
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 9

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
December 2, 2021 10:00AM
  • Dec/2/21 2:51:56 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the commissioner of the environment and sustainable development's report was clear. The federal government is going from one failure to the next. The Liberals will never meet their own climate target. That is pathetic and irresponsible. A study shows that this government is investing four and a half times more in fossil fuels than in renewable energy. Either the Liberals just do not get it or they are choosing to support an outdated energy source while people suffer the consequences of the climate crisis. Are the Liberals waiting for us to be under water before they stop subsidizing the oil industry?
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  • Dec/2/21 2:52:55 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, since 2015, our government has been making a sustained effort on a national scale to implement the necessary measures and to help Canada significantly reduce emissions so that all sectors and all regions of the country can participate and prosper. We are taking meaningful climate action and developing climate solutions that will reduce pollution and create new jobs.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:53:31 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Joe Biden goes to COP26 promising a clean energy future backed with $2 trillion in investments for “good-paying union jobs”. Meanwhile, our Prime Minister goes from what the environment commissioner says is “failure to failure” as emissions continue to rise. Under his watch, Canada is at the bottom of the G20 for renewable investments, down there with, wait for it, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Where are the mass of investments needed to ensure that energy workers and the families of this country are the leaders and not the losers of the coming transformation?
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  • Dec/2/21 2:54:10 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I wish to congratulate my hon. colleague on his appointment as the critic for natural resources. I would say that no country in the G7 or the G20 has been as ambitious as this country with respect to climate action over the last six years. Certainly, that was acknowledged at COP26. Where is the money? We have committed over $100 billion with respect to climate action that will result not only in the reduction of emissions but also in economic activity that will drive jobs and growth in all regions of this country. That certainly includes the work we have done with respect to the just transition on coal phase-out. Certainly, the government has—
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  • Dec/2/21 2:54:50 p.m.
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The hon. member for London West.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:54:54 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, many families across Canada have been able to count on our government to support them, whether it is through introducing tax cuts for families, creating the Canada child benefit, or making life more affordable through the early learning and child care agreements. Can the Minister of Finance tell the House when Canadians can expect a new fiscal and economic update?
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  • Dec/2/21 2:55:11 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like to welcome the member to the House. Our government’s focus is to finish the fight against COVID and to support our recovery from the COVID recession. We know it is important to Canadians that we are careful and transparent with our nation's finances. That is why I am pleased to announce that I will be giving an economic and fiscal update to Canadians on December 14.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:55:58 p.m.
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Mr Speaker, Canada’s most trusted partners, the U.S., the U.K., Australia and New Zealand, have all banned Huawei equipment from their 5G networks because of espionage and national security concerns, yet there is one country that stands alone in not having said no to Huawei. It is Canada. For years the Prime Minister has promised a decision regarding Huawei, but as usual, he has failed to deliver. Why does he not take this seriously, and when will he finally say no to Huawei?
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  • Dec/2/21 2:56:37 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I would like to first congratulate the member for his appointment as the official critic to industry. There is a very important decision to be made for this country. There is no more important decision than when it comes to securing our network, not just for this generation but for future generations. When it comes to security, Canadians at home know that we will make no compromise. National security comes first. We will ensure that we make the very best decision, not only for this generation, but for future generations of Canadians.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:57:12 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I appreciate the minister's kind words, but he needs to pay attention to this file. It is time he banned Huawei. All of our allies have banned Huawei, yet Canada stands all alone in waffling on the issue. For over two years, the government has promised a decision, which is going to come in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, our telecoms have spent billions of dollars on Huawei equipment. When will the minister finally grow a spine and say no way to Huawei?
