
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 339

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
September 19, 2024 10:00AM
  • Sep/19/24 1:13:04 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, the first petition that I am tabling today is in support of the recognition of the universal dignity of the human person. The petitioners contend that it is always wrong to will the death of a child. Regardless of age, stage or circumstances, it is always wrong to intentionally kill a child. That basic moral proposition did not used to be controversial, and petitioners were horrified to hear a proposal from Dr. Louis Roy of the Quebec college of physicians recommending the expansion of euthanasia to babies from birth to one year of age who come into the world “with severe deformities and very serious syndromes”. This proposal for the, in effect, legalized intentional killing of children is deeply disturbing, and petitioners call on the Government of Canada to block any attempt to allow the killing of children in Canada.
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Madam Speaker, the next petition I am tabling is in support of the people of Ukraine in their struggle against the illegal, genocidal invasion of their territory by the Russian Federation. In particular, petitioners are in support of Bill C-388, my private member's bill, which would advance a number of measures aimed at giving Ukraine the support that it needs, particularly in the area of weapons. Petitioners note that the government has previously rejected Conservative proposals that would have expedited the delivery of urgently needed military equipment to Ukraine. Petitioners call upon the government to immediately follow through on long-delayed promises regarding military support for Ukraine, to send any surplus military equipment to Ukraine on an urgent basis and to support the passage of Bill C-388, which I have tabled in the House.
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  • Sep/19/24 1:17:05 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, the next petition deals issues in Venezuela. The petition does predate the most recent events in Venezuela, and I know petitioners would strongly support the people of Venezuela in their struggle for freedom and democracy, and for the recognition of the real results of the election. Sadly, the government has thus far failed to recognize the opposition victory in Venezuela, and we continue to call on them to do so. This petition, though, predates those most recent events and deals particularly with political prisoners. It calls on the Government of Canada to include political prisoners with close ties to Canada, particularly Ígbert José Marín Chaparro and Oswaldo Valentín García Palomo in any discussions or negotiations regarding diplomatic ties and to advocate for the unconditional release of the prisoners of conscience, Ígbert José Marín Chaparro and Oswaldo Valentín García Palomo, due to their strong family ties in Canada. The petitioners seek the release of all political prisoners in Venezuela before any concessions are given to the Venezuelan government, request the release and permission to come to Canada of these political prisoners and request that no further strengthening of the relationship take place unless and until all of these political prisoners are released.
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  • Sep/19/24 1:18:41 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, the next petition I would like to table deals with natural health products. The petitioners are deeply troubled by the fact that the Liberal government has threatened access to natural health products through new rules that would mean higher costs and fewer products available on store shelves. They note that new so-called cost recovery provisions would impose massive costs on all consumers of natural health products and undermine access for Canadians who rely on these products. They note how provisions in a previous Liberal omnibus budget, supported by the NDP, have given the government substantial new arbitrary powers around the regulation of natural health products. There is a private member's bill from my colleague from Red Deer—Lacombe that seeks to remedy these changes. I should clarify that it is from my Conservative colleague from Red Deer. If anyone has any doubts about Red Deer, it is certainly a strong Conservative place. Therefore, the undersigned call on the Government of Canada to reverse the changes made in the last Liberal budget regarding natural health products. I am pleased to table this petition.
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  • Sep/19/24 1:20:00 p.m.
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Madam Speaker, in the time I have left I would like to table a petition about Canadian identity and heritage, an issue that has not been discussed in this place for some time, but remains very important to many of my constituents. The petitioners note how the Canadian passport has long had images significant to Canadian heritage, including the Fathers of Confederation, the Vimy Memorial and Terry Fox. The government made a series of outrageous changes to the images on the passport, erasing these images. The undersigned petitioners call upon the government to reverse this plan that erased these symbols of national heritage and identity and to restore the celebration and appreciation that we should have for these great heroes of Canadian history and the reverence for these important monuments and memorials of our proud shared history.
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