
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
November 22, 2023 09:00AM
  • Nov/22/23 10:00:00 a.m.
  • Re: Bill 149 

It’s my pleasure to rise and speak to Bill 149, which is the government’s fourth kick at the can at bringing forward legislation when it comes to workers in the province of Ontario. What’s interesting is, there are some things in this bill that the NDP were talking about before the government drafted the first bill. One can only draw the conclusion that had the government actually consulted labour, consulted the workers and the unions in this province before even the first bill, we wouldn’t be to the point where there’s now a fourth bill—we wouldn’t have needed a second bill; we wouldn’t have needed a third. If they had just actually consulted with labour—we heard from workers and unions around this province that this government didn’t do that. They didn’t actually talk to the workers in this province to find out what was needed.

Speaker, I’m going to start by briefly talking about anti-scab labour legislation, which is glaringly missing from this fourth bill. It’s something that we, as New Democrats, passed during an NDP government and that the next Conservative government immediately ripped up. We have had 16 attempts now, through successive Liberal and Conservative governments, to bring back anti-scab legislation, and every single one of those times the Conservatives voted against it. They’ll have another opportunity tomorrow to support our bill, when it’s debated, and I would hope they would do that, because that would be working for workers.

The member for Glengarry–Prescott–Russell and the member for Newmarket–Aurora talked a lot about firefighters and presumptive legislation, the important work the firefighters do, the life-saving work firefighters do, and I don’t think anybody in this House is going to argue with those facts. Nobody is going to argue with those facts. But what I don’t hear the government talking about and what is not in this bill is women workers who are in abusive partnerships, intimate partner violence and the lack of supports for women and their children to be able to leave that abusive situation and to have financial stability, to have the mental health supports that they need in a connected and timely manner, to have access to a shelter bed while they wait for transitional or permanent housing.

They were talking about closing the gender pay gap, but the workers that work within the women’s shelters—those shelters are so underfunded, so incredibly underfunded, and they need very specialized, highly trained people to work with the women and children that come through their doors seeking help. The barriers and the issues that women who are fleeing intimate partner violence or children—their needs are incredibly complex, and the workers that are supposed to be there to support them need very highly specialized training. But these shelters don’t receive enough funding from the government, and so they can’t pay these workers the wage that they deserve. In my community, they don’t even make a living wage.

It is a revolving door of workers because the work is intense and it’s difficult physically, mentally, emotionally. So it’s a revolving door of workers. They have trouble recruiting and retaining workers because you can’t even live off of $17 an hour. You can’t. You certainly can’t buy a home, and good luck finding a place that you can rent because this government cut rent control. You can’t pay for a place to live and feed yourself and your family, so many of these workers end up at a food bank. Imagine that: These are people who dedicate their lives because they love what they do, supporting these women and children, and this government doesn’t think they’re worth even a living wage—not even a living wage.

We have a repair backlog in our not-for-profit affordable social housing in Windsor. Five per cent of social housing in Windsor is uninhabitable because this government won’t fund it—5%. Those are housing units that women and children fleeing domestic violence would be placed in—a home of their own. Can’t use those units. In a housing crisis, this government will not fund the repairs of those units. Last year alone, 31 of the non-profits that run these non-profit affordable social housing units needed more than $26 million just to do repairs for that year. This government gave them less than one sixth of that.

So when we’re talking about working for workers and they want to stand over there—and the member from Newmarket–Aurora talked about non-disclosure agreements for workplace harassment—what are you doing in this bill or anywhere else to actually support women to get out of abusive situations? Speaker, this year, in the last 12 months alone, we have had two women murdered by their spouses, one just within the last two weeks, because there was nowhere for them to go.

These shelters are over capacity. They have done everything that they possibly can. They’re putting women and children in hotel rooms—which they are not funded for, by the way—and are expected to then go and provide food and give them access to these workers that will help try and connect them to the other supports and services they need: the mental health supports that they need, the housing and the food supports that they need. The children, if they have learning disabilities or developmental disabilities—they’re expected to go in there and help with that, but the province doesn’t fund it.

