
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 220

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 19, 2023 10:00AM
  • Sep/19/23 8:24:48 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, I always enjoy listening to the thoughtful and, most importantly, informed, speeches of my colleague from Rivière‑du‑Nord. Was the information incomplete? Was the statement premature? Was an unsubstantiated judgment made? A lot of questions remain unanswered, and these grey areas are exactly why we find it hard to trust. The entire statement lacks sincerity. There have been so many twists over the years, sometimes it feels we are watching a terrible play. In any case, I would hazard a guess that the lack of support may be due to a lack of evidence. It may be the result of a premature statement. Many questions could be asked. Nevertheless, we really have to get to the bottom of this. Like my colleague, I would like to hear my Conservative colleagues' views on the matter.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:25:50 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, I want to thank the member for the introduction of the reality of how this has not necessarily be taken seriously in the past, this intimidation, this interference and this potential harassment of Canadians on Canadian soil. I just wonder if the member has any other suggestions about what should be done now to protect the communities that often come to us with intelligence and stories about how they do not feel safe.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:26:24 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, I thank my colleague for her important question. The people who came to testify before the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics told us that, first, they wanted to be heard and, second, they wanted to be believed. When people tell me they have gone to the RCMP only to be rebuffed and have no one believe them, this tells me that there must be more of an effort to listen to them, to hear what they are saying and to see what can be done. Looking away is the best way to see nothing. I think we need to make an effort to communicate and open a dialogue with the diaspora communities. That dialogue cannot take place over loudspeakers or through the media; we need to make contact and be sincere.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:27:12 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, on issues such as this, which pertain to Canadian sovereignty, Canadian dignity and respect for our processes, safety and democratic institutions are paramount to the discussion. It is central to the need to see a consensus of members of Parliament. It is good to see the Bloc Québécois is prepared to work with parties of all stripes to ensure we can come to a unified solution on behalf of Canadians, particularly those Canadians who are right now in fear for their lives and have been raising the alarm. I am proud of the fact that the government has been honest with this information and has brought it to the House of Commons for us to delineate. Would the member comment on the absence of the Conservatives' voices on something so important as this? One would think they would want to protect our democracy and protect our institutions, and their absence in this discussion is shameful.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:28:11 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, my colleague raised a very valid point. All of us here are members of Parliament, regardless of our political affiliation. Our ideologies may differ. Members are familiar with mine. However when it comes to protecting Canadians, we must all speak with one voice. Any division is unacceptable when it comes to safety. I thank my colleague for his question, and I hope my Conservative friends will heed the call being made directly to them this evening to get involved and to be deserving of the position they hold.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:29:01 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, before I begin, I want to advise the House that I will be splitting my time with my good friend and colleague, the member of Parliament for Surrey—Newton. I want to begin by offering my deepest condolences to the family and friends of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, who was tragically shot to death outside of what is supposed to be a sacred place of worship, the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara in Surrey, British Columbia. His death was shocking and disturbing to all Canadians, particularly the Canadian Sikh community. The allegations of a potential link between the government of India and the killing of a Canadian citizen, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, on Canadian soil is unthinkable and absolutely unacceptable. Canada is a country of the rule of law. The protection of our citizens, our rights, our democracy and our sovereignty are paramount. Actions taken by any foreign government or actor that would seek to harm or kill a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil is a grave violation of our sovereignty. It stands against the fundamental principles of a free, open and democratic society. Let me be very clear. We will not allow India or any other nation to interfere in our democracy. So far, our government has taken a number of concrete steps to