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  • Dec/2/21 2:57:52 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I think I was very kind to the member, and I am very surprised by his words, but this is politics. Canadians at home know that on this side of the House we take national security very seriously. We will take the best decision for this generation and future generations when it comes to protecting our network.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:58:22 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Parliamentary Budget Office has estimated that, if the Liberal government had acted on its promises, all boil water advisories would have ended in 2020. Indeed, the Prime Minister failed on his promise to end all advisories nine months ago. Worse, the Minister of Indigenous Services said yesterday that she refuses to set a deadline for ending the remaining 44 on-reserve boil advisories. In fact, she wants to hold more consultations. If the minister could not drink water in her home, how much longer would she wait?
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  • Dec/2/21 2:59:00 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, it is without a doubt that everyone deserves clean drinking water, no matter where they live in this country. That is why we have invested billions of dollars in clean drinking water, in partnership with first nations communities across the country. We have also committed to 100% of operations and maintenance funding. We are working with the partners who are still experiencing clean drinking water advisories and we will get this done. My deadline is as soon as possible.
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  • Dec/2/21 2:59:31 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, these promises of funding mean nothing when a child cannot drink clean water. We all know that one cannot run a business, a farm, a school, a hospital, a community or even a household without clean water. Sadly, as of October 15, 44 long-term boil water advisories on reserve still exist. In fact, the PBO report highlights that proposed spending on water and waste-water maintenance and operations over the next five years suggest annual funding gaps of $138 million. Rather than misleading indigenous communities, when will the government finally get the job done?
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  • Dec/2/21 3:00:14 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I do not know if the member knows this, but in November 2015, when we came into power, there were 105 long-term drinking water advisories on public systems on first nations across this country. We worked with communities, each with its own set of specific challenges. We allocated billions of dollars, and we have been able to lift the majority of those water advisories. We will continue until we get the job done. That is a promise made. We will keep that promise.
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  • Dec/2/21 3:00:47 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, everyone knows that low-income seniors have been the hardest hit during the pandemic, but today it is less the pandemic and more the government's inconsistency and lack of compassion that is hitting them the hardest. Today, working seniors have to choose which drug to cut in order to be able to pay their bills at the end of the month, because the federal government cut their guaranteed income supplement. Some are having a hard time paying for their rent or their groceries. They are being penalized in their benefits calculation for receiving the CERB to which they were entitled. When will the minister finally fix this situation?
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  • Dec/2/21 3:01:36 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I think we can all agree just how challenging this pandemic has been on seniors. Every single step of the way, our government has been there to support seniors, especially those who are most vulnerable by strengthening their GIS. We have also moved very quickly to provide immediate and direct financial supports to seniors this year. When it comes to CERB and GIS, we are aware of this issue. I want to assure the hon. member that we are working extremely hard on this to find the right solution to help those who are affected, and as always, we will be there for them.
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  • Dec/2/21 3:02:06 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the red flag was raised during the construction holiday. Yesterday, the Prime Minister said that his ministers were working on it, but seniors are waiting and the holiday season is fast approaching. The government is denying some of the least fortunate seniors several hundred dollars a month because of its own lack of judgment. While we in Quebec are starting to talk about generosity, Christmas drives and Christmas hampers, Ottawa is cutting working seniors' benefits. Will the minister finally look at what is happening and ensure, as we are proposing, that for the purposes of calculating the GIS, the CERB will simply be considered working income?
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  • Dec/2/21 3:02:51 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, strengthening income security for seniors has been a priority for our government, and that is why our government strengthened GIS for vulnerable seniors. We provided one-time payments during the pandemic to help seniors afford the things that they needed. We will be increasing support through OAS for those who are age 75 and above. We recognize that GIS adjustments have been hard on some seniors this year. I can assure the hon. member and all members in this House that we are working hard to find a solution to help those affected. As always, we will be here for them.
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  • Dec/2/21 3:03:29 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Department of Employment is seriously behind in processing labour market impact assessments. Yes, it has hired more staff, but why has it not informed the Department of Immigration about these delays? There is a severe labour shortage, yet the Department of Immigration is sending out notices to workers telling them that they must leave Canada within 90 days because they have not received LMIAs on time. What do these two ministers have to say? I am asking them here in the House, because neither of them has had the decency to reply to my emails.
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