
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 322

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
May 31, 2024 10:00AM
  • May/31/24 11:27:56 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, the member for Alfred-Pellan is just as much a Quebecker as my colleague opposite. The Quebec Liberal caucus, with its 35 government members, is here to protect the French fact in Quebec, as well as official languages in general and francophone minorities across the country. In contrast, the Bloc Québécois exists to do just one thing, and that is to pit Quebeckers against one another, to create conflict and divide people. That is not why we are here. We are in favour of linguistic unity.
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  • May/31/24 11:28:33 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, a third of the people who have registered for the NDP dental care program are in Quebec. The need is there, and the NDP delivered results. The Conservatives and the Bloc Québécois do not want dental care for seniors, children and people with disabilities. The Conservatives are spreading disinformation and do not care about the impact that might have on people's health and wallets. We cannot allow this to happen. Will the government counter the Conservatives' disinformation and ensure that this dental care is available to everyone who needs it?
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  • May/31/24 11:29:15 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, we heard some shocking news from the Conservative leader. Last week, on Radio‑Canada in Quebec City, he said that the Canadian dental care plan did not exist. He said, on my radio, in Quebec City, that the Canadian dental care plan did not exist. My colleague is so right to talk about disinformation. The Conservative leader says that the plan does not exist, when two million seniors in Canada have registered for it and 60% of providers in Quebec are already registered. No one could be more out of touch or more adept at spreading disinformation.
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  • May/31/24 11:29:50 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, on dental care, the NDP forced the government to do it; now we want to make sure that all Canadians get it. Beginning in June, children under 18 and persons with disabilities will benefit from the NDP's dental care plan. Tens of thousands of seniors are already saving money, thanks to this dental coverage, but the Conservatives want Canadians to pay out-of-pocket. They already want to axe dental care for seniors. They are spreading disinformation and doing everything they can to take it away. Will the government put into place all the resources necessary to fight Conservative disinformation and stop them from denying dental care for Canadians?
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  • May/31/24 11:30:29 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, the Conservatives are in denial. They will continue to say that somehow dental care does not exist, because they really do not care about Canadians. They do not care about the seniors. Hundreds of thousands of seniors have already had access to dental care. What Conservatives would do is cut this really important, essential program that is already looking after our seniors. We will continue to defend the dental care program and grow it so that all Canadians who are eligible can get access to good oral health care.
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  • May/31/24 11:31:06 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, after nine years it is clear to Canadian families that the NDP-Liberal government is not worth the cost. Canadians are struggling to make ends meet. Rents and mortgages have doubled, and groceries have doubled. Now the summer family road trip that so many look forward to is becoming out of reach. In fact, families from my riding who look forward to going to Jasper every summer are having to cancel this trip because of the NDP-Liberal carbon tax. That is why Conservatives are calling on the NDP-Liberal government to give Canadians a break this summer by axing the carbon tax and all other fuel taxes. It would save Alberta families and all Canadian families hundreds of dollars. Why will the NDP-Liberal government not give Canadians a break?
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  • May/31/24 11:31:51 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, let me talk more about that road trip. As I travelled through the Rocky Mountains, I could not see them, because of the thick smoke coming from wildfires. I could only see about two cars ahead of me. We are fighting to save the family road trip, to make sure that Canadians get to experience this beautiful country. What are the Conservatives doing? They are letting the planet burn.
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  • May/31/24 11:32:17 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, yesterday the Liberal health minister and that Liberal over there showed Canadians just how out of touch the Liberals are with the lives of everyday Canadians. Apparently, any family vacation that is not using a bicycle needs to be cancelled because it is destroying the planet. Conservatives are calling on the NDP-Liberal government to axe their carbon tax this summer to give Canadians a break, so they can enjoy a summer vacation. Unlike these out-of-touch Liberals, Conservatives want our children to explore our great country. Why are the Liberals telling them to stay at home instead and just look at their phones?
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  • May/31/24 11:32:47 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, what happened yesterday in the House is that the health minister exposed the Conservatives. The Conservatives had offered up what they called hundreds and hundreds of dollars in savings, but the health minister was describing what one would have to do to access these savings that the Conservatives were claiming: 38,000 kilometres in an automobile, locked up with their children non-stop, would be the requirement in order to derive the savings the Conservatives were claiming. They should be ashamed of themselves. It is misinformation. Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
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  • May/31/24 11:33:22 a.m.
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We were not doing too bad. I just want to remind members to please keep their thoughts to themselves until they are being recognized by the Speaker. The hon. member for Saskatoon—Grasswood has the floor.
