
Decentralized Democracy

House Hansard - 306

44th Parl. 1st Sess.
May 1, 2024 02:00PM
  • May/1/24 2:19:39 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, I rise in the House today out of great concern for all of us who live or work in the greater Toronto area. We have learned that Toronto City Hall is requesting that the federal government legalize hard drugs, such as fentanyl, meth and cocaine. Evidence from British Columbia already shows that legalizing hard drugs puts the safety and health of our neighbourhoods at risk and only increases drug overdose deaths. It is alarming and, quite frankly, shocking that Toronto City Hall would want to expand the Prime Minister's extremist experiment from British Columbia and bring it to Ontario. We ask that the Prime Minister reject Toronto City Hall's request and instead invest in the treatment and recovery programs that our communities need.
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  • May/1/24 2:27:15 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, unfortunately, Montreal and Quebec are not immune to the chaos the Prime Minister has caused in British Columbia by legalizing hard drugs. Montreal's director of public health has proposed a similar legalization policy. Will the Prime Minister reverse his radical position on drug legalization, or will he cause the same chaos in Montreal that he has already caused in British Columbia?
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  • May/1/24 2:29:20 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, he is opening the door to legalizing hard drugs in Montreal and possibly other cities in Quebec. We are against that. The Prime Minister legalized smoking meth in hospital rooms, shooting up heroin in parks next to children and using hard drugs on public transit. The British Columbia government has asked him to reverse this legalization for parks, hospitals and transit. Will he do so, yes or no?
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  • May/1/24 2:31:58 p.m.
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Mr. Speaker, there is no time to waste. On Friday, the B.C. government asked the Prime Minister to reverse his legalization of crack, heroin and other hard drugs in public places. Every day, six British Columbians die of overdoses under this policy, and many more die as a result of drug-induced crimes. There is no time for bureaucratic and political considerations. Will he announce now that his experiment with legalizing hard drugs in B.C. is over, yes or no?
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