
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 238

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
October 24, 2023 10:00AM
  • Oct/24/23 5:03:12 p.m.
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  • Re: Bill C-57 
Mr. Speaker, I want to address some of the comments again, because the member referenced the Conservatives in her question. There were a couple of things that were said by the member for Cumberland—Colchester. It was not only that the legislation was woke, but also that somehow Canada was taking advantage of Ukraine. I think it is very condescending to suggest that the sovereign Government of Ukraine does not know what is in its own best interest; that is how that is perceived from where I sit. We are trying to deepen economic partnerships. The member for Etobicoke Centre has been on record talking about how President Zelenskyy really valued the opportunity to be here in Canada to focus on the economic relationship. To pivot away from my concern and distain for the comment that was made, it was notable that no Conservative colleague stepped up to ask a question on my remarks here today. Perhaps the Conservatives are a bit embarrassed by what was just said. To address the hon. member's question, I think there is a tremendous opportunity, as was mentioned, in the agriculture sector. Services and digital, which are being included as part of this legislation, are also huge opportunities between our two countries, so we should be trying to explore all opportunities. Canada is a trading nation. We benefit from having these relationships around the world. I look forward to this legislation's being advanced.
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