
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
November 15, 2023 09:00AM
  • Nov/15/23 10:20:00 a.m.

I want to take a moment today to talk about a great initiative that was started by a couple of friends of mine.

During COVID, Lois Tuffin watched as a number of volunteer organizations saw a huge decline in the number of people willing to volunteer, while simultaneously having people reach out to her and ask her if she knew of places they could volunteer to help the community. So she enlisted a few other powerhouse people in our area, like Sarah Budd from the chamber of commerce, and came up with the idea of Volunteer Peterborough. It’s like a dating app for volunteers and volunteer organizations.

Since launching in July, Volunteer Peterborough has signed up more than 400 volunteers eager to connect with a cause and more than 90 organizations looking for that perfect volunteer match. basically works like a dating or a job-hunting site. It matches people’s interests, skills and time with organizations that are looking for helpers. You can sign up for their newsletter to stay up to date on volunteer opportunities and learn more, or you can jump right in and go through the opportunities that are already available.

Whether it’s an hour a day, an hour a week, or an hour a month, if you’re looking to make a difference in Peterborough, look to

Of course, if you’re an organization that needs volunteers, is also the place for you to go to find eager volunteers.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:20:00 a.m.

Every day in this province, people are struggling to pay rent and put food on the table. In my riding of Don Valley West, residents in Thorncliffe Park are resorting to rent strikes because they’re facing repeated years of above-guideline rent increases.

Take John, a veteran on disability facing a 12% increase, who said, “My pension does not increase by 12% each year.” Joe has called the Premier and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to ask them to do something to limit rent increases for those on disability and pensions. Like John, I anxiously await their response.

Speaker, building new housing that’s affordable is part of the solution, but what is the government doing now for people like John and tenants in Thorncliffe Park who are struggling with $300-a-month rent increases because the government removed rent control in 2018? We know the government thought that allowing a few developers to make $8.3 billion in windfall profits was a good idea, but now we need good ideas that help those struggling to pay rent and buy food.

As Steve Pomeroy, a prof at McMaster’s housing evidence collaborative, said recently to CBC, “An ideal approach would limit the volatility of rent increases for non-rent-controlled units while ensuring new projects still make financial sense for developers.”

Speaker, it’s time for the government to take the affordability crisis seriously and take serious action to help people who are choosing between paying rent and buying food.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:20:00 a.m.

The Shifa Gala 2023 is just around the corner, and I’m genuinely excited by what we’re going to accomplish together for our Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. This event is more than just a night out; it’s a community coming together for a cause that touches all of us: the health and well-being of our town.

A heartfelt thanks goes out to Raza Hasan and every member of our local Oakville Muslim community for their commitment to local health care. Seeing the people of Oakville unite to support our hospital is truly inspiring. Having access to top-tier medical care right here in Oakville is essential, and your contributions are making a difference.

Let me express my sincere gratitude to the health care heroes at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Your dedication and tireless service have not gone unnoticed. You are the cornerstone of our community, and your relentless commitment to care is what propels us forward.

Every contribution matters. The essential medical equipment for our hospital relies entirely on community support. So let’s come together to make this event memorable, and one to have a lasting impact on our families and neighbours.

Mark Sunday, November 19, 2023, on your calendars for the Oakville Legacy banquet. This year is about action. It’s about ensuring our hospital continues to serve our community at the highest level. I look forward to seeing everyone there.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:20:00 a.m.

This June, I took the initiative to propose a motion requesting the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery to conduct a comprehensive investigation into the issue of notices of security interest, a.k.a. NOSIs, and report its findings to the House by the end of this year. I am pleased that this motion garnered support and was passed by the House.

Recently, I was delighted to see that the ministry is conducting a public consultation on the issues to address the harmful and inappropriate use of NOSIs. The issue of NOSIs has been extensively covered by the media, shedding light on the challenges faced by unsuspecting homeowners.

Regrettably, homeowners in Markham–Unionville are no exception to these difficulties.

A NOSI serves as a registration on the land registry system. It notifies third parties of a lender or a lessor’s vested interest in a fixture on the land. While NOSIs play a crucial role in the business landscape, they can, unfortunately, lead to disputes. Some unscrupulous businesses have exploited NOSIs as leverage when consumers attempt to sell their homes or seek to refinance their properties. These tactics can place an unfair burden on consumers. Consumers are forced to pay excessive amounts or engage in costly and time-consuming legal battles to have the NOSI discharged.

