
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
November 3, 2022 09:00AM
  • Nov/3/22 11:50:00 a.m.

Speaker, we will ensure kids are in the classroom. That is the obligation we made to the people of Ontario.

I want to read a message from Ian, from my colleague the member for Burlington. Ian said: “I just want to thank you for your government introducing Bill 28. The kids have had enough disruption in their education over the past three years, and I’m very happy to see the Ford government standing up to the CUPE. Please continue to advocate for the kids of Ontario.”

Mr. Speaker, these are the voices we are hearing from parents, those that are desperate to see their kids get back on track, desperate to see them have the social and emotional interaction, the learning, the mental health benefits that come with our schools. And so, Speaker, we’re moving forward with the bill.

Regrettably, as it is, we’re in this place in the first place because we presented CUPE with a path to a voluntary settlement. They refused. They insisted on the strike. Therefore, the government will bring forth and move forward this legislation that provides stability for the people of this province.

Not one time, for the record state, has a Liberal or New Democrat asked the union to withdraw the strike on two million kids. Am I the only one, are we the only ones who are somewhat concerned with the impact on kids? I guess we are. I find that quite troubling, that only Progressive Conservatives are standing up to ensure kids are in school.

I’m urging the members opposite to put the interests of children first. Vote for this bill. Let’s make sure kids are in school, Speaker.

What I will note is a quote from Larry from London, a retired educator, a vice-principal, who said, “The students have already lost so much over the past two and a half years—lost education, effects on their mental health. Send a message to the unions that kids belong in school.”

We firmly agree with this former educator, who himself has seen the adverse impacts of disruption. In response to the union’s decision to proceed with the strike, the government brought forth legislation to avert the strike and to keep kids in school, where we believe they belong.

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  • Nov/3/22 11:50:00 a.m.


The Minister of Education.

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  • Nov/3/22 11:50:00 a.m.

I’d like to thank the member from Mississauga–Malton for his question.

Monsieur le Président, tous ont le droit de se sentir en sécurité chez eux dans leur collectivité.

I have a personal connection to what’s happening in Peel because I’ve been there and I’ve seen for myself. I’ve been to division 11, which responded to Constable Andrew Hong’s tragedy call. I’ve been to the 911 call centre and met with the operators there. I want to recognize the leadership of Peel.

We know that our brave men and women that serve in services across Ontario, but particularly in Peel, have made a massive sacrifice to serve. We thank them. We will always have their backs. They can depend on our Premier and our government, today and every day; aujourd’hui et tous les jours.

Monsieur le Président, je suis fier de soutenir nos policiers et tous ceux qui assurent la sécurité de l’Ontario tous les jours.

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  • Nov/3/22 12:00:00 p.m.

I want to thank the honourable member for his question. It is an important point. There are more than 40 treaties of adhesion that cover the province of Ontario, in the past and present day. We have a responsibility to make sure that the people of Ontario, through Treaties Recognition Week, have an opportunity to access information that will help better inform them of the lands they’re living on.

For our purposes, the government takes this responsibility very seriously, and, over the course of next week, as my learned colleague has said just moments ago, there are events across the province that will bring and draw attention to this. In the meantime, we will remain focused as a government on ensuring that these treaties are honoured, respected and carried out as they should be.

For far too long, Indigenous communities have been held back by this, so honouring the treaties and moving beyond those treaties to ensure that communities are involved in things like forest management plans, the incredible opportunities in the Ring of Fire, and the opportunity for a young Indigenous person to have a clear path to a job for a better set of economic circumstances for them, their families and their communities, are a top priority.

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  • Nov/3/22 12:00:00 p.m.

Thank you to the member for such an important question. Our government has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of sexual violence or harassment. As a mother of three post-secondary-aged daughters, I know first-hand the feeling as a parent of wanting your kids to enjoy everything the post-secondary education journey has to offer, while still worrying about their safety and their well-being.

One of the first actions I took as Minister of Colleges and Universities was to participate in sector-wide consultations to determine how, as a sector, we could better address instances of sexual violence on campus. What we heard across the board is that we need to find ways to not only empower survivors but also deal with the issues surrounding the prevalence of power dynamics and secrecy in many instances of sexual violence.

If passed, Bill 26 will tackle just that. It will prevent any instances of sexual violence committed by a faculty or staff member from going unreported and prevent those who commit acts of sexual violence from moving from one institution to the next under the protection of non-disclosure agreements. I look forward—

In speaking with many of those faculty and staff members, the changes we are proposing in Bill 26 are long overdue and desperately needed in the sector. Specifically, these changes would give institutions stronger tools to address instances of faculty or staff sexual misconduct against students, prevent the use of non-disclosure agreements and further require institutions to have sexual misconduct policies in place.

Our government will always do what is necessary to keep the people of Ontario safe. As minister and mother, I encourage members of our faculty and staff across the post-secondary sector to stand with me and our government to make sure that students are safe on campuses.

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  • Nov/3/22 12:00:00 p.m.

My question is for the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility.

