
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 296

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
April 9, 2024 10:00AM
  • Apr/9/24 2:43:56 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québécois is never happy. We invest in housing; they are unhappy, they complain. We invest in children; they are unhappy, they complain. We invest in food programs; they are unhappy, they complain. The Bloc Québécois is completely losing its identity. In fact, the Bloc members are being eclipsed by the Conservatives.
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  • Apr/9/24 2:44:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, while the Liberals try to govern Quebec, there is no one governing at the federal level. There is no one coming up with a real transition plan for the fisheries. There is no one tabling an overhaul of employment insurance. We found out this morning that the federal government is $14 billion behind on the climate investments it promised. The government is so busy interfering in everyone else's business that it is forgetting to take care of major issues that fall directly under its responsibility. Since there is no shortage of work to be done at the federal level, why are the Liberals not taking care of it?
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  • Apr/9/24 2:45:03 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as my colleague knows, I was involved for a long time in environmental organizations fighting climate change. At the time, we all dreamed of a federal government that would invest billions of dollars in the fight against climate change. It never happened until we came along. Back then, the investments amounted to a few hundred million dollars. Now our government has committed more than $100 billion to the fight against climate change. That is an absolute record in our country. We are transforming the economy and jobs for decades to come and fighting climate change.
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Mr. Speaker, after eight years of the Liberal-NDP government, the Prime Minister is just not worth the cost. The Prime Minister raised his carbon tax 23% last week, driving up the cost of gas and groceries. Fortunately, Conservative Bill C-234 would exempt farmers' grain drying and barn heating from the carbon tax so food remains affordable. Will the Prime Minister lower costs on farmers and make food cheaper by passing Bill C-234 in its original form?
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  • Apr/9/24 2:46:24 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, again, it is important to ensure we are dealing with the facts. Ninety-seven per cent of on-farm fuels are exempt from the price on pollution, and there is a rebate to address farmers' and farm incomes on a go-forward basis. In Canada, eight out of 10 Canadian families get more money back. In fact, Professor Dolter at the University of Regina, whom the hon. member might want to go talk to, called out the Conservatives last week for misinformation. When the Conservative leader's ally, Scott Moe, appeared before committee on the carbon price, journalists called his appearance a “parade of nonsense” and “completely dishonest”. Conservative slogans and misinformation do not help Canadians with—
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  • Apr/9/24 2:47:02 p.m.
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The hon. member for Regina—Wascana.
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  • Apr/9/24 2:47:06 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is clear that the Prime Minister is not going to back down from his carbon tax obsession. It is clear that he is going to continue to raise the carbon tax on gas, groceries and home heating and make life even more expensive for Canadians. Since the Prime Minister refuses to call a carbon tax election, will he at least meet with the premiers and listen to their plans to make life more affordable?
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  • Apr/9/24 2:47:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as the hon. member knows full well, provinces and territories can put in place their own price on pollution. That is what British Columbia has done. That is what Quebec has done. Those provinces are actually committed to fighting climate change, but the hon. member comes from a province that has no climate plan and no climate targets. The premier admits the price on pollution is the most cost-effective way to reduce emissions, yet he does nothing. That is a shame.
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Mr. Speaker, after eight years of the NDP-Liberal government, Canadians are tapped out. April 1 saw Canadians hit with a 23% carbon tax increase by these Liberals. As a farmer, I know the first-hand true impact of a carbon tax bill on farm operations. The Prime Minister is not worth the cost. It is time to axe the tax on farmers and food and pass Bill C-234. Will the Prime Minister lower costs on farmers and make food cheaper by passing Bill C-234 in its original form?
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  • Apr/9/24 2:48:47 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is important to remind my colleague that, as a farmer, I am fully aware that farmers are on the front line of climate change. It is important to realize that farmers are devastated by massive storms. In the Prairies, straw is worth $300 a bale. That is crazy. We have a plan to address climate change and we have a Canada carbon rebate that puts more money in eight out of 10 Canadians' pockets. We are addressing climate change and making sure polluters pay.
