
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
February 21, 2023 10:15AM
  • Feb/21/23 3:50:00 p.m.

The government House leader.

Today we are honoured to remember and pay tribute to a former member of our provincial Legislature, the late Mr. Michael Charles Ray, who was the MPP for Windsor–Walkerville during the 34th Parliament.

Joining us in the Speaker’s gallery are Mr. Ray’s family and friends: his sister Catherine Therrien; his daughters, Lea Ray and Stacey Ray; his son-in-law Tim Salayka; his grandsons Dane Salayka and Cole Seguin; and his family friend Sharon Wyatt. Also in the Speaker’s gallery is Mr. David Warner, Speaker during the 35th Parliament.

I recognize the member for Windsor–Tecumseh.

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  • Feb/21/23 3:50:00 p.m.

If you seek it, you will find unanimous consent that a change be made to the order of precedence on the ballot list for private members’ public business, such that Madame Collard assumes ballot item number 23 and Ms. Bowman assumes ballot item number 24.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:00:00 p.m.

I rise on behalf of the NDP caucus and as the member for Windsor West to pay tribute to Michael Charles Ray, a former city of Windsor alderman, MPP, lawyer and community advocate in Windsor-Essex. Most importantly, to his family, he was a son, brother, husband, father, grandfather and uncle.

I want to welcome Mike’s family and friends who are with us today: Mike’s daughter Lea, her husband, Tim, and their son Dane—and thank you, Lea, for your time going back and forth with me as I prepared this tribute; Mike’s daughter Stacey and her son Cole; Mike’s sister Cathy; his friend Sharon Wyatt; and, as was mentioned, David Warner, the Speaker for the 35th Parliament here at Queen’s Park.

I also want to acknowledge Mike’s family who are joining us remotely from Ontario, Quebec, Florida and all the way into Scotland: Mike’s wife, Joyce; grandchildren Carmen and Reid; and Mike’s sisters Dee, Mary, Pat and Loretta.

Speaker, oftentimes when we pay tribute to a former MPP who has passed away, we start our remarks highlighting when the former member was first elected to the Legislature and their term as an MPP. It seems like the natural place for all of us to start. I’m going to start closer to the beginning of Mike’s story. Mike was born on August 27, 1936, and grew up in Hamilton in a middle-class family. His father, Art, was a sales manager at Stelco and his mother, Elvera, focused her time—and I would suspect a whole lot of energy—on raising six children. Mike was their firstborn, followed by five younger sisters.

His mom would play the piano for hours each day. Mike’s daughter Lea told me she had the talent to be a concert pianist but was too busy raising six kids. Mike was raised to appreciate music, something he carried throughout his life. He always supported the arts, like Windsor Symphony Orchestra, Windsor Light Music Theatre, and University Players.

He graduated from the University of Western Ontario with an honours BA in economics and political science. He received a teaching degree from the Ontario College of Education and started his career as a high school teacher. He met his wife, Joyce, also a high school teacher, while they were both working in Thunder Bay. They married in 1964 and moved to Windsor in 1967. Mike wanted to become a lawyer, so he returned to law school. He was a member of Windsor Law’s first graduating class and was called to the Ontario bar in 1973.

He was a man of deep faith, which was an important guiding factor in his life and something that he ensured was a central factor in his children’s lives, as well.

Mike followed the decisions made by different levels of government and public bodies, and he was immensely interested in the sociological impacts they would have on marginalized members of society. His daughter Lea shared with me that Mike would walk up and talk to people living on the street because he wanted to understand why they were on the street. He would often say to his children, “No one chooses to be homeless”—a belief that I also share—and as a lawyer and politician, Mike wanted to understand what brought them to that circumstance, what brought them to living on the street. He wanted to help change the systems that caused people to be on the street.

Mike worked as a lawyer and was director of clinical law at the faculty of law, legal assistance program at the University of Windsor. His passion for fair representation for all was something he proudly passed on to his law students.

He was elected to Windsor city council in 1980 and served as an alderman until 1987—we call them city councillors now.

In 1987, Mike was elected as the MPP for Windsor–Walkerville in the 34th Parliament. He proudly served as MPP until 1990.

He returned to law following his career in politics. When Mike left provincial politics in 1990, he said—and I think there are people here who can relate to this—“It’s a welcome relief from politics. It’s nice to get back into the practice of law. Politics was seven days a week—including nights and weekends—operating in two cities and constantly travelling back and forth. It was a full calendar.”

Mike was a lifetime member of the Knights of Columbus and served on the boards of the Windsor Port Authority and Windsor Police Service.

He was a member of the YQG Windsor International Airport board and the Windsor Regional Hospital board at the time of his death on October 7, 2021, at the age of 85.