What the province is doing, what this Conservative government is doing, is downloading more and more expectations and responsibilities onto these shelters. There’s no really relevant protected, paid leave for women workers to acknowledge that when they are in an abusive situation or when they are fleeing domestic violence—either on their own or, if they have children, taking their children with them—there’s nothing in this bill or the previous three that addresses the financial precarity those women are in. There’s nothing. And if they need time off work, there are no permanent paid sick days for them to be able to stay home and take care of their children, and deal with the complex issues that those children will be dealing with fleeing domestic violence. There is nothing to ensure that the people who need it the most, the most vulnerable, will actually get the supports and services they need. There’s nothing.

We often talk—the government side does too—about, “You have to recognize intimate partner violence. You need to seek help. We’ve got these different organizations that will help you.” But they don’t fund it. They don’t fund it adequately. And when you’re not paying the highly specialized workers that work at these domestic abuse shelters, when you’re not paying them a living wage, how do you expect them to be able to support the women who are fleeing domestic violence? How do you expect them to do that?

So while I had said earlier—the members opposite were talking about firefighters and the incredibly difficult, physically, mentally, emotionally demanding jobs that they do, and how they save lives. Recognize that the women that work within the sector that support women and children fleeing domestic violence—recognize that their work is physically, emotionally and mentally demanding, and the work they do also saves lives.

Speaker, it’s getting really—it’s so incredibly frustrating that we hear the government constantly talking about supporting workers, supporting women. The reality is that it is 2023—nearly 2024—and women are still having debates about their value: their value to society, their value in the workforce. What is it going to take for this government to actually take it seriously, to actually do something, to actually give a damn?

Because in the meantime, they are continuing, perpetuating, a cycle of women living in poverty, women staying in abusive situations because they feel they have no other option, because they can’t take time off of work to deal with the complexities of the situation that they’re trying to flee. They can’t stay home and support their children. They can’t get access to affordable housing, so if they leave their partner, they could be living on the street.

So I’m going to ask: At what point do the lives of women actually matter to the government? When do they actually matter? There have been 55 femicides in the last two years; 55 women have died as a result of intimate partner violence, because they didn’t have the resources, thanks to the government, to be able to flee the situation—

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  • Nov/22/23 10:00:00 a.m.
  • Re: Bill 149 

Thank you to the member opposite. Obviously, I don’t know the specifics of his specific constituent.

Injured workers in Ontario definitely deserve the supports to recover, and by introducing this legislation, if passed, it would support injured workers, enabling the super-indexing of increases for WSIB. And it will go above the annual rate of inflation. I’ll give you an example. For an injured worker who earns—

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  • Nov/22/23 10:00:00 a.m.
  • Re: Bill 149 

I was listening closely to the member from Newmarket–Aurora.

Something that I want to comment on, as the transit critic for the province reflecting on this piece of legislation: While I think it’s great the government wants to do efforts—there are many sequels to this effort, four—I would like to see a commitment to workers in this province spread across all the legislation of this government.

I’m thinking, in particular, of a bus driver in Hamilton whose name is Cassie Theaker. ATU 107 just got a tentative agreement, but they had to fight and struggle in that city. Cassie told the crowd on a picket line that she can no longer feed her kids, pay the rent and drive a bus in the city of Hamilton. If this government, in this legislation—if it was connected to operational transit funding, Cassie could feed her kids.

My question is, what is the member’s message to Cassie? Today is she going to call for what transit authorities are calling for: the government investing $500 million in transit to make—

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  • Nov/22/23 10:00:00 a.m.
  • Re: Bill 149 

Thank you. Further questions?

Further debate?

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  • Nov/22/23 10:10:00 a.m.

This government has repeatedly said that Ontario has the safest roads in North America, and the Liberals always said that, too. But I can assure you that Highway 11, the Trans-Canada Highway—the two-lane from North Bay north—is not the safest road in North America, not the safest road in Ontario, and it’s the Trans-Canada Highway. The trucks that cross the country go through that.

