
Decentralized Democracy

Ontario Assembly

43rd Parl. 1st Sess.
May 27, 2024 10:15AM
  • May/27/24 10:30:00 a.m.

I would like to introduce some members of team acro-gymnastics Ontario. Recently at the Grizzly Classic in BC, all four partnerships in Team Ontario won gold. I would like to welcome the athletes—they’re right over there—Naiya Cornelisz-Guerrero, Ethan Fu, Lila Lawson, Gabby Biesenthal, Ava Cornelisz-Guerrero, Malika Ismaeil, Claudia Tarzwell, Jaxxon Ruggi; their trainers, Sarah Morin and Stephanie Dovigi; and the Team Ontario manager, whom I know personally, Suzie Owen. She’s a champion for Ontario.

Team Ontario will be competing at the national competition in Gatineau, Quebec, and so we wish them all the best and thank their families for supporting those little athletes.

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  • May/27/24 10:30:00 a.m.

Excuse me. The member for Ottawa–Vanier, I’m sorry; I have to interrupt.

Would the House please come to order so I can hear the member who has the floor? Thank you.

The member for Ottawa–Vanier has the floor.

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  • May/27/24 10:30:00 a.m.

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

Monsieur le Président, c’est vraiment un grand plaisir pour moi de profiter de l’occasion ce matin pour souligner et féliciter le Centre des services communautaires Vanier, dans ma circonscription.

Le CSC Vanier est un organisme francophone qui se démarque par son travail exceptionnel dans son offre de services, mais aussi par son ingéniosité à s’associer des partenaires qui augmentent efficacement leur offre de services. Et ces services, monsieur le Président, sont essentiels pour assurer la vitalité de notre communauté.

Que ce soit des services d’aide juridique, d’aide à la recherche d’emploi, ou de façon très importante, de banque alimentaire, le CSC Vanier répond à la demande.

Avec une centaine d’employés et plus de 130 bénévoles impliqués, c’est 14 468 personnes qui ont bénéficié de plus de 25 programmes et services communautaires pour les résidents de Vanier, les nouveaux arrivants, les jeunes et les familles en 2023.

Récemment, le CSC Vanier a remporté le laurier organisme de l’année de la 24e édition des prix Bernard Grandmaître, après avoir été nominé par le bureau du maire d’Ottawa.

Le CSC Vanier mérite très certainement ce prestigieux prix de reconnaissance, grâce au leadership remarquable d’Andrée-Anne Martel et de son équipe, mais il mérite surtout la profonde reconnaissance et gratitude de toute notre communauté.

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  • May/27/24 10:30:00 a.m.

It’s my pleasure to welcome James Colliver to the House today. He’s the chair of the Owen Sound transportation corp. Thanks for your great work in the community, and welcome.

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  • May/27/24 10:30:00 a.m.

Good morning. I am so pleased today that we are being joined by representatives—presidents—representing teachers’ federations all across this country. I want to specifically welcome to this House Anne Vinet-Roy of l’association des enseignantes et des enseignants de l’Ontario; Karen Brown of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario; René Jansen in de Wal, from the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association; and Karen Littlewood of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation. Welcome to your House.

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  • May/27/24 10:30:00 a.m.

I’d like to welcome Katy Commisso from the Ontario Bar Association, the newly elected second vice-president and in two years’ time will become the president—the first time in 50 years the association has been led by a lawyer from northwestern Ontario. Welcome to Queen’s Park. We’re glad you’re here.

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  • May/27/24 10:30:00 a.m.

It is a pleasure to rise today to recognize the amazing accomplishments of one of my constituents in Perth–Wellington. Earlier this month, Corbyn Smith from Monkton, Ontario, along with his teammates on Canada’s para hockey team, took home the gold medal in the World Para Hockey Championship in Calgary. Team Canada had an amazing performance, going 5 and 0 in the tournament, and would wind up beating the United States 2-1 in the finals.

