
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 233

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
October 17, 2023 10:00AM
  • Oct/17/23 2:59:52 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, down east in Atlantic Canada, we have a saying: “Tory times are hard times.” What people in Atlantic Canada tell me about is their fear of the Conservative cuts. I would like to remind members and give a little history lesson on what happened when the previous government was formed by the party opposite. It closed the marine search and rescue centre in St. John's, Newfoundland. That centre looked after over 500 call-outs every year. What did we do? We reopened that centre. We know how important search and rescue is for the Maritime provinces and Atlantic Canada.
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  • Oct/17/23 3:00:36 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Liberal minister is talking about search and rescue when Canadians cannot put food on their tables. Melody Horton of Bridgewater had to sell her dream home because of the increase in her mortgage costs. She does not agree with these Liberals that they have never had it so good. The new projected deficit of $46 billion for this year means higher costs and higher monthly payments for Melody and for all Canadians, including that Liberal minister's constituents. The Prime Minister is not worth the cost. When will the Prime Minister stop harming Canadians with his inflationary deficits and balance a budget to lower costs on Canadians?
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  • Oct/17/23 3:01:22 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, what can we expect from the Conservative Party of Canada? We can expect cuts and more cuts. Being the minister responsible for Veterans Affairs, I know that, when its members were in power, they slashed our employees by 1,000. They cut nine Veterans Affairs offices, including one in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. When we formed government, that was the first office we opened because we recognize our veterans need the help and the support. We will be there for them.
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  • Oct/17/23 3:01:58 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, seniors, such as Ford Snow of Gander, are finding out after eight years that the Prime Minister and his Liberal-NDP coalition are not worth the cost. Reckless inflationary deficits have driven up interest rates, forcing landlords to raise their rents. They have had no choice. Ford's rent has gone up by 22% in a year. He is left without a nickel to spare. Will the Prime Minister stop his inflationary spending to reduce interest rates and give renters like Ford a break on their rent?
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  • Oct/17/23 3:02:40 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the poverty rate among seniors has gone down significantly since we formed government in 2015, and that is because we increased the OAS, increased the GIS and reversed the Conservative policy of increasing the retirement age to 67. This was a policy that was not announced here in this chamber, nor was it announced in this country. It was announced by the prime minister of the day in Davos at the World Economic Forum, where the former prime minister also added in his speech that the Canada pension plan does not need to be changed. On this side of the House, we agree. The question is, do they?
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  • Oct/17/23 3:03:40 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Quebeckers are worried about debt. Young people fear that they will never be homeowners. That is what we read this morning in a Quebec newspaper this morning. After eight years of this Liberal government, with the complicity of the Bloc Québécois, our young people are pessimistic about the future. They see that it is costly to vote for the Bloc, just as it is costly to vote for the Liberals. What new measures will be taken now to help our young people realize their dreams of home ownership?
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  • Oct/17/23 3:04:21 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the tax-free first home savings account is a perfect example of how we are working to help our young people become homeowners. It is a way for them to save money on their tax return and invest more in their down payment for their first home.
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  • Oct/17/23 3:04:49 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we hear a lot of talk about the CBC's upper management these days, but never for the right reasons. There was the n-word incident, then there was the podcast translated in Paris because, as everyone knows, the Quebec accent lacks international appeal. The latest is a memo to reporters reminding them not to call Hamas terrorists. We all know that Hamas's horrific attacks constitute terrorism. Journalists know it, and they also know how to use words, even the most loaded ones. Will the minister remind CBC management that newsrooms must remain absolutely free not only from political influence but also from ideological influence?
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  • Oct/17/23 3:05:47 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our government has been clear. Hamas has been recognized as a terrorist organization and a terrorist group. We have said that repeatedly, and the Prime Minister has said that, but we also believe in an independent CBC. That is what the CBC is. It has been that way under Liberal and Conservative governments. Conservatives may want to meddle in independent journalism. They cannot seem to keep their hands out of public institutions, but we will keep working hard to ensure that Canadians get access to— Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
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  • Oct/17/23 3:06:10 p.m.
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Colleagues, I frankly could not hear the answer from the parliamentary secretary. I would ask that we have good decorum in the House. I will ask the hon. parliamentary secretary to take it from the top.
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  • Oct/17/23 3:07:04 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our government has made it clear that Hamas is a terrorist organization. We have said that, the Prime Minister has said that, and we will keep saying that, but on this side of the House, we will also keep working for an independent CBC that is well funded to do the good work of providing quality journalism to Canadians. This is, on this side of the House, a priority for us, as it is a priority for all Canadians. If Conservatives or others have a challenge with the CBC, they are welcome to write to the ombudsman.
