
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
October 24, 2023 09:00AM

It was very good to hear my friend from Mississauga Centre speak this morning about this great bill. I think probably the greatest thing about this job is the great people you get to meet, and being able to listen to someone who has been on the front lines of health care her entire career and continues to serve where she can and when she can is absolutely amazing.

Rather than calling the progress we’ve made in hiring nurses, in building hospitals and committing millions and millions of dollars to home care, “tinkering,” we’re actually getting stuff done. Constituents in my riding have told me how important it is for them that they are able to stay in their home and in their community as long as possible as they age.

I was hoping the member could tell us a little bit more about how important this is and how this bill will ensure that seniors from my community, and indeed across Ontario, are able to age in place.

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The members on this side of the House have pointed out some of the problems with the government’s bill, but the biggest problem really is that it fails to address the real root cause of the health care crisis we have before us, which is a health care workforce that is not able to meet the demands of the people of Ontario.

We heard the member talk about all the nurses and PSWs who are going into our college and university system. However, when they graduate, they are moving into roles where they are not supported, they are in high-pressure-cooker environments and they are leaving. They’re leaving Ontario because the wages are too low. They’re leaving the profession because the demands are too high.

Can the member tell us why this bill did not do anything to address the health human resources crisis that we are facing in this province?

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To our member from Mississauga Centre: I think you are aware that in the past 15 years, the joint force of the NDP and Liberals worked so hard to destroy our health system. Now we are rebuilding it, taking care of the well-being of Ontarians, so now they are putting up obstacles after obstacles after obstacles.

I know that you still have a lot of good news to share, as you are a first-hand member of health care. Can you share more about how this bill, Bill 135, will serve Ontarians?

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  • Oct/24/23 10:20:00 a.m.

Remarks in Anishininiimowin.

Cat Lake is one of the 31 First Nations in Kiiwetinoong. In December 2022, Cat Lake First Nation sent a letter to the Ministry of Northern Development and the Ministry of Mines about mining activity in their territory. Cat Lake has a full moratorium on mining activity on their title lands. The moratorium means no permits—exploration permits, winter roads—and no drilling on the lands and waters until their Anishinaabe-led assessment is done.

Whatever consultation that was attempted with Cat Lake First Nation was inadequate. With COVID and severe addiction issues happening that take immediate priority, there is little time for mining.

The plan for the proposed mine includes draining a crystal clear lake full of lake trout. This lake trout is rare. These lakes are rare. Only about 1% of Ontario’s lakes contain lake trout. These waters and the fish are very important to the ways of life, and what happens there should be decided through an Anishinaabe-led assessment of the project.

Speaker, it is the will of the Cat Lake people that they will decide whether to consent or not to mining. They are fully considering their options and next steps. Their process must be respected.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:20:00 a.m.

I want to rise today to highlight the great work of Scooty, a micro-mobility company based out of Brampton and, dare I say it, a made-in-Brampton success story.

Founded in 2019 by a group of immigrants dedicated to improving mobility, Scooty has quickly grown to complement Brampton’s existing transit options—including an exclusive agreement with Metrolinx to deploy their e-scooters at all GO stations in Brampton.

Speaker, this would not be possible without the hard work of the Scooty team. Let’s give it up for Shoaib Ahmed, Yashin Shah, Moaz Ahmad, Wasif Khan, Shahid Pasha, and their team of fantastic employees. I saw their dedication first-hand at their facility in Brampton this summer, where the team ensures that their scooters are maintained and delivered to neighbourhoods all across the city.

With a $1-million investment through the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network for Scooty, our government is committed to ensuring that innovators have the tools they need to succeed and develop made-in-Ontario transit solutions.

The magic isn’t just in their scooters but also in their software that allows them to compete on an international scale.

This is an example of great Brampton minds creating a true Brampton success story and helping to elevate us to a truly global city.

I can guarantee you, Speaker: If we put the great minds behind Brampton businesses up against any other city, pound for pound, Brampton will get it done.

The team at Scooty is getting it done.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:20:00 a.m.

This past Saturday, I joined tenants of Accora Village in Bayshore who have received notice of a 5.5%-rent increase, despite the fact that their landlord has neglected tenants’ requests for maintenance and repairs for years. These tenants were speaking out in defence of their rights against a corporate landlord all too happy to jack up the rates but not willing to respect the most basic tenant rights.

Sadly, their stories were all too familiar to me. I have been hearing many stories like this from tenants across Ottawa West–Nepean—tenants in the Voyageur apartments, where Paramount served residents with eviction notices despite having failed to provide 60 days’ notice of rent increases; tenants in a CLV apartment, where the landlord has ignored safety concerns for tenants but has been all too happy to raise the rent, with the rate for one apartment going from $1,400 to $1,900 to $2,600 in the space of just six months; tenants in the Duchess, a Homestead building, which is brand new, not subject to rent control, where tenants are getting served with rental increases while being unable to get significant and dangerous maintenance and repair concerns addressed.

These landlords are feeling empowered to do whatever they want, thanks to this government killing rent control and destroying the Landlord and Tenant Board.

It’s time for the government to respect the right of all Ontarians to an affordable, properly maintained place to live. Reinstate real rent control, crack down on renovictions, and fix the Landlord and Tenant Board.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:20:00 a.m.

I want to take this opportunity to talk about the incredible automotive investments that are coming into the province of Ontario. I had the opportunity last week to talk about the man with the yellow tie who is bringing hope to all of these places right across Ontario, from my area in Essex county all the way up to St. Thomas, all the way up to Oshawa—jobs being created by the multi-billion-dollar investments being brought to Ontario due to the incredible policies put forward by this government and the leadership of our Premier.

