
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
March 6, 2024 09:00AM
  • Mar/6/24 10:10:00 a.m.

This past Saturday, I had the honour of serving as a judge at the Newmarket Lions Club Effective Speaking Contest. The Lions Club is a network of community-minded volunteers who continue to live up to their motto, “We serve.” The effective speaking contest is the largest bilingual contest of its kind in Canada. The goal is to promote competitive speaking to stimulate independent thinking among students.

I was asked to judge speakers in the French portion of the contest—junior, grades 4 to 6, and intermediate, grades 7 to 9. Students delivered a prepared speech, followed by intermediate students presenting an impromptu speech. Topics ranged from the importance of teaching history to animal companionship, to the impromptu speeches on who they admire most and the impacts of social media. Criteria for assessment included subject selection and organization of material, how the student kept the interest of the crowd, the delivery of that speech etc.

Congratulations to the intermediate French speaker, Riley, and the junior French speaker, Romy, for their outstanding speeches, earning first-place accolades. They will go on to compete in the regional contest and perhaps to the provincial contest this May.

Congratulations to all the volunteers.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:20:00 a.m.

Friday is International Women’s Day, a global annual holiday drawing attention to women’s human rights, but this year, it’s hard to celebrate.

On October 7, Hamas terrorists made systematic sexual assaults and barbaric sexualized torture and violence a weapon of war, and the evidence has been available from that moment. The terrorists broadcast their depraved actions. The world saw the footage of multiple women being carried away on vehicles with telltale bloodied sweatpants, and many “bodies that speak” were recovered.

On November 14, a young woman reported to international media that, hiding in the bushes, she witnessed a horrific gang rape, mutilation and murder. Corroborating physical evidence of this assault was found at the scene.

After that report, there was no excuse for any women’s or international group to equivocate, and yet many have been shamefully silent or worse. According to the #MeToo movement, we’re supposed to believe all women who testify about sexual violence, but this year, we learned that apparently for some, that does not apply to Jewish or Israeli women.

This week, a UN report found evidence of sexual violence by Hamas on October 7 that was conflict-related, and there are indications sexual violence continues to be carried out against those still being held hostage by that group, which includes 14 Israeli women.

On October 7, 2023, and its aftermath, we’re marking a very dark period in the history of the international women’s rights movement as women in Israel have been betrayed by many. Women’s bodies are not a battleground on which to wage war. There’s no excuse for sexual assault. It cannot be contextualized. There is no “yes, but” when it comes to rape. Now more than ever, women need to stand together to support all women, because they are human beings.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:20:00 a.m.

On March 1, I had the pleasure of introducing a brand new form of hockey to Peterborough. Volt hockey is played using specially designed power wheelchairs. The stick blade is attached to the front of the chair and a big whiffle ball is used for the puck. It’s played on a basketball court with pond-hockey-style nets.

I was first introduced to it by Karen Stintz from Variety Village when I attended the North American championships. I had the opportunity to speak to a family from Boston whose daughter was a quadriplegic. Their daughter was able to play volt hockey because the controls were adapted to work with the movement of her head. Her parents told me that they never thought that she would be able to play a team sport, and yet, here she was at the North American championships. They described it as life-altering. I knew instantly that I needed to find a way to bring this to my community.

Speaker, we worked with Variety Village, Five Counties Children’s Centre, the YMCA of Eastern Ontario, the Kawartha Komets, community alternatives and the council for people with disabilities to create the team. The final hurdle was the start-up funds. But, Speaker, Sanj Sukumaran, Deanna Hayes, Peter Lemelin and Glen White from the Under the Lock Hockey Tournament—the tournament I founded and chaired for 10 years—agreed to donate all of the proceeds from Canada’s most inclusive hockey event to start volt hockey.

Thank you to everyone who helped bring this vision to help kids with disabilities play Canada’s favourite game.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:20:00 a.m.

I want to talk to you a little bit today about NOSIs. A notice of security interest, commonly referred to as a NOSI, is a tool similar to a lien that can be placed on the land registry system by a business on personal property without the individual’s knowledge. This NOSI placed on the title of the home creates an encumbrance on the title that they must clear before they sell or refinance their home.

