
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
December 7, 2022 09:00AM
  • Dec/7/22 11:20:00 a.m.

I thank the parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade and commend her work to recently pass a private member’s motion to further the important work to end intimate partner violence by offering continuous education courses to those involved in Family Court systems.


I recently had the opportunity to visit the 707 hub, which hosts Rose of Durham, Catholic Family Services of Durham, Luke’s Place and DRIVEN. They are a hub that focuses on addressing post-separation violence, trauma-informed supportive counselling and specialized safety planning, while leveraging its legal expertise in the delivery of legal support, legal aid assistance and court preparation and accompaniment.

When women are supported like they are at the 707 hub, they can break free and end the generational cycle of trauma for themselves and their children.

Mr. Speaker, the five pillars of the national action plan are (1) support for victims, survivors and their families; (2) prevention; (3) responsive justice systems; (4) implementing Indigenous-led approaches; and (5) social infrastructure and enabling environment. Ontario led the approach in forwarding the national action plan to the FPT forum of justice ministers, with a written request that they commit to taking further action to improve justice system responses, including by holding perpetrators and offenders accountable.

Safety is a right, not a privilege, and during the negotiations with the federal government, we will work hard to reinforce this as we work towards a fair and equitable approach that will address violence against women across—

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