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  • May/31/24 11:33:32 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, after nine years, the NDP-Liberal Prime Minister is not worth the cost. Instead of offering tax relief, the government increased the carbon tax by another 23%. Conservatives are asking the Prime Minister to immediately axe gas taxes. That would save a Saskatchewan family $860 this summer alone. Will the Prime Minister vote with us on this side of the House on a common-sense Conservative motion, so Canadians can afford a summer trip?
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  • May/31/24 11:34:17 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, as with some others, the member's math is off. The reality is that Canadians benefit. Eight out of 10 Canadians end up better off as a result of the rebate, where it applies, in the various provinces. The member talks about taxes, though. It is funny; I heard an interview where the Leader of the Opposition told a journalist from the National Post that bakers bake bread and Conservatives cut taxes. That is not exactly true. This government has voted to put in place measures to cut taxes for the middle class and to cut taxes for small businesses. The Conservatives voted against that every single time.
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  • May/31/24 11:34:52 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, I spy with my little eye a government that wants to ruin family summer holidays. Does anyone remember playing that game while travelling through this beautiful country? I am sure they do. We all do, yet yesterday the Liberal health minister described this family road trip as a punishment. For all average Canadians, it is quality time. Will the Prime Minister show some compassion and vote for us on Monday, so Canadians can afford a summer road trip?
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  • May/31/24 11:35:34 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, the Conservatives stood in the House and promised Canadians sunshine and flowers and hundreds of dollars in savings if only the Liberals would agree to their crazy proposal. What we found out is that one would have to drive back and forth to Mexico several times in order to save the money that they claim, and to do that, families would be locked in cars non-stop. These things that the Conservatives come up with are just crazy.
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  • May/31/24 11:36:21 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, after nine years, the NDP-Liberal Prime Minister is not worth the cost. On Monday, the House will vote for our common-sense Conservative motion to save Canadians 35¢ per litre on gas until Labour Day by axing the carbon tax, the federal fuel tax and the GST on gasoline and diesel. Families really need a break. The tax holiday will save the typical Canadian family $670 this summer. Will the Prime Minister vote with us so that Canadians can afford a simple summer road trip, or will he keep Canadians home this summer?
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  • May/31/24 11:36:59 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, on the other side of the benches, they just do not do the math. Since the government has come into power, things such as the Canada child benefit, or CCB, have lifted over 450,000 children out of poverty so that they can have gymnastics classes and go on that summer road trip. In addition, with $10-a-day child care, we are saving families thousands of dollars. Rather than 35¢ on the dollar, why do they not invest in families?
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  • May/31/24 11:37:28 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, the Liberals are becoming more unhinged and out of touch. There is the perfect example of the Liberals' socialist agenda: They tax people to oblivion and then they look at what little they can give back, which is actually people's own money. Now Canadians cannot even afford to feed themselves. They cannot afford to visit loved ones. They cannot afford to save for their future, certainly. Taxes keep going up, and the carbon tax just went up 23%. The Liberals should give people a break. They should give people a tax break. Will the Liberals vote for our common-sense bill to give families a tax break and axe all federal fuel taxes this summer, or will they just keep Canadians at home?
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  • May/31/24 11:38:09 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, let me remind the member of her record. In the last election, she went around Kelowna Lake Country telling everyone, “You know what we're going to do? We're going to put a price on pollution.” Now she is coming here and flip-flopping, saying, “Oh, I must have been mistaken. I really didn't do that. It's really selective amnesia on our part.” The member has also voted against every single tax relief measure that the government has put forward in the House that favours the middle class and asks a little more of those able to pay.
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  • May/31/24 11:38:52 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, Quebec's Groupe d'experts en adaptation aux changements climatiques tabled a disturbing report on Tuesday. Experts expect warming of 4.5 degrees in Montreal and 7.6 degrees in northern Quebec, five times more than the Paris target. Meanwhile, also on Tuesday, the Liberals and the NPD voted for $30 billion in tax breaks for oil companies; that is another $30 billion to greenwash the increase in oil production. Could the government not take that money and use it to find climate change adaptation solutions?
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  • May/31/24 11:39:32 a.m.
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Madam Speaker, I think it is very important to take this opportunity to talk about the national inventory report that we submitted to the IPCC to show that our emissions are the lowest they have been in 30 years. That is not taking into account the COVID-19 period. This shows that what we are doing to fight emissions and put a cap on emissions here in Canada is working.
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