
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 304

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
April 29, 2024 11:00AM
  • Apr/29/24 2:20:13 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after nine years, this Prime Minister is not worth the cost to Quebeckers, who are paying twice as much for rent, housing and the national debt. This Prime Minister is spending more on interest on the debt, $54.1 billion, than on health care. Even worse than that, the Bloc Québécois voted for each and every one of this Prime Minister's $500-billion budget allocations. Once again, when will this Prime Minister and the Bloc Québécois stop impoverishing Quebeckers?
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  • Apr/29/24 2:20:55 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the reality is that what we just heard is not true. The reality is that Canada has a AAA credit rating. Canada has the lowest debt and the lowest deficit in the G7. The Conservatives oppose our plan because all they support is austerity and their rich friends.
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  • Apr/29/24 2:21:27 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, after nine years, the Prime Minister is not worth the drugs, disorder, death and destruction. In May 2022, he granted the B.C. NDP government's request for a Criminal Code exemption to allow crack, meth, heroin and fentanyl use in parks, coffee shops, hospitals and beaches. Overdose deaths since have exploded to a record-smashing 2,500 lost lives. The B.C. NDP government has reversed course and asked the federal government to recriminalize some hard drugs. Why will the Prime Minister not recriminalize these deadly drugs?
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  • Apr/29/24 2:22:17 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, on this side of the House, we answered the call of the B.C. government when it requested the exemption on decriminalization of personal possession of certain illicit drugs. However, what is driving this overdose crisis is the illegal drugs supply. Every life lost is a tragedy. I met with Minister Whiteside this past Friday, and we are reviewing the exemption request. We have a clear lens on public health and public safety, because we have a plan. They do not.
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  • Apr/29/24 2:22:48 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the minister is wasting time while people are dying. In the year after this radical Prime Minister granted the decriminalization of crack, heroin and other hard drugs in parks and hospitals, 2,500 people died. Overdose deaths, during the nine years of the Prime Minister, have tripled, the fastest rising of the 11 countries studied by the Commonwealth Fund. Nurses are afraid to go to work because they have to put up with addicts using meth, crack and weapons in their hospital rooms. Nurses are having to give up on breastfeeding, because they are worried their kids will be contaminated with the drugs they breathe in. What the hell are they thinking over there? Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
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  • Apr/29/24 2:23:29 p.m.
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The hon. member is a long-time member of the House. I would ask him to withdraw the offensive word, because it is not parliamentary.
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  • Apr/29/24 2:23:52 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I withdraw it. They are not thinking over there.
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  • Apr/29/24 2:24:03 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, last week we saw the Leader of the Opposition once again encourage supporters of white supremacy, anarchy and misogyny. This has been a regular occurrence. He draws the admiration of people who dismiss the slaughter of children in schools. The leader— Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
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  • Apr/29/24 2:24:26 p.m.
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I invite the government House leader to start from the top and to choose his words very carefully so that they do not cause disorder in the House.
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  • Apr/29/24 2:25:21 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, last week we saw the Leader of the Opposition once again visit with supporters of white supremacy, anarchy and misogyny. This has been a regular occurrence. He draws the admiration of people who dismiss the slaughter of children in schools. Once I sit down, the Leader of the Opposition will have 30 seconds to speak to the House and to Canadians. I ask him to clearly disavow the views of these dangerous people. Will he do that?
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  • Apr/29/24 2:26:14 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I unequivocally disavow the guy who spent the first half of his adult life as a practising racist, dressing up in blackface, and who has since accepted the support of Hamas. He has accepted the support of Hamas, and now he has brought on the extremist and radical position of allowing legal drug use in playgrounds, hospitals and coffee shops, which has led to the mass death of our people. Will he refuse the demand of Toronto to replicate the decriminalization nightmare in B.C.?
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  • Apr/29/24 2:27:08 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am sad to say that the leader of the Conservatives, the Leader of the Opposition has shown us his true colours. He speaks without conviction and clarity on a question that should be very simple for him to address. His silence speaks volumes. This is not leadership. This is political cowardice.
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  • Apr/29/24 2:27:56 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, when the Prime Minister was revealing his budget, or rather his plan to interfere in Quebec's jurisdictions, he justified it by saying that people do not care which level of government is responsible for what. However, a Leger poll found that 82% of Quebeckers believe that the federal government should respect the division of powers. This proves that the Prime Minister is out of touch with reality. Quebeckers are clear. They want the federal government to work with other governments. Instead of electioneering, why will the Prime Minister not give Quebeckers the money they are owed? That is what Quebeckers want.
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  • Apr/29/24 2:28:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, in this budget, we are investing in housing. The Conservatives are complaining. Bloc Québécois members are complaining. They are going to vote against it. In this budget, we are investing in dental care. The Conservatives are complaining. Bloc Québécois members are complaining. Both parties are going to vote against it. Basically, both parties will find different excuses to vote against the same budget. If we listened to the Conservatives and the Bloc, Quebeckers would wind up with nothing.
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  • Apr/29/24 2:29:06 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Quebeckers are not the only ones who are against jurisdictional interference. Every provincial and territorial premier added their signature to that of the premier of Quebec in a letter calling on Ottawa to respect their jurisdictions: health, education, housing. They are all calling for the right to opt out with full financial compensation whenever the federal government steps out of its jurisdiction. Everyone is against federal interference from coast to coast to coast. The Prime Minister thinks that everyone else is wrong, but perhaps he is just looking to pick a fight.
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  • Apr/29/24 2:29:40 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the member talks about picking fights, but the people in the Bloc Québécois are the real experts in picking fights. They are speaking from experience. They have a doctorate in picking fights. The Bloc tells us that housing is important, but they vote against it. The Bloc tells us that helping our seniors is important, but they vote against that. The Bloc tells us that we need to make sure that our children do not go to school on an empty stomach, but they vote against that. The Bloc talks and talks. All they do is talk. They are good at that. They are all talk and no action. They do not walk the talk.
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  • Apr/29/24 2:30:24 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the government stood by while food prices and rents skyrocketed. This hurts people living with disabilities disproportionately. After making folks wait more than three years, the government announced a disability benefit. It is too little, does not cover enough people and is going to be clawed back by provinces. People struggling to put food on their tables have been given crumbs by the government. When will the Prime Minister get serious about helping people living with disabilities?
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  • Apr/29/24 2:31:03 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, we are glad to be the first federal government in Canadian history to put forward the financing for supports for people with disabilities across our country. That is a milestone. It is a very big deal. This is just the first step. We recognize there is more to do, including working carefully with provinces and territories, and we are going to do it.
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  • Apr/29/24 2:31:46 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Liberal government is failing people living with disabilities. Disability groups have been clear. The disability benefit announced by the government does not work. Two hundred dollars is not enough. The Prime Minister is giving big oil billions of dollars, while giving peanuts to people with disabilities. Will he sit down with these groups and solve this problem?
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  • Apr/29/24 2:32:25 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, our government is proud to be the first federal government to introduce a disability benefit. That is a big step forward, and we are proud to have done that. We understand that we now need to work closely with the provinces and territories. This is just the beginning. We must and will do more.
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