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  • Oct/17/23 3:07:46 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Conservatives may not applaud as vigorously for me. I agree with my colleague that the CBC and Radio-Canada do outstanding journalistic work, and that must be protected. Journalists, however, know how to use loaded words. Journalists know how to describe the despicable acts committed by Hamas on October 7. That is their job. However, CBC management's directive is something else entirely. It looks a lot like censorship. CBC higher-ups are actually muzzling the press. They are taking a political stance. That is absolutely not the broadcaster's mandate. Yes, CBC management is independent, but I do want to ask the minister the following question. Does she think that, as a matter of principle, CBC management should be getting involved in journalists' work?
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  • Oct/17/23 3:09:05 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we have always been clear. Hamas is a terrorist group that has committed countless atrocities. That has always been clear. CBC/Radio-Canada is independent, but we see the translation issue as unacceptable. We have some incredible talent here at home and the translation could very well be done here by Quebec artists or francophone artists from across Canada.
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  • Oct/17/23 3:10:20 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after eight long years, one would hope that the government would figure out that sound, responsible, economic and monetary policy is key to keeping inflation low. Instead, inflation is nearly double what it should be, resulting in massive increases in food, heating, rent and mortgages. Canadians living paycheque to paycheque recognize that the Prime Minister is not worth the cost. To make matters even worse, we have the NDP supporting the government's fiscal incompetence. Will this NDP-Liberal Prime Minister start listening to Canadians, stop inflationary spending and cancel the carbon tax?
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  • Oct/17/23 3:11:08 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the colleague for the question, but I am really surprised that she is not talking about the historic investment announced in her riding yesterday. Umicore invested $3 billion in her riding, creating 600 jobs for young people to stay in her riding. We are building the economy of the future. We are investing in electrical vehicles. The member should be rejoicing that we are making smart investments to create growth in this country.
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  • Oct/17/23 3:11:55 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, grocery inflation is up this year over $1,100 for families. Emissions are up 2.1%, making Canada 58 out of 63 in its commitments. The job-killing, no-more-pipelines Bill C-69, coupled with the carbon tax, now quadrupled, comes precisely at a time when our energy would secure the world, lower emissions and guarantee Canadians could eat, heat and house themselves. Will this Prime Minister admit that, after eight years, his NDP-Liberal government is not worth the cost?
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  • Oct/17/23 3:12:36 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it really is shocking that Conservatives are claiming to be on the side of Canadians and helping them with affordability when their very allies in the Alberta government in the UCP are trying to take the pension plans of Albertans out of the Canada pension plan to have a reckless, unstable Alberta plan. While those Conservatives stand on the sidelines and do nothing, we are going to defend the Canadian pension plan in Alberta and across the country.
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  • Oct/17/23 3:13:32 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Canada's Supreme Court has verified what Conservatives have been saying for a long time, and that is that the Liberal government is out of line, out of step and out of touch when it comes to respecting provincial jurisdiction. Its reckless spending is only outdone by its unconstitutional attack on Canada's energy sector, the very sector that we will need to pay off Canada's debt. After eight long, miserable years of this Liberal-NDP government, Canadians know this Prime Minister is not worth the cost. Will the government, for once, work with Canada's provinces and industry, and commit today to repeal Bill C-69?
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  • Oct/17/23 3:14:29 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, one of the very sorry things about the conversation coming from that side of the House is the complete rejection of the need to ensure we have a sustainable environment going forward, that the price of entry, in terms of building a strong economy, means actually having a view about environmental sustainability. When that party was in power, Conservatives gutted the environmental assessment process. They destroyed the faith that Canadians had that we were protecting the environment and we were respecting indigenous rights. We have put in place better rules. We certainly respect the decision of the court, and we will be making the appropriate amendments to ensure the environment is protected and the economy moves forward.
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  • Oct/17/23 3:15:32 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I was happy to join the Minister of Small Business to kick off Small Business Week in Montreal, where we met amazing small businesses such as Camillette Jewelry, Unel and Cookine. Les Délices Lafrenaie, a small must-try bakery located in my riding, is one of the many businesses that form the backbone of our economy. Can the Minister of Small Business tell us how the government is supporting the hard-working, innovative and diverse entrepreneurs across our country, who represent 98% of our businesses in Canada?
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