address the situation. Last week, at the G20, our Prime Minister personally raised his concerns about the situation directly with Prime Minister Modi. Yesterday, our foreign affairs minister expelled a top Indian diplomat from Canada. Our security agencies are conducting an extensive investigation to ensure those responsible are held accountable. As the situation evolves, our top priority remains ensuring the safety of Canadians at home and abroad. I want to take a moment to now speak directly to our communities here in Canada. Over the last few days, I have had a number of conversations, including in my community of Brampton West. I want them to know our government is listening. There is no denying that this is an extremely difficult time for families right across the country within diaspora communities across this country. As the Prime Minister said yesterday, our government knows many in our community may be feeling angry or even frightened right now. We also know our community is resilient. Our community is strong, and our community will get through this together. This is the time for unity. Right now, we, as Canadians, regardless of our political stripes, our faith, our race or religion, must unite and be steadfast in our values as Canadians, our values of freedom, acceptance, democracy, and above all, the fundamental belief in the rule of law. It is these values and our commitment to celebrating our diversity that truly makes us stronger, that makes us who we are as Canadians. This is who we are and what we do as Canadians, and we cannot allow this to change us. It is these values that will guide us for the truth. Seeking truth and justice is also at the heart of what it means to be a Sikh. Like I said, Canadians are strong, our community is strong and our democracy is strong. I want to reiterate what our Prime Minister said and to reassure the House and all Canadians, especially those impacted by these horrific events, that all steps will be taken to hold those responsible for this killing to account. The safety of Canadians is our top priority, and we will continue to work tirelessly to ensure Canadians feel safe in their homes, in their communities and in their places of worship.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:33:59 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, I want to thank the hon. member for her speech and commitment tonight to this take-note debate. As so many of us have, I am sure, I have been trying to reach out to folks in our own communities, our own ridings, from the Sikh community. I had a really moving conversation with one fellow who was very specific, and he spoke to the fact that he has felt threatened. He tries to brush it off and say that it is not about him, that it is about a bigger community. Throughout my community in London, the London Sikh Society gurdwara works so hard and contributes so positively to the community. He does so as well, but he said he feels threatened. Some of the things that we are calling for are additional supports and protections from the RCMP going forward for those community members who also feel threatened. Could she talk about that and whether the government will support that?
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  • Sep/19/23 8:35:12 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, I thank my friend from London for her relentless advocacy on behalf of her constituents. London has a resilient community. I have had the opportunity to visit some of the places and the gurdwaras she mentioned. She is right. In our communities, we have all spoken to our constituents, who we know are angry, hurt and anxious about what this means. I also know of constituents who have families back home in India right now or Canadians who are in India right now. These are real concerns, but I want them to know that all of us together in this place are united. We are all Canadians, and it is time for us to come together to ensure that we uphold our values as Canadians and that we are there for them. As a government, we have taken a number of steps to ensure the security of Canadians, particularly when it comes to places of worship. We, of course, recently doubled our security infrastructure program so that places of worship can have the capacity to ensure that they have the security and infrastructure that is needed to support them. There is an awful lot of work that I know we are doing on this side of the House, and I would love an opportunity to work with my hon. colleague to do more.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:36:39 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, information came to light from the hon. Minister for Emergency Preparedness, speaking to CBC News. He said that the Prime Minister told us what he told us yesterday because he had reason to expect that this was going to come out in the media, and he wanted to make sure the House was notified before it came out as a media leak. I find this aspect of what we are debating tonight deeply troubling. The allegations of foreign interference from the spring, in relation to the People's Republic of China, were also based on leaks in the media from CSIS operatives. I wonder if the hon. member has anything to share about how the Prime Minister knew this, and if this, again, was a leak to the media. It could only be from the RCMP or CSIS. Could my hon. colleague shed any light on this?