I’ll tell you what happens on the Trans-Canada Highway north of North Bay. I was driving here on Sunday afternoon, but Sunday morning—oh, highway’s closed. It snowed—highway’s closed. When the highway opened again, I got there—transport on its side, it’s one lane. You know what the highway north of North Bay is right now, or at least half an hour ago? Closed. Closed again—again. This is the Trans-Canada Highway—another major accident.

There are things we can do: Make sure there’s places for trucks to park—that was announced years ago—not done; make sure that the people who are on those roads are actually trained to drive on those roads—again, it’s not happening. It’s not happening.

It is not the safest road in North America. It’s not the safest road in Ontario and everyone knows it. And it’s our main street, and people are dying because of it. Come on. Let’s get going.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:10:00 a.m.

I am pleased to highlight an even that took place last month in my great riding of Newmarket–Aurora. I was honoured to welcome the Associate Minister of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity to Newmarket to visit the Women’s Centre of York Region. This non-profit is one of 10 sites that this government has invested $6.9 million over three years in the expansion of the Investing in Women’s Futures Program. The goal of this program is to help more women who experience social and economic barriers to connect to supports and develop the skills they need to gain financial security and independence.

There are now 33 service delivery locations across this province, and to date the program has already yielded significant results. In 2022-23, this program assisted nearly 1,300 women across Ontario in securing employment, launching their own business or pursuing further training and education.

For more than 45 years, the Women’s Centre of York Region has been a beacon of empowerment for women in York region, and I was proud to announce that they are the recipient of $325,000 of this funding to help the women in our region reach their full potential. Thank you to the York region women.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:10:00 a.m.
  • Re: Bill 149 

Thank you to the member. We’ll continue debate after.

Second reading debate deemed adjourned.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:10:00 a.m.

It was a pleasure to join the Minister of Education as well as my colleague the member for Cambridge in Kitchener on Friday for an important announcement. Our government will be opening 3,725 new child spaces in Waterloo region by 2026. This represents a nearly 25% increase in child care spaces which our government will deliver over the next three years.

The region of Waterloo has said that growing wait-lists have become a concern for every centre in the area, and obviously, this is great news for families in my riding of Kitchener–Conestoga and, of course, across our region. These new spaces will be part of the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care system, which includes a mix of not-for-profit and for-profit centres.

I want to applaud the Minister of Education and his hard-working team for this initiative.

Keeping options open for parents and communities is a key goal of the government of Ontario to provide families with choice and flexibility. This flexibility makes sense, especially in small towns, which is often where child care spaces are needed the most. That includes Wilmot, Wellesley and Woolwich townships, which are all listed as priority areas under our plan.

We remain committed to delivering more affordable and accessible child care spaces across the province.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:10:00 a.m.

Gender-based violence in Ontario is an epidemic. While several city and town councils acknowledge this, the Conservative government won’t. The longer they don’t acknowledge gender-based violence, the more women will be assaulted and killed by intimate partners.

Domestic violence and abuse can often be denied, minimized or overlooked by many. Awareness campaigns are so important to ensure everyone can spot the signs of domestic violence. Recognizing abuse is the first step toward saving women’s lives.

In Windsor, I’m grateful for the Shine the Light campaign that Hiatus House organizes every year, where they shine the light on domestic violence and abuse, acknowledge and commemorate the victims and provide much-needed supports.

Every woman and child in Windsor and across the province of Ontario deserves a life free from abuse. We must advocate on behalf of those whose voices have been silenced by abuse. This is why the Ontario NDP has continued to call on the Premier of Ontario to act and declare intimate partner violence an epidemic in Ontario.

I want to take a moment to remember Sahra Bulle and Janice Madison, two Windsor women whose lives were cut short by their spouses in tragic losses this year. Janice was just stabbed to death by her husband within the last two weeks. Their loss is felt by all who knew them and our entire community. My thoughts are with their families and loved ones.

But, Speaker, thoughts aren’t enough. We know that, tragically, gender-based violence and femicide are on the rise, and we are long overdue for urgent change and action. The government will continue to fail women and victims of gender-based violence across the province by not acknowledging the urgency of this issue. The government has to act now.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:20:00 a.m.

