
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
February 22, 2024 09:00AM
  • Feb/22/24 2:20:00 p.m.

It’s always a joy to stand in my place and speak on behalf of the good people of Algoma–Manitoulin, particularly when I have to—not have to—but I’ve always been one to stand in my place in this House and give credit where credit is due, whether it’s from the opposition, whether it’s from government individuals, whether it’s from independent members, community leaders, municipalities. I think that’s a task that we have as representatives of our constituents.

And I want to give a really good, big shout-out to the community of Hornepayne, particularly, the public works manager there, Duane Gaudreau, along with Her Worship Cheryl Fort, Gail Jaremy and Jennifer Hill, who work extremely hard. And what came out of this is their community was challenged with some infrastructure challenges, particularly a very large water leak. And it took them a very long time in order to get someone to actually address and recognize the permits that were required in order to permit them to move ahead with the work. It was well over 30 days that we waited for it. And it’s through their work we managed to get it resolved.

There were some people in the community that had to be relocated. Some of them ended up in hotel rooms. Unfortunately, some of them suffer from big hardships. However, the leadership of this community came to the table and reached out to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities, Rural Ontario Municipal Association, Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association, the Algoma District Municipal Association—all of them, along with FONOM—worked together in order to bring some suggestions to this government and this government acted on it. And I want give credit where credit is due, and again, for their leadership and tenacity for bringing these issues forward and the community of Hornepayne for really taking the lead on this issue and being a champion to getting this legislation brought forward.

And I know, initially, the member—his riding escapes me; the member was a PA at that point in time—from Sarnia–Lambton. I want to give him a shout-out as well for having listened to the community and those individuals who brought that issue forward and bringing it as a PA in order to have the legislation that we have in front of us here today and being an instrument of change as well. So I always give credit where credit is due. Shout-out to you, Hornepayne.

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