This ministry’s engagement with the public and stakeholders underscores the government’s unwavering commitment to creating a fair and just marketplace for consumers and businesses. I truly appreciate—

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my granddaughter Lena and her loving mom, Noël Clement.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

As a former teacher librarian, it’s my great pleasure to welcome members from the Ontario Library Association as well as the Ontario School Library Association for their library days at Queen’s Park: Michael Ciccone, CEO and chief librarian at the London Public Library; Wendy Burch Jones, the vice-president of OSLA and with the Toronto District School Board; Johanna Gibson-Lawler, the president of OSLA and with the greater Essex school board; as well as Sarah Vaisler, who is the chief librarian and executive officer at Ajax Public Library. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

It’s an honour to rise today and welcome all members of the Police Association of Ontario to Queen’s Park. I’d like to give a special shout-out to PAO president, Mark Baxter, and former Guelph PA president, Matt Jotham, who are over in the gallery. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I would also like to welcome the police association. I had a meeting this morning with the Hamilton Police Association: president Jaimi Bannon, Jason Leek and Wes Wilson. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

Good morning. I, too, had a meeting this morning with the Police Association of Ontario. I want to welcome to the members’ east gallery Patti Murphy and Jeff Hepburn from the Brockville Police Association and Tyler Brett from the Smiths Falls Police Association. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I would like to also recognize the police association for coming here, in particular Matt Hall, Jacques Roberge, Mauro Gianfrancesco and Steve Train from the Sudbury Police Association.

Welcome to your House.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

It is my very great honour to also welcome from the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries—and from Vaughan—Margie Singleton, Rebecca Hunt, Dina-Marie Raggiunti Stevens. It’s also my pleasure to introduce Melanie Mills, Caroline Goulding and Nathan Etherington, all from the Ontario Library Association, visiting us today.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d also like to welcome everyone from the Ontario police association—specifically, from the Ottawa Police Association: president Matthew Cox and directors Barmak Anvari, Jim Irving and Devon Archer. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

C’est mon grand plaisir de présenter à la Chambre des très chers amis à moi, mes collègues également, Linda Savard et Alexandre Moricz, qui sont ici à Queen’s Park pour la première fois. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to welcome Tim Reparon, vice-president of the Waterloo Regional Police Association; Mark Egers, president of the Waterloo Regional Police Association; and Teresa Dawson, civilian director of the Waterloo Regional Police Association. I genuinely look forward to our meeting later on today.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

Good morning, everyone. It’s great to be back with you.

I’d also like to introduce the Ontario Library Association and the Federation of Ontario Public Libraries. I know we’re all big bookworms here.

Members who are here who weren’t mentioned yet, I believe, are David Harvie, Johanna Gibson-Lawler, Wendy Burch Jones, Christine Row, and an amazing city councillor and my colleague, Councillor Paul Ainslie.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

In addition to welcoming the PAO, under the leadership of Mark Baxter, I also want to acknowledge representatives from the Ontario Provincial Police Association, led by John Cerasuolo, Rob Jamieson and Mike Adair.

Also, two very special ladies: Shelley Atkinson and Brenda Orr from Survivors of Law Enforcement Canada. Your voices have helped our province find our way.

Welcome to the Legislature.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I would like to introduce the over 50 nurse practitioners here for the nurse practitioners of Ontario advocacy day, including their president, Barbara Bailey.

As well, I am pleased to introduce members of the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network, who are here today for a lunch reception to mark Lung Cancer Awareness Month in Canada, as part of the Right2Survive coalition—and including a welcome to president and CEO Jackie Manthorne.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to sincerely welcome Kris Reid from the Brantford Police Service. It’s great to have you in your House.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’m also pleased to welcome the police association here to Queen’s Park, and I’m looking forward to my meeting with the folks from DRPA: Darryl Rice, Keith Aubrey and Tim Morrison. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Nov/15/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’ve got a few guests I’d like to acknowledge today.

First—just following the member for Windsor West—is Kent Rice from the Windsor Police Association, who’s here.

Also, from the Survivors of Law Enforcement, from Windsor: Shelley Atkinson, as well as another founding member, Brenda Orr.

Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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