
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
October 5, 2023 10:15AM
  • Oct/5/23 10:30:00 a.m.

From the riding of Burlington, I’d like to introduce Jenny Choi and James Tiong. Jenny and James are the parents of today’s page captain Clara Tiong.

Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • Oct/5/23 10:50:00 a.m.

My question is for the Minister of Transportation.

Every day, thousands of residents in my riding of Burlington and communities across the GTA rely on our GO Transit networks to help them get to work, to school, to appointments, and to visit their families and friends.

Like many communities across Ontario, the city of Burlington and the surrounding areas are growing rapidly. Every day, new families are calling Halton region home. The people of Burlington, Halton and the surrounding communities are counting on our government to continue to make investments into transportation networks that will benefit all of Ontario.

Can the minister please provide an update on what investments our government is making into the GO Transit system?

I hear regularly from individuals and families in my riding that the GO train is the easiest travel option, whether they’re going to a sports game or heading to work downtown.

The Lakeshore West line is already the busiest line in the GO train network, and the need for expanded services is a pressing concern.

While the previous Liberal government failed to plan ahead when it came to meeting our growing transportation needs, our government must continue to implement transit solutions that will help to build a stronger Ontario.

Can the minister please explain how our government is expanding public transportation networks in my community and beyond?

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  • Oct/5/23 11:20:00 a.m.

My question is for the Minister of Red Tape Reduction.

Small businesses are essential in helping to build a stronger Ontario. They provide much-needed jobs and help to support economic growth in our communities. Unnecessary and outdated regulations cause frustrations and delays, and they compromise Ontario’s competitive advantage over other jurisdictions.

That’s why our government must continue to make things better for people and businesses by reducing regulatory burdens, encouraging greater investments, and boosting Ontario’s overall competitiveness.

Can the minister please explain how our government is supporting Ontario businesses to prosper and thrive?

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  • Oct/5/23 11:30:00 a.m.

Our government must continue to implement measures that clear the unnecessary burdens placed on job creators. Whether you’re a business owner looking to expand and grow, or trying to access government programs and services—the last thing anyone wants to do is to navigate a needless web of complicated processes and paperwork.

While the previous Liberal government operated under the assumption that more red tape is better—starting and growing a business is hard work.

By eliminating unnecessary red tape, our government is creating an environment that drives new investments and helps to grow the economy without compromising public safety and environmental protections.

Can the minister please explain how cutting red tape is supporting economic growth in the province of Ontario?

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