
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
December 4, 2023 09:00AM
  • Dec/4/23 10:10:00 a.m.

At the end of this month, it will conclude my first year here in the Ontario Legislature. It’s an honour and privilege to represent the community of Brampton East, and I’m pleased to be part of a government that’s finally delivering for the people of Brampton.

Under Premier’s Ford’s leadership, we’re building a new second hospital for Brampton. We’re building a new medical university, led by the Toronto Metropolitan University. We’re creating new jobs in Brampton, such as the new Magna plant that’s being built on Mayfield Road in my riding of Brampton East. We’re supporting drivers with the gas tax credit, giving them 5.7 cents per litre. We’re supporting our economy and we’re continuing to build the largest transit expansion in Ontario’s history.

By supporting Brampton Transit and developing the Queen Street rapid bus transit route in my riding, our government shows its commitment to build the infrastructure that Brampton so desperately needs. We’re building infrastructure, we’re expanding existing highways such as the 401 and 410, and we’re going to build Highway 413 to unlock all that gridlock that people are stuck in. We’re the government that’s going to get it done. And this list is going to go on. Under this government, Brampton will never again feel left behind.

I’d like to take a moment to thank my caucus colleagues for their support, as well as my staff, Anthony, Mumpree, Pinar, Harpinder, Jasmeen and Navi, for their hard work. Most importantly, I’d like to thank the people of Brampton East for their tremendous support and trust. I’m honoured to represent them here in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

With that, this being my last member’s statement of the year, I’d like to wish everybody a merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and happy holidays. I hope you enjoy this holiday season with your loved ones and friends. Have a great time.

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We have put several supports and increased funding to not just support centres but to victim witness programs and into every sector of our expansion for the justice system. So it wouldn’t be the tool, quite frankly, of this bill to do a funding increase per se.

I’m happy to chat more about where you think the system needs more supports, but we are supporting the system and we are supporting the victims of everything from serious sexual assaults to human trafficking all the way through the system, Madam Speaker. As they need the supports, we’re providing them and, of course, we’ll continue to provide more in the future.

Look, the architects serve a very critical part of our housing strategy. Without the architects, we wouldn’t be able to build the 1.5 million homes that we are going to.

The architectural technologist category does exist already, but as was mentioned to my friend from Ottawa–Vanier, there is a glitch in the system. The glitch is that they exist as an entity, as a part of the puzzle for moving us forward, but there was an issue around the architects association being able to provide regulatory oversight. So, Madam Speaker, we’re taking the opportunity to fix that glitch and get them back to work.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:10:00 a.m.

Madam Speaker, Lynn Roy, who lives in the village of Greely in my riding of Carleton was living in the Philippines 10 years ago while her husband was working there on a contract. She was shown the San Pedro, Laguna garbage dump site, an enormous dump site with more than 1,000 families living in the dump with no water, no electricity and no opportunity. They are, as Lynn describes, the poorest of the poor.

In 2014, Lynn co-founded the Home for Alternative Learning and Motivational Strategies school, which provides an opportunity for impoverished children living in the San Pedro garbage dump site to go to school, and to also have breakfast and lunch every day.

Since moving back to the Carleton riding several years ago, Lynn has been working part time at the Manotick LCBO. Every single dollar she has ever made at the LCBO has been donated to the Home for Alternative Learning and Motivational Strategies school, and she continues to run the school from her home. She also takes a month’s leave of absence without pay each year to go to the Philippines and to work at the school as a volunteer.

Lynn, thank you for being an inspiration.

Madam Speaker, Lynn is proof that there really are angels among us.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:10:00 a.m.

Oxford has a long and proud history of baseball and softball. In fact, Beachville is home to the first documented game of baseball in North America, taking place on June 4, 1838. It was not in Cooperstown, New York, as is commonly believed; it was in Oxford.

One of Canada’s best professional baseball players, Tip O’Neill, started his career playing in Woodstock as well. Called Canada’s Babe Ruth, O’Neill was one of the star players during the early years of the sport. The baseball diamond in Woodstock’s Southside Park is now named after him.

Earlier this month, another chapter of this history was written when Woodstonian Brian Paton was inducted into the Softball Canada Hall of Fame. This honour only adds to his long list of accomplishments, including being a member of the International Softball Congress Hall of Fame and Woodstock Sports Wall of Fame.

