
Decentralized Democracy

Hon. Fabian Manning: Would Senator Moodie take a question?

I want to thank both Senator Osler and Senator Moodie for their speeches. I won’t pretend for a moment to have the experience that both of you have in health care, but I am always concerned about the delivery of health care and the announcement of plans, the announcement of programs. And I’ll talk about the dental program for one moment. I have had a half dozen calls to my office in the last month from seniors who cannot participate in the program for lack of insurance or even from some who have some insurance, but that it is not covered by their insurance, and now we’re talking about a pharmacare program.

I want to know if you feel confident that Bill C-64 will give to vulnerable Canadians — seniors in many cases — the opportunity to participate in the pharmacare program because it sounds wonderful at the outset sometimes, but the reality of what happens down the line is concerning for me. I just want to know what you think about that. Thanks.

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