Mike is remembered by his colleagues as “fun to work with,” “believed in freedom and democracy,” “a great fighter” for his constituents, and a very respected MPP. He always stood up for what he believed was right—sometimes literally moved to his feet during intense debates.

Mike cared about the environment and defended it constantly, from the local environment in Windsor-Essex to preserving and protecting the greenbelt.

People voted for Mike because they believed in him, and he never wanted to let them down.

Mike always thought that local community was where the best of life was lived and that Windsor was the perfect size to have a wonderful life. That is why he fought so hard to improve on our infrastructure, hospitals, the downtown core, which I am a proud resident of, and our parkland, and to have the Windsor waterfront preserved for public use. Speaker, the beautiful waterfront, which I believe you saw not too long ago, stretches for many kilometres, and that is his legacy to our city.

Mike was an incredibly caring and kind person. I share this from his tribute that was posted online:

“While in the hospital, Michael often remarked about the professionalism and compassion displayed by the nurses, doctors and other staff. He was reassured that part of his life’s work came to fruition with the ongoing efforts to provide quality care to the patients at” Windsor Regional Hospital. “Beyond his forthright manner and diligent quest for justice, he taught us all that doing the right thing was not always popular, but was the necessary path. Compassion was the basis of his morality, and his impassioned stories, whether anecdotal or serious, will be missed. Michael was a true scholar and a gentleman.”

Leading up to his final days, Mike took time to call his loved ones, family and friends to let them know how he felt about them. His biggest concern was making sure that his family was taken care of.

Speaker, I read through the tributes to Michael Ray that were shared after his passing, and I will echo what the member for Windsor–Tecumseh said. I was going to read Marion Overholt’s quote, but he already did. But what I will say is that Marion Overholt doesn’t give out praise easily; you really have to earn it, and the fact that she spoke so highly of Michael Ray shows what an incredible advocate and human being he was for our community.

Speaker, Michael Charles Ray is a man I wish I had the pleasure of knowing and learning from.

I join members of my community in honouring Mike for caring so deeply, for his lengthy years of service and unwavering dedication to our community.

And a heartfelt thank you to Mike’s family for sharing him with all of us and for sacrificing your time with him as he fought for the betterment of our community.

Rest in peace, Mike, knowing others will continue to fight the good fight and will follow the path that you inspired us to take.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:00:00 p.m.

I’ll recognize the member for Windsor West.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:10:00 p.m.

I want to thank the family and friends who have taken the time to join us today as we remember Michael Charles Ray.

Today we are honoured to remember and pay tribute to a former member of our provincial Legislature, the late Mrs. Barbara Sullivan, who was the MPP for Halton Centre during the 34th and 35th Parliaments.

Joining us in the Speaker’s Gallery are Mrs. Sullivan’s family and friends: her husband, Jordan G. Sullivan; her daughters, Michele Thompson, Sandra Sullivan and Elspeth Gibson; her son, Jordan D. Sullivan; her daughter-in-law, Alex Sullivan; and her friend Vivienne Jones.

Also in the Speaker’s Gallery is David Warner, Speaker during the 35th Parliament.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:10:00 p.m.

I’d like to welcome Mike’s family to Queen’s Park today to hear all the beautiful stories about him. I hope they bring you some comfort.

I am honoured to stand before you today to pay tribute to Mr. Michael Charles Ray, known to most as Mike. He was a lawyer, an MPP, a son, a brother, a husband and a father. He is remembered by all of us in this chamber, his family, his friends and the people of Windsor, whom he so greatly served.

Ray attended the University of Western Ontario and OISE, receiving a teaching degree, and the University of Windsor, where he earned a law degree. He was called to the Ontario bar in 1973. He practised as a lawyer for years before making the jump to politics.

Mike and I actually have had similar political careers in that both of us got our starts as city councillors for eight years before making our way to the Pink Palace. Mike was a city councillor in Windsor, where he was an incredible advocate for his community and city. Former Windsor mayor John Millson said of Mike, “People voted for him because they believed in him, and he never wanted to let them down”—as you heard my colleagues say today. That is an example of why we all should be here—because our residents believe in us and because we should not let their needs down. Thank you for that, Mike. Thank you for being such a role model to us.

Mike was elected to the Ontario Legislature in the riding of Windsor–Walkerville on September 10, 1987, where he went on to serve until 1990. During this time, he acted as the Deputy Chair of the Committee of the Whole House. While he was only an MPP for a few years, his passion for politics in Windsor was his life’s work.