Scammers target vulnerable people and can leave them with massive debt. This is an issue right across the province, but Waterloo regional police have been dealing with it for years. Detective Adam Stover, who is here joining us today, whom I’ve had the pleasure of discussing this issue with, is an expert on the subject.

Over the past few years, these scams have evolved, Mr. Speaker. A recent CTV News article stated that Kitchener resident Ian Craig has seven NOSIs on his property, totalling more than $150,000. He’s fighting to make sure others aren’t scammed too. Ian said in the article, “This is not right, for people who have invested in their homes, that somebody comes along and puts [NOSIs] on it for” more than “half of it. The way they can take advantage of people is just disgusting. This is why we need protection.”

Speaker, it’s not right, and that’s why we are fighting back. The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery recently ran consultations to get to the bottom of this issue. I want to thank the Minister, Waterloo region police, PA Riddell and the entire team at the ministry for their hard work. Let’s stop this unscrupulous practice. Let’s say no to NOSIs.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:20:00 a.m.

Today, I would like to use my platform to amplify the concerns expressed by those in the child care sector regarding issues attracting and retaining staff and early childhood educators. I share these concerns on behalf of child care providers across the province, but specifically, one child care provider in my community. They are losing 15 ECE graduates of Fanshawe College, because they are leaving Ontario. They are relocating to take advantage of the better immigration pathways for ECEs in other provinces.

The loss of these workers directly impacts the care and education of 120 preschoolers who would benefit from their expertise. Without immediate action, we risk compromising the quality of early childhood education in our communities and hindering the future success of our children.

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program serves as a gateway for individuals with the skills and experience that our economy needs to obtain permanent residency in Ontario. We must recognize and take proactive measures to retain and attract skilled professionals to this vital sector. I call upon the Ministers of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development; Education; and Colleges and Universities to address this urgent matter by implementing a comprehensive provincial immigration pathway tailored explicitly to early childhood educators.

Investing in our educators and prioritizing the quality of early childhood education is not only essential for the well-being of our children but also for the prosperity and success of our province as a whole. Together, let’s work to create a more equitable and prosperous future for all Ontarians.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:20:00 a.m.

I rise today with a heavy heart, full of sadness. We mourn the loss of a truly remarkable leader. Brian Mulroney was a visionary and principled Prime Minister of Canada. He dedicated his life to pursuing Canada’s national interests and humanitarian issues worldwide.

Mr. Speaker, when I came to Canada in 1983, I was inspired by Prime Minister Mulroney and what he represented to people like me coming from a war-torn country. His compassion, his leadership and his dedication to freedom, democracy and social justice improved the lives of millions of people around the world. He was truly a dynamic leader for Canada—a transformative force for positive change.

During the 1983 pogroms against the Tamil people during the civil war, thousands of Tamils came to Canada seeking asylum and a better place to live. Prime Minister Mulroney faced strong pressure not to accept such refugees. As a man of principle and strong moral conviction, he simply replied that Canada is “not in the business of turning away refugees.”

Prime Minister Mulroney didn’t shy away from international pressure either. Despite the opposition he faced from his allies, Prime Minister Mulroney’s support of Nelson Mandela against the apartheid government of South Africa helped bring about the end of that ugly regime. He was always committed to doing the right thing, not the popular thing.

Mr. Speaker, leaders are never born, they are made. Prime Minister Mulroney’s spirit burns bright, a candle that will light the world forever.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:20:00 a.m.

Today, I rise to discuss an issue affecting many of my constituents in Don Valley East: demovictions.

Demovictions occur when, under existing regulations, landlords evict their tenants to demolish and rebuild. Under the current government’s lack of oversight and tenant protections, this often leaves tenants with nowhere to go, and if they can ever return, it’s to significantly higher rent.

This is the case for tenants of 10 different buildings in my riding. These tenants have a limited safety net under current regulations, predicated on something called rent-gap payments. In this, developers can pay the rent gap between a tenant’s current rate and, in most cases, the CMHC’s 2022 average rate for a similar apartment. The problem, though, is rents have skyrocketed since 2022, meaning the present rate is entirely insufficient for my constituents. At 48 Grenoble Drive, a low-rise apartment in Flemingdon Park, the rent-gap payment falls $1,500 short of competitive pricing. That’s not right.