Recently, I attended the Hamilton-Burlington chapter of Professional Engineers Ontario’s fall certificate ceremony. This ceremony marked the licensure of approximately 20 individuals who will embark on their professional engineering career right here in Ontario.

Engineering is built into everything we do. From the vehicles we drive to the technology in our pockets, engineering is the backbone of modern society.

Last year, high school courses in science, technology, engineering and math were updated to ensure students have the cutting-edge digital literacy and technological skills to lead the global innovations of today and tomorrow. Every year, more than 65,000 students graduate from STEM programs. By modernizing the STEM and skilled programs, our province is able to grow businesses that continue to innovate and thrive.

In May of this year, Professional Engineers Ontario became the first regulated profession to remove Canadian work experience from their registration criteria, allowing more skilled workers to enter into their trades without the requirement for Canadian work experience. I’d like to congratulate PEO for taking this historic step and leading the way as Ontario welcomes thousands of new skilled workers every year.

Thank you to Professional Engineers Ontario for ensuring the advancement of engineers in our province.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:20:00 a.m.

Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Metrolinx for their great work in a series of consultations allowing local residents to share their input on the Sheppard extension project that will have a lasting impact on the future of transit in our city.

When I spoke with my constituents at their doors in Don Valley North during my 2018 and 2022 campaigns, public transit tended to be a topic of great interest. We had many meaningful discussions on a subway option as well as LRT, and current commute challenges that both transit riders and drivers are facing. They expressed overwhelming support and eagerness for the Sheppard subway line extension.

For those who missed last week’s in-person consultations, they can visit my website,, for information on the first round of Metrolinx public consultations that remain open to comment through December 7. I encourage the residents of Don Valley North and anyone interested to participate in this important consultation.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:20:00 a.m.

Today, I’d like to acknowledge the hard work of the community of Dundas county and the Winchester District Memorial Hospital Foundation as they help raise funds for the building of the new Dundas Manor. The committee has been raising funds for years for the building of a new state-of-the-art facility to help support and better serve patients and residents within our community.

Part of the fundraising efforts to build a new Dundas Manor is their campaign called Expanding the Circle of Compassionate Care, which holds events to reach this end. One such event was the manor’s 45th anniversary held on Saturday, November 18, or, as it was appropriately named, the Sapphires and Snowflakes evening. The special evening was held at Matilda Hall in Dixon’s Corners. Tickets were sold for $78, as Dundas Manor originally opened in 1978. We had a great, fun evening filled with delicious cocktails and charcuterie. The event included a live auction and excellent entertainment by comedy/musical duo Bowser and Blue, all in the efforts of supporting a new Dundas Manor. I’m proud to say that the event raised $155,000.

Our government is also committed to this project, as we have given Dundas Manor approval to construct. This means the new Dundas Manor can build the 128-bed home they have been raising funds for, allowing seniors to stay in the community they helped build.

Thank you to the organizers and all the staff at Dundas Manor for their work not only in organizing the event but for the wonderful care they provide our seniors.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:20:00 a.m.

We all know our health care system hinges on a well-staffed, well-earning, well-supported nursing workforce, but the nurses I speak to are at the end of their rope.

Despite feeling a true calling to the vocation of nursing and dedicating their lives and careers to helping others, these nurses are leaving the sector in droves because they feel overworked, underpaid and underappreciated. They face violence in the workplace, long hours, irregular shifts and constant shortages. This is untenable and downright dangerous.

One nurse said to me, “If I could go back and choose a different career, I would. Our managers try to support us the best way they can, but the issues in the system are so widespread that it is impossible to make meaningful change in working conditions. And at the end of day, I can quit my job and move on, but patients are stuck in a broken system and will continue to suffer.”

Unfortunately, there are many ways in which the system is broken, but there are also many ways in which we can fix it. Stop fighting health care workers in the court system and repeal Bill 124. Another solution would be to address the agency bill that my colleagues have brought forward in order to make sure that the agencies are not paying wages higher than replacement workers who are on this floor. Make sure nurses get the respect they deserve, and make health care work for patients and not for profits. Thank you, Speaker.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:20:00 a.m.