When I say billions, I’m not talking about $4 billion or $5 billion; I’m talking about $27 billion to date. And that’s just the primary investments. Everybody knows that when the automotive industry gets geared up, there are suppliers, secondary suppliers, tertiary suppliers, and then suppliers to the suppliers. It is an incredible supply chain, and here in the province of Ontario we are the locus and the centre and the nuclei of a burgeoning electric vehicle industry that is going to move us into the economy of the future.

I want to once again take this opportunity to thank the Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade for the fantastic investments being made in the province of Ontario. Thank you.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:20:00 a.m.

Today, I would like to recognize some remarkable non-profit organizations in Markham–Unionville that enrich our community:

Founded in 1919, the Unionville Curling Club embodies more than just a sport. It’s where friendships flourish and a strong sense of community is nurtured. Thanks to a recent generous grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the club will be able to upgrade their facilities and equipment. It will continue to thrive as a hub of curling passion and community spirit.

The Unionville community centre, another vital non-profit in my riding, serves as a vital community connector. The centre offers diverse programs that promote seniors’ well-being, fitness and social engagement. With funding support from our government, they have extended their reach through virtual programming to meet our seniors’ evolving needs. Their work ensures our seniors stay active, healthy and connected.

There is also our cherished Markham Museum that bridges the past and the present. It preserves Markham’s history while showcasing the tools shaping our ever-changing world. This government acknowledges the importance of supporting organizations like the museum, which enrich the lives of Ontarians. They have recently secured a Seniors Community Grant to craft tailored pottery programs for our seniors.

Speaker, I’m immensely grateful for the positive impact these organizations have on Markham–Unionville. Their dedication strengthens our community. I am glad about our government’s support to them and extend my heartfelt thanks for their invaluable work.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:20:00 a.m.

October is Islamic Heritage Month here in Ontario, and that was made possible by the member from London–Fanshawe, who graciously invited members from other parties to sign onto her bill. It was unanimously passed in this Legislature. What it’s done is it’s created a time for Muslims across Ontario so they can celebrate and share their history and culture with all Ontarians.

The five pillars of Islam are: shahda, faith; salah, prayer; saka, almsgiving; salm, fasting; and the hajj, pilgrimage.

During my first three elections, the holy month of Ramadan fell, and so I’ve been to a lot of iftars and a lot of breaking of fasts. What it taught me, what I learned was the openness and welcoming of Muslim communities in my riding. And it’s not just in my riding; it’s across Ontario.

So I’d like to say in particular a word of thanks to these communities in my riding: the AMA community, or the Mosque of Mercy; the Assalam Mosque; the Ali Masjid mosque; and also the Ismaili community centre on Conroy Road. Thank you for all that you’ve done to build community in Ottawa South by opening your doors and welcoming people and supporting us during COVID and many other things that have come along.

I’m looking forward this weekend to Celebrating Muslim Women in the Arts and Sciences this Sunday afternoon at the AMA mosque.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:30:00 a.m.

From the University of Ottawa, de l’Université d’Ottawa, j’aimerais présenter M. Jacques Frémont, recteur de l’Université d’Ottawa; Jill Scott, provost et vice-rectrice; et Kathryn Moore, directrice des relations gouvernementales.

Welcome to Queen’s Park. Bienvenue à Queen’s Park.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I want to welcome to the House my good friend Dr. Saeed Faizi and all the colleagues from the Al-Nadwa Educational Islamic Centre from Richmond Hill: Dr. Luqman Khan, Dr. Sarah Azhari, Afnan Akhzar, Omar Ahmad, Tariq Husain, Mubeen Siddiqui, Nurul Ain Ashraf, Abid Hussain Nadwi and Uzair Arif Qureshi. Welcome to the House and I look forward to meeting with you afterwards.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to welcome to the House Andrew Yang, who is a volunteer researcher in my office and is now going to a new job in Ottawa, and also Simon Ding, who has recently moved to Ontario from British Columbia. Welcome to your House.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I want to welcome the team from Scooty. We’ve got Shoaib Ahmed, Yashin Shah, Moaz Ahmad and Wasif Khan. Welcome to the Legislature.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to welcome some of my friends from Brampton I brought today, as well as Bradford. I’d like to welcome the deputy mayor of Bradford, Raj Sandhu. I’d like to welcome Swami Sampuran Anand, who is visiting us from Haryana, India. I’d like to welcome Gurpreet Chahal from the transportation industry, J Line transportation; Satnam Sarai from Sarai trucking and transportation; Vipin Mishra, who’s visiting us from Germany; Bob Dosanjh Singh, who we all know is a well-known media personality in our community; and, as well, Jaswinder Sidhu. Thank you for joining us and welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:30:00 a.m.

It’s my pleasure to welcome my EA, my friend and our community leader, Nammar Cristofari, to the Legislature today. Welcome to your House.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I would just like to take a moment to welcome Warren Kinsella to the House today.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I would like to welcome Monsieur Eric Larocque and Monsieur Jean-Michel Fournier. Mr. Larocque is the long-term-care administrator at the Prescott and Russell Residence in Hawkesbury. Mr. Fournier is the housing services supervisor. They’re looking forward to the opening of the new 224-bed long-term-care facility next summer in Hawkesbury. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:30:00 a.m.

It’s my pleasure to recognize and welcome to the House Senator Leonidas Raptakis, the state senator from Rhode Island, who is also the president of the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association. Welcome.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:30:00 a.m.

Kirk Markowski is here, originally from Dryden. He works in the city and he’s a first cousin to our page Paxten, from Fort Frances. Welcome, Kirk.

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  • Oct/24/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I just also wanted to welcome everyone from the University of Ottawa here today and remind everyone that the University of Ottawa is having a reception, so come join us. As a University of Ottawa alumna graduate, it is the best university in Ontario.

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