
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 250

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
November 9, 2023 10:00AM
  • Nov/9/23 1:50:19 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-34 
Mr. Speaker, the hon. member and I shared an office together for about a year as articling students almost 20 years ago, which is an awful thing. I am sure good ministers will always consult with their fellow cabinet members, but keeping this to a couple of ministers allows us to be nimble and allows ministers to conduct a review in the most expeditious way, ensuring not only that there is security but also that business transactions and investments continue to happen.
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  • Nov/9/23 1:50:56 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-34 
Mr. Speaker, I thank my hon. colleague for his enthusiastic speech today, and I greatly appreciate the love we are seeing in the House. In the opening of his speech, he characterized this bill as bold, although I have heard from our Conservative colleagues that it is not going far enough and is only a small step in the right direction. Could he comment again on the collaborative process at committee and the putting forward of amendments to make this bill as strong as it could possibly be?
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  • Nov/9/23 1:51:24 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-34 
Mr. Speaker, I was not at the committee, but I do know that Conservative amendments were brought into the bill. It is the role of opposition parties to say that the government is not going far enough or is going too far, which is often where we find ourselves. However, I think the committee has struck the right balance. This is a good step forward and a bold step forward to bring us in line with our allies and ensure that Canada continues the incredible track record of foreign direct investment. The Minister of Innovation was quite excited today about Canada being third in foreign investments, and I know he does incredible work on a daily basis. This would help Canada continue to succeed into the future.
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  • Nov/9/23 1:52:14 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-34 
Mr. Speaker, being part of the committee, I know there was a collaborative approach. New Democrats have been raising this issue since 2003, when China Minmetals was buying Canadian natural resources. Unfortunately, the Liberals have a track record of selling our natural resources, whether it be to Inco, Falconbridge or Stelco. A whole series of our natural resources and natural resource industries have been lost. I would like the member to reflect on whether the Liberals regret selling Petro-Canada for a significant loss in the market at that time, when it was okay for the Chinese state government to own Canadian natural resources but it was not okay for Canadians to own their own natural resources. What do the Liberals think about that as we go forward, given their past record of missed opportunities to protect Canadian companies and natural resources?
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  • Nov/9/23 1:53:08 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-34 
Mr. Speaker, I am a little worried that the member overestimates how old I am. I think the things he is talking about happened when I was in high school. I am not sure how to respond to that. I do know that the government is committed to national security efforts. That is what this bill is about. The hon. member can talk about decades in the past. We are committed to the future. We are committed to ensuring that Canada is there, that our security investments are protected and that we thrive into the future.
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  • Nov/9/23 1:53:56 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-34 
Mr. Speaker, it is an honour to rise today to speak to the modernization of the Investment Canada Act. As many who are following this debate know, this act was last revised in 2008, so this legislation represents the most significant update to the act since that time. It would ensure that we can address changing threats that arise from foreign investment and would do so while our government continues to welcome foreign direct investment. As my colleague before me stated, we are rising in the ranks of foreign direct investment, but at the same time, we are also facing global threats unlike ones we have ever faced before. This is a really appropriate time for us to get in line with other allies of ours and update our act to make sure we are keeping Canadians safe as a whole. Speaking of Canadians, the other day, a young adult in my riding wrote to my office. He is a first-year political science student. He wrote to me about concerns with foreign interference, and some of what he said was quite interesting. He proposed three different areas in which the Government of Canada could do better in order to make sure we are safe from foreign interference threats. He wrote to me about the recent statement made in this House about Hardeep Singh Nijjar's murder. However, he went a lot further than just this instance and talked about our democracy as a whole and what we should do to protect it now. He said that we are seeing very bold covert operations taking place in our country, whether it is disinformation campaigns, hacking, political manipulation or espionage. All of these things are rising, and there are concerns regarding the traditional boundaries of espionage. He says, there is a shift toward more overt and covert interference in international affairs by state players. Interestingly, he writes that countries like China, Russia, Iran and India are assembling economic blocs and seem to be more open to taking chances to further their geopolitical objectives. He further says that although covert operations on Canadian soil are not new, Canada is a desirable target due to its advanced economy, technology and abundance of natural resources. He says it is concerning that these problems are converging and that foreign actors can profit from Canada's defining characteristics by taking advantage of our society's openness and variety. It is in our communal responsibility to confront these threats, and we must work together to stop foreign meddling from undermining the core values of our country. He continued to talk about strengthening cybersecurity and safety measures regarding actors who seek to take over our resources, which we have seen. There has been concern when it comes to agriculture and infrastructure as well. I thought it was very interesting that a lot of these things tie in. It is an important time for us to be taking these types of measures to make sure we continue to protect Canadians, Canadian interests and our economy at the same time, doing it in a transparent way as we continue to have more and more free trade agreements with countries around the world. Since our country has more agreements, especially those signed by this government, than any other country in the world, we need to make sure we also have the safety nets in place to make sure that, through these agreements, we do not increase our chances of risk. This bill is an extremely good effort, and I was excited to see that, through the committee process, many amendments were made to further strengthen this legislation. The Conservatives and the New Democrats have all had input. From the speeches I have heard in this House, it looks like we may differ slightly, but there is core support to make sure that this legislation passes, keeps Canadians safe in the future and continues to increase the economic prosperity of this country.
