
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
May 18, 2023 09:00AM
  • May/18/23 11:20:00 a.m.

My question is to the Premier.

This week, the FAO report confirmed what experts have been warning the government about for some time. The implementation of the $10-a-day child care program is under threat because of low pay and poor working conditions. The average ECE worker only stays in the child care sector for just three years.

Does the government’s plan include creating not-for-profit spaces with good-paying jobs?

We’ve been urging the government to create an early years and child care workforce advisory commission.

Will the government commit today to prioritizing $10-a-day child care, and make sure child care is a career that workers want to stay in?

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  • May/18/23 11:20:00 a.m.

I appreciate the question from the MPP from Peterborough, because this is something we need to celebrate.

It’s really important that people across Ontario understand that Ontario’s greenhouse vegetable sector and fresh flowers sector actually represent over 81% of Canada’s total greenhouse vegetable exports. We are a food powerhouse in Canada.

We’re working with the sector in an all-of-government approach to make sure that the right supports are in place. For example, we continue to work with the greenhouse sector and introduce programs like the Grow Ontario Market Initiative to help grow markets not only in Ontario but around the world. We’re working with our colleagues to reduce red tape and introduce research initiatives. And we’re working with greenhouses to ensure that when international workers choose to work in Ontario, they have safe living conditions—for instance, the HEPA filter system that we introduced. The list goes on and on, but the important part is—

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  • May/18/23 11:20:00 a.m.

I want to thank the member from Scarborough–Agincourt for that important question.

We all know the previous Liberal government, supported by the NDP, spent 15 years creating unnecessary burden for people in the province of Ontario. As a matter of fact, Ontario had the largest regulatory burden in the country when we took over in 2018. But what have we done since 2018? We have brought forward 10 different pieces of legislation in this House to help reduce that regulatory burden—10 pieces of legislation that have helped reduce over 16,000 different red tape requirements that Ontarians and businesses have to face in our province. And we continuously encourage, of course, Ontarians and businesses to bring forward ideas that we can work on and make life easier for everyone. I also want to point out that we have not to date received a single idea from the members of opposite, simply because I don’t think they care about red tape—

I was proud to introduce our 10th red tape reduction bill, the Less Red Tape, Stronger Economy Act. If passed, it will help get broadband built faster across our province in various communities. It will help businesses and non-profit organizations adopt digital meetings and other virtual practices. It will protect electricity ratepayers from incurring the costs of fines imposed on utility companies. Those are just a few of the highlights from the latest bill that we have before the House. In fact, I am proud to say that this was the largest piece of legislation that our government has brought in so far in this session. Why? Because we understand that unnecessary burden and unnecessary red tape is holding our economy and holding our province back. And we will continue to work hard each and every day to eliminate those unnecessary barriers.

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  • May/18/23 11:20:00 a.m.

My question is for the Minister of Red Tape Reduction.

After 15 years of the previous Liberal government, Ontario was left with the highest regulatory burden in the country. Companies found themselves tangled up in endless and complicated regulations. What’s worse is that under the watch of the Liberals, more than 300,000 manufacturing jobs packed up and left Ontario. That’s why, in 2018, Ontarians entrusted our government to clean up the mess that was left behind.

The people of our province expect that our government will implement measures that will pave the way for better services and make it easier for businesses to invest in Ontario.

Speaker, can the minister please share some of the steps our government has taken to make businesses more competitive in Ontario?

Our government continues to prove that there are innovative solutions that save people and businesses time and money. To date, the work of the Ministry of Red Tape Reduction has saved businesses nearly $700 million in annual compliance costs.

However, our government must continue to look for more opportunities to reduce regulatory burdens to make it easier for Ontarians to access services.

Speaker, can the minister please share how our government’s latest red tape reduction bill will do more to make life easier for people and businesses in Ontario?

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  • May/18/23 11:20:00 a.m.

Mr. Speaker, the greatest single threat to affordable child care is the ideological aversion of New Democrats and Liberals that would have opposed 30% of child care operators from being in the deal—because they oppose the inclusion of for-profit child care, because they are so blinded by ideology instead of practical reductions in savings for working people in the province of Ontario.

This Premier got a deal done—not any deal; a better deal—with a billion more dollars on the table and next-year funding guarantees, and yes, a commitment to increase wages for the very workers who make a difference in our child care centres.

Mr. Speaker, we’re increasing wages by $1 per hour per year. We instituted, for the first time, a wage floor, and we made a commitment. The parliamentary assistant has been leading a consultation to go even further.

Let’s work together to make child care affordable. This year, the average rate went from $46 a day to $23 a day—a 50% savings, and a major step forward. Let’s do this for families in Ontario.

To the members opposite: We can agree that ECEs play a critical role. It is a profession that is worth entering, and with great opportunity. Of course, while we’re increasing their wages and strengthening the supports we’re providing for the workers, we’re also putting an emphasis on reduction in fees and increase of access.