Last week, I had the privilege of attending two Diwali events in Markham and Richmond Hill, hosted by the Ontario Telugu Foundation and the Armadale seniors wellness club. Through gatherings like these, we strengthen the bonds of family and friendship, fostering a sense of unity and a sense of celebration.

Deepavali is a festival of light, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. It urges us to cleanse our inner selves and cast away the burdens of ego, jealousy and pride. As we illuminate our diyas, we let the radiance not only brighten our homes but also illuminate our hearts and minds.

In these unprecedented and challenging times, Deepavali serves as a guiding light, reminding us of the importance of friendships, compassion and understanding in overcoming adversities. As we navigate these uncertain times, may the spirit of Deepavali inspire us to spread love, light and positivity in our communities and to the world as well.

Thank you to the Ontario Telugu Foundation and the Armadale seniors wellness club for organizing this meaningful, wonderful celebration. Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:20:00 a.m.

There is news today that some of the hostages held by Hamas for 46 days may be released in an exchange, and I pray that those who will be released—I pray some will be released, but I hope that those who will be released include the babies and children who are being held up until this point in time, and especially the niece, Ofer, 10 years old, and nephews, Yuval, eight, and Oria, four, of a constituent in my riding.

Last week, students at a Jewish elementary school in Toronto were evacuated due to a bomb threat, and regular customers of a Starbucks location in my riding found the store windows covered with anti-Semitic graffiti. This is not normal, and it cannot become normal. Each of us has a responsibility to condemn anti-Semitism and all the acts of hate within our province.

The Toronto Police Service has been an invaluable partner in responding to these incidents and others, and my office continues to receive messages expressing thanks for their protection and the government’s introduction of mandatory Holocaust education in the Ontario curriculum, as well as our recognition of Israel’s right to defend itself and the right of Jewish Ontarians to live without fear in this province.

Since the terrible events of October 7, my office has received countless emails from constituents concerning a common theme: “I am deeply concerned for the safety of my family and our community.”

I reiterate that these events are not normal. They cannot become normal. To live in a province where these displays of intolerance occur unopposed and become commonplace is unthinkable. Today, tomorrow and always, we must condemn anti-Semitism whenever and wherever it happens.


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  • Nov/22/23 10:30:00 a.m.

It’s my honour to welcome housing advocates from across the province for our National Housing Day: Bradley Palmer, Mariana Cortes, Aishatu Ahmed, Ibrahim Elnaghi, Godfrey Benjamin, Keneisha Brown, Colleen Lamond, Soraya Naim and Gautam Mukherjee. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to take this opportunity to recognize legislative page Harris Elahi, as well as his grandparents who are visiting today: Parveen Elahi and Hazoor Elahi. Thank you for your service these past two weeks. All the best.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I have two groups I’d like to introduce today, so if members can hold their applause till the end, that would be appreciated.

As parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Health, I’d like to introduce Bev Moir, Ron Foreman, Winky Yau, and Julia Kulczyski of Lung Cancer Canada to the Legislature.

As well, I am pleased to recognize and introduce members of the Ontario Association of Paramedic Chiefs who are with us today: Michael Sanderson, president, city of Hamilton chief; Neal Roberts, past president, Middlesex county chief; Mike Nolan, first vice-president, Renfrew county chief; Jean Carriere, secretary, Cochrane district chief; Gale Chevalier, zone director, Frontenac county chief; Greg Sage, second vice-president, region of Halton chief; Travis Mellema, zone director, Lanark county chief; and Paul Charbonneau, executive director.

Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to welcome, from Niagara Health Coalition and Fort Erie Healthcare SOS, Deb Tveit, Natalie Mehra, Heather Kelley, Sue Hotte, Julia Lucas, Julia Blusak, Cheryl Grell, George Ashton and Amy Tian. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Nov/22/23 10:30:00 a.m.

Good Roads representatives are here today. They’re going to be having an awesome reception tonight. This morning I had the privilege of meeting up with Paul Schoppmann, past president of Good Roads; Councillor Kristin Murray from Timmins; Scott Butler, the executive director of Good Roads, and the very excellent mayor out of Hornepayne, Mayor Cheryl Fort. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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