After his years in politics, Mike returned to law, working as lead regional counsel for the support and custody legal services branch of Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney General. He also served on the boards of the Windsor Port Authority, Windsor Police Service, and YQG Windsor International Airport board. His guidance and foresight for the city and for the boards he served on was a positive force.

I thank you, Mike, for your hard work and your efforts, leading to positive change for our province and the city of Windsor, which you so passionately served and loved. Today and every day, you are fondly remembered here at Queen’s Park and in the minds of all the lives you’ve touched. Rest in peace, Michael Charles Ray.


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  • Feb/21/23 4:10:00 p.m.

Madam Speaker, if you seek it, you will find unanimous consent to allow members to make statements in remembrance for the late Mrs. Barbara Sullivan, with five minutes allotted to His Majesty’s government, five minutes allotted to His Majesty’s loyal opposition, and five minutes allotted to the independent members as a group.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:10:00 p.m.

I’m honoured to rise in the House today to pay tribute to the former Liberal MPP, the late Barbara Sullivan. Barbara served her constituents in the riding of Halton Centre for two terms, from 1987 to 1995.

She grew up in rural Oakville, and she was an active member of the local 4-H club. She won many awards for showing the family’s sheep and Holstein cattle. This was indicative of her future career; she started early.

Barbara studied journalism at Carleton University, where she edited the student newspaper and was active in the Canadian University Press. Her first job as a reporter was at the Toronto Telegram, where she covered community life and local events.

Barbara moved on from journalism to become a public affairs consultant and communications specialist. She developed skills that she would use very effectively in politics. Barbara served as the principal secretary and the chief of staff for Ontario Treasurer Robert Nixon in the early 1980s, and it was that experience that led to her successful campaign to become the Liberal MPP for the riding of Halton Centre. She was a very savvy campaign strategist. In fact, Robert Nixon called Barbara “the best campaign manager” he knew.

As MPP, she chaired the government caucus and the Select Committee on Energy, and was the parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Labour.

During the Bob Rae government, when Barbara was a member of the official opposition, she was the critic for the environment and later the critic for health. During one heated exchange in this Legislature, the indomitable and, dare I say, feisty Barbara Sullivan had to be escorted out of the Legislature by the Sergeant-at-Arms.

She was a force to be reckoned with, and this quality was widely recognized. Former Premier David Peterson called Sullivan “a powerhouse of the Liberal Party.” Her daughter Sandra described her mother as a “five-foot ball of energy.” Everything Barbara did, she did with passion.

Barbara’s husband, Jordan, was a farmer in Oakville, and one season while he was exhibiting sheep at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, he fell ill. As the story goes, Barbara rushed down to the exhibition grounds from Queen’s Park. She pulled on a pair of boots while wearing a red power suit, of course—so they went very well together—and stepped in for her husband. She stepped right in there for him and won a prize. That’s the kind of woman she was. She was diligent and determined, and she didn’t let anything deter her.

Barbara was immersed in politics. She was the Ontario campaign manager for Jean Chrétien in his bid for the leadership of the federal Liberal Party. She managed the successful leadership campaign for Dr. Stuart Smith for the Ontario Liberal Party. And she was also a senior strategist on Paul Martin’s campaign.

She loved politics, but she also had a lot of outside interests. In 2011, Barbara and her husband, Jordan, moved to the city of Hamilton. Barbara Sullivan was a remarkable lady. She was a strong and tireless advocate for access to quality health care. For eight years, she served on the board of directors of Hamilton Health Sciences Corp. and then became its chair. She was the chair of the Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council, which conducted extensive research and advised the Minister of Health on matters related to the regulation of health professions in Ontario. She was also a director of the Bay Area Health Trustee Corp. and a director of Ontario’s Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority.

Barbara served on numerous boards over the years. She was clearly dedicated to public service, and she had been recognized for her work with several national and international citations and awards.

Barbara was also an avid gardener. She was a recipient of the Trillium Award from the city of Hamilton for the manner in which she beautified her own home garden.

She was very creative. She also was a talented miniaturist who designed intricate dollhouses.

Barbara loved to have fun and entertain her grandchildren, and she was blessed with six grandchildren.

Barbara passed away on January 24, 2021, on her 78th birthday, but her life was truly full, and it was a life well lived.

I want to welcome the family. Thank you to Barbara’s husband, Jordan; her daughters, Michele, Sandra and Elspeth; her son, Jordan; her daughter-in-law, Alex; her granddaughter Annie; and her long-time friend Vivienne Jones, as well as former Speaker David Warner.

I want to thank all of the family for sharing Barbara with us. She was truly an indomitable spirit whom we remember fondly, and we are all grateful for her service to Ontario. Thank you.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:20:00 p.m.

