
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
May 18, 2023 09:00AM
  • May/18/23 10:30:00 a.m.

Meegwetch, Speaker. Remarks in Anishininiimowin. This morning—it’s a good morning—I’m going to speak a little bit of my language, our Creator-given language.

Remarks in Anishininiimowin.

I say thank you to the community of Garden River First Nation, the Ojibways. It’s not every day that we get to speak our language in this place. This morning, I was gifted with this eagle feather, and then for me to speak a little bit of my language in this place—meegwetch.

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  • May/18/23 10:50:00 a.m.

Meegwetch, Speaker. Remarks in Anishininiimowin.

My question is to the Premier.

The leadership and the members from the Ojibways of Garden River First Nation travelled here today to enforce a long-overdue promise of the 1850 treaty to their people. That treaty promised them land that Ontario and Canada took back for mining, timber and farming.

Mr. Speaker, will this government honour the 1850 treaty and give back the land Ontario owes to Garden River First Nation?


Speaker, First Nations in Ontario are founding partners in the development of this province. We know that. You know that. The future prosperity for all of us depends on implementing the spirit and intent of the treaties. Again, the prosperity of northern Ontario depends on the respect of those treaties.

Does Ontario agree that this means respect for the environment, so any agreed-upon development in the north can happen sustainably, responsibly and with the full involvement and the full consent of First Nations?


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