Brian started his softball career as a catcher, later becoming an outfielder for the Woodstock Twins and Tornadoes. In 1987, Brian made the jump to Team Canada’s softball team, helping them to win gold four times at the Pan Am Games and three World Cup medals. He remained a member of the team for 17 years, eight of them as team captain. He also played for the Toronto Gators, where he was MVP and the top hitter for the team.

Congratulations, Brian, for being named to the Softball Canada Hall of Fame, and thank you for your contributions to softball in Oxford and Ontario.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:20:00 a.m.

Good morning, Speaker. I am honoured to rise to recognize a group of remarkable students from the Brantford–Brant community. This month, the North Park Collegiate Student Anti-Racism Coalition was awarded a peace medal by the YMCA in the youth category.

The group began as a safe place that provided students a secure platform to report instances of racism around the school. However, the anti-racism coalition has evolved into a distinct group that includes students from many different backgrounds and grades who strive to educate their peers on different cultures.

The coalition also places an important emphasis on the celebration of unique cultures, and it has organized fashion shows, international food days, anti-racism assemblies, educational campaigns and food drives. Despite having 20 core members, the coalition has interfaced with a multitude of students through its weekly meetings and has fostered a strong sense of community and inclusion at their school.

When speaking about the importance of the coalition, Bhumi Shah, one of the students who visited us here last week, said, “Something as simple as acknowledging Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, as a celebration as meaningful to some as Christmas and Hanukkah, can help students feel less isolated.”

Speaker, I am proud to represent a riding that is home to such bright and talented youth. I’d like to say a big thank you to the members of the North Park anti-racism coalition. You are making Brantford–Brant proud.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:20:00 a.m.

In September, I attended on a ride-along out of 51 Division with Toronto Police Service with officer Jeff Gough. Very shortly into that ride-along, we ended up responding to what ultimately became a death, the death of a very frail and elderly but much-beloved patriarch of a family. I was off in the corner while events were unfolding, but what I witnessed was one of the most remarkable things I’ve ever seen. It was managed by the firefighters, the paramedics and the police.

As I watched these individuals manage the scene and work on this elderly gentleman and work with his family, I saw something that I think will probably stick with me forever. What I noticed was, this is something that, for these first responders, may have been the first call in their night, but for me it was something absolutely incredible. The respect, the honour, the diligence with which they worked was absolutely breathtaking. It struck me that this is just part of their job. This is the job that they do as first responders. For me, it was epic, and for them it was business as usual.

It was absolutely my honour to invite them here today. They’re sitting over there. We have officer Jeff Gough, officer Chris Atwood, officer Julia Grant, paramedic Christian Vantellingen, paramedic David Rundle, paramedic superintendent Michael Larsen, and not present but involved, firefighter Joseph Luongo and firefighter Zachary Miller. Again, thank you so much for all of your service to Toronto and to our community at large.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:20:00 a.m.

I am honoured today to announce to this House that the Ontario Liberal Party has a new leader, Bonnie Crombie. I had the privilege of being one of five contestants in the leadership race, during which we all travelled across the province and listened to people telling us about their struggles. During a year-long contest, we proposed solutions, we challenged each other, refined our ideas. Now, the Liberal team is more prepared than ever to tackle the cost of living, housing, health care shortages, the climate crisis and hold the Conservative government to account on these and many other issues.

Ontario Liberals have elected Bonnie Crombie who, as mayor, understands the struggles that mayors and their municipalities face, and has the experience of fighting the negligence, interference and shady dealings of this Conservative government.

I and my Liberal caucus colleagues look forward to working hard in support of Bonnie Crombie as she leads the Liberal Party and fights for the people of Ontario.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:20:00 a.m.

This weekend, what an excitement. Things were happening in Etobicoke–Lakeshore. It was an absolute pleasure to once again join the Etobicoke–Lakeshore Santa Claus Parade, which has been spreading holiday cheer since 1991. The parade sees a turnout of over 60,000 community members every year and this year was no less impressive. It was followed by Skate with Santa, another holiday highlight, amid music, games, hot beverages and lots of cookies.