It’s an honour today for me to rise to recognize Barbara Sullivan. I want to start out by thanking her family who are here today: her husband, Jordan G. Sullivan; her daughters, Michele Thompson, Sandra Sullivan, Elspeth Gibson; her son, Jordan D. Sullivan; daughter-in-law, Alex Sullivan; granddaughter Annie Keely; her friend Vivienne Jones; and the 35th Speaker of this Legislature, Mr. David Warner.

Barbara grew up near Oakville and attended Munn’s one-room schoolhouse. This was a rural area. She raised sheep and Holstein cattle, and she won many top awards at showings. She was an active member in many community groups, including 4-H, and the Sheridan College musical theatre program. She was the chair of the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts. She was a member of Heritage Canada, the Ontario Historical Society, the Canadian Wildlife Federation and the Canadian Club, and she was a board member of Parks Canada.

Barbara studied journalism at Carleton and worked as a journalist at the Toronto Telegram. She later worked as a public affairs consultant. And in politics, she first worked as the principal secretary and chief of staff to the treasurer of Ontario, Robert Nixon.

Before campaigning herself, I discovered that she worked as a campaign manager in the campaigns of Robert Nixon, Stuart Smith, Art Eggleton, Jean Chrétien and John Turner. It amazed me that all of these successful politicians had the same woman behind them. Mr. Nixon even referred to her as “the best campaign manager I know.” I don’t doubt that.

Barbara Sullivan was elected to this House in 1987 and re-elected in 1990 in the riding of Halton Centre. She served for two terms, from 1987 to 1995. During that time, she was appointed official opposition critic for the environment, and she served as a member of many bodies: the Board of Internal Economy, the Standing Committee on the Legislative Assembly, the government caucus chair, the parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Labour, and she chaired the Select Committee on Energy. So she had a lot to do with the functioning of this body.

After her time as MPP, she became a member of the board of directors of the Hamilton Health Sciences Corp., which she later chaired. She was also the chair of the Health Professions Regulatory Advisory Council.

More recently, she was a vice-chair and director of Ontario’s Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority. She was a governor of Mohawk College. She was a director of the Bay Area Health Trustee Corp. and director and treasurer of the Ontario Association of Former Parliamentarians. She has really contributed and left a substantial legacy on Ontario’s political and social landscape.

I want to close by thanking her family, her loved ones for allowing her to serve the people of Ontario, for making the sacrifice so that she could serve here in this House and elsewhere in society. She has left behind such a legacy, and we’re very thankful for her service. It’s an honour today to rise and recognize that.


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  • Feb/21/23 4:20:00 p.m.

The member for Toronto–St. Paul’s.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:20:00 p.m.

Good afternoon to the family and friends of former member of provincial Parliament Barbara Ann Pickard Sullivan. Today, we have the privilege of the presence of some of Barbara’s loved ones, as she had many: Mr. Jordan G. Sullivan, Barbara’s husband; her daughters, Michele Thompson, Sandra Sullivan and Elspeth Gibson; her son, Jordan D. Sullivan; her daughter-in-law, Alex Sullivan; her granddaughter Annie Keeley; and her dear friend Vivienne Jones.

Barbara’s family and friends are also joined by Mr. David Warner, who presided as the Speaker of the Legislature during the 35th Parliament.

I welcome you all on behalf of the Ontario NDP official opposition. We thank you deeply for sharing your beloved Barbara with the hard-working people of Halton Centre and Ontario.

Barbara was born on January 24, 1943, in Calgary, Alberta. Her family soon moved to Oakville.

She graduated from Carleton University school of journalism in 1964, and before politics, she worked as a journalist and later as a public affairs consultant at the Toronto Telegram, if I’m not mistaken.

Barbara came to Queen’s Park having defeated her PC opponent in Halton Centre by a whopping 6,000 votes amid a landslide Liberal majority at the provincial level. She served as a Liberal MPP in the 34th Parliament and in the 35th Parliament under Premier David Peterson and Premier Bob Rae, respectively. She valiantly represented her community and earned the respect and admiration of her colleagues across party lines.

Frankly, there isn’t enough time today to highlight all of the leadership roles Barbara excelled in, spanning across her terms in 1987 to 1995, but here are just a few:

She served as Chair of a Select Committee on Energy, as deputy whip, as her party’s environment critic and health critic, as the parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Labour and to the women’s issues minister, as the commissioner of the Board of Internal Economy. And that’s when she wasn’t flying out of Queen’s Park in her “little red power suit,” as her daughter recalled, saving the day for her dad, a farmer who had taken ill. Barbara flew out of Queen’s Park in style to replace him, exhibiting sheep at the royal winter fair, and as Barbara did, she won. Barbara’s daughter Sandra called her mother, yes, a “five-foot ball of energy.”