Mr. Speaker, under the former Liberal government, one of the legacies—perhaps New Democrats and Progressive Conservatives could agree—was the indefensible increase of 400% in child care fees for working parents. It became a choice of staying home or working. It undermined labour market participation of women in the economy.

We’re finally getting this done. We stood up to the federal government for a better deal that includes more affordability, more spaces, and more federal investment.

We’ll continue to stand with those workers, stand with families, reduce fees, increase access, and increase the wages of the people who make a difference in the life of our kids in Ontario.

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  • May/18/23 11:30:00 a.m.

Minister of Finance.

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  • May/18/23 11:30:00 a.m.

My question is to the Premier.

The Fort Erie Race Track will have their 126th opening day next Tuesday. Right now, they’re under attack. After reaching an impasse in their attempts to resolve ongoing issues, the Fort Erie Race Track filed a grievance with the Canadian trade commission for targeted anti-competition behaviour by Woodbine. Woodbine has enforced a strict horse-stabling policy and is routinely running B-level races as an A-level track at the expense of the Fort Erie Race Track. Will the government step in and have Woodbine end this behaviour to ensure the future of the Fort Erie track?

Woodbine refuses to work proactively with Fort Erie in the scheduling of the Prince of Wales Stakes, which would allow both Triple Crown races to be highlighted and well attended in the province.

Thoroughbred tracks in Ontario should be working together. Woodbine is doing the opposite.

Speaker, I ask the government to do the right thing: Support horse racing in this province and rein in this behaviour by Woodbine and Mr. Jim Lawson, the CEO.

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  • May/18/23 11:30:00 a.m.

I want to touch on the fresh flower market here in Ontario—and thank you to the member opposite from Peterborough for recognizing the TOGA party that was held here.

The Ontario Greenhouse Alliance has so much to celebrate. In fact, I was speaking to one grower who specializes in fresh flowers, and I want to quote something that he shared. They had a really good market leading up to Mother’s Day, and not only did they satisfy demand across the province, but he also stated that $1 million worth of flowers grown in Ontario was sold into the US market. I know the finance minister will appreciate this, because selling into the US market translated into $1.35 million returning to Ontario, so that we can continue to build Ontario, invest in our greenhouse business and, most importantly, continue to grow good Ontario jobs.

Speaker, that’s exactly why we stand with the members of the Ontario Greenhouse Alliance and farmers across this province to meet market challenges and to help them realize growth opportunities.

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  • May/18/23 11:30:00 a.m.

Thank you to the member opposite for that very important question.

As the member knows, there has been a complaint filed, which he just referenced, in front of the Competition Bureau so I can’t get into specifics and comment in a detailed fashion on that.

But I will say this—and I think the member opposite knows this: The previous government was willing and prepared to allow for the collapse of the horse racing industry, and that would have caused the potential loss of 23,000 jobs and 27,000 dead horses.

We are supporting the horse racing industry. In fact, during the pandemic, we negotiated terms to have a long-term funding agreement to provide additional support through a very challenging time for the industry. This will give the industry time to recover, preserve local employment, and provide support to Ontario’s 15 racetracks until 2026.

Our government really understands the important role that the horse racing industry provides in many of our communities across Ontario. In fact, a few of my colleagues who were around in opposition at the time—you fought for the horse racing industry; you stepped up for all those jobs in many communities around Ontario. In fact, in the member opposite’s own riding, if it weren’t for the tireless advocacy of my colleagues on this side of the House and in the middle over there, that would be countless jobs that were lost, countless communities that would have suffered.

We stand with the horse racing industry. We will continue to support the horse racing industry.

Thank you for your support. That’s all I have to say.

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  • May/18/23 11:30:00 a.m.

Thank you to the member from Markham–Thornhill for his question.

The position of this government is very clear: As both Premier Ford and the Minister of Finance have said on numerous occasions, we cannot afford to be an off-line government in an online world. This mindset is driving change and innovation in government and is helping us adopt cutting-edge technologies like the cloud. By moving away from old, outdated tech and towards the cloud, we are making the services that Ontarians count on more reliable, more affordable and, above all else, safer than ever before.

I’m also very proud to say that our province is a leader not only in Canada, but in North America as well, and around the world, when it comes to the adoption of cloud technology and always making sure—

Speaker, as the member mentioned in his first question, technology is evolving very quickly. Unfortunately, this also means that bad actors who want to steal Ontarians’ personal information are also finding new ways to inflict damage and disrupt services.

That is why our government is never letting its guard down. The added benefit of cloud technology means that we can keep Ontarians safe thanks to the improved stability, reliability and security that this new technology brings.

