
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 282

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
February 14, 2024 02:00PM
moved for leave to introduce Bill C-382, An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Income Tax Act (extra-energy-efficient products). He said: Madam Speaker, I am pleased to rise today to introduce this legislation, with thanks to the member for Nanaimo—Ladysmith for seconding it. The bill would amend the Excise Tax Act to exempt extra-energy-efficient products from the GST and the HST, including heat pumps, household appliances, lighting fixtures, electric motors and electronics. It would also amend the Income Tax Act to provide a tax credit for the purchase of these products. This would put money back in people's pockets, reduce our energy consumption and encourage a shift towards more sustainable consumption. The bill represents a key investment in our future. Its urgency is underscored by the premature exhaustion of funds from the federal greener homes grant program. I urge all members to support this important initiative for a greener, more sustainable and more affordable Canada for all Canadians.
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moved for leave to introduce Bill C-383, An Act to prohibit the export of thermal coal from Canada. She said: Madam Speaker, today I am pleased to be tabling a bill to ban the export of thermal coal from Canada. I want to thank the member for Edmonton Strathcona for seconding the bill, and Ecojustice for its advocacy, its support for the bill and its work to end the export of thermal coal. The government has been painfully slow to move on its promise to ban thermal coal exports. Instead of being phased out under the Liberals, thermal coal exports have tripled. The bill would not only start the work that the Liberals have failed to do but would also require that the government consult with trade unions and workers who would be affected by changes, before a ban were to happen. Canadians across the country have been living with the impacts of the climate crisis, and coal remains the largest contributor to climate change. Thermal coal has no place in a world serious about tackling the climate crisis, and emissions do not know borders. It is time to ban thermal coal exports.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:33:06 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, if the House gives its consent, I move that the 59th report of the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, presented to the House earlier this day, be concurred in.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:33:20 p.m.
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All those opposed to the hon. member's moving the motion will please say nay. It is agreed. The House has heard the terms of the motion. All those opposed to the motion will please say nay.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:33:47 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I am tabling a petition from my constituents, asking for another non-confidence vote to be held. This is a petition I had out at my new year's levee earlier in January, and this is the earliest opportunity I have had to get it certified by Journals. It is very simple: My constituents are asking for a vote of non-confidence to be held within 45 days, and, should the government lose the vote, for a federal election to be held.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:34:16 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-57 
Madam Speaker, I present this petition on behalf of the residents in my riding of Bonavista—Burin—Trinity. Petitioners say that Bill C-57 would be an important update to the Canada-Ukraine free trade agreement that would assist Ukraine in rebuilding after it defeats the illegal invasion by Vladimir Putin. Furthermore, they point out that Ukraine's President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian Canadian Congress have called on the Parliament of Canada to swiftly adopt the legislation, and that misinformation regarding Canada's carbon pricing scheme's having an effect on the agreement has been widely debunked. Therefore the petitioners, who are citizens of Canada, call upon the House of Commons and all parliamentarians to reaffirm our unwavering commitment to Ukraine by swiftly adopting the updated Canada-Ukraine free trade agreement.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:35:17 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, a source of deep concern from constituents in Saanich—Gulf Islands is the critical shortage of family doctors and health care practitioners. Statistics Canada states that approximately 4.8 million Canadians do not have what we think of as a family doctor, primary health care practitioner, nurse practitioner or others. The concerned citizens and residents who signed this petition call on the House of Commons to work with provinces and territories to come to a holistic and fair solution to the critical and deeply concerning shortage of doctors.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:36:12 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I am presenting a petition on behalf of constituents and volunteer firefighters in my riding of Nanaimo—Ladysmith, including those working at the Gabriola, Ladysmith and Lantzville extension; and East Wellington, North Oyster, North Cedar, Nanoose and Nanaimo fire stations. Volunteer firefighters account for 71% of Canada's total firefighting essential first responders. In addition, approximately 8,000 essential search and rescue volunteers respond to thousands of incidents every year. These essential volunteers not only put their life on the line and give their time, training and efforts to Canadians, but also allow cities and municipalities to keep property taxes lower than if paid services were required. Increasing the tax credit would allow these essential volunteers to keep more of their hard-earned money, likely to be spent in the communities in which they live, and would help retain these volunteers in a time when volunteerism is decreasing. For these reasons, those who have signed the petition are asking to increase the amount of the tax credit for volunteer firefighting and search and rescue volunteer services from $3,000 to $10,000.
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Madam Speaker, it is always an honour to present a petition on behalf of constituents in my riding of Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte. These petitioners note that a significant proportion of the sexually explicit material accessed online is made available on the Internet for commercial purposes and is not protected by any effective age-verification method, and that the consumption of sexually explicit material by young persons is associated with a range of serious harms. Therefore, the petitioners call on the House of Commons to adopt Bill S-210, the protecting young persons from exposure to pornography act.
