
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 339

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 19, 2024 10:00AM
  • Sep/19/24 11:17:35 a.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Bloc Québécois regularly says that it listens to the Government of Quebec. It says that it listens to the Government of Quebec and its demands regarding federal files. We know that the Liberal government has been piling up failure after failure over the past nine years, which is causing a lot of dissatisfaction. An hon. member: Oh, oh! Mrs. Dominique Vien: I am getting to—
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  • Sep/19/24 11:21:54 a.m.
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Mr. Speaker, my colleague asked a very important question. Co-op housing has never been a priority for the government. It has been a long time since a Liberal or Conservative government has invested in housing. Now the government suddenly wakes up, probably because stakeholders have spoken. Think of the recommendations that were made during my Bloc Québécois colleague's tour, the experts who testified or the federal housing advocate who had some strong words to say about this. At the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, the Bloc Québécois is lobbying to bring the issue of co-op housing to the fore.
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  • Sep/19/24 11:36:43 a.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like to applaud the statement made by my colleague from Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie. I totally agree with him. That is similar to the solution the Bloc Québécois is promoting. Oftentimes, there are already agreements and arrangements, whether we are talking about the TECQ, the gas tax and Quebec's contribution program, or infrastructure agreements. Why can they not just extend the existing agreements, send the money and avoid the endless red tape instead of fighting over jurisdictions, like the federal government always does, sticking its nose where it does not belong?
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  • Sep/19/24 11:51:26 a.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I agree with most of what my colleague said. There is one thing that he did not really talk about that I would like him to elaborate on. It is a suggestion that the Bloc Québécois has made many times. My colleague from Longueuil—Saint-Hubert has spoken about it at length. I am talking about the creation of an acquisition fund that would enable non-profit organizations, the community sector, to acquire affordable housing on the private market and then make it available. What does the member think about that suggestion?
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  • Sep/19/24 2:20:17 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Premier of the Quebec nation said today that the Liberal government's decision to double the number of temporary immigrants to 600,000 individuals poses a threat to social services for Quebeckers. Will the leader of the Bloc Québécois do what the Premier of the Quebec nation is asking, and reconsider supporting this Liberal government next week? Will he defend the interests of Quebeckers and the Quebec nation?
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  • Sep/19/24 2:21:16 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is not just the Premier of the Quebec nation. The Bloc Québécois's political cousin, Parti Québécois leader Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, is also condemning this costly, centralizing government. He said, quote, “Quebec was deliberately destabilized. This is an abuse of federal power.” According to the PQ, the governing party is hurting Quebec, and the Bloc Québécois is keeping that party in power. Why did the leader of the Bloc Québécois turn his back on the Parti Québécois and all Quebeckers to keep the most centralizing and costly prime minister in Canada's history in power?
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  • Sep/19/24 2:44:43 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I know that it is painful. I know that they do not like to hear this, but actions and votes have consequences. The Bloc Québécois voted against the national dental care program that is currently under way in the member's riding. I recently had the pleasure of visiting Bromont in the Eastern Townships with my colleague. I met one of her constituents, who is one of the 14,000 people in that riding who are currently receiving dental care. She expressed her thanks. My colleague voted against that.
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  • Sep/19/24 2:45:29 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Liberals have a choice: Either they put an end to the two classes of seniors that they created or they go to the polls to keep those two classes of seniors. The Bloc Québécois has made its choice. We choose the side of all seniors, the side of equity and justice. It is time for the Liberals to make a choice. They can choose to do away with age discrimination or they can choose to promote this unjustifiable discrimination. What will it be?
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  • Sep/19/24 2:58:23 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the leader of the Bloc Québécois showed his true colours yesterday when he promised to support the Liberal government with no benefits at all for Quebec. There is absolutely nothing for forestry workers or seniors. That is the “Liberal Bloc”. When will the Prime Minister officially announce that the leader of the Bloc Québécois has become his Quebec lieutenant?
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  • Sep/19/24 2:59:34 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, as a representative of the Quebec City region and political lieutenant for Quebec, I am proud to support the citizens of Quebec City who want a third link, while the member for Québec, who is the new acting political lieutenant until the leader of the Bloc Québécois takes his place, is refusing to support a third link in Quebec City. Today, the Government of Quebec clearly asked the Bloc Québécois to stop supporting this government because it knows that nothing can be done with the Liberal government and that it will not get anywhere with the Liberal government. That is what we have been seeing for nine years.
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