/23 2:24:27 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, now the minister is throwing his staff under the bus. His office admits that it found out on March 2, three months before the minister claimed to be shocked by the news. If his staff had really kept a secret from him of this enormity, he would have fired them a long time ago, but he has not, because he knows and they know that he knew way back then. Will he do the only honourable thing that is left for him to do, and resign?
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  • Jun/14/23 2:25:03 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I invite the leader of the Conservative Party to repeat that allegation outside of the House. I will absolutely reject it. I knew on May 30— Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
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