Outside of Queen’s Park, Barbara loved cooking, sewing and gardening. She created dollhouses that her daughter said could be displayed in any museum, and apparently she loved world travel.

Former Liberal Premier David Peterson said, “She was plugged in and a dynamo of fire. There were just sparks that came off of her. She had so much energy!”

Barbara, I hear, had an incredible laugh, was confident, and had a collaborative leadership style—and a leader she was, having managed many political campaigns before becoming an MPP herself. She managed the campaigns of former Liberal leader Dr. Stuart Smith and Art Eggleton’s successful runs for Toronto mayor in 1980 and 1982. She was also the campaign manager for Jean Chrétien’s federal Liberal leadership campaign. Back in 1987, Robert Nixon was quoted as calling Barbara the “best campaign manager he knew.”

Barbara had influence, but her friends often described her as unassuming and maternal, finding time during her hectic Queen’s Park schedule to drive to Oakville to prepare lunch for her then youngest children, Elspeth and Jordan.

Even after politics, Barbara remained devoted to her community. She served as chair of the Hamilton Health Sciences board from 2006-09. Her intent to support seniors led her to the position of vice-chair of the board of directors of the Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority during the years 2013 to 2020.

She was a patron of the Sheridan College musical theatre program, the Ontario Historical Society, the Canadian Wildlife Federation and also served as a board member of the Big Sisters Association of Metropolitan Toronto, Huntley Youth Services, Mohawk College, Bird Studies Canada, chair of Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts and commissioner and acting chair of the Commission on Election Finances in Ontario.

Barbara took life by the horns but also knew that life would have its bumps. To quote Barbara during her first campaign, she said, “I’m an ad hoc person. What comes, does, and what doesn’t does not. There will always be a challenge for me.”

Barbara Sullivan’s sun set on her 78th birthday, on January 24, 2021, in Hamilton, Ontario. Those who respected her and admired her tenacity as a politician, a community leader, will remember her as “the cream that rose to the top.”

To Barbara’s family and friends here today, thank you again for sharing her with Ontario.

To her dearest grandchildren, hold on tight to those musical birthday cards she often gave you. May her words and your memories of her live on forever.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:30:00 p.m.

The government House leader is seeking unanimous consent to allow members to make statements in remembrance for the late Mr. Drummond White, with five minutes allotted to independent members as a group, five minutes allotted to His Majesty’s government and five minutes allotted to His Majesty’s loyal opposition. Agreed? Agreed.

Today we are honoured to remember and pay tribute to a former member of our provincial legislature, the late Mr. Drummond White, who was the MPP for Durham Centre during the 35th Parliament. Joining us in the Speaker’s gallery is Mr. White’s daughter, Lenore White. Also in the Speaker’s gallery is David Warner, Speaker during the 35th Parliament.

I recognize the member for Don Valley West.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:30:00 p.m.

I am honoured to stand here today and say a few words about Mr. Drummond White, who served as NDP MPP for Durham Centre from 1990 to 1995 and brought a real devotion to social justice and a sense of community to his constituents. He leaves behind his wife Norah; his children Amanda, Devin, and Lenore; his grandchildren Arya, Maisie, Ezra, Wilton, Ophelia and Miles; his sister Rosemary Johnston; and his nieces Kate, Alison and Emily.

His daughter Lenore joins us today, along with Mr. David Warner, Speaker of the 35th Parliament. We’re grateful for your presence here today. Thank you.

Born in Toronto, Mr. White attended the University of Toronto in 1969, where he was blessed to meet Norah, and they were married in 1972. After receiving his first degree at U of T, he went on to receive his bachelor of social work at York University, his MSW from Wilfrid Laurier University and then an advanced diploma in research at U of T—clearly a love for learning was present in his life.

Mr. White and his family made Whitby their home, where he devoted his life to public service and social justice. He was a force for social reforms, especially for his community in the Durham region.

Social workers play an important role in our communities, and Mr. White touched so many lives as a social worker for 35 years. He was a founding member of the Durham chapter of the Ontario Association of Professional Social Workers and was instrumental in the development of the Ontario College of Registered Social Workers and Social Service Workers. He served on the boards of both the Ontario Association of Social Workers and the Canadian Association of Social Workers, and in 2005 was the recipient of the CASW Distinguished Service Award—clearly well-deserved.

His ongoing contributions to the Ontario NDP were honoured in 2017 with a lifetime membership.

Just a couple of months before Mr. White passed away, he and Norah celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary—what a wonderful accomplishment.