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  • Nov/9/23 1:59:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, since the current conflict in Gaza began, more than 10,000 innocent civilians have lost their lives. Over 4,000 of them are children. More children were killed in Gaza in one month than in any conflict annually since 2019. Eighty-nine UNRWA employees have been killed. This is the highest number of UN aid workers killed in a conflict ever. Nearly 40 journalists have died. They were not terrorists. They were mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, daughters and sons. How many more innocent people's lives will be lost? When our grandchildren ask us what we did during this crisis, what do we want to tell them? The Prime Minister said that the price of justice cannot be the continued suffering of Palestinian citizens. I agree. At every opportunity, I have called for a return of all hostages and a ceasefire to save innocent civilian lives. It is the only answer, and I will continue to make this plea: ceasefire now.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:00:51 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, this Liberal government regards people living in rural areas as second-class citizens, leaving them to contend with inadequate cell service. Since the first day I was elected in 2019, I have been urging the government to make this issue a priority. Mr. Morin, from Sainte‑Aurélie, wrote to me and said that, in the event of a fire or accident, emergency services cannot be reached on a cell phone. Repair people and merchants cannot receive calls and messages without leaving the area. I am thinking of Mr. Plante, who nearly died in Saint‑Victor in 2021 because of poor cell coverage and Mr. Paradis, from Saint‑Isidore, who had a heart attack in 2022. The paramedics were unable to communicate with the hospital. The government must force the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, or CRTC, to require telecommunications companies to develop a reliable cellular network throughout the regions. This is a matter of public safety. One call can save lives. Will the government finally answer the call and respond to the heartfelt pleas from people in the regions?
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  • Nov/9/23 2:01:56 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, today, I rise to recognize the vibrant festivals of Diwali and Bandi Chhor Divas, festivals that illuminate our hearts and homes with joy and light. Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, holds profound significance in our cultural tapestry and is one of the largest festivals celebrated in Brampton. Diwali signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. During this time, we celebrate by gathering with our loved ones, lighting diyas and exchanging sweets. Diwali is a significant festival uniting us all in the spirit of hope and positivity. As we gather to celebrate Diwali and Bandi Chhor Divas with our loved ones, let us reflect on the importance of family, friendship and the bonds that tie us together as humanity. I encourage all members in this House to join me in wishing all Canadians a very happy Diwali and Bandi Chhor Divas.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:02:51 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, this Saturday, November 11, we will mark Remembrance Day. Together, let us wear a poppy on our lapel to honour the memory of all those who fought for our freedom. It is one of the few rituals that brings all members of all parties together. Chosen for how abundantly it grew in the fields after battles and in military cemeteries after the war, the red poppy, a reminder of blood spilled, is worn on our left side, near the heart, and must be treated with all the respect it deserves for what it represents. By wearing this symbol, we are telling veterans and their loved ones that we stand with them in honouring their devotion. These days, when current events offer a stark reminder of how our promises of “never again” ring hollow, the poppy also affirms our wish for peace by reminding us of the heavy price we pay to get it back once it is lost. Let us show veterans our respect.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:04:07 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as a retired police officer, I stand up for our veterans. On the solemn occasion of Remembrance Day, we gather as a nation to pay tribute to the brave women and men who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our great country. Today, we remember the heroes who stood valiantly in the face of adversity defending the values and freedom that define Canada. As a member of Parliament, I am deeply moved by the sacrifices made by our veterans. We honour their memories by upholding the principles they fought for: peace, democracy and justice. Remembrance Day is not only a day of reflection, but also a call to action. Let us strive for a more peaceful world where conflicts are resolved through dialogue and understanding. Let us support our veterans, ensuring they receive the care and respect they deserve. Lest we forget.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:05:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as we head toward Remembrance Day, I rise to pay tribute to a great Canadian. Russel William Woods died during the pandemic, on December 18, 2020, at the age of 96. Russel served in Bomber Command during the Second War War in the Royal Canadian Air Force as a Lancaster tail gunner. Of the 20,000 Canadian airmen in Bomber Command, half were killed in action. After the war, Russel returned home to Belwood and to farming. He was a founding member of Chicken Farmers of Ontario. He was a devoted member of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 275 in Fergus. He was a loving husband, brother, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. For all of us, he was a great friend and devoted community member, always with a smile and always with a sense of humour. Russel William Woods was truly a great member of the greatest generation. We will remember him.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:06:22 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, November is Diabetes Awareness Month in Canada. Earlier this week, I attended the Canadian screening of The Human Trial, a Hollywood documentary by a Canadian filmmaker, Lisa Hepner, on the incredible work of researchers to find the cure for diabetes. Canada is not only the birthplace of insulin, but Canadian researchers also discovered stem cells, islet cells and developed the Edmonton protocol. Canadians living with diabetes know that we are united in our support for them as we supported Bill C‑237, which established the national framework for diabetes. Next week on November 14, I will be proud to host the third annual World Diabetes Day flag-raising ceremony in my city of Brampton. I invite all residents to join me. Let us continue to combat diabetes together.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:07:20 p.m.