Corbyn had a great showing at the tournament, finishing with two goals and six points.

This year’s gold medal win is Team Canada’s first world title since 2017, in South Korea.

Speaker, Corbyn was on that Team Canada para hockey team as well, making this the second gold medal he has won for this great country.

What makes his accomplishment even more impressive, colleagues, is that during the 2021-22 season, Corbyn was let go because of concussion issues. Despite these challenges, he focused on his health and was able to return to the game he loves so much and, in his words, “makes moments like these that much more special.”

What also made this tournament extra special was that over 19 family members and friends were able to join him on the trip to Calgary to cheer him on and Team Canada.

Congratulations, Corbyn and Team Canada. Monkton and Ontario are proud of what you have accomplished again on the ice.

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  • May/27/24 10:30:00 a.m.

La semaine dernière, du 19 au 25 mai, était la semaine nationale des paramédics, monsieur le Président. J’aimerais prendre cette opportunité pour rendre hommage à ces hommes et ces femmes qui sont parmi les premiers répondants qui sont toujours prêts à offrir des services d’urgence à nos citoyens.

Il y a une cérémonie qui aura lieu ce soir au Musée royal de l’Ontario. Son Honneur l’honorable Edith Dumont, lieutenante-gouverneure de l’Ontario, et la ministre de la Santé, Sylvia Jones, remettront des médailles de bravoure à certains paramédics de notre province.

Trois paramédics de ma circonscription, du service de paramédics des comtés unis de Prescott et Russell, recevront cette médaille ce soir, monsieur le Président.

Je serai présent ce soir pour les féliciter—pour féliciter M. Yan Bellefeuille, M. Stéphane Huppé et M. Christian Larochelle.

Le 11 mai 2023 a été une journée que nous ne sommes pas prêts à oublier, monsieur le Président. Le sergent Eric Mueller du détachement de Russell de la Police provinciale de l’Ontario a perdu la vie lors d’une fusillade en répondant à un appel à une résidence dans le petit village de Bourget dans ma circonscription. Deux autres de ses collègues policiers ont aussi été blessés.

Ces trois paramédics ont été les premiers répondants lors de cette tragédie. Ils ont risqué leurs vies pour venir en aide à leurs collègues officiers.

En mon nom et aux noms des résidents de la circonscription de Glengarry–Prescott–Russell, je tiens à les remercier pour leur travail incroyable. Ils mettent leurs vies en danger pour sauver des vies à chaque jour. Ils sont vraiment des héros. Merci.

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  • May/27/24 10:30:00 a.m.

It is a special honour today to welcome back to Queen’s Park Nathan Skoufis and his mom, Sophie, from my riding in Guelph. Nathan is a master in martial arts, a fifth-degree black belt, a member of Team Canada and a 23-time world champion in martial arts.

Minister Lumsden and I will be honouring Nathan with a certificate right after question period on the grand staircase. Members are welcome to join us for a photo.

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  • May/27/24 10:30:00 a.m.

Today we have with us a delegation from the county of Renfrew. As you know, the county of Renfrew has been innovative in its programs, including the birthplace of community paramedicine and the virtual triage and assessment centre. Today they’re here to talk about the Mesa program, which is about housing.

Joining us today is Warden Peter Emon and council members Anne Giardini, James Brose and Glenn Doncaster, as well as the CAO of the county, Craig Kelley; Jason Davis, the director of development and property; Michael Nolan, chief of paramedic services; Andrea Patrick, director of community services; and Taylor Hanrath, manager of capital infrastructure. Welcome to Queen’s Park, and great luck with your meetings today.

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  • May/27/24 10:30:00 a.m.

I’m very proud to welcome to the House the Grain Farmers of Ontario. We have President Jeff Harrison and the team from GFO: Crosby Devitt, Debra Conlon and Allison Hessels. Welcome to the House.

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  • May/27/24 10:40:00 a.m.