His passion for life and devotion to his work will forever be remembered by his loved ones and those whose lives he touched through his service. Beyond politics and social work, Mr. White had diverse interests, such as literature, theatre, travel, music and history. He also enjoyed chess, cycling—scuba diving, even—and started learning a little Spanish toward the end of his life, so to that end: Remarks in Spanish.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:30:00 p.m.

It is an honour to rise in this House this afternoon and a true pleasure for me to pay tribute to a former community ambassador, a remarkable parliamentarian and a great family man: the former member of provincial Parliament from the riding of Durham Centre, Mr. Drummond White.

Born in 1951, Mr. White grew up in Oshawa. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in social work, followed by a master’s degree in social work, and I believe his post-secondary institutions included two stints at the University of Toronto, Wilfrid Laurier and York. He also received a research diploma in social work from the University of Toronto.

Prior to entering politics, he began what would amount to a 35-year career in social work. As a family counsellor and a social worker, his work focused on mediation and family assessment.

He met the love of his life, Norah Love, while the two were students in the late 1960s, and the two were married in 1972. Married for over 50 years, their courtship followed by their marriage was a true love story of over half a century. They have three adult children; Amanda, partnered with Brad; Devin, partnered with Alli; and Lenore, partnered with Brandon. These unions produced six wonderful grandchildren: Arya, Maisie, Ezra, Wilton, Ophelia and Miles.

It was Drummond’s drive and commitment to serve his community that brought him into politics, resulting in his election to the provincial Parliament in 1990. He was elected as a member of the Bob Rae NDP government. Among other assignments, he was appointed parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. In December 1992, MPP White moved a resolution advocating for the creation of a regulatory body for social workers in Ontario. At that time, Ontario was the only province that did not have such a regulatory body for social workers. A spokesman for the Ministry of Social Services at that time said that such legislation for social work was a low priority for that government.

While Drummond was not successful in getting a bill passed during his time as MPP, a similar bill was enacted in the next provincial Parliament named the Social Work and Social Service Work Act. This was enacted by the Mike Harris PC government in 1998. Drummond was the final witness and speaker before the legislative committee that dealt with that bill and was obviously very pleased when this legislation was finally enacted.

After leaving politics following the 1995 election, Drummond returned to his profession as a social worker. In 1996, he served as co-chair to the Durham Region Coalition for Social Justice. He also participated in other Durham advocacy groups such as Save Our Schools and Save Our Shores. He later joined the board of the Canadian Association of Social Workers. In 2008, he was elected secretary-treasurer. In 2005, he had been chosen as the Ontario recipient of the Canadian Association of Social Workers’s Distinguished Service Award. Drummond White was also on the board of the Ontario Association of Social Workers and was elected vice-president in charge of social and professional advocacy.

I was proud to know Drummond White personally. I think that the best way to describe him, after considering all the formalities and an impressive resumé, is to state simply that he was a good man and a good citizen. As a member of provincial Parliament for Durham Centre and a lifetime community activist, what an incredible life Drummond White lived, what an example he set, what a model for his community.

In later years, he was an active member of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Durham, where he took on leadership roles and served as a lay chaplain for many years. What better way to honour his life of service than as best we can by following his example to live a life of love, caring, kindness, love of family, respect and civility for others and advocacy for worthy causes.

My friend, the member for Whitby—the successor riding to Durham Centre—Lorne Coe shared with me a fitting recommendation to remember Drummond by, as he was very proud of his Scottish heritage. The Epitaph on a Friend by Robbie Burns contains these memorable words:


An honest man here lies at rest,

The friend of man, the friend of truth,

The friend of age, and guide of youth;

Few hearts like his, of virtue warm’d,

Few heads with knowledge so inform’d;

If there’s another world, he lives in bliss;

If there is none, he made the best of this.


On behalf of all members of the government caucus, I salute the late Drummond White for his service to our community of Durham region, a community that he called home very proudly. I would also like to thank his family—and, Lenore, you’re here on behalf of the family—for sharing him with us, with the province of Ontario, as a dedicated member of provincial Parliament from 1990 to 1995. Thank you.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:30:00 p.m.

Speaker, if you seek it, you will find unanimous consent to allow members to make statements in remembrance for the late Mr. Drummond White, with five minutes allotted to independent members as a group, five minutes allotted to His Majesty’s government and five minutes allotted to His Majesty’s loyal opposition.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:40:00 p.m.