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  • Sep/19/23 8:37:52 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, I will not comment on the investigation itself. I do not think that would be appropriate. As we know, there are laws that are followed but, as a country, the rule of law reigns. It is paramount to protect our citizens and defend our sovereignty. I just want to reassure the House and all Canadians that all steps will be taken to hold those responsible for the killing of Mr. Hardeep Nijjar to account. We are a country that is governed by the rule of law, and we are going to make sure we follow through on those processes.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:38:40 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, on June 18, a respected community leader from my riding of Surrey—Newton was brutally killed at Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara Surrey—Delta in my constituency. I want to extend my thoughts and prayers for the soul of Mr. Hardeep Singh Nijjar to his family, friends and loved ones. The tragic assassination of Mr. Hardeep Singh Nijjar has shaken the entire community. Every Canadian deserves to feel safe. Canada is a country of diversity, peace and inclusion. We cannot and will not tolerate hate and violence. Over the past several months, the leadership and congregation of Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara and members from the community at large have expressed concerns pertaining to the involvement of the Government of India in the killing of Mr. Nijjar. Shortly after Mr. Nijjar's killing, the former minister of public safety and member for Eglinton—Lawrence, met with the leadership of the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara and the B.C. Gurdwaras Council to listen to their concerns. I want to commend the gurdwara leadership for the advocacy and professionalism that they showed while the meeting with the former minister was in progress. I have listened to the concerns of many Canadians who are scared and worried about their safety and well-being. It has been heartbreaking to hear the stories from people on how the murder of Mr. Nijjar has impacted their lives. Following the killing, I sponsored an electronic petition that called upon the government to address concerns related to India's alleged involvement in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil and to ensure the safety of all Canadians. Earlier today, I had the opportunity to present the petition in this chamber. Along with all the signatories and a countless number of community members, I anxiously await the government's response in the coming weeks. I want to thank and commend the Prime Minister for showing strong leadership in bringing this matter before Parliament and standing up for all Canadians. I commend him for not only stating it here in Parliament but also, in fact, bringing it face to face with Prime Minister Modi during the G20 summit. The Prime Minister's address to Parliament and to all Canadians did bring a sense of relief for the Sikh diaspora; unfortunately, it has also brought back trauma that many Sikhs have felt over the past several decades. Since 1984, democratic and human rights have been violated in order to label and discredit the Sikh community across the globe, including right here in Canada. Many Sikhs have lost their lives in India and throughout the world. As the Prime Minister mentioned yesterday, our top priorities are that law enforcement and security agencies ensure the continued safety of all Canadians and that all steps are taken to hold the offenders to account. We must continue to highlight the importance of unity during these challenging times. It is crucial that we come together to condemn this heinous crime, support the grieving family and stand up for the principles of the rule of law. Canada is built on the values of justice, fairness and inclusivity. Let us uphold these values and ensure that they prevail in the face of adversity. The truth surrounding Mr. Nijjar's assassination must come to light. We must uncover all the facts. I want to state that the Sikh community will continue to fearlessly advocate against abuses of human rights; it will not be intimidated or frightened by the actions of any foreign government. Constituents can rest assured that I will continue to bring the voices of my constituents to Ottawa. Let us remain calm and steadfast in our commitment to democratic principles and our adherence to the rule of law. This is who we are and what we do as Canadians.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:44:01 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, I thank the member for his words. We have shared many conversations as we have gone back and forth to the province of British Columbia. I feel those heartfelt words today. I know the member expressed that the community has come forward with concerns; it is scared and worried. I know there was some mention of keeping in contact. I just want to ask the member this: Will the government do more to protect and safeguard Canadians' human rights here in Canada?
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  • Sep/19/23 8:44:41 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, when it comes to the safety and security of Canadians, as I mentioned in my speech, the Prime Minister personally assured me yesterday and has assured the House that we will do everything to make sure that every Canadian, irrespective of their background, feels safe. The government will take every step, moving forward, to protect their safety and security.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:45:28 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, I often listen to my colleague opposite, and he always speaks from the heart. I would like to ask him for a heartfelt answer. As a member of the community involved, and knowing that diasporas are affected, what does he think should be done to better protect and reassure communities and make them feel safer?
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  • Sep/19/23 8:45:56 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, the member is concerned about how we can all work together. Personally, I would love to see that. As members of Parliament, in 338 constituencies, we should be able to reach out to the Sikh diaspora and other diasporas that feel intimidated or at risk from foreign interference. We have to go to them and bring that voice back to the minister and the government about what can be done. It can only be done collectively, as a team, not just by one party.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:46:50 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, I want to thank my colleague from Surrey—Newton for his heartfelt speech. It definitely struck a chord with me. I know that the member has shown great leadership in his community and in his riding, since this incident occurred there. The particular part in his speech that struck a chord was about discrediting the community. I know that the Minister of Emergency Preparedness talked about this today in an earlier statement as well, how the community is often discredited when it speaks and is asked about its political allegiances to this country or another. Could the member shed some more light on that?
