
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 9

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
December 2, 2021 10:00AM
  • Dec/2/21 2:23:28 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am really pleased to answer an economic question from the leader of the official opposition. It gives me the chance to congratulate him for agreeing last week with Stephen Poloz and the majority of serious economists that “inflation is a global phenomenon”. The member for Durham seems to now have lost his nerve, but I guess flip-flops from the Conservative leader are no surprise to Canadian voters or, indeed, to the Conservative caucus.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:24:44 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Conservatives seem not to understand a very basic economic distinction: the difference between monetary and fiscal policy. Monetary policy decisions about interest rates and the money supply are the province of the Bank of Canada. It is fiscal policy decisions about spending and taxation which is the job of the government. I think Canadians would be right to ask themselves whether a party that does not even understand this basic distinction could ever be trusted in government.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:26:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, over the past 10 days we have heard a lot from the Conservatives about government spending, which they now deem to have been excessive, but just a few weeks ago, on the campaign trail, the Conservatives proposed government spending in this fiscal year that was higher than what we proposed. While we proposed a deficit of $156.9 billion for 2021-22, the Conservatives proposed a $168-billion deficit. Therefore, could the party of flip-flops please tell Canadians what its position is today?
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  • Dec/2/21 2:27:32 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, The Economist released its annual ranking of the most expensive cities to live in around the world this week. Here are the top 10: Tel Aviv, Paris, Singapore, Zurich, Hong Kong, New York, Geneva, Copenhagen, Los Angeles and Osaka. What do these 10 cities have in common? None of them are in Canada.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:28:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, allow me to read the list of the 11 least affordable cities in the world according to The Economist: Oslo, Seoul, Tokyo, Vienna, Sydney, Melbourne, Helsinki, London, Dublin, Frankfurt and Shanghai. What do those 11 cities have in common? None of them are in Canada.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:29:57 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I know that I cannot win a war of words in French with my hon. colleague from the Bloc Québécois. However, I hope that he understands that our government sincerely wants to work closely with him for Quebeckers. Softwood lumber is a very important file for me and for our government. We are working closely with the unions and the industry. We will continue to defend the interests of Canada and Quebec, as we did in the case of aluminum.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:31:20 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I am very familiar with Quebec's softwood lumber industry. I know the union representatives and the industry leaders. All Quebeckers and all Canadians should be proud of the softwood lumber industry in Canada and Quebec. I promise all Canadians and all Quebeckers that we will continue to work hard to defend this important industry.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:32:35 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I think we agree with the leader of the NDP and his party that the fight against COVID is the single most important health and economic policy in our country, and we sure agree that vaccination is an essential tool in that fight. When it comes to the new measures that we are putting in place to deal with the omicron variant, I would really like to thank Canada's public health authorities for responding with such swift action. I want to say to all Canadians that this is a circuit breaker to give us time to be careful.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:34:05 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I thank the NDP leader for his question. I agree with him that fighting COVID-19 remains the most important policy for the economy and, of course, for the health of Canadians. I really want to thank all the officials at the Public Health Agency of Canada and our border services for responding so quickly to defend us all from the omicron variant.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:55:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like to welcome the member to the House. Our government’s focus is to finish the fight against COVID and to support our recovery from the COVID recession. We know it is important to Canadians that we are careful and transparent with our nation's finances. That is why I am pleased to announce that I will be giving an economic and fiscal update to Canadians on December 14.
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