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Madam Speaker, I am pleased to present two petitions that have been certified by the House that call on the government to support Bill C-284. Given the fact that over eight million people are suffering from eye diseases and 1.2 million live with vision loss or blindness, 75% of vision-loss cases, if diagnosed and treated early, are preventable. Historically, the federal government has lacked any substantive framework on the matter of public eye health care, and the current structure has created huge gaps in access to care. Therefore, the undersigned citizens and residents of Canada call upon the House of Commons to adopt Bill C-284, an act to establish a national strategy for eye care as soon as possible. I can report to the House that they have done that, and the House has supported Bill C-284.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:38:56 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, it is an honour to rise to present a petition that, first of all, notes that housing is a human right. The petitioners go on to note that both the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada have consistently failed to adequately fund social housing. They say that research, specific to the housing first model, notes housing formerly unsheltered folks consistently improves their health and quality of life, even to the point where these improved life outcomes lead to a reduction in costs in other areas of government. They also note a Scotiabank report found that even if Canada were to double its social housing stock, we would still be around the peer average for social housing in the OECD. The petitioners go on to note that the lack of action by one level of government should not excuse the lack of action by another. As a result, the petitioners are calling on both the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario to work together to double the current social housing stock in Ontario.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:40:10 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-5 
Madam Speaker, it is always an honour to present a petition on behalf of constituents. I rise for the 31st time on behalf of the people of Swan River, Manitoba, to present a petition on the rising rate of crime. The community of Swan River is consumed with unprecedented levels of crime because of the government's soft-on-crime laws, like Bill C-5 and Bill C-75. Bill C-5 allows criminals to serve their sentences from home, and Bill C-75 allows violent offenders to be in jail in the morning and back out on the street in the afternoon. The people of Swan River are calling for jail, not bail, for violent repeat offenders. The people of Swan River demand that the Liberal government repeal its soft-on-crime policies that directly threaten their livelihoods and their community. I support the good people of Swan River.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:41:00 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I have two petitions today. The first is regarding float homes in Ontario and making sure they are classified the way they should be. I have presented similar petitions twice in the past. It is something that constituents within the riding of Waterloo and surrounding areas, depending on where they cottage and so forth, are very concerned with. It is a matter of great importance to them and if it matters to them, it clearly matters to me as the member of Parliament for Waterloo. The petitioners look forward to a response from the Government of Canada on a way forward, and they are more than willing to work with the government to make this happen.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:41:39 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, the second petition is with regard to the killing of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman. Many people are raising their voices within my community of Waterloo, as her death sparked nationwide “Woman, Life, Freedom” protests, calling for democracy and equal rights. The petitioners are asking the Government of Canada to appeal to the UN Security Council. It is important that these conversations be had. It is important that their voices be heard and as their representative, I am committed to making sure that their voices are heard in this chamber. They look forward to a response from the Government of Canada.
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Madam Speaker, I have two petitions to present today. In the first petition, the petitioners are concerned about how easy it is for young people to access sexually explicit material online, including violent and degrading explicit material. They comment on how this access is an important public health and public safety concern. The petitioners note that a significant portion of commercially accessible sexually explicit material has no age verification software. Moreover, that age verification software can ascertain the age of users without breaching their privacy rights. The petitioners note many serious harms associated with sexually explicit materials, including the development of addiction and attitudes favourable to sexual violence and harassment of women. As such, these petitioners call on the House of Commons to pass Bill S-210, the protecting young persons from exposure to pornography act.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:43:27 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I also want to present a petition on behalf on many Canadians who are concerned about human rights protections in Turkey, Pakistan and Bahrain. The petitioners say that Turkish, Pakistani and Bahraini officials committed gross human rights violations against thousands of Turks, including eight Turkish Canadians. Petitioners say that Turkish officials killed hundreds, including Gökhan Açikkollu. The petitioners say that the Turkish officials have wrongfully detained over 300,000 people without reason. The petitioners say that multiple international human rights groups have confirmed gross human rights violations in Turkey. The petitioners ask that the government closely monitor human rights in Turkey, sanction the Turkish officials who committed gross human rights violations against eight Canadians and killed Gökhan, and call on Turkey's, Pakistan's and Bahrain's governments to end all human rights violations in their respective countries.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:44:28 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, as always, it is an honour to be able to stand in this place to present a petition on behalf of the good people of Battle River—Crowfoot. Today, in particular I would like to present a petition that was presented to me, in person, by a group I met with in my constituency office, about concerns related to needing to have a conversation around electoral reform. Although we certainly did not agree on everything, I value immensely the productive conversation I had with this group of constituents. On behalf of these constituents, I am proud to be able to stand on their behalf to present this petition that calls on the House of Commons to give voice to the subject of electoral reform and to make recommendations related to the motion that was brought forward. Although I did not vote it, again, there was productive conversation related to Motion No. 86. As always, it is an honour to be able to stand on their behalf.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:45:26 p.m.
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The hon. member knows full well he cannot indicate whether he supports a petition, so I would just ask members to please refrain from doing that. They should be reading what is in the petition and not giving their own personal point of view, saying how they are going to vote or how they voted.
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  • Feb/14/24 4:45:56 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I rise on a point of order. My apologies for interrupting the business of the House. I am in Winnipeg, and I had some technical issues, which prevented me from voting—
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  • Feb/14/24 4:46:05 p.m.
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The hon. member knows he needs to wear a jacket and a tie in order to speak, so I can come back to him if he wishes to make sure he has the proper attire on to be recognized.
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