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I would like to take the opportunity to remind all members to please not use the names of current members of Parliament. We have to refer to them by their riding names.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:07:38 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, on November 12, in my riding of Surrey—Newton and in communities throughout Canada, both Bandi Chhor Divas and Diwali will be celebrated. On Bandi Chhor Divas, Sikhs commemorate the story of Shri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, as we reflect on the importance of serving those in need and standing in solidarity with those facing injustices. Diwali brings people together to reflect on the victory of good over evil and the power of knowledge and hope over ignorance and despair. Please join me in wishing Sikhs, Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and those who are celebrating across our country a very happy Bandi Chhor Divas and a very happy Diwali.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:08:41 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after eight years, we know that this NDP-Liberal government and this Prime Minister are just not worth the cost. They want Canadians to believe that they are the saviours of the environment, but their record says otherwise. In fact, we are the only G7 nation that has failed to reduce its emissions. This NDP-Liberal government does not have an environmental plan. It has a tax plan, and it is failing miserably. Instead of protecting our environment, it has bankrupted our country, our industries and our citizens. We brought forward a common-sense motion to remove the carbon tax on all home heating, to help Canadians get through the winter, because we live in a winter country, and it definitely gets cold in Edmonton. However, the member for Edmonton Centre voted against that motion and is punishing the hard-working people of Edmonton for simply heating their homes. Our Conservative common-sense government will completely axe the tax.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:09:46 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, for 18 years, Blanket BC Society has distributed close to 700,000 blankets to those in need across British Columbia. Blanket BC is a non-profit society that aims to raise awareness of homelessness and promote inclusive community service to deliver warmth from the heart to those in distress. On November 17 and November 18, Blanket BC will host its 13th annual “Drive on the Line” blanket drive campaign along the Canada Line stations from Richmond Centre to downtown Vancouver. I encourage everyone to join me in supporting Blanket BC on this impactful cause by dropping off socks, scarves, mittens, toques and, of course, blankets to those in need, to fight against the unforgiving cold. We all have a shared responsibility to our community. Let us continue to spread love and warmth to our communities in Richmond Centre and in communities across Canada.
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Mr. Speaker, winter has arrived, and the NDP-Liberal government has left Canadians out in the cold. The Prime Minister's carbon tax carve-out of home heating oil leaves 97% of Canadians without relief, including 90% of Saskatchewan homes heated with natural gas. After eight long years, he is once again pitting region against region and Canadian against Canadian. The common-sense Conservative bill, Bill C-234, offers a solution to this divisiveness through long overdue carbon tax relief for farmers. By axing the tax from the on-farm use of natural gas and propane, farmers would save almost $1 billion between now and 2030. The alternative is unacceptable. The coalition's plan to quadruple the carbon tax on those who grow the food will make everyone pay more. Farmers will fail, and a great number of Canadians will be forced to make the choice between eating and heating. The Prime Minister is just not worth the cost.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:12:05 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Liberal-NDP government is just not worth the cost. After eight years of pushing his carbon tax on Canadians, the Prime Minister announced that he was pausing the carbon tax on home heating oil but not on natural gas. This flip-flop will benefit one region of the country while leaving other regions out in the cold. When asked why they were picking winners and losers, a Liberal cabinet minister said that perhaps they need to elect more Liberals in the Prairies. I wonder what other policies the Liberals have that are based on the way a region votes. They do not support carbon capture and storage, despite its success in my province of Saskatchewan. They do not support liquefied natural gas projects, and new mining projects have to spend millions of dollars and wait for years just to get through the permitting process. Fortunately, Canada's common-sense Conservatives are here for all Canadians in all regions of the country.
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  • Nov/9/23 2:13:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I want to take a moment to acknowledge two incredible and brave World War II veterans, Major Naib Singh Grewal and Subedar Kanwal Jit Singh. There were over 365,000 Sikh soldiers who fought with us and our allies during World War I and World War II, and Major Naib Singh Grewal and Subedar Kanwal Jit Singh were two of them. Major Naib Singh Grewal served from 1939 to 1945, and Subedar Kanwal Jit Singh served from 1939 to 1947. Both Major Naib Singh Grewal and Subedar Kanwal Jit Singh were a part of some of the most decisive battles of the Burmese front at Imphal and Kohima. Major Naib Singh Grewal is set to celebrate his 101st birthday in just a few days, and Subedar Kanwal Jit Singh just celebrated his 100th birthday in September. The Indian Ex-Servicemen Society in my home city of Surrey has been essential in reconnecting Indian veterans and ensuring their well-being through events that are put on throughout the year. As Veterans' Week wraps up, let us all remember the sacrifices they took to ensure our freedom, safety and well-being.
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