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  • Sep/19/23 8:47:34 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, I just want to thank the hon. member and her family, who have been involved in Sikh diaspora issues for many years. It is very important that we stand up for human rights, not only in Canada but also around the globe. Any person who tries to raise their voice, whether it is a minister in this cabinet, the leader of the NDP or myself previously, can have consequences for raising those issues. The consequence for me was that I was refused a visa to travel to India. This is how the Government of India intimidates people and our Parliament, let alone the public. We all have to come together, whether as Conservative, Liberal, Bloc, Green or independent members, to condemn that so-called democracy and stand for the rights of Canadians.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:48:50 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, I would like to start by saying that I will be sharing my time with my hon. colleague from Rivière-du-Nord. I too would like to offer my deepest condolences to the family and friends of Hardeep Singh Nijjar and to the entire Canadian Sikh community, which is quite large. I believe my colleagues have already made it clear that our hearts and thoughts are with them. What happened last June is deeply disturbing. When I think of the loved ones and family members who did not get this information until months later, that is even more distressing, as it forces them to experience that grief and pain all over again. Our thoughts are with them. I appreciate my colleagues' tone this evening. This is a rather non-partisan debate and a subject that should be non-partisan. Our role, as parliamentarians, is to reassure Quebeckers, Canadians, the Canadian Sikh community and everyone. The government may have failed to do that. I do not necessarily want to dole out criticism right away. Obviously, we applauded the Prime Minister's transparency in the statement he made yesterday. That was appreciated, but it raised concerns among the Canadian Sikh community, particularly among those who claim to have been victims of intimidation by the Indian government for many years, people who feel even less safe today. What message is the government sending those people to reassure them? Perhaps I did not really hear it. It is important to say that this incident is quite simply a form of foreign interference. During the last parliamentary session, we talked a lot about all forms of foreign interference. Even some of our colleagues here in the House were being intimidated. However, the fact that a foreign state was allegedly involved in the murder of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil is even more worrisome and raises a lot of questions. I think that it is good that we are having this debate this evening, but, unfortunately, we are not going to get answers to the questions being raised. We are talking about some pretty serious accusations. Earlier, I heard a minister say that it was inappropriate to make accusations while an investigation is under way, so I was not quite sure what the government's position was. Such serious allegations must not be based on mere suspicions. The evidence must support them. It feels as though only some of the information has been shared with us. Canadians have the right to know the information. We completely understand that an investigation is under way, but as I said, it does raise some questions. We are running out of time, but, essentially, I would like to come back to the all-important questions that my colleagues raised earlier, especially about the fact that we have not yet seen any of Canada's allies or other states in the international community speak to these serious allegations. We were told that the Prime Minister may have informed certain states before even informing the House and Canadians. We have to wonder why. Is it because some states do not necessarily agree, or are they afraid of this confrontation or of a strained diplomatic relationship with India? We are obviously headed toward a very tense diplomatic relationship now, if that is not already the case. It must be said that Canada is standing up to the great state of India and there have been some hiccups in the past, particularly when Canada refused to extradite Canadians of Indian origin. We are told that the government knew about foreign interference by India for several months, even years. We are talking about foreign interference and ways to prevent it. How are we talking about this only now when the government may have been aware? This raises several questions.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:54:18 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, I can understand that there is a lot of concern and confusion right now, and a lot of questions are being raised, but I also want to point out the fact that a take-note debate is for us to raise our concerns in this House, any questions we may have and the things we want to see happen in the future. What I am looking forward to seeing is the public inquiry that will be taking place, which will be led by Justice Hogue. I am happy to say that the scope of that inquiry has been expanded thanks to our government and the support from the NDP. We know the Conservatives were fixed on just setting down the issue of China. I want to know how the member feels about having a broader scope to make sure that all Canadians are protected and that our democratic institutions are safe from harm from the many countries out there that seek to attack Canada.
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  • Sep/19/23 8:55:24 p.m.
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Mr. Chair, obviously, when it comes to an issue as important as foreign interference, we need to address it seriously. We have been calling for this much-discussed independent inquiry for quite some time. It took a long time for the government to embark on this and get involved. The Bloc Québécois has been asking for this to happen for a long time. At the time, we were talking a lot about foreign interference by China. Today, given what we know, it is undeniable that we need to broaden our scope when we talk about foreign interference. If Ms. Hogue addresses the issue of India, it will be very interesting for us to have the information about this particular foreign interference. We are open to the judge proposing solutions and things the government can do to protect Canada from any form of foreign interference.
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