Last month in my riding of Peterborough–Kawartha, our government participated in the Light It Up! event to help raise awareness for National Disability Employment Awareness Month by lighting up the ServiceOntario building in blue and purple.

This annual event comes at a time when many employers across Ontario and across all of Canada are in fierce competition to secure the best talent. With so many job vacancies throughout the province, employers benefit greatly from a diverse workforce.

Could the minister please explain to the House why raising awareness in support of National Disability Employment Awareness Month is crucial and what actions our government will take towards making Ontario open and inclusive for everyone?

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  • Nov/3/22 12:00:00 p.m.

Remarks in Oji-Cree. Good morning. My question is to the Premier. Next week is Treaties Recognition Week in Ontario. Treaty rights are rights set out in the treaty agreement. These treaty rights are recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act. They define the specific rights, benefits and obligations of the signatories.

In my riding I see boil-water advisories. In my riding I see young people, 11 years old, dying by suicide. What work is Ontario doing to uphold their treaty obligations?

One way Ontario can honour its treaty obligations is by dropping its appeal of the Robison-Huron annuities ruling. Will Ontario drop the annuity appeal?


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  • Nov/3/22 12:00:00 p.m.

Thank you. Supplementary question.

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  • Nov/3/22 12:00:00 p.m.

Thank you to the hard-working member from Peterborough–Kawartha for asking such an important question. Our government is committed to removing barriers to employment for people with disabilities and connecting job-seekers and employers.

Mr. Speaker, October was National Disability Employment Awareness Month, also known as NDEAM. People with disabilities represent a large talent pool of skilled workers, and they are ready to make a difference in Ontario’s workplaces.

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  • Nov/3/22 12:00:00 p.m.

The prevalence of gender-based and sexual violence on university and college campuses is disturbing and upsetting. I know we can all agree: Students attending colleges and universities across this province should not be victims of sexual violence and harassment. The overall safety of students should be the top priority of our educational institutions and our government. We must ensure students attending college or university in London or anywhere across this province feel safe and supported.

Can the Minister of Colleges and Universities share with the House how our government’s proposed legislation, Bill 26, will strengthen protection for students from gender-based and sexual violence, and how this legislation will improve campus safety?

While we know that there are faculty and staff who do incredible work at our local colleges and universities, it is clear that Bill 26 is intended to strengthen measures to protect our students. Speaker, can the minister tell the House how this bill will help protect students in cases of faculty and staff sexual misconduct?

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  • Nov/3/22 12:10:00 p.m.

I just want to remind folks that the county is calling—Renfrew county in 228 and 230. Don’t forget to stop by, say hello and find out what Renfrew county has to offer. They’re here to see you; they’re looking forward to it. Thank you.

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  • Nov/3/22 12:10:00 p.m.

Thank you for another good question.

Our government is dedicated to helping create a society that is more inclusive for everyone, especially people with disabilities and older Ontarians, like me.

The Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development has invested an additional $90 million into the Skills Development Fund. This fund supports projects that prepare jobseekers for meaningful careers.

We will continue to engage with employers and partners to promote the benefits of hiring people with disabilities, to improve the culture of employment in Ontario.

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  • Nov/3/22 12:10:00 p.m.

The supplementary question?

It’s my honour to now say a word of thanks to our legislative pages. Our pages are smart, trustworthy and hard-working. They are indispensable to the effective functioning of this chamber. They cheerfully and efficiently deliver our notes, run our errands, transport important documents throughout the precinct and make sure that our water glasses are always full. We are indeed fortunate to have them here. Our pages depart having made many new friends, with a greater understanding of parliamentary democracy and memories that will last a lifetime.

Each of you will go home now and carry on and continue your studies, and will no doubt contribute to your community in important ways. You will serve your province, your country and your communities. We expect great things from all of you. Maybe some day, some of you will take your seats in this House as members or serve as staff.

We wish you well.

Please join me in thanking this group of legislative pages.


Call in the members. This is a five-minute bell.

The division bells rang from 1215 to 1220.

All those in favour of the motion will please rise one at a time and be recognized by the Clerk.

Motion agreed to.

The House recessed from 1224 to 1300.

Afternoon meeting reported in volume B.

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  • Nov/3/22 12:10:00 p.m.

A commitment to accessibility awareness doesn’t just stop with recognizing the importance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

People in my riding want good-paying jobs regardless of their backgrounds, and when employers focus on an individual’s strength first, they can find great employees.

Speaker, could the minister please tell the House what our government is doing to support employment opportunities for people with disabilities in my riding of Peterborough–Kawartha and across Ontario, and how is our government making investments that will help create inclusive opportunities for all Ontarians?

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  • Nov/3/22 12:10:00 p.m.

The ayes are 78; the nays are 33.

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  • Nov/3/22 12:10:00 p.m.

I rise on a point of order to correct my record. This morning during my question, I said that Bill 27 invokes the “notwithstanding” clause to violate sections of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code. It is Bill 28, Speaker. I apologize for the error.

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