
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
November 28, 2022 10:15AM
  • Nov/28/22 10:50:00 a.m.

As the member opposite would have heard me say numerous times in the last week, there is no room in our system for providers who are not in compliance with the requirements that are set out. I have said this repeatedly. The time for more reports is over. It’s our government that is taking action on this.

This is a child welfare redesign that has been discussed and consulted across the sector. It is about improving the inspections. We’ve increased the number of inspectors. We’ve increased the number of unannounced inspections. We’ve addressed the medication—the chemical restraints.

Again, the consent for medical treatment, including youth in care, is enshrined in law. That means it’s not achieved through coercion. It means that the homes have to abide by the law. That’s why we have the inspections. It’s why we have improved accountability. It’s why we’ve improved oversight. It’s why we are doing this after decades of neglect by the previous government, supported by the NDP.

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  • Nov/28/22 4:50:00 p.m.

It’s always interesting to listen to a presentation from the interim leader of the independents, particularly when in 2017, under the previous Liberal government, Ontario had the highest cost of compliance in Canada, totalling $33,000 per business. Can you imagine that? In contrast, we’re looking to be able to save over $500 million in annual compliance costs. Will he stand in his place for once and support small—

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  • Nov/28/22 5:40:00 p.m.

I want to thank the member opposite for her comments.

With this bill, we are helping create the conditions for businesses and people to thrive, and we’re not going to stop until the job is done.

One thing the member mentioned was that Toronto is a magnet for employment, and she’s right—through you, Madam Speaker. But to be a magnet for employment, we have to create the environment—and that is what this government is doing, by cutting red tape, keeping taxes low and building houses.

Since being elected in 2018, our government has taken over 400 actions to reduce red tape while maintaining important regulations that provide people’s health, safety and the environment. This has led to savings of almost a half a billion dollars in annual compliance costs—$500 million.

Will the member opposite agree that cutting red tape saves people and businesses time and money so they can grow their businesses and spend more time with family, therefore creating more jobs in Toronto?

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  • Nov/28/22 5:50:00 p.m.

Our government has taken relentless action to reduce red tape across the province. The opposition has continuously voted against the actions we are taking, which have saved businesses over $500 million in annual compliance costs.

Will the opposition finally correct their record and vote in favour of this bill?

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