Speaker, as Ontario’s economy and population continue to grow under our government, the need for us to keep up the pace grows as well. Under this Premier and this government, we are delivering digital transformation for a smarter, more modern and efficient government that serves the people and businesses of our great province.

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  • May/18/23 11:30:00 a.m.

Earlier this week, we welcomed the Ontario Greenhouse Alliance to this House.

Greenhouse-grown flowers generated more than $900 million in farm gate sales in 2021—and continue to innovate to grow this target.

The partnership between the Ontario chapter of Flowers Canada and the Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers, represented by TOGA—yes, it’s true, we had a TOGA event—is a formidable economic powerhouse with the ability to truly strengthen Ontario’s economy. TOGA’s members are protecting crops and flowers from environmental extremes, preserving and recirculating water and nutrients, and growing year-round to ensure that we have a safe, local, fresh food supply throughout the year.

Can the minister elaborate on how this government is supporting the desire to increase exports of our fresh products?

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  • May/18/23 11:30:00 a.m.

Mr. Speaker, my question is for the Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery.

Ontario knows that technology is evolving, improving and changing faster than ever before. In many ways, it can often seem like the changes are happening more quickly than what people and business can keep up with.

For individuals, families, workers and businesses who wish to access online services, the technology needs to be convenient and reliable. It is important and necessary that Ontario keeps pace with new technology so that businesses can remain competitive and people can access the information and services that they need.

Speaker, can the minister please explain what our government is doing to ensure that Ontario adopts up-to-date digital technology?

It is a reality that cloud technology is experiencing tremendous growth.

In his response, the minister explained that cloud technology will provide an added measure of safety. While this is good news, we regularly hear reports from the media about security breaches, leaked information and identity theft from computer hackers.

The safety and security of personal information is an important and serious issue. The people of Ontario need to be confident that our government can ensure that provincial services and agencies have strong cyber security measures in place.

Mr. Speaker, can the minister please explain how our government is implementing technology that will safeguard personal information for all Ontarians?

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  • May/18/23 11:40:00 a.m.

I would like to take the opportunity to welcome Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie and my old friend the mayor of Brampton, Patrick Brown, as well as Regional Chair Nando. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • May/18/23 11:40:00 a.m.

Last night, my Petes took a commanding 3-1 lead in the OHL finals, and since we won’t be here next week—we will be back in the constituency—I need to know if the member from London North Centre would like to wear maroon and white or white and maroon when we return on the Monday.

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  • May/18/23 11:40:00 a.m.

I want to start answering this question by saying I want to correct my record, because, on Monday, I talked about the Oneida project, which was the largest battery storage project in Canada, but, on Tuesday, that all changed. We’re going to have a larger battery storage project in Hagersville, and the second-largest is actually going to be in that member’s riding, in Greater Napanee.

We’re continuing to add clean generation to our system as a result of the IESO competitive procurement that came out on Tuesday. We learned that 740 megawatts of new energy storage generation is going to be available to our province. That’s enough to power a city the size of London, and it’s a 400% increase in clean energy storage—

This is great news, as our province continues to see record multi-billion dollar investments. We’ll build 1.5 million homes over the next decade; we’re going to need the power—

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  • May/18/23 11:40:00 a.m.

On behalf of the official opposition, I, too, would like to welcome the mayor of Mississauga, the mayor of Brampton and the delegation from Peel region. Welcome.

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  • May/18/23 11:40:00 a.m.

I would like to welcome the government relations officer Landon Tresise from the Canadian Fuels Association. Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • May/18/23 11:40:00 a.m.

It’s fitting that we’re giving thanks to our pages, because I would like to welcome back one of the former pages to the House. We have Dan Chikane from North Caribou Lake First Nation in Kiiwetinoong. It’s his first time back since he was a page in this House in 1968. Please welcome Dan.

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  • May/18/23 11:40:00 a.m.

My constituent Robert is on ODSP and was faced with an impossible choice at Walmart this week: to buy diabetic socks or food. Every diabetic knows that proper socks prevent ulcers, infections and, ultimately, amputations, so Robert’s choice was really about going hungry or potentially losing his toes or feet. Some 85% of diabetic amputations are preventable with proper care.

ODSP is legislated poverty, as we all know. Low rates mean that Robert is an expert at stretching a dime into a dollar, but still, it isn’t enough.

When will the Premier listen to experts and double ODSP to lift people with disabilities out of poverty and save people like Robert from losing his limbs?

As reflected in their flawed budget, this government’s miniscule changes to ODSP are simply not enough. When Robert is choosing between food and medical necessities, that tells me it’s not enough. ODSP barely covers a few pairs of socks a year. I don’t know about the Premier, but I need to change my socks daily.

Why does this government insult people living on ODSP by insisting that they get a job, by telling them to go back to work, even as the ODSP application process tells them to describe their disability in detail?

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