It is always an honour to stand in this proud Legislature, and today, it is my honour on behalf of Ontario’s New Democrats to pay tribute to Drummond White. I am pleased to acknowledge Drummond’s family and friends who are watching today’s tributes from Whitby and beyond: Drummond’s wife and partner of 50 years, Norah Love; children Amanda, Devin and Lenore, and their spouses Brad, Alli and Brandon; and beloved grandchildren Arya, Maisie, Ezra, Wilton, Ophelia and Miles. Drummond’s sister, Rosemary Johnston, nieces Kate, Alison and Emily and extended family and friends are also watching. And we would like to welcome Drummond’s daughter Lenore White to the Legislature today, and David Warner, the 35th Speaker.

When we pay tribute to former MPPs, it is a special chance to share the life and legacy of someone who worked to shape the world we live in, and in Drummond White’s case, the legacy of someone who was inspired by the world around him and an inspiration to those he met along the way. For anyone who met Drummond, they knew that he would listen with conviction and laugh with wild abandon, and we will miss that laugh.

Henry Perrin Drummond White was born in Toronto on March 19, 1951. As a child, he was bright, independent and a voracious reader and critical thinker. He was philosophically a social democrat from a very young age, and that never wavered.

Drummond came from a very conservative family. In fact, two of his first cousins are Perrin Beatty, the former MP and cabinet minister, and George Beatty, currently an Ontario judge and former Conservative MPP.

While respectful of his family’s background, Drummond never shied from making his own way and daring to march to a different drum. As a teenager at Oshawa’s O’Neill Collegiate in the 1960s, he invited Ed Broadbent to speak to the entire school assembly, which was quite bold in that community at that time, as his wife, Norah, recalled to me. Norah also shared that Drummond and she met in 1969 on day one at the University of Toronto. They were both studying English literature, philosophy and psychology, and they were, as she describes it, “somewhat hippieish, enjoying the music and counterculture of the times.” She was sure Drummond had a book in his hand when they met, probably Leonard Cohen poetry or maybe a political manifesto. They got married in 1972, settled in Whitby in 1981, and recently celebrated their 50th anniversary in September 2022 with their beloved family of three kids and now six active grandchildren.

Drummond’s commitment to social justice and social democracy was lifelong, not just during his time in the Legislature or serving with the NDP. Wherever they lived, Drummond would get involved in the local NDP riding associations and volunteer on campaigns. He always wanted to get the message out there, regardless of the outcome.

Although his parents might have liked him to pursue law, Drummond chose social work as his career. Social democrat values are consistent with those of social work and also with Unitarian principles, and Drummond was a chaplain for years at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Durham, and was very involved within that community.

As a social worker, Drummond worked with vulnerable individuals in child protection and counselling services, both on the job and in his free time. He was an active advocate for people across the community and province. He worked on welfare reform and child poverty issues, volunteered with immigrant support groups, and stood up for environmental protection, long-term care, LGBTQ rights and issues of equity and fairness across communities.

Drummond was very involved in professional social work organizations, as we’ve heard, and in 2005 was awarded the Canadian Association of Social Workers’ distinguished service award. Drummond would show up, stand up and speak up on social justice causes all his life.

Drummond’s family remembers a lifetime of attending vigils and demonstrations over the years. His kids would no doubt remember joining picket lines and events like Save Our Shores in Whitby, Eaton’s workers strikes and plenty of others, not to mention lots and lots of neighbourhood walks handing out leaflets.

Drummond was always involved in various campaigns—and as all of us know, not all of them are winning campaigns. In 1990, Drummond ran for the NDP. Norah told me that they weren’t expecting to win that election, so on election night, he was in the hot tub in the backyard. They called him, and someone said, “You’d better get over here,” and he was thinking, “Why? What’s the rush?” So they told him, “It looks like you won, and Al Furlong is on the way to congratulate you.” So he had to get out of the hot tub, dry off and get to his victory party. I hadn’t heard that story before preparing for this tribute, and I don’t know whether Norah is happy that I’m sharing it, but I’m sharing it.

In 1990, ridings that weren’t typically orange went orange in a wave. Drummond White ably represented the area of Whitby and part of Oshawa as the NDP MPP for Durham Centre from 1990 to 1995. He continued to be locally committed and involved in the Ontario NDP, and in 2017, was proud to be honoured with a lifetime membership.

Drummond was a strong political force locally and was an active parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Municipal Affairs, serving this House until 1995. Although he always followed politics and current events, Drummond had many more interests that informed his beliefs and his values. He loved the arts, literature, music, travel, physical adventure, and family.

I did not meet Drummond through politics. I met him through local theatre. No one would be surprised that Drummond and I both have occasionally tended towards the dramatic. In fact, the last time I saw Drummond was on a visit to Stratford, when we ran into Drummond and Norah. We were at a play and all had the chance for a quick visit at intermission. Many folks know well that Drummond and Norah were members at Stratford, and each season, the minute anyone could get tickets, Drummond was figuring out the schedules and getting tickets for the whole season—the whole entire season, and all the plays every season. For Drummond, theatre and arts were a family affair. His children grew up being taken to theatre and live events, folk festivals, concerts, science centres and museums. They spent time in nature along the French River and on many family trips.