Community events like these are not possible without the fantastic volunteers who run them, people like Carlos and Claudia, Jenn and Graham. I’d also like to thank the Lakeshore BIA, the Long Branch BIA and, of course, 22 Division—all the local organizations that ensured this year’s holiday parade was fun and safe for everyone.

This festive season I also want to recognize the anonymous, unsung volunteers and donors in my riding who are helping bring joy to those who are struggling. To everyone in my riding, if you can, donate to our local charities to ensure that a joyous spirit warms every home and heart this holiday season.

Speaker, as we are coming to the end of 2023, I want to conclude by extending my best wishes to all the residents of Etobicoke–Lakeshore and all the people of Ontario. We wish them a joyous, happy and prosperous holiday season.

I know a lot of us in this Legislature have lost our moms over this year, so it’s our first time having Christmas without them. I know there’s a lot of colleagues out there. Please cherish the memories of our families and those who can’t be with us this holiday season.

A special thank you to Pastor Charlie, who does God’s work to make us smile and come to work every day. Thank you, Charlie.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:20:00 a.m.

Hunger in Ottawa is reaching record levels. One in seven Ottawa residents is now food insecure. Ottawa food banks have been visited nearly half a million times this year alone, the highest number of visits in their history. They have had to extend hours into evenings and weekends to accommodate people who are working full time and still need to use the food bank.

People are calling, desperate and hungry, and being given an appointment in three weeks because that’s the earliest available time slot. Seniors organizations are receiving phone calls from hungry seniors looking for free meal programs because their fixed incomes are no longer covering the cost of food.

The school breakfast program provided by the Ottawa Network for Education is serving over 17,000 students every single day but it’s still not enough to meet the demand. Nine new schools were added this year to the program, but for the first time ever, a wait-list was created because there are more schools that want to join than there are resources to support them.

We know what the solutions to hunger are, but this government is too busy pretending they’re helpless in the face of an affordability crisis to implement any of them. It’s time to stop price gouging; reinstate real rent control; fund and build not-for-profit, deeply affordable housing; increase Ontario Works and ODSP; raise the minimum wage; and crack down on wage theft. It’s time for action, not excuses.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:30:00 a.m.

It’s my pleasure to welcome and introduce Debra Vincent, a Haudenosaunee artist, a proud member of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte from the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory in my riding, here with her husband, Tom. They are here today to watch question period and see one of Debra’s pieces of art displayed in the Gathering Place in room 228. Welcome to our House.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:30:00 a.m.

In addition to the individuals I mentioned earlier, I also want to note that we have Toronto Paramedic Services Commander Ric Rangel-Bron, as well as Toronto Paramedic Services Deputy Chief Mike Wionzek, present in the gallery as well.

Again, thank you so much for coming and thank you for your service.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I just want to take a moment and welcome members of our team from our Milton office led by Kiren, Bavneet and Amarjot. Thank you for your hard work.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:30:00 a.m.

J’aimerais souhaiter la bienvenue à mon équipe qui me représente dans la circonscription de Glengarry–Prescott–Russell : mon adjointe, Stephany Tessier, avec d’autres membres de l’équipe qui sont Ashley Bennett et Emilie Sabourin.

Je veux juste les remercier pour bien servir les gens de Glengarry–Prescott–Russell.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I would like to introduce two constituents from my riding of Vaughan–Woodbridge: Dr. Sarah Capetola and Marcos Zottas. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:30:00 a.m.

From the great riding of Essex, I’d like to welcome the greatest constituency assistant in the whole wide world, Mr. Ethan Wuerch. Welcome to your House.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I would like to introduce my good friends the chair of the Council for People with Disabilities for Peterborough, Andrea Dodsworth.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I would like to introduce from the great riding of Carleton my constit staff: Candice Coates, John Jeff Morris, Gabriella Campagna and Chad Crew. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:30:00 a.m.

It’s my great honour to introduce the constituency staff from the great riding of Thornhill: Mr. Morris Maron and Chelsea Jones-Duval.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to welcome Aislinn Clancy. She won the by-election on Thursday. She’s my seatmate. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Dec/4/23 10:30:00 a.m.

It’s an honour and an exciting day to introduce our newest colleague, the member-elect for Kitchener Centre, Aislinn Clancy.

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