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Mr. Speaker, while the Prime Minister tweets out sunny ways from his rooftop, food banks in Simcoe County are reporting a 100% increase in use. Last week at the Angus Food Bank, director Heather Morgan told me that active soldiers from Base Borden are regular visitors. Let that sink in. Meanwhile, Liberals hike the carbon tax by 23% and continue to delay the common-sense bill, Bill C-234. Will the Prime Minister pass Bill C-234 in its original form, axe the tax on farmers and make food more affordable for all Canadians?
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  • Apr/9/24 2:50:13 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the whole structure of the price on pollution, as the hon. member knows, is done in a manner that creates an incentive to reduce carbon emissions but does so in a manner that is affordable for Canadians. Eight out of 10 Canadians get more money back. It works in direct proportion to income so that those who live on modest incomes are the best off with respect to carbon pricing. Climate change is real, whether the Conservatives like to understand that or not. Their premiers, Scott Moe and Danielle Smith, have both admitted that carbon pricing is the most effective and efficient way to reduce emissions. Get with the program.
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  • Apr/9/24 2:50:48 p.m.
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All members should make sure that questions and comments are directed through the Chair. The hon. member for New Westminster—Burnaby.
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  • Apr/9/24 2:50:59 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, thanks to the NDP, we now have dental care in Canada. This was opposed by the corporate Conservatives at every single step. New Democrats fought for the nearly two million seniors who will benefit from the dental care program in a few weeks' time. Dentists are raising concerns about the rollout of the program. Seniors should not have to wait any longer to benefit from going to their dentists. What will the minister do to ensure that every senior who is registered will benefit from the dental care program without delay?
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  • Apr/9/24 2:51:40 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the hon. member is exactly right. When parties work together and focus on solutions, we get things done. That means making sure that millions of Canadians who do not have access to oral health care are going to get dental care. There are 1.7 million seniors who have signed up. We have seen hundreds of thousands of dental providers across the country sign up. We are creating a new portal to make sure that it is even easier for dentists to participate. By working together, both as parliamentarians and as Canadians, we can get through difficult times by making things better together.
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  • Apr/9/24 2:52:17 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the guaranteed income supplement is a lifeline for seniors across this country. Shamefully, at a time when grocery prices and rents are sky high, the Liberals are clawing back this support for more than 100,000 seniors receiving workers' compensation. This is wrong. The Liberals should not be punishing seniors who are injured on the job. When will the government reverse the clawback so that seniors can afford groceries and rent?
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  • Apr/9/24 2:52:49 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am very proud to stand in the House next to the Minister of Health as we roll out one of the largest social programs that Canada has ever seen. We are now up to 1.8 million seniors who are registered for Canada's new dental program. This is something that will save lives. This is something that will restore dignity to the lives of so many seniors. With so many seniors who have registered up until the month of May, I look forward to more seniors enjoying the dignity of quality health care regardless of injury and regardless of birthright.
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  • Apr/9/24 2:53:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, in 2017, the government released its defence policy “Strong, Secure, Engaged”. Since then, the world has fundamentally changed. Russia has attacked Ukraine, the Arctic is more accessible to foreign actors and the international rules that have kept us safe for over 75 years are increasingly challenged. As a member of the Standing Committee on National Defence, I have personally advocated for a modernization of our defence policy to better meet the needs of today. Can the Minister of National Defence update the House on the government's work to update our existing defence policy?
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  • Apr/9/24 2:53:59 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to share with the House that, yesterday, we released our renewed vision for defence. “Our North, Strong and Free” is a clear plan to build Canadian Armed Forces that will defend our sovereignty and protect our interests globally. It is a responsible plan that will support the members of the Canadian Armed Forces and help us grow their numbers. It is a plan to acquire and maintain the equipment and capabilities that they require to fulfill their missions. It is a plan to assert our sovereignty to defend our country and our continent. Finally, it is a plan that makes us strong at home so that we can be strong around the world.
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Mr. Speaker, after eight years of the Liberal-NDP government and its carbon tax, Canadians are struggling to put food on their tables. When we tax the farmer who grows the food and tax the trucker who ships the food, we punish all Canadians who buy the food. Food banks, like the Cambridge Food Bank, are now seeing record-breaking demand. The Prime Minister's 23% carbon tax hike is not worth the cost. Will the Prime Minister lower the cost on farmers and make food cheaper by passing Bill C-234 in its original form?
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