My community is made up of new immigrants, seniors, people dependent on fixed incomes. These buildings represent stability in troubled waters. We need more housing, but we’ve got to protect tenants and lighten their load so they’re not left high and dry. That means fixing rent-gap payments, ensuring tenants have the right to return and making sure that no tenant is ever left behind as we fight to ensure everyone in this province has access to affordable housing.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

As mentioned earlier, the kidney alliance of Canada is here today for a lunch and reception and an advocacy day. It’s great to have Lynn van der Linde from the municipality of North Grenville here. I had a great meeting in my riding. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

Remarks in Anishininiimowin. Good morning. I’d like to welcome some people from the riding of Kiiwetinoong in northern Ontario: Ruth Sainnawap, Naomi Chikane, Eunice Mamakwa, Shirlene Anderson, Mary Lou Winters, Alice Sabourin, Jessilyn Winters, Ida Mielke, Sharon Quequish, Cheryl Sakchekapo, Nathaniel Anderson, Sonny Mamakwa and Deputy Grand Chief Anna Betty Achneepineskum. Meegwetch for coming.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

First, I’d like to welcome all my fellow professional engineers from the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers here to the House today. And from Windsor–Essex, representing the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association, we have Joanna Sweet, Steven Bezaire, Jaclyn Habas, Myla Picco and Jacqueline Staley. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

It gives me and my seatmate the MPP for Hamilton Mountain great pleasure to welcome a true Hamiltonian, Mike Fortune. He’s a well-known journalist. He’s a supporter of all community events. It’s a pleasure to see you here today in your House. Thank you for being here.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

I’m pleased today to welcome a constituent, Christine Pisapia, as well as Susan McKenzie, leader of the Kidney Patient and Donor Alliance of Canada, and the rest of their team. Christine is a transplant ambassador at Sunnybrook Hospital in Don Valley West and made the brave decision to donate a kidney to her brother. She now advocates for more people to become donors.

They’re hosting a reception at lunch today in room 228 in honour of World Kidney Day on March 14, and I encourage members and their staff to join them to learn more about their transplant-first work to advance kidney donation, which I support. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

It’s a privilege to welcome members of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association to the Legislative Assembly today. They have a delegation here and I’d like to introduce four of them: Laurie Tucker, president; Sandev Purewal, president-elect; Barb MacFarlane, vice-president; and John Karapita, CEO. They have a reception from 5 to 7 in rooms 228 and 230. All MPPs, of course, are welcome. I hope to see you there.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

I would also like to welcome members of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association, and in particular two OTLA members from London: Barb MacFarlane is here, who is the vice-president, and Mary-Anne Strong, on the executive board. I’m looking forward to our meeting later this afternoon.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

It is my very great pleasure to welcome Meghan Walker, who is a board member with the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association, and Jeffrey Shinehoft, a Thornhillier, also a board member with the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association. I’m going to be meeting with them later today. Welcome to your House.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

It gives me great pleasure to introduce Cathy Orlando, who is a member of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, and here at Queen’s Park today. Welcome to your House, Cathy.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

Good morning, everyone. I’d like to introduce jazzy James Page, awesome Antonia Hristova and my lovely resident marvellous Matt—congratulations on your new baby—all amazing people with the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association. Welcome.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to recognize today’s page captain, Sarah Salman. She is joined by her family here today: Sumaira Salman, her mother; Muhammad Salman Bhatti; and Muhammad Zohaib Bhatti, her brother.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

Good morning, everyone. I have a number of people I’d like to introduce. First of all, I’d like to begin with an introduction to Taylor Pizzirusso, my OLIP intern. Welcome to your House. It’s wonderful to have you here today.

We also have the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, who are hosting their reception this evening at 5 o’clock. I’d like to welcome Sandro Perruzza, Stephanie Holko and Paola Cetares. Thank you for the meeting this morning—very informative; always looking forward to working with you.

I also want to extend a welcome to the Ontario trial lawyers, beginning with president Laurie Tucker, vice-president Barbara MacFarlane, Sandev Purewal and all other board and staff who are here for their reception and lobby day in Queen’s Park; and then finally, to Cathy Orlando from the Citizens’ Climate Lobby.

Thank you very much, everyone. Welcome to your House.

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  • Mar/6/24 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to introduce some guests who aren’t quite here yet. I want to introduce Alan Bostakian, Nayereh Dabiri, Neda Akhavan and Mandana Hezar.

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