
Decentralized Democracy
  • Oct/18/23 2:30:00 p.m.

Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos, P.C., M.P., Minister of Public Services and Procurement: Thank you very much. This gives me the opportunity to address a very important issue that many Canadians are concerned about. We’re in the midst of a housing crisis, similar to ones we’ve seen in other periods of Canadian history, including when veterans returned after the Second World War and following the baby boom in the early 1960s. We need to do everything we can to address it, and that includes, as you mentioned, making federal land or buildings available to Canadians, municipalities and non-profit organizations.

One way to do this is through the Federal Lands Initiative, which represents roughly $200 million from 2017 to 2026. So far, about half of that amount has already been committed for a total of 3,950 units that are completed, soon to be completed or under construction. About half of those units are affordable housing that will go to families, seniors or individuals in need of safe, affordable housing.

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  • Oct/18/23 3:20:00 p.m.

Hon. Éric Forest: Minister, when it comes to the major challenge of renovating and converting federal government buildings, are the municipalities partners that you’re counting on to develop a strategy? The municipalities have an enormous responsibility when it comes to increasing the supply of affordable housing.

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  • Oct/18/23 3:20:00 p.m.

Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos, P.C., M.P., Minister of Public Services and Procurement: The answer is yes for all sorts of reasons. First of all, the municipalities are in the best position to determine which federal lands and buildings could be converted so that they are more useful to the community. Second, local politics are important, and it’s hard for the federal government to implement conversion projects without getting public buy-in. Municipal officials are the ones who are most likely to accomplish that.

Third, municipal bylaws must be adapted to support the conversion process. In the coming weeks, you may see some action being taken by the federal government, but especially by the Government of Quebec and the municipalities, whose participation is necessary to facilitate this conversion.

I want to close by saying that you will have heard about a housing agreement being signed between the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec, namely the $900 million that has been released. This announcement is great news because it will make it easier for us to work more quickly and effectively with the municipalities, while respecting the jurisdiction of the Government of Quebec. The agreement will address these issues, among other things.


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