
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 218

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
June 21, 2023 02:00PM
moved for leave to introduce Bill C-347, An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (oath of office). He said: Madam Speaker, today, I am pleased to introduce, seconded by the hon. member for Sackville—Preston—Chezzetcook, Bill C‑347, an act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867, with regard to the oath of office. This bill amends section 128 of the Constitution Act, 1867, in order to provide that, before taking their seat, members of the Senate and the House of Commons can choose to take and subscribe the oath of allegiance or an oath of office, or both. The fifth schedule to the Constitution Act, 1867, would be amended by adding the following after the oath of allegiance: “I A.B. do solemnly affirm that I will perform my duties in the best interest of Canada and in accordance with its Constitution”. I want to be very clear. The purpose of the bill is not to detract from the monarchy's historic role in Canada but to provide an additional option for members and senators when they are sworn in. I therefore invite all parliamentarians to support this bill when the time comes.
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I am wondering whether someone else can second the motion because the hon. member who was supposed to do so is not present in the House. An hon. member: The hon. member for Willowdale will do it.
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  • Jun/21/23 4:52:28 p.m.
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The hon. member for New Westminster—Burnaby on a point of order.
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  • Jun/21/23 4:52:39 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I listened with great interest to my colleague from Madawaska—Restigouche. As we know, members must not pass between the member speaking and the Chair. Unfortunately, the hon. member for Kingston and the Islands walked in front of the member who was speaking and obstructed the video a little because his head appeared while the hon. member for Madawaska—Restigouche was making his remarks. Madam Speaker, I would ask you to remind all members not to pass between the Chair and the member who has the floor.
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  • Jun/21/23 4:53:27 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I want to apologize to you if I did indeed do that.
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  • Jun/21/23 4:53:36 p.m.
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An apology is accepted, and I would hope that would also serve as an example of what we will try to avoid in the future.
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moved for leave to introduce Bill C-348, an act to establish Somali heritage month. He said: Madam Speaker, I rise today to introduce a bill, which is an act respecting Somali heritage month. If passed, the bill would declare July of every year in Canada Somali heritage month. I would like to thank the member for Etobicoke—Lakeshore for co-sponsoring this bill with me and the member for York South—Weston for his counsel. I hope that all members of the House will support the legislation. Canada's strength is reflected in the diversity of our—
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  • Jun/21/23 4:54:25 p.m.
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There seem to be quite a few individuals having conversations. I would ask them to take their conversations outside so the hon. member can have the respect of the House. The hon. member for Etobicoke Centre.
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Madam Speaker, Canada's strength is reflected in the diversity of our population and of our local communities, and Canada is home to many Canadians of Somali heritage. Canadians of Somali descent have left, and continue to leave, a historic mark on Canada, with contributions that span communities across our country that are reflected in our economic, political, social and cultural life. If passed, Somali heritage month would give us a special opportunity to recognize that Canadians of Somali descent have made, and continue to make, significant contributions to Canada. It would also give all Canadians a special opportunity to learn more about Somali Canadians' contributions to Canada, by recognizing and celebrating them.
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moved for leave to introduce Bill C-349, An Act to establish National Rabies Awareness Day and to provide for the development of a national strategy for combating rabies in Canada. He said: Madam Speaker, I am pleased to rise to introduce an act to establish national rabies awareness day and to develop a national strategy for combatting rabies. Rabies is a much-feared and equally devastating disease for both animals and humans. Though frequently found in certain animal populations around Canada, rabies poses a particular risk in Canada's northern communities. Changing population patterns and the growing movement of people and animals between the north and the south, combined with influences such as climate change, means a continued and changing threat rabies poses to both northern and southern Canadian communities. In many northern communities, the risk of rabies is added to an ever-present risk posed by feral or semi-feral dog populations. Canada's remote and rural northern regions do not have regular access to veterinary services that are taken for granted in some parts of the country. The lack of service in remote communities, coupled with the lack of a coordinated rabies prevention strategy in Canada, poses risks not only for people and pets across the country, but also to livestock. This has serious health and economic implications. Seconded by my colleague, the hon. member for Thunder Bay—Rainy River, I hope this bill will support debate and action on this important public health issue.
