
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 331

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
June 13, 2024 10:00AM
  • Jun/13/24 11:41:57 p.m.
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Shall clause 5 carry? Some hon. members: Agreed. Some hon. members: On division. The Deputy Chair: Shall the schedule carry? Some hon. members: Agreed. Some hon. members: On division. The Deputy Chair: Shall the short title carry? Some hon. members: Agreed. Some hon. members: On division.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:42:07 p.m.
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moved that the bill be concurred in.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:42:07 p.m.
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If a member participating in person wishes that the motion be carried or carried on division, or if a member from a recognized party participating in person wishes to request a recorded division, I would invite them to rise and indicate it to the Chair.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:42:07 p.m.
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Shall the preamble carry? Some hon. members: Agreed. Some hon. members: On division. The Deputy Chair: Shall the title carry? Some hon. members: Agreed. Some hon. members: On division. The Deputy Chair: Shall the bill carry? Some hon. members: Agreed. Some hon. members: On division. The Deputy Chair: Shall I rise and report the bill? Some hon. members: Agreed. Some hon. members: On division.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:42:38 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I believe that if you seek it, you will find agreement amongst the parties to apply the results of the previous vote to this vote, with Liberal members voting yea.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:42:54 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Conservatives agree, and Conservatives will be voting no.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:42:59 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québécois agrees to apply the vote and will be voting in favour.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:43:06 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the NDP agrees, and we will be voting yes.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:43:13 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Greens agree, and we will be voting yes.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:44:53 p.m.
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I declare the motion carried.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:45:31 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I believe that if you seek it, you will find agreement to apply the results of the previous vote to this vote, with Liberal members voting yea.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:45:31 p.m.
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moved that the bill be read the third time and passed.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:45:47 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Conservatives agree to apply the vote and will be voting no.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:45:52 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québécois agrees to apply the vote and will be voting in favour.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:45:58 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the New Democratic Party of Canada members agree to apply the vote, and we will be voting yes.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:46:08 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Green Party agrees to apply the vote and will be voting yes.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:46:38 p.m.
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I declare the motion carried.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:48:18 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, on May 31, I asked the following question: ...with respect to the dairy barn at the Joyceville correctional institution that is scheduled to open in July, number one, what was the original budgeted cost? Number two, what is the actual cost? Number three, has dairy quota been made available by Dairy Farmers of Ontario? If so, what are the contract details and how much will that cost? Finally, will any of the milk that is produced be entered into the general supply for public consumption? I will give some details. When the restoration of the Joyceville prison farm program was announced in 2018, Mr. Goodale, who was then the minister in charge of corrections, stated that the authorization came with three conditions, of which the first two were, “staying within the budget of $4.3 million over five years, [and] being implemented in a timely fashion.” The first of these conditions was breached almost instantly. In May 2018, the cost was revised upwards by more than 100%, to $9.75 million. In October 2018, this was changed to $15.2 million, three times what it had been less than a year earlier, but that was just the beginning. In July 2019, this estimate was again adjusted to $18 million, and internal documents from the time contained a notation stating that this estimate required further review as each project's scope of work had yet to be confirmed. In January 2020, the estimate was again increased, this time to $20 million, and in May 2020, it was increased to $21.08 million. By September 2020, internal documents showed that costs would hit $25.9 million, which, if anyone is keeping track, is five times the original estimate. Finally, in March 2021, the goat dairy that was driving many of these cost increases was put on hold, although, I will note, it was never formally cancelled, and it is still an open question, as to whether Correctional Service Canada intends to open a goat dairy as well. Regarding the issue of dairy quota for cow's milk, I am aware that a few months ago, Correctional Service Canada said that there were only 12 dairy cows in the herd housed at Collins Bay, and at that time, CSC still did not have an agreement for the purchase of milk quota. The facility is designed to house 30 cows and, supposedly, is to be used for research quota. CSC has stated that this research would be shared between two universities and that the quota is currently being negotiated, but McGill University and the University of Guelph are unwilling to comment on this arrangement. Therefore, can the minister confirm where the quota is coming from, how much it will cost and what it will be used for. Finally, can the minister guarantee that milk produced using inmate, labour-paid prison wages, which are far below the minimum wage, will never enter the regular milk supply stream for human consumption?
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  • Jun/13/24 11:51:38 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, I am thankful for the opportunity to stand in the House today to speak to the rehabilitative benefits provided by Correctional Service of Canada's penitentiary agricultural program. Since it was reopened in 2018, the penitentiary agricultural program at Joyceville and Collins Bay institutions have worked to help federal inmates gain employment skills to find meaningful employment in the community upon their safe, gradual release. I recently visited the institution with the minister, as well as the member for Kingston and the Islands. The farm operations at these two sites provide on-the-job and vocational training that is both technical, as it relates to the agricultural industry, and transferable to other industries. In addition to employability skill development, which supports offenders in their reintegration, inmates at these farms perform activities building and renovating necessary infrastructure, as well as work to repair and rebuild farmland, in addition to working in crop production. These activities mirror the work that take place on agricultural lands all across the country, which employ tens of thousands of people at any given time. In addition, the Collins Bay and Joyceville farms work to enhance a safe reintegration of offenders in our community, when it is safe to do so, while also working to reduce recidivism. I am proud to note that, through the programming provided at these farms and delivered through CORCAN more generally, Correctional Service Canada is recognized as an international leader in the development and delivery of correctional interventions. We know that inmates who participate in CORCAN employment programs while incarcerated, including at the farms, are more likely to obtain employment in the community, and offenders who find jobs in the community are three times less likely to return to custody for a new offence. Considering the successes associated with the penitentiary agricultural program at Joyceville and Collins Bay Institutions, I am pleased to note that the implementation of the dairy barn is expected to be completed in July 2024, with dairy operations to begin in September 2024. In response to the question from the member for Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston, I can confirm that products generated through the agricultural program, including milk, produce, crops and other potential byproducts of these operations, will be determined by internal use requirements prior to looking at external markets. This includes agreements and contracts signed as implementation occurs and products become available. The Correctional Service of Canada continually re-evaluates its operations and takes into account elements such as sustainability and market availability, as dairy cow milk will be managed in accordance with Canada's system of supply management. With regard to the quota, CSC continues to negotiate an agreement with its partners. All revenues generated will be reinvested into the offender employment and employability program. To date, CSC has invested approximately $20 million for facilities and incurred $6 million in expenditures for the implementation and operations, which include the penitentiary agricultural program, and this is in addition to the $1.7 million invested in capital equipment.
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  • Jun/13/24 11:55:43 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, one of the questions I asked was whether the minister can confirm where the quota is coming from, how much it will cost and what it will be used for. I would like an answer to that question.
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