Many people remember competitive chess with Drummond, although no one seems to remember winning.

Friends recall Drummond with his books and his dog and, usually, a Cuban cigar on the porch of Burr Lodge.

Drummond was always proud of his Scottish heritage and often solved all of the world’s problems with friends over a glass of Scotch.

Drummond White died on November 25, 2022, with his family by his side. The thoughtful and familiar tributes shared at this service made it very clear that Drummond had meant so much to so many. His six young grandkids loved their grandpa, and each put a Scotch thistle into a vase at the beginning of the service. Family and friends shared wonderful tributes.

Friend Niki Lundquist of Whitby shared, “When someone looks back at a life and can say, ‘They inspired me.’ That their hope for better, that their commitment to progress for people, that their activism and their politics improved lives in a real and tangible way—that is a rich legacy. It is a legacy of hard work and hope. For better. For everyone. That is Drummond’s legacy.”

Drummond White was committed to family and community, to newcomers and new friends, to justice and democracy, the environment, creativity and thought, and he debated, inspired, fought, challenged and changed the world he loved so deeply.

Drummond White wasn’t like anyone else I have ever met. He set a unique, authentic and enthusiastic example for living life. It was always clear he loved the journey and he loved his family.

This Legislature and the province of Ontario are grateful to Drummond’s family for sharing him with us.

Over Drummond and Norah’s kitchen table is a picture of Tommy Douglas, and on their wall is a Leonard Cohen print. It was Leonard Cohen who said, “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” But it was Drummond White who shone a brilliant and true light and reflected any ray of light he came across to make the world so much brighter.

Thank you, Drummond. You will be missed.


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  • Feb/21/23 4:40:00 p.m.

The member for Oshawa.

Today, we are honoured to remember and pay tribute to a former member of our provincial Legislature, the late Dr. Charles Morris Godfrey, who was the MPP for Durham West during the 30th Parliament.

Dr. Godfrey’s family, including his son, Mark Godfrey, are watching from home this afternoon.

Joining us in the Speaker’s gallery is David Warner, Speaker during the 35th Parliament.

The member for Kingston and the Islands.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:40:00 p.m.

Speaker, if you seek it, you will find unanimous consent to allow members to make statements in remembrance for the late Dr. Charles Morris Godfrey, with five minutes allotted to the independent members as a group, five minutes allotted to His Majesty’s government, and five minutes allotted to His Majesty’s loyal opposition.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:50:00 p.m.

It’s an honour to rise today and to pay tribute to Dr. Charles Morris Godfrey. I want to acknowledge his son, Mark, who is watching from home, along with other friends and family.

Dr. Charles Godfrey was a renowned physician, a true pioneer and trailblazer in physical medicine and rehabilitation, who practised until he was 102 years old. He had an unwavering love for his community, and it was clear in the way he took such pride in serving the people of Durham West from 1975 to 1977 in this chamber.

In 1953, Dr. Charles Godfrey earned his medical degree from the University of Toronto, which he paid for by working as a janitor and scrapyard worker. He would later teach at this university for more than 20 years.

Dr. Godfrey would go on to serve as the director of Toronto East General’s physical medicine and rehabilitation department, and he worked at Toronto General, Toronto Rehab and Sunnybrook Hospitals before being appointed the head of Wellesley hospital’s rehabilitation clinic.

His achievements were recognized in 1989 when he was appointed to the Order of Canada. His award reads: “Deeply committed to humankind and the elimination of human suffering, and although of retirement age, he continues to be involved in an exhausting round of activity.”

The Order of Canada also took into account his political activism, which focused on the environment. He was an instrumental member of the People or Planes campaign, opposing the construction of the Pickering airport.

In an article published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in 1987, Dr. Godfrey stated that “doctors must show leadership within the community.” That heartfelt concern manifested in his role as director of CARE/Medico, which led him, alongside his wife—a nurse, who passed away in 2002—to volunteer as a visiting doctor in more than 20 countries, including Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Few of us reach his age; even fewer of us put every one of their days on this planet to make it a better place.

Today I want to express my deepest respect and admiration for Dr. Charles Morris Godfrey, for a lifetime of contributing to the success of the community he loved, for setting an example for all of us, and for making Ontario a better place. We’re so very fortunate to have had such a passionate and devoted doctor who served in this Legislature.

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  • Feb/21/23 4:50:00 p.m.

The member for Ajax.

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