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  • Jun/21/23 4:59:49 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I rise to present a petition on behalf of petitioners who draw the attention of this House to the illegitimate military junta in Burma that continues to indiscriminately kill, torture, rape, imprison and displace civilians, particularly through air strikes, causing an increased need for vital humanitarian assistance. Among other things, they also note that Canada has outlined its own obligations to aid in the Myanmar crisis as reported in “Canada's strategy to respond to the Rohingya and Myanmar crises (2021 to 2024)”, as well as our commitment under the responsibility to protect principle. The undersigned call on the Government of Canada on a number of items, including the following: increasing humanitarian aid into Burma; calling on insurance companies to stop providing insurance coverage for deliveries of aviation fuel; imposing sanctions; and promoting ongoing dialogue among pro-democracy and diaspora groups with a view to helping the Burmese people develop an inclusive democracy with full recognition and representation of all ethnic minority communities, including the Rohingya.
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  • Jun/21/23 5:01:14 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, people in Brantford—Brant and across the province have come together to urge the government to address the cancellation of Via Rail Train 82 and take immediate action to reinstate this vital commuter service. Via Rail plays a crucial role in facilitating transportation for all Canadians. The cancellation of Train 82 has left hundreds of my constituents without a reliable mode of transportation to Toronto before nine in the morning. This decision has not only disrupted the daily lives of commuters who depend on this train line for work, school and appointments, but has forced individuals to face unemployment, creating additional economic hardships for many. For those affected by this unjustified cancellation, I encourage all to join me for a rally at the Brantford train station this Saturday, June—
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  • Jun/21/23 5:02:02 p.m.
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Members are to say what is in the petition. It is not for an hon. member to promote an event or to support the petition.
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  • Jun/21/23 5:02:19 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I will move on with the petition. People deserve reliable transportation, thus the petitioners call on the Government of Canada to stand up for Canadians engaged with VIA Rail's management and reinstate Train 82.
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  • Jun/21/23 5:02:35 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, because the Burmese people have shown such great courage in the face of the violence perpetrated against them, the Bloc Québécois wants to show its support for them. They continue to hope that their country will be liberated from the military forces subjecting them to an authoritarian regime. In the interest of protecting democracy and human rights, the Bloc Québécois joins the other opposition parties in tabling this petition.
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  • Jun/21/23 5:03:04 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I am here to table a petition on behalf of many people across British Columbia who are very concerned. The petitioners are calling upon the Government of Canada to prohibit the use of expanded polystyrene in the marine environment. Foam from marine infrastructure is increasingly a source of pollution on Canadian beaches, and we know that the marine environment can be significantly harmed with this happening. The petitioners are asking for immediate action and hope to see marine life, seafood resources and ecosystems protected.
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  • Jun/21/23 5:03:43 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I rise to table a petition today on behalf of constituents who are very passionate on the issues of the environment. Among other things, the petitioners call on the government to reduce emissions by at least 60% below 2005 levels by 2030 and make significant contributions to emission reductions in countries in the global south. They also call for paying for the transition by increasing taxes on the wealthiest and corporations, and financing through a public national bank. Those are two points among many. I thank the constituents for their advocacy.
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  • Jun/21/23 5:04:21 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I am honoured to present a petition signed by 27 petitioners condemning the heinous acts committed by Russia in its unprovoked war against the people of Ukraine. The petitioners wish to draw the attention of the House to Russian forces' attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets and the recent attack on the Nova Kakhovka dam, causing a major humanitarian and environmental disaster. The petitioners call upon the Government of Canada to immediately and publicly designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.
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  • Jun/21/23 5:04:56 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, today I bring a petition brought forward from residents of Port Moody—Coquitlam in relation to acquiring necessary data to support changes to commercial flight paths in the Lower Mainland. Nav Canada seeks to consolidate flight paths into new paths that will pass over residential areas with increased air traffic and potential negative health impacts. Nav Canada states that the consolidated flight paths will enhance efficiency for the airlines and their air traffic controllers. The petitioners say that people will be impacted. The petitioners state that the Nav Canada plans have not undergone independent review by a third party, which would ensure adherence to internationally recognized noise limits recommended by the Government of Canada's committee of transport. The petitioners ask that the Minister of Transport prepare an independent environmental assessment of the noise and emission impacts of the proposed flight paths, including recommendations for minimizing such impacts prior to the proposed changes taking place. This environmental assessment should be based on the latest global research and recommendations for noise and emissions, which should be limited. This assessment should be independent of Nav Canada and made public when completed.
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  • Jun/21/23 5:06:18 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I have a petition to present today, which is signed by roughly 300 Canadians who are calling for a harmonized approach to free parking for the disabled community in Canada. Specifically, they ask the federal government to work with the provinces and territories to make parking free for all accessible parking pass holders nationally.
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