
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 108

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
October 5, 2022 02:00PM
  • Oct/5/22 2:26:28 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, according to Le Journal de Montréal, growing numbers of students affected by the rising cost of food are turning to food banks. A survey showed that the majority of Canadians—51%—are struggling to feed themselves. The carbon tax is a tax on food because it is a tax on farmers and the truckers who deliver our food. How much will groceries cost families when the Prime Minister implements his plan to triple the carbon tax again and again and again?
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  • Oct/5/22 2:41:52 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, Canadians across the country, including farmers, are dealing with more and more extreme weather events. Climate change is real and we need to tackle it together. The way we are doing that is by putting a price on pollution and returning the cost of that to average families across the country. On top of that, we are working with the agricultural industry, which recognizes how important it is to protect our environment and protect our planet. We are ensuring that families, including farm families, can continue to succeed in the coming years, even as we fight against climate change. Why do the Conservatives not believe in climate change?
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  • Oct/5/22 2:42:33 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister realizes that they will not succeed. The biggest threat facing our farmers is the triple threat offered by the Liberals: fertilizer tariffs, higher interest rates and higher carbon taxes. This has put thousands of family farms on the brink of insolvency. Even Canadian consumers understand the threat of the triple threat, as grocery prices are up 10%, which is driving food costs even higher. Does the Prime Minister understand that by tripling the carbon tax, the end result will be no fertilizer, no farms and no food?
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  • Oct/5/22 2:53:50 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister does not have a climate plan; he has a tax plan. His climate promises have failed every single year, and now he has a tax hike on farmers. I asked him how much a farm family would have to pay, and he did not have an answer. Here is the answer: That family will pay more, which means more of the food production will be sent other ways, to other countries, where they have lower environmental standards. That food will then have to be shipped, trained and trucked back to Canada, adding more pollution and leaving us more dependent on foreign farmers. Why does the Prime Minister want to drive pollution up, farm production out and jobs down?
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