I would be remiss if I didn’t welcome to the House today my uncle Robert Greaves, who is visiting from Boston, Massachusetts, USA, and my long-suffering parents, Katherine and Geoffrey Stiles, who seem to love being in this place for some reason.

Welcome to your House.

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  • May/27/24 10:40:00 a.m.

I’d like to welcome some board members from the St. Catharines Armenian community to the chamber: Misag Belian and Gary Kacazanjian. Welcome to your House.

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  • May/27/24 10:40:00 a.m.

Meegwetch. I’d like to welcome one of my constituency office staff from Sioux Lookout who is here with me this week: Delaine Fiddler.

Also, I want to introduce Jerry Moskotaywenene, Jack McKay, as well as members of their families and friends who are here: Kevin, Michael, J.R., Clayton—also, Chief Donny Morris from Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug.

Let’s join them in celebrating Jerry Moskotaywenene and Jack McKay’s respective retirements from the OPP. Today after question period, I will be providing certificates at the staircase if you want to come and say hello.

Meegwetch for your service.

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  • May/27/24 10:40:00 a.m.

I’d like to welcome to Queen’s Park retired Port Hope fire and rescue service district chief Glenn Case, who served our community with distinguished service for over 45 years. He’s here with his grandson Benjamin. He even had the President of the Treasury Board ride shotgun in a fire truck when she came down to my riding.

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  • May/27/24 10:40:00 a.m.

I appreciate the opportunity to introduce some very special guests, members of the Ontario Bar Association, who are joining us here at Queen’s Park today. In particular, I want to say thank you to Kelly McDermott, president; Kathryn Manning, first vice-president; Katy Commisso, second vice-president; Mohsen Seddigh, secretary; Mariam Moktar, treasurer; and Elizabeth Hall, executive director and general counsel. They’ve come to Queen’s Park with a team of lawyers. So for those members who’ve actually taken and approved meetings, you will have a very good discussion this afternoon.

Joining them are Darry Buxton, Dante Capannelli, Geoff Carpenter, Neha Chugh, Daniel Goldbloom, Eric Sadvari, Melanie Webb, Frances Wood, Tyler Jensen and Jenny Commisso.

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  • May/27/24 10:40:00 a.m.

It’s my pleasure to welcome to the House Zahid Butt and Shahnaz Tehseen. They are from my riding, and they’re also representatives of the Pakistan Business Association.

Welcome to Queen’s Park.

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  • May/27/24 10:40:00 a.m.

I’d like to propose that we continue with introduction of visitors unless there’s an objection.

Members will please rise.

The House observed a moment’s silence.

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  • May/27/24 10:40:00 a.m.

It’s my pleasure to welcome presidents from across the country who are here as part of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation delegation, including the president of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, Heidi Yetman; Stéphanie Babineau; Jason Schilling; Clint Johnston; Isabel Cotinais, Nathan Martindale; Peter Lagacy; Ryan Lutes; Justin Matchett; Matthew Miller; Andy Doran; Steven Le Sueur; Samantha Becotte; Ted Hupé; Lillian Klausen; as well as, of course, from Ontario, Anne Vinet-Roy, Karen Brown, René Jansen in de Wal and Karen Littlewood. Thank you so much for joining us today.

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  • May/27/24 10:40:00 a.m.

Thank you, Speaker. A point of order: I am seeking unanimous consent to observe a moment of silence in remembrance of Toronto city councillor Jaye Robinson, who sadly passed away on Thursday, May 16, 2024.

Jaye served Toronto and ward 15, our community of Don Valley West, with such dedication. Throughout her 14 years on Toronto city council, she was a tireless public servant and champion for public transit, arts and community engagement. She enhanced our city through visionary city-building projects like Summerlicious, Nuit Blanche and her famous Moose in the City project. She will be deeply missed by friends like me and many across Don Valley West, her colleagues and, of course, her family and her colleagues at Toronto city council.

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